Why use commands? Events seem to fit - rabbitmq

Is there a specific situation where sending an event is not good enough and we must send a command?
For example there's a system (A) that receives and order + orderlines. System A validates the order. If the order is valid, then another system (B) needs to do much more processing. We can send a command from A to B (please handle order command) or we can send an event from A to B (order is accepted event).
It looks like an event fits fine here. And if we later on need System C to do something with the accepted order we can let it listen to the event. I'm not sure if I miss something if I use events instead of commands.

Short answer: Commands are data rich and meant for internal service/components communications where there is high coupling, Events are light in data (usually only Ids) and meant to be used for cross-boundary communications where there is a loose coupling between the publisher and the subscriber.
More info here: https://particular.net/blog/putting-your-events-on-a-diet


update publisher order status after receiving event via pub sub pattern

I have an order service that publishes an order status changed event to multiple services with rabbitmq (masstransit).
These subscribers are smart enough to know if they can handle the order or not(the name of the service is in the event).
I use the pub sub pattern instead of the command pattern so that i can add new subscribers as the application grows without needing to change the business logic in the publisher.
The problem is that i would like to send an update back to the publisher after one of the subscribers has accepted the order or finished it.
I suspect there are two ways for handling this
send command to the publisher to update the order status
publish event
My questions is which one is de preferred way of doing this?
And if it is the second option then where should this event live(in the publisher.contracts library)? or should the publisher.contracts only have events that it publishes itself.
I typically would go with the second option since it gives flexibility but it's probably more so a business requirement so it depends. On where the contract will live, since it's a multiple service probably best to create a separate library for your contract. This way you don't reference the entire project.

Mass Transit: ensure message processing order when there are different message types

I'm new to Mass Transit and I would like to understand if it can helps with my scenario.
I'm building a sample application implemented with a CQRS event sourcing architecture and I need a service bus in order to dispatch the events created by the command stack to the query stack denormalizers.
Let's suppose of having a single aggregate in our domain, let's call it Photo, and two different domain events: PhotoUploaded and PhotoArchived.
Given this scenario, we have two different message types and the default Mass Transit behaviour is creating two different RabbitMq exchanges: one for the PhotoUploaded message type and the other for the PhotoArchived message type.
Let's suppose of having a single denormalizer called PhotoDenormalizer: this service will be a consumer of both message types, because the photo read model must be updated whenever a photo is uploaded or archived.
Given the default Mass Transit topology, there will be two different exchanges so the message processing order cannot be guaranteed between events of different types: the only guarantee that we have is that all the events of the same type will be processed in order, but we cannot guarantee the processing order between events of different type (notice that, given the events semantic of my example, the processing order matters).
How can I handle such a scenario ? Is Mass Transit suitable with my needs ? Am I completely missing the point with domain events dispatching ?
Disclaimer: this is not an answer to your question, but rather a preventive message why you should not do what you are planning to do.
Whilst message brokers like RMQ and messaging middleware libraries like MassTransit are perfect for integration, I strongly advise against using message brokers for event-sourcing. I can refer to my old answer Event-sourcing: when (and not) should I use Message Queue? that explains the reasons behind it.
One of the reasons you have found yourself - event order will never be guaranteed.
Another obvious reason is that building read models from events that are published via a message broker effectively removes the possibility for replay and to build new read models that would need to start processing events from the beginning of time, but all they get are events that are being published now.
Aggregates form transactional boundaries, so every command needs to guarantee that it completes within one transaction. Whilst MT supports the transaction middleware, it only guarantees that you get a transaction for dependencies that support them, but not for context.Publish(#event) in the consumer body, since RMQ doesn't support transactions. You get a good chance of committing changes and not getting events on the read side. So, the rule of thumb for event stores that you should be able to subscribe to the stream of changes from the store, and not publish events from your code, unless those are integration events and not domain events.
For event-sourcing, it is crucial that each read-model keeps its own checkpoint in the stream of events it is projecting. Message brokers don't give you that kind of power since the "checkpoint" is actually your queue and as soon as the message is gone from the queue - it is gone forever, there's no coming back.
Concerning the actual question:
You can use the message topology configuration to set the same entity name for different messages and then they'll be published to the same exchange, but that falls to the "abuse" category like Chris wrote on that page. I haven't tried that but you definitely can experiment. Message CLR type is part of the metadata, so there shouldn't be deserialization issues.
But again, putting messages in the same exchange won't give you any ordering guarantees, except the fact that all messages will land in one queue for the consuming service.
You will have to at least set the partitioning filter based on your aggregate id, to prevent multiple messages for the same aggregate from being processed in parallel. That, by the way, is also useful for integration. That's how we do it:
void AddHandler<T>(Func<ConsumeContext<T>, string> partition) where T : class
=> ep.Handler<T>(
c => appService.Handle(c, aggregateStore),
hc => hc.UsePartitioner(8, partition));
AddHandler<InternalCommands.V1.Whatever>(c => c.Message.StreamGuid);

Finding the source publisher in a Pub/Sub (Redis)

My question is two-fold:
First, in Redis, is it possible to have multiple publishers to publish messages to the same channel?
And second, if the answer to the first part is yes (which I think it is), is it possible to tell (on the subscriber end) which publisher has sent any given message?
My scenario is that I've got a server which sends events to Redis right now. And I would like to have multiple instances of it and collect all their events. I was wondering if it is possible to centralize their events in one Redis while being able to tell apart the message sources without changing the publisher code. I mean one solution is to have each server include some ID in the message but that requires changing the code which I prefer not to do.
First, in Redis, is it possible to have multiple publishers to publish messages to the same channel?
Yes. You can even easily test it!
And second, if the answer to the first part is yes ...
The message doesn't include the publisher, but the publisher can add its name to the message explicitly. For that you'd have to change the actual code that calls PUBLISH from your application - no two ways about it.

