Is there a more ergonomic syntax for Either when using futures? - error-handling

Here's an example of using Tokio to run a function that returns a future:
use futures::sync::oneshot;
use futures::Future;
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio;
struct MyError {
error_code: i32,
impl From<oneshot::Canceled> for MyError {
fn from(_: oneshot::Canceled) -> MyError {
MyError { error_code: 1 }
fn deferred_task() -> impl Future<Item = i32, Error = MyError> {
let (sx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
thread::spawn(move || {
return rx.map_err(|e| MyError::from(e));
fn main() {
tokio::run(deferred_task().then(|r| {
println!("{:?}", r);
However, when the function in question (i.e. deferred_task) is non-trivial, the code becomes much more complex when I write it, because the ? operation doesn't seem to easily mix with returning a future:
fn send_promise_to_worker(sx: oneshot::Sender<i32>) -> Result<(), ()> {
// Send the oneshot somewhere in a way that might fail, eg. over a channel
thread::spawn(move || {
fn deferred_task() -> impl Future<Item = i32, Error = MyError> {
let (sx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
send_promise_to_worker(sx)?; // <-------- Can't do this, because the return is not a result
return rx.map_err(|e| MyError::from(e));
A Future is a Result, it's meaningless to wrap it in result, and it breaks the impl Future return type.
Instead you get a deeply nested chain of:
fn deferred_task() -> impl Future<Item = i32, Error = MyError> {
let (sx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
match query_data() {
Ok(_i) => match send_promise_to_worker(sx) {
Ok(_) => Either::A(rx.map_err(|e| MyError::from(e))),
Err(_e) => Either::B(futures::failed(MyError { error_code: 2 })),
Err(_) => Either::B(futures::failed(MyError { error_code: 2 })),
full code
The more results you have, the deeper the nesting; exactly what the ? operator solves normally.
Am I missing something? Is there some syntax sugar to make this easier?

I do not see how async / await syntax will categorically help you with Either. Ultimately, you still need to return a single concrete type, and that's what Either provides. async / await will reduce the need for combinators like Future::map or Future::and_then however.
See also:
Why can impl trait not be used to return multiple / conditional types?
That being said, you don't need to use Either here.
You have consecutive Result-returning functions, so you can borrow a trick from JavaScript and use an IIFE to use use the ? operator. Then, we can "lift up" the combined Result into a future and chain it with the future from the receiver:
fn deferred_task() -> impl Future<Item = i32, Error = MyError> {
let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
let x = (|| {
let _i = query_data().map_err(|_| MyError { error_code: 1 })?;
send_promise_to_worker(tx).map_err(|_| MyError { error_code: 2 })?;
future::result(x).and_then(|()| rx.map_err(MyError::from))
In the future, that IIFE could be replaced with a try block, as I understand it.
You could also go the other way and convert everything to a future:
fn deferred_task() -> impl Future<Item = i32, Error = MyError> {
let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
.map_err(|_| MyError { error_code: 1 })
.and_then(|_i| {
.map_err(|_| MyError { error_code: 2 })
.and_then(|_| rx.map_err(MyError::from))
This would be helped with async / await syntax:
async fn deferred_task() -> Result<i32, MyError> {
let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
query_data().map_err(|_| MyError { error_code: 1 })?;
send_promise_to_worker(tx).map_err(|_| MyError { error_code: 2 })?;
let v = await! { rx }?;
I have also seen improved syntax for constructing the Either by adding left and right methods to the Future trait:
// vs
However, this doesn't appear in any of the current implementations.
A Future is a Result
No, it is not.
There are two relevant Futures to talk about:
From the futures 0.1 crate
From the (nightly) standard library
Notably, Future::poll returns a type that can be in two states:
Not complete
In the futures crate, "success" and "failure" are tied to "complete", whereas in the standard library they are not. In the crate, Result implements IntoFuture, and in the standard library you can use future::ready. Both of these allow converting a Result into a future, but that doesn't mean that Result is a future, no more than saying that a Vec<u8> is an iterator, even though it can be converted into one.
It's possible that the ? operator (powered by the Try trait), will be enhanced to automatically convert from a Result to a specific type of Future, or that Result will even implement Future directly, but I have not heard of any such plans.

