How to debug custom metric values in tf.keras - tensorflow

I have defined a very simple custom metric, in tf.keras, for tracking number of pixels predicted as '1' for a segmentation problem. Since the output from the last layer has sigmoid activation, I'm rounding y_pred and then summing. I expect to see a whole integer value (>= 0) (because of the rounding) but the output shows floating point numbers like 0.28. How is that possible? How can I debug this to figure out where the problem is?
I tried switching from tf.keras.backend.sum & tf.keras.backend.round to tf.reduce_sum & tf.round but that didnt solve the issue
def num_ones(y_true, y_pred):
return tf.keras.backend.sum(tf.keras.backend.flatten(tf.keras.backend.round(y_pred)))
model.compile(optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate = 1e-4), loss = 'binary_crossentropy', metrics = ['accuracy', num_ones])
INFO:tensorflow:Saving dict for global step 3408: accuracy = 0.9551756, global_step = 3408, loss = 0.7224839, num_ones = 0.28

works fine with Tensorflow >2.3 but you have to define your custom metric function as tensorflow function (add the decorator):
def num_ones(y_true, y_pred):
return tf.keras.backend.sum(tf.keras.backend.flatten(tf.keras.backend.round(y_pred)))

To answer how you should debug the custom metrics, call the following function at the top of your python script:
This will force tensorflow to run all functions eagerly (including custom metrics) so you can then just set a breakpoint and check the values of everything like you would normally in your debugger.


Keras Model - Get input in custom loss function

I am having trouble with Keras Custom loss function. I want to be able to access truth as a numpy array.
Because it is a callback function, I think I am not in eager execution, which means I can't access it using the backend.get_value() function. i also tried different methods, but it always comes back to the fact that this 'Tensor' object doesn't exist.
Do I need to create a session inside the custom loss function ?
I am using Tensorflow 2.2, which is up to date.
def custom_loss(y_true, y_pred):
# 4D array that has the label (0) and a multiplier input dependant
truth = backend.get_value(y_true)
loss = backend.square((y_pred - truth[:,:,0]) * truth[:,:,1])
loss = backend.mean(loss, axis=-1)
return loss
model.compile(loss=custom_loss, optimizer='Adam'), np.stack(labels, X[:, 0], axis=3), batch_size = 16)
I want to be able to access truth. It has two components (Label, Multiplier that his different for each item. I saw a solution that is input dependant, but I am not sure how to access the value. Custom loss function in Keras based on the input data
I think you can do this by enabling run_eagerly=True in model.compile as shown below.
model.compile(loss=custom_loss(weight_building, weight_space),optimizer=keras.optimizers.Adam(), metrics=['accuracy'],run_eagerly=True)
I think you also need to update custom_loss as shown below.
def custom_loss(weight_building, weight_space):
def loss(y_true, y_pred):
truth = backend.get_value(y_true)
error = backend.square((y_pred - y_true))
mse_error = backend.mean(error, axis=-1)
return mse_error
return loss
I am demonstrating the idea with a simple mnist data. Please take a look at the code here.

Custom gradient in tensorflow attempts to convert model to tensor

I am trying to use the output of one neural network to compute the loss value for another network. As the first network is approximating another function (L2 distance) I would like to provide the gradients myself, as if it had come from an L2 function.
An example of my loss function in simplified code is:
def loss_function(model_1_output):
def grad(dy, variables=None):
gradients = 2 * pred
return gradients
pred = model_2(model_1_output)
loss = pred ** 2
return loss, grad
This is called in a standard tensorflow 2.0 custom training loop such as:
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
model_1_output = model_1(training_data)
loss = loss_function(model_1_output)
gradients = tape.gradient(loss, model_1.trainable_variables)
optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, model.trainable_variables)
However, whenever I try to run this I keep getting the error:
ValueError: Attempt to convert a value (<model.model_2 object at 0x7f41982e3240>) with an unsupported type (<class 'model.model_2'>) to a Tensor.
The whole point of using the custom_gradients decorator is that I don't want the model_2 in the loss function to be included in the back propagation as I give it the gradients manually.
How can I make tensorflow completely ignore anything inside the loss function? So that for example I could do non-differetiable operations. I have tried using with tape.stop_recording() but I always result in a no gradients found error.
OS: Ubuntu 18.04
tensorflow: 2.0.0
python: 3.7

How to optimize multiple loss functions separately in Keras?

