Want to hide a default selected radio button on my angular web application in a reactive form so that it is not visible to the customers but i could pass that value to the request to my http call
If the intent is for the user to never see this radio button, do not add it to the html/view... simply store the value in a formControl and call the value from the formControl when you make your http call.
this.yourForm = new FormGroup({
radioButton: new FormControl(DefaultValueHere)
Then in your http call
There is no need to pass it to the view only to hide it, just keep it in the formControl and use it when you need it.
I have a dropdownlist that is bound to a list in my model. Model.list_IDs
The current page is an "editing" page where a user would inherently change a property of the model by using the dropdownlist.
#Html.DropDownListFor(model => Model.ID, Model.list_IDs, new { style = "width:250px" })
The items within the dropdownlist are not intuitive, so I would like to provide a button, that when clicked, retrieves additional information via a stored procedure (called from the controller via a method called GetDetails)
The button is created through an action link, and I plan to display a partial view (like a focused pop up window) that shows the additional information once the button is clicked.
#Html.ActionLink(" ", "GetDetails", new { id = Model.ID.ToString() }, new { #class = "lnkMagnify16", title = "View Details" })
Obviously Model.ID.ToString() is incorrect, because it will only send the model's current ID, rather than the ID currently selected in the dropdownlist.
How can I change Model.ID.ToString() to represent the dropdownlist's current selected item?
I know there is a way to do this using FormMethod.Post (Get selected item in DropDownList ASP.NET MVC) but I do not want to reload the page with a submit button. I'd also like to avoid "third party" approaches like JavaScript if possible.
JavaScript is not a "third party" approach, and it's also the only way to accomplish what you want here. Whether by a standard form post or via AJAX (JavaScript), you must make a new request to the server to get the new information you want.
Now, since all you're specifically after is a way to dynamically update the the Model.ID value in the link, you can do that without AJAX or a form post, but you still must use JavaScript, since all dynamic behavior client-side originates from JavaScript. Basically, you'd need to bind to the change event of the dropdown and alter the href property of your link.
document.getElementById('ID').addEventListener('change', function () {
var selectedId = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;
document.getElementById('AwesomeLink').href = // alter `href` with `selectedId`
However, that link is still going to change the whole view if the user clicks it. If you truly want the user to stay on the page, then you'll need to fetch the response of that link using AJAX and then either add it to the page somehow, whether that be directly or via a modal popup (which will required yet even further JavaScript to achieve). Also, it's not clear how the Model.ID value ends up in the URL, i.e. whether it's part of the path (/some/url/{id}/) or as a query string param (/some/url/?id={id}). If it's the former, I'd recommend switching to the latter, as it will make it much easier to build your URL client-side.
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.addEventListener("load", function (response) {
// add response.responseText to the DOM
xhr.open("GET", "/some/url/?id=" + selectedId);
In my Xamarin forms application I want to disable the user interaction to current page when displaying a custom popup. How can I block user interaction to the toolbar also. User cannot touch the toolbar when showing the default alert box using the following method
But i am using a custom popup. Please help me.
this.Content.IsEnabled = false;
It would turn off touch for all the content.
The most MVVM way would be to bind the IsEnabled property to a boolean value in your viewModel. On showing the popup you could toggle the value to false and then revert on dismissing the popup:
var label = new Label();
label.setBinding<ViewModel>(Label.IsEnabledProperty, vm=>vm.IsEnabledToggle);
I have an injected stylesheet that calls a popup with window...open() on two occasions. One when the user clicks an HTML button, and two, when a user clicks on a context menu item. To listen for the context menu item, I need to add a listener on the injected script like so
safari.self.addEventListener("message", messageCallBack, false); // Message comes from global.html when context menu item is clicked
And the following callback
function messageCallBack(msgEvent) {
For some reason, the popup works when the button calls window.open, but NOT when the message callback calls window.open. I'm assuming it maybe have something to do with the window object.
I suspect this is due to restrictions on window.open designed to combat pop-up ads. This means it will only work in response to a click event.
To get around this, I would recommend you open the new window from your global page using the safari.application API:
safari.application.activeBrowserWindow.activeTab.url = '...';
You can also open new tabs with:
safari.application.activeBrowserWindow.openTab('foreground').url = '...';
To achieve this, you may need to send a message from your injected script to the global page.
I am to create a view with a titlebar and a row of two buttons and a list.
When tapped on,each of the two buttons will make an ajax request to the server and update the list below.That is I will give each button a handler in which the store of the list will be fetched to have its proxy assigned with different params and then to call load() to refresh the list.
So my problem is : how to make the buttons and the list masked when the list is loading and unmasked when it finishes.
At first i wrap the buttons and the list with a container and masks it when the list is loading,but i can not unmask it when the list finish loading.I tried to listen the refresh event of the store,but not work.
Second,i tried to disable one button when the list is loading and enable it when the list finish loading.But i can not figure out how to make a call to enable the button when the mask of the list disappear.
How should i do ?
you will have to add load event of store before you call load() method and in load event's call back function you can unmask..just like below code
load: {
fn: function( store ) {
//you can write code for unmask over here
scope: me,
single: true
I have a custom menubutton in my tinyMCE editor that uses specific HTML elements elsewhere on the page as the menu items. I use a jQuery selector to get the list of elements and then add one each as a menu item:
c.onRenderMenu.add(function(c,m) {
m.add({ title: 'Pick One:', 'class': 'mceMenuItemTitle' }).setDisabled(1);
$('span[data-menuitem]').each(function() {
var val = $(this).html();
title: $(this).attr("data-menuitem"),
onclick: function () { tinyMCE.activeEditor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, val) }
My problem is that this only happens once when the button is first clicked and the menu is first rendered. The HTML elements on the current page will change occasionally based on user clicks and some AJAX, so I need this selector code to run each time the menu is rendered to make sure the menu is fully up-to-date. Is that possible?
Failing that, is it possible to dynamically update the control from the end of my AJAX call elsewhere in the page? I'm not sure how to access the menu item and to update it. Something using tinyMCE.activeEditor.controlManager...?
I found a solution to this problem, though I'm not sure it's the best path.
It doesn't look like I can make tinyMCE re-render the menu, so instead I've added some code at the end of my AJAX call: after it has updated the DOM then it manually updates the tinymce drop menu.
The menu object is accessible using:
where mybutton is the name of my custom control. My quick-and-dirty solution is to call removeAll() on this menu object (to remove all the current menu items) and then to re-execute my selector code to find the matching elements in the (new) DOM and to add the menu items back based on the new state.
It seems to work just fine, though tweaks & ideas are always welcome!