Swift: Typecasting Objects That Have Identical Selectors - objective-c

The Situation
Suppose I have two classes:
class Foo: NSObject {
var specialProperty: String = "hello"
class Bar: NSObject {
var specialProperty: String = "goodbye"
Now suppose I'm working with a collection that I KNOW contains only Foo and Bar instances. I know that every object in the array will respond to the specialProperty selector, so in Objective-C I could just cast, like this:
for id thing in arrayOfThings
NSLog(#"specialProperty: %#", ((Foo *)thing).specialProperty);
How can I approach this in Swift? I cannot add a common superclass to Foo and Bar, nor can I add a protocol to them. In reality, Foo and Bar are NSManagedObject subclasses that represent model items in my app.
I have considered this approach:
let collection: [AnyObject] // Assume this contains Foo and Bar instances.
let sel: Selector = #selector(setter: Foo.specialProperty)
for item in collection
if item.respondsToSelector(sel)
instance.perform(sel, with: "new value")
Will calling sel on instances of Bar work, even though I told Swift the type for the selector was Foo.? It seems like it should because the Objective-C selector mechanism doesn't care what the class of the Object is; that's not part of the selector signature. But I'm unsure if there's something in the Swift-ObjectiveC interaction that I'm overlooking.
I am migrating this app from Objective-C.

The correct approach to this, in both Objective C and Swift, is to use a protocol:
protocol Special {
var specialProperty { get set }
class Foo: NSObject, Special {
var specialProperty: String = "hello"
class Bar: NSObject, Special {
var specialProperty: String = "goodbye"
let collection: [Special] = ...
for item in collection {
item.specialProperty = "new value"

I think you can consider this approach as well
let collection: [AnyObject] // Assume this contains Foo and Bar instances.
for item in collection
guard let aFoo = item as? Foo else {
guard let aBar = item as? Bar else { continue }
  aBar.specialProperty = "New value"
aFoo.specialProperty = "New value"

Besides using protocol, I believe it can also be done using optional cast
for item in collection
if let foo = item as? Foo
// only when casting to Foo successfully
if let bar = item as? Bar
// only when casting to Bar successfully


Could not cast value of type XX to XX in swift 3

In Swift 3 contains method is always giving error. In the below code if annotation is MKAnnotation is passed and goest to next line. Then it gives error. I have searched a lot but not able to find the problem. Any solution for this issue?
Class declaration:
open class FBAnnotation : NSObject {
open var coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 52.0936440, longitude: 4.3592340)
open var title: String? = ""
open var annotationIndex: Int?
extension FBAnnotation : MKAnnotation {
do {
if annotation is MKAnnotation {
if try node.annotations.contains(where: annotation as! (MKAnnotation) throws -> Bool) {
try node.annotations.remove(at: node.annotations.index(where: annotation as! (MKAnnotation) throws -> Bool)!)
node.count -= 1
return true
} catch {
return false
This works in a playground, no casting required. You cannot pass an annotation as the where parameter. You must pass in a function that declares whether or not the annotation is the one you are looking for. Here I consider them a match if they have the same coordinates, although your match criteria may be different.
var annotations = [MKAnnotation]()
var annotation: Any? = nil
if let annotation = annotation as? MKAnnotation {
if let index = annotations.index(where: {
$0.coordinate.latitude == annotation.coordinate.latitude &&
$0.coordinate.longitude == annotation.coordinate.longitude
}) {
annotations.remove(at: index)

Shouldn't every .swift file be a class?

