Vue CLI creates empty project - vue.js

I installed the Vue CLI globally and tried to create a new project
my package manager is npm
my first git message is "init"
I add Babel, Router, Vuex, Linter, Unit Testing and config files manually
I lint on save with Prettier
My unit testing solution is Jest
This is what I get:
It only installs the node modules, nothing else..
I tried to reinstall the cli but it didn't help. Within the Vue ui admin panel each tab is completely empty because the project seems to be corrupted
(the language is german)
What might be wrong?


How to re-initialize Vue 3 scaffolding

There are npm init vue#latest and npm create vue#3 to scaffold new Vue project.
I know there is a command that re-initializes the scaffolding command so you can add, for example, TypeScript or Cypress. Can't find it even though I remember I pulled it off once, but can't remember how I did it.
Any help would be appreciated.
As far as i can remember this was possible in vue2 when using vue-cli, where you could do vue add xxx. I think this is no longer possible with vue3, you just redo the commands to scaffold a new project or just do npm install of individual packages that you need.

Vue devtools inspection is not available on locally hosted app

When I run my Vue app, the Vue devtools extension detects Vue.js, but complains:
Devtools inspection is not available because it's in production mode or explicitly disabled by the author.
I'm serving the app locally using yarn serve, which runs vue-cli-service serve.
vue: 3.0.0
vue devtools: 6.0.12
#vue/vue-cli: 5.0.1
#vue/vue-cli-service: 4.5.14
node: 16.14.0
yarn: 1.22.4
Chrome: 98.0.4758.102
Vue devtools DOES work if:
Another dev runs the app in Chrome from a clean local repo (same versions of everything above)
I create and run a new Vue app (vue create) in Chrome
Vue devtools DOES NOT work (same error message) if:
I run my app from a new local repo
I clear all browsing data from Chrome
I add vue.config.performance = true to my main.ts file
I add --mode=development to my vue-cli-service build command
I use Edge (Chromium) instead of Chrome
I update vue to 3.0.14
I access the app via http://localhost:8080 or a hosts file alias https://myalias:8080
AFAIK I never did anything to force a production build or disable vue devtools, so I'm stumped why it doesn't just work out of the box. What am I missing?
.env files have only VUE_APP_* variables defined.
Vue is installed locally (not using CDN version).
vue.config.devtools is not available in vue3. vue.config.performance appears to be the replacement.
Using the Vue devtools beta ( does not help.
I upgraded all matching packages in my project to match the versions in the new Vue app for which the dev tools were working. The dev tools are now working on my app, but I don't know which package upgrade did the trick. Would still be nice if the Vue owners could provide more insight into why this occurs and how exactly to fix it.
For my situation, go to Chrome's More Tools > Extensions > Vue.js devtools > Details, and switch on the Allow access to file URLs option. Finally it works for me again.
Check that you do not have explicitly defined mode NODE_ENV in a local .env file
Having that would completely explain the behaviour you're experiencing and also why it works as expected on other machines.

vue dev tools not working with vue-cli project

I've installed new vue-cli project and when launched locally and opened on localhost:8080 by running
npm run serve
Vue dev tools stayed inactive. I've read that one needs to initialize Vue instance, in order for it to work, but with vue-cli, app is initialized with createApp, but not with Vue instance.
I recently had this problem using vue cli 4.5.3. After an upgrade to 4.5.4 using vue upgrade the devtools fired up.
It was my bad. I've accidentally used vue v3 instead of v2. After switching back to 2 version, works fine.

Error of spawn vue-cli-service ENOENT after updating vue cli?

My vue project started throwing errors last night. At first I thought it was some sort of node issue because my project wasn't fully loading, which wasn't an issue before and I kept getting an audit issue about my cli plugin. I update node to the latest version and it uploaded fully once, then later it stopped loading and showing anything on the screen. This morning, I tried loading it through the vue cli instead of the terminal and noticed they had updated the vue cli plugin. I updated my vue cli plugin and tried to build my project but now I'm getting this error
"spawn vue-cli-service ENOENT"
can anyone help me with this error and what to do to get my vue project back up and running? Everything was up and running fine before this. Not really sure what is going on. I also have the following plugins running on my project, not sure if that may be impacting anything: vuetify, axios, vuex, vue router, and I have firebase and firestore, as well.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Please use the following link. It worked for me right away.
I ran all this in Windows shell
in CMD into the project directory (this is very important!!)
execute NPM install
re-import in the visualization panel. (I just ran "vue ui")
Prior to doing this I had installed node using windows installer and then the following from the powershell
npm update -g #vue/cli
npm install -g #vue/cli-service-global
restart if you need to, go to the project directory in powershell and "vue ui" without quotes and it worked after that. I was able to compile and run the project without any issues. Once the task is built, you may open a new tab and goto localhost:8080
best of luck! (it was a witch-hunt for me)

Vue js Cli app running in another computer

I would like to share my Vue js application project which is in my repository with a friend. So I used vue-cli, npm/yarn and webpack to develope.
I would like to know if he needs to install also cli to run the app on his computer, or just npm install and npm run? thanks
No, the vue-cli is not strictly necessary. However, if you're used to using vue build to build & run your app, your friend might want that too. He/she could just use some other way to run the webpack build operation if installing vue-cli isn't an option.