I need to send a file ( my_file.txt ) to an FTP Printer whose IP address is contained in another file ( printer_ip.txt ). This file contains only one IP address.
$ cat printer_ip.txt
What is the simple command I can use? Something like this?
$ scp my_file.txt | cat printer_ip.txt
I think what you want is
$ scp my_file.txt $(cat printer_ip.txt)
I am looking for a way using ssh-keyscan to possibly define a port within the keyscan file specified with the -f flag instead of having to specify it on the command line.
The following is how I currently do it:
/usr/bin/ssh-keyscan -f /home/ansible/.ssh/test-scanner-keyscan_hosts -p 16005 >> /home/ansible/.ssh/known_hosts;
Contents of the keyscan file:
The issue is, each "mainserver" has a unique ssh port that is different from the others. While this will cause mainserver1 to work, since it's port is 16005, mainserver2 will fail because it's port is 17005. The only way around it currently is to try to do each ssh-keyscan command separately and specifying each different port such that it works.
Instead, I want to be able to specify them within the file, and/or utilize a method that allows for a scanning of a list allowing for unique ports. The issue is, there doesn't seem to be any way to do that.
I tried the following within the keyscan file, and it does not work:
Is there any way to make this work, or any way other than ssh-keyscan, or some other way within ansible to make this function like I hope it does? Otherwise, I have to do an ssh-keyscan task for EVERY server because the ssh ports are all different.
Thanks in advance!
You're actually welcome to use that format, and then use it to drive the actual implementation since ssh-keyscan -f accepts "-" to read from stdin; thus:
scan_em() {
local fn
local port
for port in $(grep -Eo ':[0-9]+' $fn | sed s/:// | sort | uniq); do
sed -ne "s/:${port}//p" $fn | ssh-keyscan -f - -p $port
scan_em /home/ansible/.ssh/test-scanner-keyscan_hosts >> /home/ansible/.ssh/known_hosts
Let's say.
I have one file with the name of the computer and some other information.
There's another file with the ip address and some other information.
I have 2 greps for example:
grep -i computer /etc/hosts
grep -i ips /etc/hosts
They give me answers like
Well, I would like to get a file with headers and the information organized as this:
I'm quite lost I have no idea how could I format this I usually copy-paste it on Excel but I don't want to do it anymore and since I have to do this on several computers from a server It would be great if I can format it.
Just do something like this:
awk '
{ lc = tolower($0) }
lc ~ /computer/ { name = $0 }
lc ~ /ips/ { ip = $0 }
print "Name", "Ip"
print name, ip
' /etc/hosts
The above is untested since you didn't provide a sample input file to test with and it's just mimicing what your grep commands do but there may be a better way to do it if we knew what your input looked like.
I suppose that your two files have the same number of lines and that line numbers match between one file and the other: if oser1313 is line n in the output of grep from /etc/hosts then same for in /etc/hosts.
So it turns pretty simple as bash script:
grep -i computer /etc/hosts > part1.dat
grep -i ips /etc/hosts > part2.dat
echo "Name,IP" > out.dat
paste -d"," part1.dat part2.dat >> out.dat
rm part1.dat part2.dat
Or a oneliner, as suggested in comments:
printf "Name,IP\n$(grep -i computer /etc/hosts),$(grep -i ips /etc/hosts)\n" > out.dat
I have two files as follows
which [box-address]
Command ssh user[box2-address]
I want to replace in place the [box-address] in "config" with the contents from "address"
I am able to insert the content but overwrite the entire config file each time so instead of
Command ssh user
I end up with
as the only thing in the file
What am I doing wrong
awk '/\[box-address\]/{system("cat config");next}1' address > config
You're providing address, not config, as the input to awk. It will never match /\[box-address\]/. Your command is effectively just overwriting config with the content of address.
The following approach should meet your requirements, it reads the content of address into a variable in the BEGIN block and then replaces any instances of [box-address] with it:
awk 'BEGIN{getline l < "address"}/\[box-address\]/{gsub(/\[box-address\]/,l)}1' config
Command ssh user[box2-address]
I ssh connect to a Linux server and want to save all the output from the server tty(console) to a log file, for later read/search.
