How can i add new Routes to API Platform [closed] - api

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Closed 3 years ago.
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i started using API Platform together with Symfony and i don't know how to add a route, can anybody point me to the right direction?

its quite simple..
You first create your Entity like
php bin/console Make:Entity
and then you just have to add some decorator to it like this
* #ApiResource()
Please read this starter guide which should help you with your question:


On Guidewire Billing Center is there a set of APIs to add/remove/delete users from the application? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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On Guidewire Billing Center is there a set of APIs to add/remove/delete users from the application without having to go the database to modify the table to it?
OOTB there's nothing like this, you could argue that you can import this data with ImportToolsAPI but that doesn't provide remove and delete operations.
Such a service would be very simple, so if you'd like this I think you could implement one.

calendar same as given image in objective c only not in swift language [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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i want to make calendar like given below image that can any one help me to solve my issue. I have visited this site for reference but i don't get perfect match the sites are...
2)code 4 app
PDTSimpleCalendar is a close framework to what you're looking for, but if you want exact one, you'll have to write it yourself ;)
Try these one.
It will help you.

Prestashop custom product fields [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am trying to add some custom fields on my prestashop backend and, when filled, to show up in frontend. Here are some examples of what I want to implement:
And here is the frontpage:
Searched everywhere but no results. I just need an idea or an example. Thank you!

How To Work With MVC Architecture in VBA/Access [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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i'd like to know how to work with Model View Controller architecture in VBA language. I want to know where the Model code, the View code and the Controller code goes into the VBA/Access structure. I'd appreciate your help.
Thanks in advance.

how do i learn chrome.extension.sendRequest method? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have tried to browse through the extension APIs and have searched google. I can find the information available for chrome.extension.sendMessage but its hard to find anything for the chrome.extension.sendRequest method.
Please help for the best tutorial to Chrome Extensions as atleast here Google is not helping me much :(
It is deprecated.
use sendMessage: