CMake compile options for compile test only - cmake

I am using CMake to cross compile a C project for an embedded (heterogeneous) multi-core system. The compiler takes an mandatory argument (-t<type>, the target type). This flag has to be set to pass CMake's compiler test. I am adding this flag in a toolchain file as follows:
The problem with this approach is, all project files will be compiled with this flag. Is there a way to configure compile flags for the test compilation only, without affecting the main project configuration? (Note: Within the project different files shall have different values for this flag.)
What I am looking for is something like:
I could disabled the compile test, but I would prefer to keep it.

You can check the IN_TRY_COMPILE property and set the flag for try-compile configurations only:


Mark CMake package as required by some targets, not others

I have a CMake file that contains a target that depend on a package, namely Java, as well a target that dose not require Java.
I would like to be able to build the not-requiring-java target w/o requiring java.
add_executable(nojava_targ "")
add_executable(java_targ "")
The trouble is once CMake sees the requiring-java-project on a machine w/o Java, CMake errors out, refusing to build the Makefile. This prevents the not-requiring-java target from building even though it doesn't need java.
find_package(JNI COMPONENTS Development)
target_include_directories( java_targ PRIVATE
CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
used as include directory in directory /mnt/src/prjx/
Is there some way to signal to CMake that this package is required, but only by some targets?
find_package will set JNI_FOUND to true if it finds the package, so add any Java-target
commands only if JNI_Found is true. Something like this:
find_package(JNI COMPONENTS Development)
add_executable(java_targ java_targ.cpp)
target_include_directories(java_targ PRIVATE

cmake flags for compiler test only

Is it possible to specify some compiler/linker flags that will be used for the cmake compiler test only (i.e, the actual project will use a different set of flags)?
For example, I need to compile the main project with the -mcpu=native option while not using this option for the test program.
Alternatively, is there a way to check if cmake is compiling the test program and then define the compile flags based on this condition?

Proper way to compile project with debug symbols and cmake

Here is recommended to pass CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE as an argument to cmake when I want to obtain debug or release project builds. I'm trying to compile libharu with cmake and I would like to compile it with debug symbols. I've searched CMakeLists.txt included in libharu for following strings:
but I've found nothing. My question is that if it does make any sense to specify CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE when libharu's CMakeLists.txt doesn't mention it? If not, how can I compile libharu with debug symbols?
PS: I've noticed that project that was generated for Visual Studio 2013 with cmake had set Debug/Win32, is this sufficient? Where in CMakeLists.txt is specified this info?
PPS: I guess this question is highly depending on particular project but is there some way to do this in general? I mean, does CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug always create Debug build or is there something else that I should be aware of?
Setting configuration type via CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE switches set of additional options for compiler to one, which normally reflects meaning of the configuration. That is, passing
to cmake tells compiler to generate debugging information unless CMakeLists.txt modifies that behavior.
Config-dependent compiler options are contained in variables CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS_<CONFIG>. For example, variable CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG contains additional options for C compiler in "Debug" configuration. These variables are filled by CMake automatically, and CMakeLists.txt itself rare modifies them.
So, if you found that CMakeLists.txt doesn't play with variables CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE and CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS_<CONFIG>, then it follows common conventions about configuration type.
This doesn't mean that CMakeLists.txt shouldn't play with that variables.
Often CMakeLists.txt sets CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to some default value, provided the variable is not set by the user and single-config generator is used. CMakeLists.txt also may set some of variables CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS_<CONFIG>, if default setting for compiler is not suited for the project.
But even if CMakeLists.txt does not touch these variables, they work.

Adding debug flags after configuration is done

We are currently porting a large project from GNU autotools to CMake. An open problem that is of great interest to our users (Scientific Computing: users are developpers) is to switch to debug compiler flags without reconfiguring the whole project.
There is of course a workaround to add some thing like
set_property(TARGET <target> PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS <debugflags>)
to the CMakeLists.txt and run
make target
and count on cmakes caching abilities to only configure that particular
But for our users that are used to automakes
make CXXFLAGS="<debugflags>" <target>
this is no convincing way to go.
The same goes for having 2 built directories, one with and one without debug flags.
I have looked for more possibilites to mimic such behaviour without success. Do you know any? Or do you know whether any such features are planned for future cmake releases?
The "problem" is that you have to modify your CmakeLists file and
afterwards undo that change
You don't need to change the CMakeLists file for this. CMake allows specifying a build type on the command line for make based generators:
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug [...] && make
This already adds the -g compile flag for you. If you need additional project specific flags, you can add them conditionally depending on the build type.
# do your stuff
Note that once you have specified a build type, CMake will keep using that same build type for all subsequent runs unless you explicitly set a different one through the command line or delete the cache.

Compile same file with different flags using CMAKE

I want to compile the same .cpp source file into two different target executables and I am using cmake. One will have some instrumentation code and the other won't. That way I can compare the overhead of instrumentation.
I have the instrumentation code separated with #ifdefs so I want to define a value using the -D flag. I see that is possible with
But it looks like this then applies to all the executables created in that directory. I'm wondering if there is a good way to set the definition only for a specific executable target.
You can set the COMPILE_DEFINITIONS property of one of the targets to have target-specific definitions:
set_target_properties (instrumented_target PROPERTIES COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "INSTRUMENT")
Starting from CMake 2.8.11 you can also use target_compile_definitions for the same purpose.