How to stop IntelliJ from placing semicolons after an auto-completion? - intellij-idea

so this is annoying me because I use tab to leave brackets etc and when I use auto-complete and a semicolon is being placed after the bracket this happens:
as you can see in the first statement I'm having problems "jumping" over the semicolon while when I dont use the auto-completion in the second statement (and don't get the semicolon automatically) it's way easier to navigate through it with tab. I know that there is the shift-enter shortcut but I don't really want to develop a habbit of using it so often because I can imagine trying to do that when working with my other IDE's can become quite annoying. I searched through the options but did not find any option do disable that behavior. Does anyone know a way to get around this?

Second Tab press should jump after the semicolon, I've created a feature request for that.
It's already fixed and the fix will be available starting from 2019.2 IDE version.


Intellij Plugin Completion exits on dot?

What I wanna achieve?
When the Completion list shows up, my code will map all the language files located in .neon files and show them as auto complete text.
What I have done?
I restricted the completion to only show up when your caret is in between double quotes or single quotes
When I start typing it works as expected
But as soon as I type the dot character it miss behaves
I need the completion list to look up my whole string I wrote, not only those after the dot character
As a really bad workaround is to don't write the dot character
Can it be done somehow?
Okay, i got it. This is a default behavior of intelliJ where i was testing it.
After opening and testing the plugin in a proper intelliJ Ultimate instance. It works by default. I don't know why the sandboxed version has porblems with it.

Automatically place braces like Visual Studio

When I use braces in Visual Studio, I press Enter and the brackets are automatically positioned like this:
When I use them in IntelliJ, I have to apply formatting (Ctrl+Alt+L) to make them move:
Is it possible to get this behaviour in IntelliJ? I don't want to have to spam autoformat to make my code the way I want.
It's worth noting that I've specified that my brackets go on the next line in settings:
Filled the bug request to IntelliJ IDEA bug tracker:
Feel free to follow.
For the time being, you can toggle reformat manually.

Can IntelliJ IDEA automatically format a code block after finishing it?

Some IDEs offer the feature to automatically format a line or block of code after finishing it e.g. by writing the closing curly or semicolon.
I find it hard to believe that IDEA does not offer this kind of feature. Or does it?
If you know how to turn it on - or if I maybe need some plugin - let me and the world know, please!
If it's a single line, you can use the Complete Current Statement action (which adds a closing bracket, semi-colon, and so on) with ctrl-shift-enter - this seems to reformat the whole line.
Otherwise, you can obviously rebind ctrl-w and ctrl-alt-l (to reformat selected text) or just ctrl-alt-l (reformat whole file) to faster / easier keybindings so that you can quickly reformat whenever you want to.
There is no automatic reformat feature, related requests:
IDEABKL-5806 Automatically trigger code formatter on file save
IDEABKL-475 Hard (auto-)reformat code
See also my answer to the similar question with the Complete Current Statement workaround.

IntelliJ equivalent to Eclipse TAB

I'm trying to migrate from Eclipse to IDEA. In Eclipse, when I hit the TAB key while typing in function parameters and in other contextual situations it will forward the cursor to the next place I can type (next parameter, end of the line for semi-colon, etc.). I use it constantly. Is there a way to get similar functionality in IDEA?
There is not direct equivalent to this action. See completion features page for the advanced features.
Regarding the semicolon insertion see Webstorm/Intellij put ";" always at the end of line.
See also Things possible in Eclipse that aren’t possible in IntelliJ?.

How to use multiple tabs when tagging to a function in Vim

I use ctags with my Vim and I rely heavily on C-] and C-T to tag back and froth between various functions in my project.
But if the function is in a different file, I'd like Vim to automatically open it in a new tab instead of the current tab. If I pop my tag stack using the C-T, I'd like it go back to the original tab where I pressed by C-] instead of changing the file in the current tab. I don't like to have the same file opened in multiple tabs in Vim. This is the normal behavior for most IDEs and I am wondering if there is a way to do this in Vim?
nmap <C-Enter> <C-w><C-]><C-w>T
Does this help ? You could probably figure out something similar for the way back.
Well, we need to decide what would be the wanted behaviour. We can go back to the original tab (not sure how, still investigating) but then the above given mapping is gonna open a new tab next time. So you'll end up with a lot of tabs after a while.
Or we can do <C-w>C, which will close the opened tab and take us back to the original one. I, personally, prefer this way of working (that way I don't lose my position in the file)
I go to the function I want, make my corrections there then return to the original file from which I started.
Let me know, what would you like (this didn't fit in comments so I put the answer here).
This might point you in the right direction:
So, this is a feature I would like to see as well.
I'm not sure if it's possible.
What I usually do is
:tag somepartsoffunction*
and press tab to use globbing to easily find tag.
Sure, it's not an ideal solution, but it works most of the time.
Unfortunately, with VIM tabbing isn't totally integrated since it's a new feature since 7.0. Most people I know that use VIM weren't even aware of tabs until I told them, so with that, I have a feeling there is no way to do it right now.
(I would love to be proven wrong)