I am currently trying to build a deep learning model with three different loss functions in Keras. The first loss function is the typical mean squared error loss. The other two loss functions are the ones I built myself, which finds the difference between a calculation made from the input image and the output image (this code is a simplified version of what I'm doing).
def p_autoencoder_loss(yTrue,yPred):
def loss(yTrue, y_Pred):
return K.mean(K.square(yTrue - yPred), axis=-1)
def a(image):
return K.mean(K.sin(image))
def b(image):
return K.sqrt(K.cos(image))
a_pred = a(yPred)
a_true = a(yTrue)
b_pred = b(yPred)
b_true = b(yTrue)
empirical_loss = (loss(yTrue, yPred))
a_loss = K.mean(K.square(a_true - a_pred))
b_loss = K.mean(K.square(b_true - b_pred))
final_loss = K.mean(empirical_loss + a_loss + b_loss)
return final_loss
However, when I train with this loss function, it is simply not converging well. What I want to try is to minimize the three loss functions separately, not together by adding them into one loss function.
I essentially want to do the second option here Tensorflow: Multiple loss functions vs Multiple training ops but in Keras form. I also want the loss functions to be independent from each other. Is there a simple way to do this?
You could have 3 outputs in your keras model, each with your specified loss, and then keras has support for weighting these losses. It will also then generate a final combined loss for you in the output, but it will be optimising to reduce all three losses. Be wary with this though as depending on your data/problem/losses you might find it stalls slightly or is slow if you have losses fighting each other. This however requires use of the functional API. I'm unsure as to whether this actually implements separate optimiser instances, however I think this is as close you will get in pure Keras that i'm aware of without having to start writing more complex TF training regimes.
For example:
loss_out1 = layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid', name='loss1')(x)
loss_out2 = layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid', name='loss2')(x)
loss_out3 = layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid', name='loss3')(x)
model = keras.Model(inputs=[input],
outputs=[loss1, loss2, loss3])
loss=['binary_crossentropy', 'categorical_crossentropy', 'custom_loss1'],
loss_weights=[1., 1., 1.])
This should compile a model with 3 outputs at the end from (x) which would be above. When you compile you set the outputs as a list as well as set the losses and loss weights as a list. Note that when you fit() that you'll need to supply your target outputs three times as a list too e.g. [y, y, y] as your model now has three outputs.
I'm not a Keras expert, but it's pretty high-level and i'm not aware of another way using pure Keras. Hopefully someone can come correct me with a better solution!
Since there is only one output, few things that can be done:
1.Monitor the individual loss components to see how they vary.
def a_loss(y_true, y_pred):
a_pred = a(yPred)
a_true = a(yTrue)
return K.mean(K.square(a_true - a_pred))
2.Weight the loss components where lambda_a & lambda_b are hyperparameters.
final_loss = K.mean(empirical_loss + lambda_a * a_loss + lambda_b * b_loss)
Use a different loss function like SSIM.