I have some experience in ObjC and I just started learning Swift. In Objc everything is a class through #interface in .h and #implementation of .m, or in other Swift classes that I have seen everything is usually in some form of
class MyCustomClassInhertingfrom: SomeFoundationClass { //methods & properties}
Yet here in some class named pancakeHouse.Swift there is no mention of the keyword class WHY? Isn't this a Model Class? Doesn't this break the MVC design pattern? Is this happening because of new powerful features of enums& structs vs class in Swift?_____I am confused obviously!
import UIKit
import CoreLocation
enum PriceGuide : Int {
case Unknown = 0
case Low = 1
case Medium = 2
case High = 3
extension PriceGuide : CustomStringConvertible {
var description : String {
switch self {
case .Unknown:
return "?"
case .Low:
return "$"
case .Medium:
return "$$"
case .High:
return "$$$"
enum PancakeRating {
case Unknown
case Rating(Int)
extension PancakeRating {
init?(value: Int) {
if value > 0 && value <= 5 {
self = .Rating(value)
} else {
self = .Unknown
extension PancakeRating {
var ratingImage : UIImage? {
guard let baseName = ratingImageName else {
return nil
return UIImage(named: baseName)
var smallRatingImage : UIImage? {
guard let baseName = ratingImageName else {
return nil
return UIImage(named: "\(baseName)_small")
private var ratingImageName : String? {
switch self {
case .Unknown:
return nil
case .Rating(let value):
return "pancake_rate_\(value)"
struct PancakeHouse {
let name: String
let photo: UIImage?
let thumbnail: UIImage?
let priceGuide: PriceGuide
let location: CLLocationCoordinate2D?
let details: String
let rating: PancakeRating
extension PancakeHouse {
init?(dict: [String : AnyObject]) {
guard let name = dict["name"] as? String,
let priceGuideRaw = dict["priceGuide"] as? Int,
let priceGuide = PriceGuide(rawValue: priceGuideRaw),
let details = dict["details"] as? String,
let ratingRaw = dict["rating"] as? Int,
let rating = PancakeRating(value: ratingRaw) else {
return nil
self.name = name
self.priceGuide = priceGuide
self.details = details
self.rating = rating
if let imageName = dict["imageName"] as? String where !imageName.isEmpty {
photo = UIImage(named: imageName)
} else {
photo = nil
if let thumbnailName = dict["thumbnailName"] as? String where !thumbnailName.isEmpty {
thumbnail = UIImage(named: thumbnailName)
} else {
thumbnail = nil
if let latitude = dict["latitude"] as? Double,
let longitude = dict["longitude"] as? Double {
location = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude)
} else {
location = nil
extension PancakeHouse {
static func loadDefaultPancakeHouses() -> [PancakeHouse]? {
return self.loadPancakeHousesFromPlistNamed("pancake_houses")
static func loadPancakeHousesFromPlistNamed(plistName: String) -> [PancakeHouse]? {
guard let path = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource(plistName, ofType: "plist"),
let array = NSArray(contentsOfFile: path) as? [[String : AnyObject]] else {
return nil
return array.map { PancakeHouse(dict: $0) }
.filter { $0 != nil }
.map { $0! }
extension PancakeHouse : CustomStringConvertible {
var description : String {
return "\(name) :: \(details)"
extension PancakeHouse: Equatable {
func ==(lhs: PancakeHouse, rhs: PancakeHouse) -> Bool {
return lhs.name == rhs.name
Note: I would appreciate an answer that also includes comparison of the .swift vs .h + .m ie don't just consider this as a specific question, consider it as a general question and explain or link the prerequisites's details needed to understand this question)
pancakeHouse.swift defines PancakeHouse and all the various things that go with it. That is perfectly good Swift style. There is no class here because PancakeHouse happens to be a struct, which is also perfectly good Swift style (and mildly preferred). Structs are much like classes in Swift, in that they can have data and methods (and extensions).
ObjC does not require that each class be defined in its own .h/.m pair, but it is fairly typical ObjC style to do so. That said, even in ObjC there are exceptions. It is common to have mutable subclasses defined in the same file as their base class (NSArray and NSMutableArray are both defined in NSArray.h). Swift style has evolved towards lumping related things together more closely. One style makes it easier to find something if you know its name. The other makes it easier to find related concepts together. Both have their advantages, and once people are used to one they tend to believe that that one is obviously correct. But they're just different ways of organizing.
Note that this file also makes use of Swift extensions to break up related methods. That is also common and good Swift. Old ObjC did that with categories, but it's much less common to organize ObjC code that way today (categories are used for other things now). Again, neither is deeply correct. It's just the styles that have evolved.
Swift files just need valid swift code. That's all. In this case, your swift file is just defining two enums. Generally it's better practice to put each enum (and its extension) in it's own .swift file, but that's really just personal opinion when you get right down to it.
A .m is the implementation of the .h interface. It's a pain in the !##$ to keep those two things always up to date. Swift makes this much easier by just merging them into one thing/file, and your entire project automatically sees it based on the access you've set. If you don't set any access, like the example above, then you have 'internal' which means the whole project.
There are two philosophies the compiler writers could take on this question:
Each public class needs a file with the matching name - this is Java's way of doing it. Although it is minimally restrictive, the logic behind it is to let the compiler find class references without looking through all the files. It also helps programmers organize their code.
Do it your own way - this is the road taken by Swift, along with C, C#, Objective-C. Essentially, compiler writers tell you that their compiler will find your classes no matter where you put them, letting you organize your code in a way that you find the most intuitive for you and your team.

KVO or how to listen for a property changes from outside in Swift

I have a instance with a property which I want to listen for updates from other instance.
For example class Menu has a property badgeCount, I want to listen for any updates for badgeCount for example when badgeCount is changed. I want my ViewController to have callback after badgeCount is modified to know actual data.
In objective was KVO that I can use for listed property, how can I use KVO in Swift. I am new in Swift.
If you want to use KVO in swift, there are two requirements :
The class you want to do KVO on must inherit from NSObject (or any NSObject subclass)
The property you need to observe must be marked as dynamic
a code example would be:
class Menu: NSObject {
dynamic var badgeCount: Int = 0
And then, you can use the usual menuInstance.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: "badgeCount", options: NSKeyValueObservingOptions(), context: nil)
But this solution is not very much swifty.
Better solutions are (not an exhaustive list):
Use swift's didSet/willSet to call some callback
class Menu {
var badgeCount: Int = 0 {
didSet {
init(badgeCountChangedListener: (Int -> Void)) {
self.badgeCountChangedListener = badgeCountChangedListener
private let badgeCountChangedListener: (Int -> Void)
Use RxSwift's Variable type
class Menu {
let badgeCount = Variable(0)
// and from where you observe
menuInstance.badgeCount.subscribeNext { badgeCount in

Information Hiding the "Swifter" way?

