How to plot histogram where a country is a bin - pandas

I am attempting to plot a histogram where the y-axis should be the count and the x-axis (i.e. the bins) should be composed of all the countries, but I cannot seem to figure out the code.
I have tried following and How to create Histograms in Panda Python Using Specific Rows and Columns in Data Frame, but both of those are for bar graphs and not for histograms.
per_country = df.groupby(['COUNTRY'])[['TOTAL']].sum()
per_country = per_country.sort_values('TOTAL')
medals_per_country['TOTAL'].plot(kind='hist') # if hist is changed to bar, then it works, but I need a histogram and not a bar graph
The result should be a histogram where the x-axis includes a label for each country and the y-axis is the total for each country. Right now the bins are just based on the 'TOTAL', whereas the y-axis is the number of countries with said 'TOTAL'.
Can someone please point me in the right direction? Thank you!


Binary treatment based on a continuous variable (Stata)

I want to create a scatter plot showing my treatment assignment on the y-axis and the margin of winning on the x-axis.
To create a binary treatment variable, where a margin over 0 indicates that a Republican candidate won the local election.
gen republican_win = (margin>0)
Here is a data example:
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
input double margin float republican_win
-.356066316366196 0
-.54347825050354 0
-.204092293977737 0
-.449720650911331 1
-.201149433851242 1
-.505899667739868 0
-.206885248422623 1
To generate a scatter plot, I ran this. While the code ran well, I was wondering if it would be possible to display a continuous distribution of the margin of Republican wins and losses?
scatter margin republican_win
You can use the predicted probabilities by storing them in a variable, and then plot it at the same time as your scatter plot.
I would then reverse the axes to show your logistic distribution.
logit republican_win margin
predict win_hat
twoway scatter win_hat republican_win margin, ///
connect(l i) msymbol(i 0) sort ylabel(0 1)
There are not enough data points in your data example to show a nice fitted curve, but I'm sure it will look better on your whole dataset.

Grouped errorbar with array of strings as data points

I have different measurements from two+ sensors. I want to compare the performance of each sensor for each measurement with errorbars (mean and std). I have no problems creating and formatting a standard errorbar plot for one y (sensor) and yerr per data point (measurement). But i'm trying to create a plot like this:
I can neither find the option to do this in the matplotlib documentation nor when i google it or search this site. The closest i found was this thread:
matplotlib: grouping error bars for each x-axes tick
But this solution doesn't work for me since my datapoints aren't numbers but a pandas dataframe index of strings.
So i found the solution in the Matplotlib documentation after all. Here's the link for people who might have the same question:
A bar plot with errorbars and height labels on individual bars.

subplot with shared axis but different ticks and labels

I make a plot with different subplots (using gridspec.GridSpec). Two subplots share the same x-axis (sharex=ax1 in the definition of the second subplot).
However, as one subplot shows the indices of the chronologically sorted data, and the second subplot shows the corresponding decades, I want seperate ticks and labels for the x-axes of both plots. This seems not possible, a unique set of labels and ticks are assigned to both subplots. Until now, I can only:
use different x-axes and thus assign two sets of ticks and labels.
In that case, the axes are not alligned although
ax1.set_xlim([start, stop]) are similarly defined for both subplots
use a common x-axis and one set of ticks and labels
I do not find a solution for this on the internet. Is someone able to help? Thank you in advance!

3d scatter plot with mplot3d with missing frequency as z axis

I am trying to plot some data but I only have my x and y axis given. I would like to get the frequency for my z axis like I would in a histogram. But I don't really want a histogram, rather a scatter plot or a surface plot.
This is my histogram right now, quite messy.
Is it possible to use the function of the histogram to get the frequency of the points but have a scatter/surface plot instead? Or to change the bars of the histogram to something like dots or something similar?
None of my data points have the same value, so I would like them to be sorted in intervals, like [0,0.05] or so, that's why I am trying to find another solution than calculating this.

2 category axis in Column chart in Webi Reports

Is it possible to have 2 category axis(x -axis) values one with bar and other with line and one measure for both? If possible please let me know how to achieve it.
Multiple Y-axis are possible, but you can only have one X-axis per chart. That said, you can have an X-axis with multiple dimensions on it (e.g. City and State).
Each measure will be plotted (aggregated) according to the dimensions added to the X-axis.
You cannot have different visualisations for the same measure on the same chart (e.g. a column and a line for the same measure), unless you have a chart with 2 Y-axis. Whether this would be a good visualisation of your data is a different matter.