Convert sequence list to fasta for multiple files - awk

I have thousands of files, which are a list of sequence names followed by their sequence, one individual per line, something like this:
L.abdalai.LJAMM.14363.SanMartindeLosAndes CCCTAAGAATAATTTGTT
And I want to change them to fasta format, so looking something like:
I work on a Mac.

Using Perl
perl -pe 's/^/</;s/(\S+)\s+(\S+)/$1\n$2CAGAAAAGATATTTAATTATAT/g ' file
with your inputs
$ cat damien.txt
L.abdalai.LJAMM.14363.SanMartindeLosAndes CCCTAAGAATAATTTGTT
$ perl -pe 's/^/</;s/(\S+)\s+(\S+)/$1\n$2CAGAAAAGATATTTAATTATAT/g ' damien.txt

I believe you simplied your sample input, thus different from your expected output.
If not so, and my solutions not work, please comment under my answer to let me know.
So with awk, you can do it like this:
awk -v OFS="\n" '$1=">" $1' file
If you want to change inplace, please install GNU gawk, and use gawk -i inplace ....
And if you want the line endings be Carriages, add/change to -v ORS="\r" -v OFS="\r"
However, you can also, and maybe it's better to do it with sed:
sed -e 's/\([^[:space:]]*\)[[:space:]]*\([^[:space:]]*\)/>\1\n\2/' file
Add -i'' like this: sed -i'' -e ... to change file inplace.

Could you please try following(created and tested based on your samples, since I don't have mac to didn't test on it).
awk '/^L\./{print ">"$1 ORS $2 "CAGAAAAGATATTTAATTATAT"}' Input_file
Output will be as follows. If needed you could take it to a output_file by appending > output_file to above command too.


Delete everything before first pattern match with sed/awk

Let's say I have a line looking like this:
In this example, I would like to get the result:
How can I do if I want to get everything before the first pattern match (either Sources or Tests) using sed or awk?
I am using sed 's/^.*\(Tests.*\).*$/\1/' right now but it's falling:
echo '/Users/random/354765478/Tests/StoreTests/Base64Tests.swift' | sed 's/^.*\(Tests\)/\1/'
Here's another example using Sources (which seems to work):
echo '/Users/random/741672469/Sources/Store/StoreDataSource.swift' | sed 's/^.*\(Sources\)/\1/'
I would like to get everything before the first, and not the last Sources or Tests pattern match.
Any help would be appreciated!
How can I do if I want to get everything before the first pattern match (either Sources or Tests).
Easier to use a grep -o here:
grep -Eo '(Sources|Tests)/.*' file
# where input file is
cat file
Regex pattern (Sources|Tests)/.* match any text that starts with Sources/ or Tests/ until end of the line.
-E: enables extended regex mode
-o: prints only matched text instead of full line
Alternatively you may use this awk as well:
awk 'match($0, /(Sources|Tests)\/.*/) {
print substr($0, RSTART)
}' file
Or this sed:
sed -E 's~.*/((Sources|Tests)/.*)~\1~' file
With your shown samples please try following GNU grep. This will look for very first match of /Sources OR /Tests and then print values from these strings to till end of the value.
grep -oP '^.*?\/\K(Sources|Tests)\/.*' Input_file
Using sed
$ sed -E 's~([^/]*/)+((Tests|Sources).*)~\2~' input_file
would like to get everything before the first, and not the last
Sources or Tests pattern match.
First thing is to understand reason of that, you are using
sed 's/^.*\(Tests.*\).*$/\1/'
observe that * is greedy, i.e. it will match as much as possible, therefore it will always pick last Tests, if it would be non-greedy it would find first Tests but sed does not support this, if you are using linux there is good chance that you have perl command which does support that, let file.txt content be
perl -p -e 's/^.*?(Tests.*)$/\1/' file.txt
gives output
Explanation: -p -e means engage sed-like mode, alterations in regular expression made: brackets no longer require escapes, first .* (greedy) changed to .*? (non-greedy), last .* deleted as superfluous (observe that capturing group will always extended to end of line)
(tested in perl 5, version 30, subversion 0)