For example, if I do echo "dafds" and then ls in bash, I want the log file to have the following content, or maybe something similar:
bash-4.4$ echo "dafds"
bash-4.4$ ls
After I leave this session, this file should have all the contents I saw over the terminal during this session.
Can I achieve this?
Should I do this on server side or on client side? Thanks.
You can also use tmux for this.
:capture-pane -S 100 save the lasts 100 lines in a buffer.
:save-buffer filename.txt write this buffer on a file.
You could use tee to read from stdin and stdout and redirect to a log file:
ssh user#server | tee ssh_session.out
Assuming that you know before making the connection that you want to log the session.
I use a cluster of about 30 machines that have all recently been reconfigured with new OpenSSH host keys. When I try to log into one, I get this error message (many lines removed for brevity):
The fingerprint for the RSA key sent by the remote host is
Add correct host key in /home/nr/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message.
Offending key in /home/nr/.ssh/known_hosts:50
I can go remove the offending line manually, in which case I get a different complaint about the IP addresss, which requires removing another line manually, and I have no desire to repeat this exercise 29 times. I would like to write a program to do it. Unfortunately, the line in the .ssh file no longer contains the host name and IP address in clear text, as it did in earlier versions.
So here's my question:
Given a host name and an IP address, how can I write a program to find out which lines of my ~/.ssh/known_hosts store an SSH host key for that host or IP address?
If I can recover this info, I think I can do the rest myself.
Footnote: I would prefer to code in bash/ksh/sh or C or Lua; my Perl and Python are very rusty.
I don't want to remove the whole file and repopulate it; it contains over a hundred validated keys that I prefer not to re-validate.
Whether I maintain a single master copy or multiple replicas, the problem of scrubbing away a large group of obsolete host keys remains.
Here's the Lua script I wrote using ssh-keygen -F:
#!/usr/bin/env lua
require 'osutil'
require 'ioutil'
local known = os.getenv 'HOME' .. '/.ssh/known_hosts'
local function lines(name)
local lines = { }
for l in io.lines(name) do
table.insert(lines, l)
return lines
local function remove_line(host)
local f = io.popen('ssh-keygen -F ' .. os.quote(host))
for l in f:lines() do
local line = l:match '^# Host %S+ found: line (%d+) type %u+$'
if line then
local thelines = lines(known)
table.remove(thelines, assert(tonumber(line)))
table.insert(thelines, '')
io.set_contents(known, table.concat(thelines, '\n'))
io.stderr:write('Host ', host, ' not found in ', known, '\n')
for _, host in ipairs(arg) do
local ip = os.capture('ipaddress ' .. host)
ssh-keygen -R hostname
ssh-keygen -R ipaddress
personally I scrub the IP addresses with a loop and perl, and remove the conflicts by hand.
for (1..30){
`ssh keygen -R 192.168.0.$_`; #note: backticks arent apostrophies
If I want to find out on what line the entry for a host lives,
ssh-keygen -F hostname
The same trick works with IP addresses.
touch and edit "clearkey.sh" or what ever name makes you happy.
#! /bin/bash
# $1 is the first argument supplied after calling the script
sed -i "$1d" ~/.ssh/known_hosts
echo "Deleted line $1 from known_hosts file"
Should be able to do "clearkey.sh 3" and it will delete the offending line!
I usually do the following in bash script checkssh to automatically remove the line:
# Path to "known_hosts" file
# Find the host in the file, showing line number
L=`grep -i -n $1 $KH`
# If line is not found, exit
[[ $? -ne 0 ]] && exit
# Isolate line number
L=`echo $L | cut -f 1 -d :`
sed -i "${L}d" $KH
You can add ssh $1 exit at the end to automatically re-create an entry in the file, if your ssh is configured to do so.
Call it like checkssh <hostname>.
You might like to try the following when script writing:
declare CHANGED_HOST_NAME="host.yourpublic.work";
declare CHANGED_HOST_IP=$(dig +short ${CHANGED_HOST_NAME});
# Remove old IP address if found
[ -z ${CHANGED_HOST_IP} ] || ssh-keygen -R ${CHANGED_HOST_IP};
# Remove old host key
ssh-keygen -R ${CHANGED_HOST_NAME};
# Add new host key
ssh-keyscan ${CHANGED_HOST_NAME} >> $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts;
Big thanks to #Storm Knight (#289844)