Is there some syntax sugar to make this easier?
Yes, it's called async/await, but it's not quite ready for wide consumption. It is only supported on nightly, it uses a slightly different version of futures that Tokio only supports via an interop library that causes additional syntactic overhead, and documentation for the whole thing is still spotty.
Here are some relevant links:
What is the purpose of async/await in Rust?


Rust Snafu Missing 'source' field

I'm trying to use the snafu crate for error handling, but keep getting erros that my Error enum struct is missing the 'source' and that IntoError is not implimented for Error:
use snafu::{ResultExt, Snafu};
#[derive(Debug, Snafu)]
#[snafu(visibility = "pub(crate)")]
pub enum Error{
#[snafu(display("Could not load gallery JSON: {}: {}", json_path, source))]
LoadGallery {
source: std::io::Error,
json_path: String,
use snafu::{ResultExt};
use crate::Error::{LoadGallery};
pub struct Gallery{
name: String,
impl Gallery{
pub fn from_json(json_path: String)->Result<()>{
let configuration = std::fs::read_to_string(&json_path).context(LoadGallery { json_path })?;
results in:
let configuration = std::fs::read_to_string(&json_path).context(LoadGallery { json_path })?;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ missing `source`
let configuration = std::fs::read_to_string(&json_path).context(LoadGallery { json_path })?;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `IntoError<_>` is not implemented for `Error`
Based on this example from the docs, I don't see what I'm doing wrong:
use snafu::{ResultExt, Snafu};
use std::{fs, io, path::PathBuf};
#[derive(Debug, Snafu)]
enum Error {
#[snafu(display("Unable to read configuration from {}: {}", path.display(), source))]
ReadConfiguration { source: io::Error, path: PathBuf },
#[snafu(display("Unable to write result to {}: {}", path.display(), source))]
WriteResult { source: io::Error, path: PathBuf },
type Result<T, E = Error> = std::result::Result<T, E>;
fn process_data() -> Result<()> {
let path = "config.toml";
let configuration = fs::read_to_string(path).context(ReadConfiguration { path })?;
let path = unpack_config(&configuration);
fs::write(&path, b"My complex calculation").context(WriteResult { path })?;
fn unpack_config(data: &str) -> &str {
It's because when you're constructing LoadGallery, you're attempting to construct Error::LoadGallery. You then get a compile error saying "missing source", because the Error::LoadGallery variant has a source field. Fixing it is straight forward, you just need to change which LoadGallery you import.
// Not this one:
// use crate::Error::LoadGallery;
// This one:
use crate::LoadGallery;
Why? Because snafu generates a struct for each of Error's variants. So there's a struct LoadGallery being generated. This struct doesn't contain the source field, which is why you can construct it without source and pass it to context(), because it's not actually Error::LoadGallery.
Your from_json() also needs to return Result<(), Error> instead of Result<()> (you don't have the type alias, like in the example.)
use crate::{Error, LoadGallery};
use snafu::ResultExt;
pub struct Gallery {
name: String,
impl Gallery {
pub fn from_json(json_path: String) -> Result<(), Error> {
let configuration =
std::fs::read_to_string(&json_path).context(LoadGallery { json_path })?;
If you're curious you can use cargo expand to inspect what macros expand to. You first need to install it by doing cargo install expand. Then you can execute cargo expand in any project.

