How to duplicate line on itself? - ide

In a JetBrains editor, what is the shortcut (or trick) to duplicate a line on itself without breakline (not like Ctrl + D). In other words, I want to turn this:
constructor(obj: Schema$Car) {
this.brand = =
this.model =
this.photoBack =
this.photoFront =
this.photoInteriorBack =
this.photoInteriorFront =
this.photoSide =
this.seatCount =
this.year =
into this:
constructor(obj: Schema$Car) {
this.brand = obj.brand =
this.model = obj.model
this.photoBack = obj.photoBack
this.photoFront = obj.photoFront
this.photoInteriorBack = obj.photoInteriorFront
this.photoInteriorFront = obj.photoInteriorFront
this.photoSide = obj.photoSide
this.seatCount = obj.seatCount
this.year = obj.year


DocuSign does not pass values to Salesforce

DocuSign doesn't pass values back into Salesforce. And Even doesn't give me any errors in the logs.
I used a Custom Field like source ID and MergeFieldXml tab option with the write-back = true. But it doesn't work.
Please advise what is wrong?
Merge fields are enabled for the DocuSign account.
My code example:
global class AnnualContract
webService static string AM_SendToDocuSign(String id, string strObjType)
Docusign_API_Setting__c APISetting = Docusign_API_Setting__c.getInstance('API Settings');
String envelopeId = '';
string DealerName = '';
string DealerId = '';
String accountId = APISetting.AccountId__c;
String userId = APISetting.UserId__c;
String password = APISetting.Password__c;
String integratorsKey = APISetting.IntegratorsKey__c;
String webServiceUrl = APISetting.WebServiceUrl__c;
list<Lead> lstLead = new list<Lead>();
list<Contact> lstContact = new list<Contact>();
if(strObjType == 'Lead')
lstLead = [SELECT Name,Status,Email,FirstName,LastName,Owner.Name,Title,FROM Lead where id = : Id limit 1];
StaticResource objSR = [SELECT Id,name, SystemModStamp FROM StaticResource WHERE Name = 'AnnualContractPDF' LIMIT 1];
String url_file_ref = '/resource/' + String.valueOf(((DateTime)objSR.get('SystemModStamp')).getTime())+ '/' + objSR.get('Name');
if(strObjType == 'Lead')
DealerName = lstLead[0].Name;
DocuSignAPI.APIServiceSoap dsApiSend = new DocuSignAPI.APIServiceSoap();
dsApiSend.endpoint_x = webServiceUrl;
//Set Authentication
String auth = '<DocuSignCredentials><Username>'+ userId
+'</Username><Password>' + password
+ '</Password><IntegratorKey>' + integratorsKey
+ '</IntegratorKey></DocuSignCredentials>';
System.debug('Setting authentication to: ' + auth);
dsApiSend.inputHttpHeaders_x = new Map<String, String>();
DocuSignAPI.Envelope envelope = new DocuSignAPI.Envelope();
envelope.Subject = 'Please Sign this Contract' + lstLead[0].Name;
envelope.EmailBlurb = 'This is my new eSignature service, it allows me to get your signoff without having to fax, scan, retype, refile and wait forever';
envelope.AccountId = accountId;
// Render the contract
System.debug('Rendering the contract');
PageReference pageRef = new PageReference(url_file_ref);
Blob pdfBlob = pageRef.getContent();
DocuSignAPI.CustomField field = new DocuSignAPI.CustomField ();
field.Name = '##SFLead';
field.Value = lstLead[0].Id; //value of the external source Id
field.Show = 'false';
field.CustomFieldType = 'Text';