awk command to print columns with colum data

cat file1.txt | awk -F '{print $1 "|~|" $2 "|~|" $3}' > file2.txt
I am using above command to filter first three columns from file1 and put into file.
But only getting the column names and not the column data.
How to do that?
|~| - is the delimiter.
file1.txt has values as :
my expedted output is :
With your shown samples, please try following awk code. You need to set field separator to |~| and remove starting space from lines, then print the lines.
awk -F'\\|~\\|' -v OFS='|~|' '{sub(/^[[:blank:]]+/,"");print $1,$2,$3}' Input_file
In case you want to keep spaces(which was in initial post before edit) then try following:
awk -F'\\|~\\|' -v OFS='|~|' '{print $1,$2,$3}' Input_file
NOTE: Had a chat with user in room and got to know why this code was not working for user because of gunzip -c file was being used wrongly, its output was being saved into a variable on which user was running awk program, so correcting that command generated right file and awk program ran fine on it. Adding this as a reference for future readers.
One approach would be:
awk -v FS="," -v OFS="|~|" '{gsub(/[|][~][|]/,","); sub(/^\s*/,""); print $1,$2,$3}' file1.txt
The approach simply replaces all "|~|" with a "," setting the output file separator to "|~|". All leading whitespace is trimmed with sub().
Example Use/Output
With your data in file1.txt, you would have:
$ awk -v FS="," -v OFS="|~|" '{gsub(/[|][~][|]/,","); sub(/^\s*/,""); print $1,$2,$3}' file1.txt
Let me know if this is what you intended. You can simply redirect, e.g. > file2.txt to write to the second file.
For such cases, my bash+awk script rcut comes in handy:
rcut -Fd'|~|' -f-3 ip.txt
The -F option enables fixed string input delimiter (which is given using the -d option). And by default, the output field separator will also be same as -d when -F is active. -f-3 is similar to cut syntax to specify first three fields.
For better speed, use hck command:
hck -Ld'|~|' -D'|~|' -f-3 ip.txt
Here, -L enables literal field separator and -D specifies output field separator.
Another benefit is that hck supports -z option to automatically handle common compressed formats based on filename extension (adding this since OP had an issue with compressed input).
Another way:
sed 's/|~|/\t/g' file1.txt | awk '{print $1"|~|"$2"|~|"$3}' > file2.txt
First replace the |~| delimiter, and use the default awk separator, then print columns what you need.

Check if all multiple strings exist in one line

I have a file that have this info
IRE_DRO_Fabric_A drogesx0112_IRE_DRO_A_ISIL03_091_871
IRE_DRO_Fabric_A drogesx0112_IRE_DRO_A_NETAPP_7890_2D5_1D8
IRE_DRO_Fabric_A drogesx0112_SAN_A
IRE_DRO_Fabric_B drogesx0112_IRE_DRO_B_ISIL03_081_873
IRE_DRO_Fabric_B drogesx0112_IRE_DRO_B_NETAPP_7890_9D3_2D8
IRE_DRO_Fabric_B drogesx0112_SAN_B
and wanted to check if multiple string were found per line. Tried this command but it's not working. Not sure if it's possible for the current text type?
grep 'drogesx0112.*ISIL03_091_871\|ISIL03_091_871.*drogesx0112' file << tried this but not working
grep 'drogesx0112' file | grep 'ISIL03_091_871' << tried this but not working
Looking for this output (I'm actually looking for string1(drogesx0112) and string2(ISIL03_091_871)
>grep 'drogesx0112.*ISIL03_091_871\|ISIL03_091_871.*drogesx0112' file # command
>IRE_DRO_Fabric_A drogesx0112_IRE_DRO_A_ISIL03_091_871 < output
so it's like i wanted to check if drogesx0112 and ISIL03_091_871 are present in a single line in a file.
Simple awk
$ awk ' /drogesx0112/ && /ISIL03_091_871/ ' gafm.txt
IRE_DRO_Fabric_A drogesx0112_IRE_DRO_A_ISIL03_091_871
Simple Perl
$ perl -ne ' print if /drogesx0112/ and /ISIL03_091_871/ ' gafm.txt
IRE_DRO_Fabric_A drogesx0112_IRE_DRO_A_ISIL03_091_871
If you are not looking for any order and simply want to check if both strings are present in a single line or not then try following.
awk '/drogesx0112/ && /ISIL03_091_871/' Input_file
In case you are looking for sequence of strings in line:
If your line has drogesx0112 first and then ISIL03_091_871 then try following.
awk '/drogesx0112.*ISIL03_091_871/' Input_file
If your line has ISIL03_091_871 first and then drogesx0112 then try following.
awk '/ISIL03_091_871.*drogesx0112/' Input_file
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed '/drogesx0112/!d;/ISIL03_091_871/!d' file
Delete the current line if it does not contain drogesx0112 and delete it if does not contain ISIL03_091_871 too.
Another way:
sed -n '/drogesx0112/{/ISIL03_091_871/p}' file
A third:
sed '/drogesx0112/{/ISIL03_091_871/p};d' file

