Create default files for conan without install - conan

I'm creating a docker image as a build environment where I can mount a project and build it. For build I use cmake and conan. The dockerfile of this image:
FROM alpine:3.9
RUN ["apk", "add", "--no-cache", "gcc", "g++", "make", "cmake", "python3", "python3-dev", "linux-headers", "musl-dev"]
RUN ["pip3", "install", "--upgrade", "pip"]
RUN ["pip3", "install", "conan"]
WORKDIR /project
Files like
are created after I call
conan install ..
so that these files are created in the container and not in the image. The default behavior of conan is to set
I'd like to run something like
RUN ["sed", "-i", "s/compiler.libcxx=libstdc++/compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11/", "~/.conan/profiles/default"]
to change the libcxx value but this file does not exist at this point. The only way I found to create the default profile by conan would be to install something.
Currently I'm running this container with
docker run --rm -v $(dirname $(realpath $0))/project:/project build-environment /bin/sh -c "\
rm -rf build && \
mkdir build && \
cd build && \
conan install -s compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11 .. --build missing && \
cmake .. && \
cmake --build . ; \
chown -R $(id -u):$(id -u) /project/build \
but I need to remove -s compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11 as it should be dependent on the image and not fixed by the build script.
Is there a way to initialize conan inside the image and edit the configuration without installing something? Currently I'm planning to write the whole configuration by myself but that seems a little too much as I want to use the default configuration and change only one line.

You can also create an image from a running container. Try installing conan in running container and then create an image of it. As it is being installed in running container it will have all dependencies only for it. To create that image you can follow this link


singularity returns a permission denied

I would like to build a singularity container for an application shipped via AppImage. To do so, I build the following def file:
Bootstrap: docker
From: debian:bullseye-slim
apt-get update -y
apt-get install -y wget unzip fuse libglu1 libglib2.0-dev libharfbuzz-dev libsm6 dbus
cd /opt
chmod u+x Mag2Pol_v5.0.2.AppImage
exec /opt/Mag2Pol_v5.0.2.AppImage
I build the container using singularity build -f test.sif test.def command. The build runs OK but when running the sif file using ./test.sif I get an /.singularity.d/runscript: 3: exec: /opt/Mag2Pol_v5.0.2.AppImage: Permission denied error. Looking inside the container using a singularity shell command shows that the /opt/Mag2Pol_v5.0.2.AppImage executable belongs to root. I guess that it is the source of the problem but I do not know how to solve it. Would you have any idea ?

Cannot locate docker build output of multistage build inside CodeBuild

We're using a aws/codebuild/standard:5.0 codebuild image to build our own docker images. I have a buildspec that calls docker build against our Dockerfile and push to ECR. The Dockerfile uses Microsoft dotnet base images to call dotnet pubish to build our binaries. This all works fine.
We then added a build stage to our Dockerfile to run unit tests (using dotnet test) and we followed the "FROM scratch" advice combined with docker build --output to try and pull unit test results files out of the multi-stage target:
docker build --target export-test-results -f ./Dockerfile --output type=local,dest=out .
This works fine locally (an out dir is created containing the files), but when I run this in Codebuild, I cannot find where the output may be (the command succeeds - but I've no idea where it's going). I've added ls commands everywhere, and cannot locate the out dir, so of course my artifacts step has nothing to archive.
Question is: where is the output being created inside the CodeBuild instance?
My (abbreviated) Dockerfile
ARG VERSION=3.1-alpine3.13
WORKDIR /usr/local/bin
#Using pattern here to bypass need for recursive copy from local src folder:
WORKDIR /usr/local
COPY . ./src
RUN mkdir ./proj && \
cd ./src && \
find . -type f -a \( -iname "*.sln" -o -iname "*.csproj" -o -iname "*.dcproj" \) -exec cp --parents "{}" ../proj/ \;
FROM$VERSION AS projectfiles
# Copy only the project files with correct directory structure
# then restore packages - this will mean that "restore" will be saved in a layer of its own
COPY --from=source /usr/local/proj /usr/local/src
FROM projectfiles AS restore
WORKDIR /usr/local/src/Postie
RUN dotnet restore --verbosity minimal -s Postie.sln
FROM restore AS unittests
#Copy all the source files
COPY --from=source /usr/local/src /usr/local/src
RUN cd Postie.Domain.UnitTests && \
dotnet test --no-restore --logger:nunit --verbosity normal || true
FROM scratch as export-test-results
COPY --from=unittests /usr/local/src/Postie/Postie.Domain.UnitTests/TestResults/TestResults.xml ./Postie.Domain.UnitTests.TestResults.xml
My (abbreviated) Buildspec:
version: 0.2
- echo Logging in to Amazon ECR...
- aws ecr get-login-password | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER
- export JENKINS_TAG=:$(echo $JENKINS_VERSION_NUMBER | tr '+' '-')
- echo Build started on `date` with version $IMAGE_TAG
- cd ./Src/
- echo Testing the Docker image...
#see the following for why we use the --output option
- docker build --target export-test-results -t ${DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER}/postie.api${IMAGE_TAG} -f ./Postie/Postie.Api/Dockerfile --output type=local,dest=out .
- '**/*'
name: builds/$JENKINS_VERSION_NUMBER/artifacts
(I should note that the "artifacts" step above is actually archiving my entire source tree to S3 so that I can prove that the upload is working and also so that I can try to find the "out" dir - but it's not to be found)
I know this is old, but just in case anyone else stumbles across this one, you need to add the Docker Buildkit variable to the CodeBuild environment, otherwise the files will not get exported.
version: 0.2
... etc
... etc
- echo Testing the Docker image...
- docker build --target export-test-results ... etc
... etc
If you want to display more output along with this you can also add
- export BUILDKIT_PROGRESS=plain
under the buildkit variable.