envelope.CustomFields = new DocuSignAPI.ArrayOfCustomField();
envelope.CustomFields.CustomField = new DocuSignAPI.CustomField[1];
envelope.CustomFields.CustomField[0] = field;
// Document
DocuSignAPI.Document document = new DocuSignAPI.Document();
document.ID = 1;
document.pdfBytes = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(pdfBlob);
document.Name = 'Annual Contract';
document.FileExtension = 'pdf';
envelope.Documents = new DocuSignAPI.ArrayOfDocument();
envelope.Documents.Document = new DocuSignAPI.Document[1];
envelope.Documents.Document[0] = document;
// Recipient
System.debug('Building up the recipient');
DocuSignAPI.Recipient recipient = new DocuSignAPI.Recipient();
recipient.ID = 1;
recipient.Type_x = 'Signer';
recipient.RoutingOrder = 1;
recipient.Email = lstLead[0].Email;
recipient.UserName = lstLead[0].FirstName + ' ' + lstLead[0].LastName;
recipient.RequireIDLookup = false;
envelope.Recipients = new DocuSignAPI.ArrayOfRecipient();
envelope.Recipients.Recipient = new DocuSignAPI.Recipient[1];
envelope.Recipients.Recipient[0] = recipient;
// Tab
DocuSignAPI.Tab tab1 = new DocuSignAPI.Tab();
tab1.Type_x = 'SignHere';
tab1.RecipientID = 1;
tab1.DocumentID = 1;
tab1.AnchorTabItem = new DocuSignAPI.AnchorTab();
tab1.AnchorTabItem.AnchorTabString = '/t1/';
tab1.AnchorTabItem.XOffset = 100;
DocuSignAPI.Tab tab2 = new DocuSignAPI.Tab();
tab2.Type_x = 'DateSigned';
tab2.RecipientID = 1;
tab2.DocumentID = 1;
tab2.AnchorTabItem = new DocuSignAPI.AnchorTab();
tab2.AnchorTabItem.AnchorTabString = '/d1/';
DocuSignAPI.Tab tab3 = new DocuSignAPI.Tab();
tab3.CustomTabType = 'Text';
tab3.Name = 'Title';
tab3.Type_x = 'Custom';
tab3.RecipientID = 1;
tab3.DocumentID = 1;
tab3.TabLabel = 'Title';
if(strObjType == 'Lead')
if(lstLead[0].Title != null)
tab3.Value = ''+lstLead[0].Title+'';
if(lstContact[0].Title != null)
tab3.Value = ''+lstContact[0].Title+'';
tab3.AnchorTabItem = new DocuSignAPI.AnchorTab();
tab3.AnchorTabItem.AnchorTabString = '/t2/';
tab3.AnchorTabItem.XOffset = 42;
tab3.AnchorTabItem.YOffset = -5;
tab3.MergeFieldXml = '<mergeField><allowSenderToEdit>true</allowSenderToEdit><configurationType>salesforce</configurationType><path>Lead.Title</path><row>1</row><writeBack>true</writeBack></mergeField>';
envelope.Tabs = new DocuSignAPI.ArrayOfTab();
envelope.Tabs.Tab = new DocuSignAPI.Tab[3];
envelope.Tabs.Tab[0] = tab1;
envelope.Tabs.Tab[1] = tab2;
envelope.Tabs.Tab[2] = tab3;
System.debug('Calling the API');
try {
DocuSignAPI.EnvelopeStatus es = dsApiSend.CreateAndSendEnvelope(envelope);
envelopeId = es.EnvelopeID;
System.debug('Returned successfully, envelope id = ' + envelopeId );
return '';
} catch ( CalloutException e) {
System.debug('Exception - ' + e );
envelopeId = 'Exception - ' + e;
return '';
return '';
I resolved the issue with the DocuSign support.
MergeFieldXml for SOAP should be like this:
tab3.MergeFieldXml ='<mergefieldconfig configversion="1.0" service="salesforce"><mergefield><writeenabled>true</writeenabled><sendercanedit>true</sendercanedit><queryfrom><obj><type>Lead</type><name>Lead</name><field><fieldtype>string</fieldtype><name>Title</name></field></obj></queryfrom></mergefield></mergefieldconfig>';

