Angular 5: Passing dynamic class name to "select" attribute of ng-content - angular5

I'm following THIS tutorial article to test how Angular Projection works. In this article I came across select attribute of ng-content, to which we can pass class name or attribute to select and target a particular ng-content.
selector: 'greet',
template: `
<ng-content select=".headerText"></ng-content>
<ng-content select="btnp"></ng-content>
<h1 class="headerText">Hello</h1>
<button btnp>Click Here</button>
The above example works fine. But, now what I want is to dynamically pass a class name to select like:
<ng-content select=".headerText{{some_id}}"></ng-content>
But, when I attempt this, I get error:
Can't bind to 'select' since it isn't a known property of
How can I achieve this?


Dynamic Value in Translation

What I am looking to do is have a some way to have a placeholder in my translations file that on runtime when called I can pass in what i18next should replace that placeholder with and I am unable to find documentation on this.
// translations
“label”: “Message has {{count}} total messages”
“person”: “Welcome {{full_name}} to your new site”
In the component I am using it I have the following
<button aria-label={t(‘label’, { count: total_count})}>
But this is not working. Am I missing something? Thanks
What you are looking for is called interpolation.
Check out this:

fill datatable with vueJS

i´m trayin to fill my data table with vueJS and all my data from DB. I´m usign this library:
It´s ok if i use this in my controller:
return response()->json($query);
and in my component:
<div class="">
<data-table :data="data" :columns="columns" #on-table-props-changed="reloadTable"></data-table>
this library contain method to sortBy, orderBy, search by name, etc... with this:
use JamesDordoy\LaravelVueDatatable\Http\Resources\DataTableCollectionResource;
public function index(Request $request)
$length = $request->input('length');
$sortBy = $request->input('column');
$orderBy = $request->input('dir');
$searchValue = $request->input('search');
$query = User::eloquentQuery($sortBy, $orderBy, $searchValue);
$data = $query->paginate($length);
return new DataTableCollectionResource($data);
but if i use this in my controller in laravel 8 returned me:
Call to undefined method App\Models\User::eloquentQuery()
i don´t know if this it means to use get(), all().
Also, if i´m not use this and i to do all search manually, for example:
$query = User::all()->sortBy($sortBy);
$data = $query->paginate($length);
return response()->json($query);
returned me that:
Method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::paginate does not exist
if i removed paginate and return $query, return all my data en my web browser console in network tab, but my table it´s empty...
for back-end i´m using laravel-8
in my web browser console return this message:
Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "data". Expected Object, got Array
if i change :data in my component for :items error in web browser console disappear
i don´t understand that i´m doing wrong for in one case i can fill my table and in other not...
Thanks for read and help me
i resolve my question with this:
$query = \DB::table('users')->orderBy($sortBy, $order)->paginate(10);
with model i can´t