How can I make protected routes in actix-web

I need to verify if the user has permission for some routes.
I have made 3 "scopes" (guest, auth-user, admin) and now I don't know how to check if the user has access to these routes.
I'm trying to implement auth-middleware and this middleware should check if the user has the correct cookie or token. (I'm able to print out a cookie from request header), but I have no idea how to import, use actix_identity, and have access to id parameter inside this middleware.
I believe that my problem isn't only regarding Actix-identity, but I'm not able to pass parameters inside middleware.
async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let cookie_key = conf.server.key;
// Register http routes
let mut server = HttpServer::new(move || {
// Enable logger
//limit the maximum amount of data that server will accept
//normal routes
// .configure(routes)
// guest endpoints
// admin endpoints
// .wrap(AdminAuthMiddleware)
//user auth routes
// .wrap(UserAuthMiddleware)
// Enables us to hot reload the server
let mut listenfd = ListenFd::from_env();
server = if let Some(l) = listenfd.take_tcp_listener(0).unwrap() {
} else {
resources that I have tried:
Creating authentication middleware for Actix API
Actix-web token validation in middleware
Actix middleware examples
Maybe I think completely wrong and auth-middleware isn't the best solution for my problem.
I hope that you can help me create "protected routes"
Try extractors instead
Trying to implement this pattern in Actix 3 I banged my head for awhile trying to use middleware, basically making a guard and then figuring out how to pass data from the middleware into the handler. It was painful and eventually I realized that I was working against Actix rather than with it.
Finally I learned out that the way to get information to a handler is to create a struct (AuthedUser, perhaps?) and implement the FromRequest trait on that struct.
Then every handler that asks for an AuthedUser in the function signature will be auth gated and if the user is logged in will have any user information you attach to AuthedUser in the FromRequest::from_request method.
Actix refers to these structs that implement FromRequest as extractors. It's a bit of magic that could use more attention in the guide.
The following does not use middleware(a little bit more work is needed) but it solves the problem with the bear minimum and seems to be the approach suggested in documentation:
extern crate actix_web;
use actix::prelude::*;
use actix_identity::{CookieIdentityPolicy, Identity, IdentityService};
use actix_web::{
dev::Payload, error::ErrorUnauthorized, web, App, Error, FromRequest, HttpRequest,
HttpResponse, HttpServer, Responder,
use log::{info, warn};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::{collections::HashMap, pin::Pin, sync::RwLock};
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Default, Clone)]
struct Sessions {
map: HashMap<String, User>,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Default, Clone)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct Login {
id: String,
username: String,
scope: Scope,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
enum Scope {
impl Default for Scope {
fn default() -> Self {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Default, Clone)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct User {
id: String,
first_name: Option<String>,
last_name: Option<String>,
authorities: Scope,
impl FromRequest for User {
type Config = ();
type Error = Error;
type Future = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<User, Error>>>>;
fn from_request(req: &HttpRequest, pl: &mut Payload) -> Self::Future {
let fut = Identity::from_request(req, pl);
let sessions: Option<&web::Data<RwLock<Sessions>>> = req.app_data();
if sessions.is_none() {
warn!("sessions is empty(none)!");
return Box::pin(async { Err(ErrorUnauthorized("unauthorized")) });
let sessions = sessions.unwrap().clone();
Box::pin(async move {
if let Some(identity) = fut.await?.identity() {
if let Some(user) = sessions
.map(|x| x.clone())
return Ok(user);
async fn admin(user: User) -> impl Responder {
if user.authorities != Scope::Admin {
return HttpResponse::Unauthorized().finish();
HttpResponse::Ok().body("You are an admin")
async fn account(user: User) -> impl Responder {
async fn login(
login: web::Json<Login>,
sessions: web::Data<RwLock<Sessions>>,
identity: Identity,
) -> impl Responder {
let id =;
let scope = &login.scope;
//let user = fetch_user(login).await // from db?
let user = User {
id: id.clone(),
last_name: Some(String::from("Doe")),
first_name: Some(String::from("John")),
authorities: scope.clone(),
sessions.write().unwrap().map.insert(id, user.clone());
info!("login user: {:?}", user);
async fn logout(sessions: web::Data<RwLock<Sessions>>, identity: Identity) -> impl Responder {
if let Some(id) = identity.identity() {
if let Some(user) = sessions.write().unwrap().map.remove(&id) {
warn!("logout user: {:?}", user);
async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let sessions = web::Data::new(RwLock::new(Sessions {
map: HashMap::new(),
HttpServer::new(move || {
CookieIdentityPolicy::new(&[0; 32])
You can clone and run it here:
I think actix-web grants crate is perfect for you.
It allows you to check authorization using Guard, or a procedural macro (see examples on github).
It also integrates nicely with existing authorization middleware (like actix-web-httpauth).
A couple of examples for clarity:
proc-macro way
async fn macro_secured() -> HttpResponse {
Guard way
.to(|| async { HttpResponse::Ok().finish() })
And you can also take a look towards actix-casbin-auth (implementation of casbin integrated into actix)
Well this is in fact quite difficult to achieve in the newest actix-web version 3.0. What I did was copy the CookieIdentityPolicy middleware from the actix-web 1.0 version and modified it to my liking. However this is not plug & play code. Here and here is my version of it. Generally I would avoid actix-web, getting a thread / actor to spawn in the background and having it perform HTTP Requests are a nightmare. Then trying to share the results with handlers even more so.
middleware doesn't look very friendly with all the generics and internal types it defines, but it is a simple struct that wrap the next service to
be called. What is the next service is determined by the chain call when you create your App or define your routes. You use a generic S in your middleware which will be monomorphized at compile time so you don't have to care about which concrete type the middleware will protect.
The following middleware use a simple config passed to your App with .data() to check if the 'token' header contains the same magic value. It either go through the next service or return a not authorized error (futures).
use crate::config::Config;
use actix_service::{Service, Transform};
use actix_web::{
dev::{ServiceRequest, ServiceResponse},
use futures::future::{err, ok, Either, Ready};
use std::task::{Context, Poll};
pub struct TokenAuth;
impl<S, B> Transform<S> for TokenAuth
S: Service<Request = ServiceRequest, Response = ServiceResponse<B>, Error = Error>,
S::Future: 'static,
B: 'static,
{ type Request = ServiceRequest;
type Response = ServiceResponse<B>;
type Error = Error;
type InitError = ();
type Transform = TokenAuthMiddleware<S>;
type Future = Ready<Result<Self::Transform, Self::InitError>>;
fn new_transform(&self, service: S) -> Self::Future {
ok(TokenAuthMiddleware { service })
pub struct TokenAuthMiddleware<S> {
service: S,
impl<S, B> Service for TokenAuthMiddleware<S>
S: Service<Request = ServiceRequest, Response = ServiceResponse<B>, Error = Error>,
S::Future: 'static,
{ type Request = ServiceRequest;
type Response = ServiceResponse<B>;
type Error = Error;
type Future = Either<S::Future, Ready<Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>>>;
fn poll_ready(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
fn call(&mut self, req: ServiceRequest) -> Self::Future {
if let Some(token) = req
.and_then(|token| token.to_str().ok())
if let Some(config) = req.app_data::<Data<Config>>() {
if token == config.token {
return Either::Left(;
Either::Right(err(ErrorUnauthorized("not authorized")))
to protect your functions is then as simple as
#[post("/upload", wrap="TokenAuth")]
async fn upload(mut payload: Multipart) -> Result<HttpResponse, Error> {
Note that you need actix_service 1.x for this to compile. actix_service 2 remove the request internal type to make it generic and I couldn't make it work with the wrap="" syntax