Contact Test Bit Mask not working proper

contactTestBitMask works in general but if the graphic is too complex contactTestBitMask freaks out and you have only a small contact area or get weird errors. What can i do there?
This is an image about my area:
class GameScene: SKScene, SKPhysicsContactDelegate {
let WallCategory : UInt32 = 0x1 << 1
let ShipCategory : UInt32 = 0x1 << 2
var counter = 0
var userCanBuild1Building = false
var KameraSichtVar:SKCameraNode = SKCameraNode()
var touched:Bool = false
var startTouch = CGPointMake(0, 0)
var draufgeklickt:CGPoint = CGPoint()
var draufgeklicktUpdate:CGPoint = CGPoint()
var userWantScroll = false
var userWantBuild = false
let wohnhausBlue = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed:"wohnhausBlue")
let buildMenu = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed:"Buildmenu")
var hitDetected = false
let actualBuilding = SKSpriteNode()
var userWantUpgrade : Bool = false
//var theBuildingBefore = SKSpriteNode()
//var houseLvlSave : Int = 0
var uphausSave : String = ""
func didBeginContact(contact: SKPhysicsContact) {
var BuildingObject: SKPhysicsBody
var ClickObject: SKPhysicsBody
if contact.bodyA.categoryBitMask < contact.bodyB.categoryBitMask
BuildingObject = contact.bodyA
ClickObject = contact.bodyB
BuildingObject = contact.bodyB
ClickObject = contact.bodyA
// upgrade Building
let name = BuildingObject.node!.name
let HouseLvL: Int = Int(name!)!
if HouseLvL > 0 && userCanBuild1Building == true{
userCanBuild1Building = false
let touchedBuilding = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: BuildingObject.node!.name!) = BuildingObject.node!.name
let name = BuildingObject.node!.name
var HouseLvL: Int = Int(name!)!
HouseLvL = HouseLvL + 1
let uphaus = String(HouseLvL)
let setSpriteTexture = SKAction.setTexture(SKTexture(imageNamed: uphaus))
let upSize = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: uphaus)
let resizeHousewidth = SKAction.resizeToWidth(upSize.size.width, duration: 0)
let resizeHouseheight = SKAction.resizeToHeight(upSize.size.height, duration: 0)
touchedBuilding.runAction(setSpriteTexture) = "\(uphaus)"
touchedBuilding.position = BuildingObject.node!.position
touchedBuilding.zPosition = BuildingObject.node!.zPosition
touchedBuilding.userInteractionEnabled = false
let upgradedbuilding = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: uphaus)
touchedBuilding.size = CGSizeMake(upgradedbuilding.size.width, upgradedbuilding.size.height)
touchedBuilding.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(texture: SKTexture(imageNamed:"\(uphaus)"), size: upgradedbuilding.size)
touchedBuilding.physicsBody?.categoryBitMask = WallCategory
touchedBuilding.physicsBody?.affectedByGravity = false
touchedBuilding.physicsBody?.dynamic = true
touchedBuilding.physicsBody?.collisionBitMask = 0
if HouseLvL == 0
}`override func didMoveToView(view: SKView) {
/* Setup your scene here */
if let KameraSicht:SKCameraNode = self.childNodeWithName("Kamera") as? SKCameraNode{
KameraSichtVar = KameraSicht = KameraSichtVar
physicsWorld.contactDelegate = self
self.physicsWorld.gravity = CGVectorMake(0, 0)
func addBG(){
let background = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "0") = "0"
background.anchorPoint = CGPointMake(0.5, 0.5)
background.zPosition = 2
background.position = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMinX(self.frame)+self.frame.width/4, CGRectGetMaxY(self.frame)-self.frame.height/4)
background.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(texture: SKTexture(imageNamed: "0"), size: background.size)
//background.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(rectangleOfSize: background.size)
background.physicsBody?.categoryBitMask = WallCategory
background.physicsBody?.affectedByGravity = false
background.physicsBody?.dynamic = true
background.physicsBody?.collisionBitMask = 0
let wall = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed:"1" ) = "1"
wall.zPosition = 10
//wall.xScale = 3
//wall.yScale = 3
wall.size = CGSizeMake(100, 100)
wall.position = CGPoint(x:CGRectGetMidX(self.frame), y:CGRectGetMidY(self.frame))
wall.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(texture: SKTexture(imageNamed:!), size: wall.size)
//wall.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(rectangleOfSize: wall.size)
wall.physicsBody?.affectedByGravity = false
wall.physicsBody?.dynamic = false
wall.physicsBody!.categoryBitMask = WallCategory
wall.physicsBody?.collisionBitMask = 0
ok i found the solution. the problem was the weird behavior of the contactTestBitMask when you use this graphic.(it only detected a contact in a small area of the graphic). the reason for that is that the graphic have separated shapes (like the half ring and some other small stuff).
i connected all shape so that its only one shape and now everything works perfectly fine. also tried it with some other graphics and the behavior of contactTestBitMask is: if you have separated shapes in your graphic, contactTestBitMask take exactly one of the shapes and make it the contact area ...but the other shapes in your graphic will not detect a contact then...