AngularDart: using template input variables in structural directives

I have learning AngularDart. Everything went well so for. But I am stuck with structural directives : I cannot figure out how to use the template input variables to implement my own structural directive.
I read many times this document: Structural Directives.
And, although the material below refers to AngularJS, I read this questions/documents:
Angular 2: How to access Template Input Variables in Structural Directives
Angular 2 Custom Structural Directive binding using template input variable is not working
How to use Angular structural directive with multiple inputs
Or, how I wrote a customized version of ngFor
It is said that from the micosyntax declaration "let v=value", Angular creates the template variable "let-v". However, I cannot use the name "let-v" in a template since "let-v" is not a valid name for a variable.
By the way, if you look at the explanation that is given here for the directive ngFor :
<div *ngFor="let hero of heroes; let i=index; let odd=odd; trackBy: trackByHeroId"
({{i}}) {{}}
<template ngFor let-hero [ngForOf]="heroes" let-i="index" let-odd="odd"
<div [class.odd]="odd">({{i}}) {{}}</div>
You see that, inside the template, the template input variable i is called i (not let-i):
<div [class.odd]="odd">({{i}}) {{}}</div>
I tried a LOT of things within the Dart code of my structural directive. But nothing works.
I read the source code for the directive NgFor. Something potentially interesting here :
viewRef.setLocal('first', identical(i, 0));
viewRef.setLocal('last', identical(i, len - 1));
viewRef.setLocal('index', i);
viewRef.setLocal('count', len);
However, I tried that with no success.
Here is the simple code I wrote:
File: lib/src/directive_my_dummy.dart
import 'package:angular/angular.dart';
selector: '[myDummy]'
class MyDummyDirective implements OnInit {
TemplateRef _templateRef;
ViewContainerRef _viewContainer;
MyDummyDirective(TemplateRef templateRef, ViewContainerRef viewContainer) {
_templateRef = templateRef;
_viewContainer = viewContainer;
List<int> d;
void ngOnInit() {
print("One instance of MyDummyDirective is instantiated.");
EmbeddedViewRef vr = _viewContainer.createEmbeddedView(_templateRef);
vr.setLocal('d', [1,2,3]);
File: lib/app_component.html
<div *myDummy="let d=data">
This is a dummy test. {{d.toString()}}
<div *myDummy="let d=[1,2,3]">
This is a dummy test. {{d.toString()}}
<div *myDummy="let d=getData()">
<div *myDummy="let d=[1,2,3]; let name='Toto'"></div>
The full code can be found here.
Can you show me a basic example that illustrates the use of the template input variables ?
First, there are two entities that we call "template":
The component template.
The (structural) directive template.
The term "input template variable" makes reference to the (structural) directive template.
I think that it would be better to use the appellation "input directive template variable".
I'll use the appellation "input directive template variable" instead of "input template variable".
The role of an input directive template variable is to configure a (structural) directive template.
Where does the value of an input directive template variable come from ?
The answer is: the value of an input directive template variable gets assigned within the directive instance. You cannot define the value of an input directive template variable directly within the component template. For example, the code <div *myDummy="let d=10"> below will NOT assign the value 10 to the variable d.
The value of the input directive template variable is assigned from within the directive instance. For example:
TemplateRef _templateRef;
ViewContainerRef _viewContainer;
// ...
_viewContainer.get(0).setLocal('data', '');
And you write, within the component template:
<div *myDummy="let d=data">
I give a simple example:
selector: '[myDummy]'
class MyDummyDirective implements OnInit {
TemplateRef _templateRef;
ViewContainerRef _viewContainer;
String variable;
MyDummyDirective(this._templateRef, this._viewContainer);
void ngOnInit() {
// WARNING: the property "variable" has no value assigned within the constructor.
_viewContainer.get(0).setLocal('data', '');
print('MyDummyDirective.variable = ${variable}');
_viewContainer.get(0).setLocal('var', 'This is ' + variable);
<div *myDummy="let d=data; variable:'value from the lib/app_component.html'; let v=var">
<p>This is a dummy directive.</p>
<li><b>data</b>=<code>{{data}}</code> (makes reference to the instance of AppComponent)</li>
import 'package:angular/angular.dart';
import 'package:myapp/src/directive_my_dummy.dart';
selector: 'app-component',
templateUrl: 'app_component.html',
directives: [MyDummyDirective],
class AppComponent {
List<int> getData() => [100, 200, 300];
String data = '';
The result:
This is a dummy directive.
<li> (makes reference to the instance of AppComponent)</li>
<li>v=This is value from the lib/app_component.html</li>
As a picture often speaks better than words...

i18n on custom elements with #bindable does not work with 't.bind'

I've noticed a similar issue has been fixed in But it was an issue in 't/i18n' with literal values.
But I'm facing an issue with 't.bind'
We have a use case in which we need to construct the expression and bind it to 't/i18n'
<my-custom-element t.bind="messagekey" t-params.bind="{ param1: 10, param2: 10 }"></my-custom-element>
<my-custom-element t.bind="messagekey"></my-custom-element>
In the view-model we construct the messagekey as bellow:
this.messagekey = "[title]content_key";
When you run the application nothing is being written to the custom-element.
However, I tried this with 't' with literal values;
<my-custom-element t="[title]content_key" t-params.bind="{ param1: 10, param2: 10 }"></my-custom-element>
<my-custom-element t="[title]content_key"></my-custom-element>
and it worked.
Can someone help me?
Just to have this one handled, it sounded like a side effect not related to the i18n plugin.

Ember {{#linkTo}} helper's with {{each}}

I want to get route name from the list of items iterated using {{each}} helper.Some thing like example below.
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="orders">
<h2> list all orders</h2>
{{#each content}}
{{#linkTo {{route name}} }}Some Text{{/linkTo}}
</script>`enter code here`
You might wanna take a look at this. Have tried, but it would be awesome nested handlebars work.
If the above doesn't work, you can try using a handlebar helper to set a variable within the controller. And use the variable value on the linkTo. It's kind of hacky, but this is what I did:
* Used to set color of pie chart legend
Ember.Handlebars.helper('setColor', function(controller, property, array, index) {
controller.set(property, array[index])