Idiomatic way to collect all errors from an iterator

Let's say I have a attrs: Vec<Attribute> of some function attributes and a function fn map_attribute(attr: &Attribute) -> Result<TokenStream, Error> that maps the attributes to some code.
I know that I could write something like this:
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>()?
However, this is not what I want. What I want is spit out all errors at once, not stop with the first Error. Currently I do something like this:
let mut codes : Vec<TokenStream> = Vec::new();
let mut errors: Vec<Error> = Vec::new();
for attr in attrs {
match map_attribute(attr) {
Ok(code) => codes.push(code),
Err(err) => errors.push(err)
let mut error_iter = errors.into_iter();
if let Some(first) = error_iter.nth(0) {
return Err(iter.fold(first, |mut e0, e1| { e0.combine(e1); e0 }));
This second version does what I want, but is considerably more verbose than the first version. Is there a better / more idiomatic way to acchieve this, if possible without creating my own iterator?
The standard library does not have a convenient one-liner for this as far as I know, however the excellent itertools library does:
use itertools::Itertools; // 0.9.0
fn main() {
let foo = vec![Ok(42), Err(":("), Ok(321), Err("oh noes")];
let (codes, errors): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>)
= foo.into_iter().partition_map(From::from);
println!("codes={:?}", codes);
println!("errors={:?}", errors);
(Permalink to the playground)
I ended up writing my own extension for Iterator, which allows me to stop collecting codes when I encounter my first error. This is in my use case probably a bit more efficient than the answer by mcarton, since I only need the first partition bucket if the second one is empty. Also, I need to fold the errors anyways if I want to combine them into a single error.
pub trait CollectToResult
type Item;
fn collect_to_result(self) -> Result<Vec<Self::Item>, Error>;
impl<Item, I> CollectToResult for I
I : Iterator<Item = Result<Item, Error>>
type Item = Item;
fn collect_to_result(self) -> Result<Vec<Item>, Error>
self.fold(<Result<Vec<Item>, Error>>::Ok(Vec::new()), |res, code| {
match (code, res) {
(Ok(code), Ok(mut codes)) => { codes.push(code); Ok(codes) },
(Ok(_), Err(errors)) => Err(errors),
(Err(err), Ok(_)) => Err(err),
(Err(err), Err(mut errors)) => { errors.combine(err); Err(errors) }