How to get Rates from UPS Rate API?

I am using nopcommerce 3.5. I have added plugin of UPS of TransitInTime and Rate API. I want to get rates by calling UPS Rate API. I want all Rates in dropdown on page load.
So for the first I am using test application using webservices of RateWebReference and in which I get only one Rate but I want Rates for all shipping option.
Here is my code of RateWSClient.cs
RateService rate = new RateService();
RateRequest rateRequest = new RateRequest();
UPSSecurity upss = new UPSSecurity();
UPSSecurityServiceAccessToken upssSvcAccessToken = new UPSSecurityServiceAccessToken();
upssSvcAccessToken.AccessLicenseNumber = "CC....";
upss.ServiceAccessToken = upssSvcAccessToken;
UPSSecurityUsernameToken upssUsrNameToken = new UPSSecurityUsernameToken();
upssUsrNameToken.Username = "gi..";
upssUsrNameToken.Password = "Ch..";
upss.UsernameToken = upssUsrNameToken;
rate.UPSSecurityValue = upss;
RequestType request = new RequestType();
String[] requestOption = { "Rate" };
request.RequestOption = requestOption;
rateRequest.Request = request;
ShipmentType shipment = new ShipmentType();
ShipperType shipper = new ShipperType();
shipper.ShipperNumber = "A65V88";
RateWSSample.RateWebReference1.AddressType shipperAddress = new RateWSSample.RateWebReference1.AddressType();
String[] addressLine = { "", "", "" };
shipperAddress.AddressLine = addressLine;
shipperAddress.City = "";
shipperAddress.PostalCode = "30076";
shipperAddress.StateProvinceCode = "GA";
shipperAddress.CountryCode = "US";
shipperAddress.AddressLine = addressLine;
shipper.Address = shipperAddress;
shipment.Shipper = shipper;
ShipFromType shipFrom = new ShipFromType();
RateWSSample.RateWebReference1.AddressType shipFromAddress = new RateWSSample.RateWebReference1.AddressType();
shipFromAddress.AddressLine = addressLine;
shipFromAddress.City = "";
shipFromAddress.PostalCode = "30076";
shipFromAddress.StateProvinceCode = "GA";
shipFromAddress.CountryCode = "US";
shipFrom.Address = shipFromAddress;
shipment.ShipFrom = shipFrom;
ShipToType shipTo = new ShipToType();
ShipToAddressType shipToAddress = new ShipToAddressType();
String[] addressLine1 = { "", "", "" };
shipToAddress.AddressLine = addressLine1;
shipToAddress.City = "";
shipToAddress.PostalCode = "92262";
shipToAddress.StateProvinceCode = "";
shipToAddress.CountryCode = "US";
shipTo.Address = shipToAddress;
shipment.ShipTo = shipTo;
CodeDescriptionType service = new CodeDescriptionType();
//Below code uses dummy date for reference. Please udpate as required.
service.Code = "02";
shipment.Service = service;
PackageType package = new PackageType();
PackageWeightType packageWeight = new PackageWeightType();
packageWeight.Weight = "125";
CodeDescriptionType uom = new CodeDescriptionType();
uom.Code = "LBS";
uom.Description = "pounds";
packageWeight.UnitOfMeasurement = uom;
package.PackageWeight = packageWeight;
CodeDescriptionType packType = new CodeDescriptionType();
packType.Code = "02";
package.PackagingType = packType;
PackageType[] pkgArray = { package };
shipment.Package = pkgArray;
//Shipping Rate Chart
// ShipmentRatingOptionsType SRO = new ShipmentRatingOptionsType();
//SRO.RateChartIndicator = "";
//shipment.ShipmentRatingOptions= SRO;
//rateRequest.Shipment = shipment;
ShipmentRatingOptionsType SRO = new ShipmentRatingOptionsType();
SRO.NegotiatedRatesIndicator = "";
shipment.ShipmentRatingOptions = SRO;
rateRequest.Shipment = shipment;
System.Net.ServicePointManager.CertificatePolicy = new TrustAllCertificatePolicy();
RateResponse rateResponse = rate.ProcessRate(rateRequest);
Console.WriteLine("The transaction was a " + rateResponse.Response.ResponseStatus.Description);
Console.WriteLine("Total Shipment Charges " + rateResponse.RatedShipment[0].TotalCharges.MonetaryValue + rateResponse.RatedShipment[0].TotalCharges.CurrencyCode);
I have resolved this questions. So If you face this kind of problem don't forget to use
String[] requestOption = { "Shop" };
in place of
String[] requestOption = { "Rate" };
Then you will get rates for all shipping options.