Prevent subscribers from reading certain samples temporarily

We have a situation where there are 2 modules, with one having a publisher and the other subscriber. The publisher is going to publish some samples using key attributes. Is it possible for the publisher to prevent the subscriber from reading certain samples? This case would arise when the module with the publisher is currently updating the sample, which it does not want anybody else to read till it is done. Something like a mutex.
We are planning on using Opensplice DDS but please give your inputs even if they are not specific to Opensplice.
RTI Connext DDS supplies an option to coordinate writes (in the documentation as "coherent write", see Section 6.3.10, and the PRESENTATION QoS.
// (writers in that publisher do their writes) /* data captured at publisher */
myPublisher->end_coherent_changes(); /* all writes now leave */
If I understand your question properly, then there is no native DDS mechanism to achieve what you are looking for. You wrote:
This case would arise when the module with the publisher is currently updating the sample, which it does not want anybody else to read till it is done. Something like a mutex.
There is no such thing as a "global mutex" in DDS.
However, I suspect you can achieve your goal by adding some information to the data-model and adjust your application logics. For example, you could add an enumeration field to your data; let's say you add a field called status and it can take one of the values CALCULATING or READY.
On the publisher side, in stead of "taking a the mutex", your application could publish a sample with the status value set to CALCULATING. When the calculation is finished, the new sample can be written with the value of status set to READY.
On the subscriber side, you could use a QueryCondition with status=READY as its expression. Read or take actions should only be done through the QueryCondition, using read_w_condition() or take_w_condition(). Whenever the status is not equal to READY, the subscribing side will not see any samples. This approach takes advantage of the mechanism that newer samples overwrite older ones, assuming that your history depth is set to the default value of 1.
If this results in the behaviour that you are looking for, then there are two remaining disadvantages to this approach. First, the application logics get somewhat polluted by the use of the status field and the QueryCondition. This could easily be hidden by an abstraction layer though. It would even be possible to hide it behind some lock/unlock-like interface. The second disadvantage is due to the extra sample going over the wire when setting the status field to CALCULATING. But extra communications can not be avoided anyway if you want to implement a distributed mutex-like functionality. Only if your samples are pretty big and/or high-frequent, this is an issue. In that case, you might have to resort to a dedicated, small Topic for the single purpose of simulating the locking mechanism.
The PRESENTATION Qos is not specific RTI Connext DDS. It is part of the OMG DDS specification. That said the ability to write coherent changes on multiple DataWriters/Topics (as opposed to using a single DataWriter) is part of one of the optional profiles (object model profile), so no all DDS implementations necessariiy support it.

Implementing a "Snapshot and Subscribe" in Redis

I wish to use Redis to create a system which publishes stock quote data to subscribers in an internal network. The problem is that publishing is not enough, as I need to find a way to implement an atomic "get snapshot and then subscribe" mechanism. I'm pretty new to Redis so I'm not sure my solution is the "proper way".
In a given moment each stock has a book of orders which contains at most 10 bids and 10 asks. The publisher receives data for the exchange and should publish them to subscribers.
While the publishing of changes in the order book can be easily done using publish and subscribe, each subscriber that connects also needs to get the snapshot of the current order book of the stock and only then subscribe to changes in the order book.
As I understand, Redis channel never saves information, so the publisher also needs to maintain the complete order book in a hash key (Or a sorted set. I'm not sure which is more appropriate) in addition to publishing changes.
I also understand that a Redis client cannot issue any commands except subscribing and unsubscribing once it subscribes to the first channel.
So, once the subscriber application is up, it needs first to get the key which contains the complete order book and then subscribe to changes in that book. However, this may result in a race condition. A change in the book order can be made after the client got the key containing the current snapshot but before it actually subscribed to changes, resulting a change which it will never see.
As it is not possible to use subscribe and then use get in a single connection, the client application needs two connections to the Redis server. At this point I started thinking that I'm probably not doing things in the proper way if I need more than one connection in the same application. Anyway, my idea is that the client will have a subscribing connection and a query connection. First, it will use the subscribing connection to subscribe to changes in order book, but still won't not enter the loop which process events. Afterwards, it will use the query connection to get the complete snapshot of the book. Finally, it will enter the loop which process events, but as he actually subscribed before taking the snapshot, it is guaranteed that it will not miss any changed that occurred after the snapshot was taken.
Is there any better way to accomplish my goal?
I hope you found your way already, if not here we goes a personal suggestion:
If you are in javascript land i would recommend having a look on Meteor.js they do somehow achieve the goal you want to achieve, with the default setup you will end up writing to mongodb in order to "update" the GUI for the "end user".
In any case, you might be interested in reading about how meteor's ddp protocol works: https://meteorhacks.com/introduction-to-ddp/ and https://www.meteor.com/ddp