How to retrieve the underlying error from a Failure Error?

When trying to open a broken epub/ZIP file with epub-rs, the zip-rs crate error (which doesn't use Failure) is wrapped into a failure::Error by epub-rs. I want to handle each error type of zip-rs with an distinct error handler and need a way to match against the underlying error. How can I retrieve it from Failure?
fn main() {
match epub::doc::EpubDoc::new("a.epub") {
Ok(epub) => // do something with the epub
Err(error) => {
// handle errors
error.downcast::<zip::result::ZipError>() fails and error.downcast_ref() returns None.
You can downcast from a Failure Error into another type that implements Fail by using one of three functions:
use failure; // 0.1.5
use std::{fs, io};
fn generate() -> Result<(), failure::Error> {
fn main() {
match generate() {
Ok(_) => panic!("Should have an error"),
Err(e) => match e.downcast_ref::<io::Error>() {
Some(e) => println!("Got an io::Error: {}", e),
None => panic!("Could not downcast"),
For your specific case, I'm guessing that you are either running into mismatched dependency versions (see Why is a trait not implemented for a type that clearly has it implemented? for examples and techniques on how to track this down) or that you simply are getting the wrong error type. For example, a missing file is actually an std::io::Error:
// epub = "1.2.0"
// zip = "0.4.2"
// failure = "0.1.5"
use std::io;
fn main() {
if let Err(error) = epub::doc::EpubDoc::new("a.epub") {
match error.downcast_ref::<io::Error>() {
Some(i) => println!("IO error: {}", i),
None => {
panic!("Other error: {} {:?}", error, error);

How to include the file path in an IO error in Rust?

In this minimalist program, I'd like the file_size function to include the path /not/there in the Err so it can be displayed in the main function:
use std::fs::metadata;
use std::io;
use std::path::Path;
use std::path::PathBuf;
fn file_size(path: &Path) -> io::Result<u64> {
fn main() {
if let Err(err) = file_size(&PathBuf::from("/not/there")) {
eprintln!("{}", err);
You must define your own error type in order to wrap this additional data.
Personally, I like to use the custom_error crate for that, as it's especially convenient for dealing with several types. In your case it might look like this:
use custom_error::custom_error;
use std::fs::metadata;
use std::io;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::result::Result;
custom_error! {ProgramError
Io {
source: io::Error,
path: PathBuf
} = #{format!("{path}: {source}", source=source, path=path.display())},
fn file_size(path: &Path) -> Result<u64, ProgramError> {
.map(|md| md.len())
.map_err(|e| ProgramError::Io {
source: e,
path: path.to_path_buf(),
fn main() {
if let Err(err) = file_size(&PathBuf::from("/not/there")) {
eprintln!("{}", err);
/not/there: No such file or directory (os error 2)
While Denys Séguret's answer is correct, I like using my crate SNAFU because it provides the concept of a context. This makes the act of attaching the path (or anything else!) very easy to do:
use snafu::{ResultExt, Snafu}; // 0.2.3
use std::{
fs, io,
path::{Path, PathBuf},
#[derive(Debug, Snafu)]
enum ProgramError {
#[snafu(display("Could not get metadata for {}: {}", path.display(), source))]
Metadata { source: io::Error, path: PathBuf },
fn file_size(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<u64, ProgramError> {
let path = path.as_ref();
let md = fs::metadata(&path).context(Metadata { path })?;
fn main() {
if let Err(err) = file_size("/not/there") {
eprintln!("{}", err);