Higher loss penalty for true non-zero predictions

I am building a deep regression network (CNN) to predict a (1000,1) target vector from images (7,11). The target usually consists of about 90 % zeros and only 10 % non-zero values. The distribution of (non-) zero values in the targets vary from sample to sample (i.e. there is no global class imbalance).
Using mean sqaured error loss, this led to the network predicting only zeros, which I don't find surprising.
My best guess is to write a custom loss function that penalizes errors regarding non-zero values more than the prediction of zero-values.
I have tried this loss function with the intend to implement what I have guessed could work above. It is a mean squared error loss in which the predictions of non-zero targets are penalized less (w=0.1).
def my_loss(y_true, y_pred):
# weights true zero predictions less than true nonzero predictions
w = 0.1
y_pred_of_nonzeros = tf.where(tf.equal(y_true, 0), y_pred-y_pred, y_pred)
return K.mean(K.square(y_true-y_pred_of_nonzeros)) + K.mean(K.square(y_true-y_pred))*w
The network is able to learn without getting stuck with only-zero predictions. However, this solution seems quite unclean. Is there a better way to deal with this type of problem? Any advice on improving the custom loss function?
Any suggestions are welcome, thank you in advance!
Not sure there is anything better than a custom loss just like you did, but there is a cleaner way:
def weightedLoss(w):
def loss(true, pred):
error = K.square(true - pred)
error = K.switch(K.equal(true, 0), w * error , error)
return error
return loss
You may also return K.mean(error), but without mean you can still profit from other Keras options like adding sample weights and other things.
Select the weight when compiling:
model.compile(loss = weightedLoss(0.1), ...)
If you have the entire data in an array, you can do:
w = K.mean(y_train)
w = w / (1 - w) #this line compesates the lack of the 90% weights for class 1
Another solution that can avoid using a custom loss, but requires changes in the data and the model is:
Transform your y into a 2-class problem for each output. Shape = (batch, originalClasses, 2).
For the zero values, make the first of the two classes = 1
For the one values, make the second of the two classes = 1
newY = np.stack([1-oldY, oldY], axis=-1)
Adjust the model to output this new shape.
Make sure you are using a softmax and a categorical_crossentropy as loss.
Then use the argument class_weight={0: w, 1: 1} in fit.

Use TensorFlow loss Global Objectives (recall_at_precision_loss) with Keras (not metrics)

I have a multi-label classification problem with 5 labels (e.g. [1 0 1 1 0]). Therefore, I want my model to improve at metrics such as fixed recall, precision-recall AUC or ROC AUC.
It doesn't make sense to use a loss function (e.g. binary_crossentropy) that is not directly related to the performance measurement I want to optimize. Therefore, I want to use TensorFlow's global_objectives.recall_at_precision_loss() or similar as loss function.
Relevant GitHub:
Relevant paper (Scalable Learning of Non-Decomposable Objectives):
Not metric
I'm not looking for implementing a tf.metrics. I already succeeded in that following:
I think my issue can be divided into 2 problems:
How to use global_objectives.recall_at_precision_loss() or similar?
How to use it in a Keras model with TF backend?
Problem 1
There is a file called on the global objectives GitHub page (same as above). However, since I don't have much experience with TF, I don't really understand how to use it. Also, Googling for TensorFlow recall_at_precision_loss example or TensorFlow Global objectives example won't give me any clearer example.
How do I use global_objectives.recall_at_precision_loss() in a simple TF example?
Problem 2
Would something like (in Keras): model.compile(loss = ??.recall_at_precision_loss, ...) be enough?
My feeling tells me it is more complex than that, due to the use of global variables used in
How to use loss functions similar to global_objectives.recall_at_precision_loss() in Keras?
Similar to Martino's answer, but will infer shape from input (setting it to a fixed batch size did not work for me).
The outside function isn't strictly necessary, but it feels a bit more natural to pass params as you configure the loss function, especially when your wrapper is defined in an external module.
import keras.backend as K
from global_objectives.loss_layers import precision_at_recall_loss
def get_precision_at_recall_loss(target_recall):
def precision_at_recall_loss_wrapper(y_true, y_pred):
y_true = K.reshape(y_true, (-1, 1))
y_pred = K.reshape(y_pred, (-1, 1))
return precision_at_recall_loss(y_true, y_pred, target_recall)[0]
return precision_at_recall_loss_wrapper
Then, when compiling the model:
model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss=get_precision_at_recall_loss(TARGET_RECALL))
I managed to make it work by:
Explicitly reshaping tensors to BATCH_SIZE length (see code below)
Cutting the dataset size to a multiple of BATCH_SIZE
def precision_recall_auc_loss(y_true, y_pred):
y_true = keras.backend.reshape(y_true, (BATCH_SIZE, 1))
y_pred = keras.backend.reshape(y_pred, (BATCH_SIZE, 1))
util.get_num_labels = lambda labels : 1
return loss_layers.precision_recall_auc_loss(y_true, y_pred)[0]