spinnaker buildRpm task is missing in 1.12.4 - spinnaker

I gitclone the latest 1.12.4 release of spinnaker, and found that the buildRpm task is missing from all microservices. Does anyone know why?

Issue has been resolved
Run ./gradlew -I gradle/init-publish.gradle buildRpm


Azure DevOps buids failing all of sudden and issue looks to be auto-updated NPM version

The build is failing with:
"Error: Npm failed with return code: 9009"
When we look at, here's what we noticed:
Till date (where there were no issues), build used to run on nmp 6.9.0 and node v10.16.3
Since the build started failing, we noticed the versions got auto-upgraded to npm/6.12.0 node/v12.13.0.
Please advise how to revert back to older versions, or do if we need to see this issue in a different dimension?
You can use Nojd.js tool installer task to specify the version you want. Then set the Version Spec as below.
You will get the node/v10.16.3 and npm/6.9.0.
You should add this task before the npm task. If not, the default version of node.js and npm would be below.
If your project can build successfully in local, you can use self-hosted agent to build.
Hope this helps.

Execution failed for task ':react-native-audio:compileDebugJavaWithJavac

I tried all the solutions available,they didn't solve my problem.
Also when i run one of the solution- "gradlew clean", gradlew is not recognized as external or internal command.
Here's screenshot of the both errors : https://i.stack.imgur.com/Dkc9N.png
I faced this error but for other Package, I cleaned gradlew and then run this command npx jetifier. this solved my problem. it's worse to try.
you can install jetifier from here https://www.npmjs.com/package/jetifier.
hopefully useful.

"--watch is not supported without git/hg" with cygwin jest and git

I would really appreciate help with this.
I have cygwin installed and set up to use the PATH from windows. This has been working great for a ton of node development, but I've recently run into an issue where when I run
yarn jest --watch
I get the following error:
--watch is not supported without git/hg, please use --watchAll
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.
I have installed git and node in windows.
I have found a workaround of using the Command Prompt for running the tests, but would really like to be in one environment.
--watch works only for git repositories.
if you still have issue it is yarn issue npm gives the same error too. delete your node_modules folder, update yarn or npm to the latest version, then reinstall all the packages again.
After some consideration, I thought my workaround could be a valid answer to this question. Although, I would still like to get this working properly in Cygwin.
If you have node and git installed in windows then you can go into the Command Prompt and run yarn test --watch or npm run test -- --watch to accomplish the same thing.
I know it's been a long time. But i was facing the same issue and what resolved it for me was, to change the default terminal of whatever editor you're using to GIT command line. I was using VS Code and changing the terminal to GIT worked like a charm.
Make sure you're running it in a Git repo (initialised with git init). Otherwise it doesn't know how to get only the changed files.
If you don't want to run tests only on changed files, you can use --watchAll, which runs all the tests.
I also encountered this problem, the reason is that I use the mv command to move the project folder, however the command was not removed .git has points such as the beginning of the file
npm run test -- watchAll
Please use watchAll to serve it in a continue way. It will track your changes and re-run the test automatically.
git init
solves the problem, that way it knows the changed files

How To Get Started With React Admin On Windows

It is difficult to get started or setup this entire repo in Windows?
Can you please give step by step approach to set this up in Windows or a short video tutorial?
I just ran into this issue. My fix was to:
Delete the react-admin directory if you already have a clone from the repo
Update Node and Yarn
-- After update I am currently running Node v10.13.0 && Yarn v1.12.3
Grab a fresh clone of the repo
Then from the react-admin directory run:
Once that completes:
yarn build
And finally once that completes:
yarn run-demo
lmk if this works for you :-)
There isn't much. Until we add a Windows section in the README, here's how you can get started:
run yarn to install all dependencies
run yarn run-simple to start the playground app and test your changes
There are more scripts in the root package.json file to run tests, demos, etc.
If you need help with something more specific, please precise it in your question

How to include executables in the IntelliJ IDEA path for successful pre-committing?

I have a Git pre-commit hook that runs a Grunt command. However, Grunt is not on the path that IDEA runs under, so when I try to commit through the IDE I get a grunt: command not found error.
How can I ensure that Grunt is available to IDEA?
Turns out that this is because /usr/local/bin wasn't on the PATH (in OSX). See https://stackoverflow.com/a/17557522/555642.
I also had the same issue and then I executed the npm install. Thereafter I was able to run the grunt commands. Tryout and see this might fix the issue.