Running awk command in awk script

I am just looking to run a simple script that runs an awk command inside of the awk script.
sample_enrollment.csv file: "EffectiveDate","Status","EmployeeID","ClientID"
Below is the Lab4_1.awk
awk 'gsub(/EfectiveDate/, "Effective Date")'
I am running the command from the command line like this
awk -f lab4_1.awk sample_enrollment.csv
The error that I am getting seems to indicate that the ' ' in the awk gsub command seem to be wrong. I have tried many variations on this awk command with out any luck. I am just asking for this portion, as I will need to add more to the awk script after I get this done
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
I don't think there is need for using 2 awk commands here as per your shown effort it could be done in single awk like as follows too.
awk -F, '{gsub(/EfectiveDate/, "Effective Date")} 1' Input_file
As I mentioned in comments too in case you have more requirements you could let us know with samples in code tags in your post and we could help you from there too.
EDIT: As OP mentioned a script is needed so now adding code in a bash script format too.
cat script
awk '{gsub("EffectiveDate","Effective Date")} 1' Input_file
......... do my other stuff too here in bash or awk...........

Using grep-awk and sed in one-row-command result in a "No such file or directory" error

..And I know why:
I have a xml document with lots of information inside. I need to extract what I need and eventually print them on a new file.
The xml (well, part of it.. rows just keeps repeating)
<module classname="org.openas2.processor.receiver.AS2DirectoryPollingModule"
<module classname="org.openas2.processor.receiver.AS2DirectoryPollingModule"
<module classname="org.openas2.processor.receiver.AS2DirectoryPollingModule"
I need to extract the folder after "Outbound" and clean it from quotes or slashes.
Also, I need to exclude the "/error" so I get only 1 result for each of them.
My command is:
grep -o -v "/error" "Outbound/" config.xml | awk -F"Outbound/" '{print $2}' | sed -e "s/\/\"//g" > /tmp/sync_users
The error is: grep: Outbound/: No such file or directory which of course means that I'm giving to grep too many arguments (?) - If i remove the -v "/error" it would work but would print also the names with "/error".
Can someone help me?
As some pointed out in their example (thanks for the time you put in), I'd need to extract these words based on the sample above:
could be intersting to use sed in this case
sed -e '\#/Outbound/#!d' -e '\#/error"$#d' -e 's#.*/Outbound/##;s#/\{0,1\}"$##' Config.xml
awk version, assuming (for last print) that your line is always 1 folder below Outbound as shown
awk -F '/' '$0 !~ /\/Outbound\// || /\/error"$/ {next} {print $(NF-1)}' Config.xml
Loose the grep altogether:
$ awk '/outboxdir/{gsub(/^.+Outbound\/|\/" *\r?$/,""); print}' file
/^outboxdir/ /outboxdir/only process records that have start with outboxdir on them
gsub remove unwanted parts of the record
added space removal at the end of record and CRLF fix for Windows originated files
To give grep multiples patterns they have to be separated by newlines or specified by multiples pattern option (-e, F,.. ). However -v invert the match as a whole, you can't invert only one.
For what you're after you can use PCRE (-P argument) for the lookaround ability:
grep -o -P '(?<=Outbound\/)[^\/]+(?!.*\/error)' config.xml
Regex demo here
The regex try to
match something not a slash at least once, the [^\/]+
preceded by Outbound/ the positive lookbehind (?<=Outbound\/)
and not followed by something ending with /error, the negative lookahead (?!.*\/error)
With your first sample input:
$ grep -o -P '(?<=Outbound\/)[^\/]+(?!.*\/error)' test.txt
How about:
grep -i "outbound" your_file | awk -F"Outbound/" '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/error//' -e 's/\/\"//' | uniq
Should work :)
You can use match in gawkand capturing group in regex
awk 'match($0, /^.*\/Outbound\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]*)\/?"$/, a){
if(a[2]!="error"){print a[1]}
}' config.xml
you get,
grep can accept multiple patterns with the -e option (aka --regexp, even though it can be used with --fixed-strings too, go figure). However, -v (--invert-match) applies to all of the patterns as a group.
Another solution would be to chain two calls to grep:
grep -v "/error" config.xml | grep "Outbound/" | awk -F"Outbound/" '{print $2}' | sed -e "s/\/\"//g"