Having error in updating my record in database my method as follows

What I have done wrong in this code ? (I am using MVC4 and EF)
As an example: Please clear this am fresher to use MVC4
EditResponse response = new EditResponse();
using (WeMatchContext db = new WeMatchContext())
var output = db.B_MEMBER_REGISTER.Where(x => x.MEMBER_ID == model.MEMBER_ID).FirstOrDefault();
if(output != null )
update.FIRST_NAME = model.FIRST_NAME;
update.LAST_NAME = model.LAST_NAME;
update.GENDER = model.GENDER;
update.DOB = model.DOB;
int resultcount = db.SaveChanges();
if (resultcount > 0)
response.MEMBER_ID = update.MEMBER_ID;
response.ResultCode = 0;
response.Message = "Updated Successfully";
You have to attach updated data with the db entity. please try this,
using (WeMatchContext db = new WeMatchContext())
var update = db.B_MEMBER_REGISTER.Where(x => x.MEMBER_ID == model.MEMBER_ID).FirstOrDefault();
if(update != null )
update.FIRST_NAME = model.FIRST_NAME;
update.LAST_NAME = model.LAST_NAME;
update.GENDER = model.GENDER;
update.DOB = model.DOB;
//below line of code is very important.
db.Entry(update).State = EntityState.Modified;
int resultcount = db.SaveChanges();
if (resultcount > 0)
response.MEMBER_ID = update.MEMBER_ID;
response.ResultCode = 0;
response.Message = "Updated Successfully";

i had upload file and some field items to document library i have made one field mandatory in that field but even then i am able to upload file

using (SPSite site = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Web.Url, SPUserToken.SystemAccount))
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
SPFolder folder = web.Folders["ContractorDetails"];
SPFileCollection filecol = folder.Files;
Boolean replaceExistingFiles = true;
string filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(FileUpload.PostedFile.FileName);
byte[] contents = new byte[Convert.ToInt32(FileUpload.PostedFile.ContentLength)];
SPFile addedFile = filecol.Add(filename, contents, replaceExistingFiles);
SPItem newItem = addedFile.Item;
newItem["Title"] = ddlTitle.SelectedValue;
newItem["First Name"] = tbFirstName.Text;
newItem["Middle Name"] = tbMiddleName.Text;
newItem["Last Name"] = tbLastName.Text;
newItem["NT User Name"] = tbNtuser.Text;
newItem["Contract Firm"] = tbContractFirm.Text;
newItem["Employee Type"] = tbEmpType.Text;
newItem["Division"] = ddlDivision.SelectedValue;
newItem["Location"] = ddlLocation.SelectedValue;
newItem["Contract Start Date"] = dateTimeStart.SelectedDate;
newItem["Contract End Date"] = dateTimeEnd.SelectedDate;
newItem["Project Term"] = Convert.ToInt32(tbProjectTerm.Text);
// newItem["Manager"] = PeopleEditor1.t
newItem["Comments"] = tbcomments.Text;
web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;
Can you just try to upload file from UI to check field is mandatory or not?