I have a question regarding object oriented design principles and Swift. I am pretty familiar with Java and I am currently taking a udacity course to get a first hands on in Swift.
In the Java community (basically in every community that follows OOP) it is very common to use information hiding techniques such as hiding or encapsulating data within classes to make sure it cannot be manipulated from outside. A common principle is to declare all attributes of a class as being private and use getters for retrieving an attribute's value and setters for manipulation.
I tried to follow this approach when writing a class that was part of the course and it looks like this:
// RecordedAudio.swift
// Pitch Perfect
import Foundation
class RecordedAudio: NSObject {
private let filePathUrl: NSURL!
private let title: String?
init(filePathUrl: NSURL, title: String?)
self.filePathUrl = filePathUrl
self.title = title
func getFilePathUrl() -> NSURL
return filePathUrl
func getTitle() -> String
if title != nil
return title!
return "none"
The code works and my private attributes cannot be accessed from outside my class, which is exactly the behavior I wanted to achieve. However, the following questions came to my mind:
1.) The course instructor decided to leave the attributes' access control level at the default "internal" and not use getters/setters but rather access the attributes directly from outside. Any thoughts on why developers might do that in swift? Is my approach not "swift" enough???
2.) In conclusion: Is there a "swifter" way to implement encapsulation when writing your own class? What are swift's native techniques to achieve the information hiding I am aiming for?
You can restrict external property manipulation, by marking the property public for reading and private for writing, as described in the documentation:
class RecordedAudio: NSObject {
public private(set) let filePathUrl: NSURL!
public private(set) let title: String?
init(filePathUrl: NSURL, title: String?) {
self.filePathUrl = filePathUrl
self.title = title
// in another file
let audio = RecordedAudio(filePathUrl: myUrl, title: myTitle)
let url = audio.filePathUrl // works, returns the url
audio.filePathUrl = newUrl // doesn't compile
I do it a bit like in Obj-C:
class MyClass
private var _something:Int
var something:Int {
get {return _something}
// optional: set { _something = newValue }
init() { _something = 99 }
let c = MyClass()
let v = c.something
Above is a primitive example, but handled stringent it works as a good pattern.

Swift : Parse subclass dynamic var dont get included when retrieving object

I can´t get the object properties when retrieving an object from Parse Data Browser. This happened after I changed from "#NSManaged var friends" to "dynamic var friends". Even "name" show nil in User.logInWithUsernameInBackground block which is crazy because the login succeeds. The ACL for User is set to "public read".
User object:
class User : PFUser, PFSubclassing {
dynamic var friends:[User]!
dynamic var name:String!
override class func load() {
Retrieving the User along with the friends. println showing nil
var query = User.query()
query.getObjectInBackgroundWithId(currentUser.objectId) {
(pfObject: PFObject!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
if pfObject != nil {
var user = pfObject as User
var friends = user.friends as [User]
println("friends: \(friends)") //nil
} else {
Login. println showing nil
User.logInWithUsernameInBackground(USERNAME, password:PASSWORD) {
(user: PFUser!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
if user != nil {
println("Logged in with user: \(user.name)") //nil
} else {
Looking a little deeper for you, it seems the hurdle is a misunderstanding of what the dynamic modifier in Swift does. Apparently, dynamic in Swift is used for Key-Value observing, not declaring a variable's accessors to be defined at runtime (what #dynamic does in Objective-C)
See this for a description of dynamic in Swift https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/BuildingCocoaApps/AdoptingCocoaDesignPatterns.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40014216-CH7-XID_8
and this for the description of why #NSManaged works the way #dynamic does in Objective-C
With xCode 6.1.1 I was able to get this working without the bridging header but I did need to use #NSManaged. Here's how... Just:
import Parse
at the top of the calling module. For the class declaration .swift file dynamic didn't work so I needed to use #NSManaged for the variable types to get them to link to the Parse class variables successfully. Like this:
class PSCategory : PFObject, PFSubclassing {
override class func load() {
class func parseClassName() -> String! {
return "Category"
#NSManaged var Name: String
Then in my query all the names are dynamically linked:
var query = PSCategory.query() // PFQuery(className: "Category")
query.cachePolicy = kPFCachePolicyCacheElseNetwork // kPFCachePolicyNetworkElseCache
query.maxCacheAge = 60 * 60 * 24 // One day, in seconds.
query.findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock {
(categories: [AnyObject]!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
if error == nil {
for abstractCategory in categories {
let category = abstractCategory as PSCategory
NSLog("Category Name: %#", category.Name)
} else {
NSLog("Unable to retrieve categories from local cache or network")