GraphDB Docker Container Fails to Run: adoptopenjdk/openjdk12:alpine

When using the standard DockerFile available here, GraphDB fails to start with the following output:
Could not find any executable java binary. Please install java in your PATH or set JAVA_HOME
Looking into it, the DockerFile uses adoptopenjdk/openjdk11:alpine which was recently updated to Alpine 3.14.
If I switch to an older Docker image (or use adoptopenjdk/openjdk12:alpine) then GraphDB starts without a problem.
How can I fix this while still using the latest version of adoptopenjdk/openjdk11:alpine?
Below is the DockerFile:
FROM adoptopenjdk/openjdk11:alpine
# Build time arguments
ARG version=9.1.1
ARG edition=ee
RUN apk add --no-cache bash curl util-linux procps net-tools busybox-extras wget less && \
curl -fsSL "${edition}/${version}/graphdb-${edition}-${version}" > \
graphdb-${edition}-${version}.zip && \
bash -c 'md5sum -c - <<<"$(curl -fsSL${edition}/${version}/graphdb-${edition}-${version} graphdb-${edition}-${version}.zip"' && \
mkdir -p ${GRAPHDB_PARENT_DIR} && \
unzip /tmp/graphdb-${edition}-${version}.zip && \
rm /tmp/graphdb-${edition}-${version}.zip && \
mv graphdb-${edition}-${version} dist && \
mkdir -p ${GRAPHDB_HOME}
CMD ["-Dgraphdb.home=/opt/graphdb/home"]
ENTRYPOINT ["/opt/graphdb/dist/bin/graphdb"]
The issue comes from an update in the base image. From a few weeks adopt switched to alpine 3.14 which has some issues with older container runtime (runc). The issue can be seen in the release notes:
Updating your Docker will fix the issue. However, if you don't wish to update your Docker, there's a workaround.
Some additional info:
The cause of the issue is that for some reason containers running in older docker versions and alpine 3.14 seem to have issues with the test flag "-x" so an if [ -x /opt/java/openjdk/bin/java ] returns false, although java is there and is executable.
You can workaround this for now by
Pull the GraphDB distribution
Unzip it
Open "" in the bin folder
Find and remove the if block around line 32
if [ ! -x "$JAVA" ]; then
echo "Could not find any executable java binary. Please install java in your PATH or set JAVA_HOME"
exit 1
Zip it again and provide it in the Dockerfile without pulling it from
Passing it to the Dockerfile is done with 'ADD'
You can check the GraphDB free version's Dockerfile for a reference on how to pass the zip file to the Dockerfile

CMake incremental compilation through toolchain upgrade

I am trying to find a way to enable incremental compilation with CMake through a toolchain upgrade. Here is the problematic scenario :
Branch main uses g++-9 (using CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++-9)
A new branch uses g++-10 (using CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++-10)
Commits are happening on both branches
Incremental builds on one branch work fine
Switching to the other branch and explicitly invoking CMake fails
My question is the following : I'm looking for the proper way to make the invocation of CMake succeed and rebuild all the project from scratch when a toolchain change happens.
Here is a script that will make it quick and easy to reproduce the problem. This script requires Docker. It will create folders Sources and Build at the location where it is executed to avoid littering your filesystem. It then creates Dockerfiles to build docker containers with both g++ and cmake. It then creates a dummy Hello World C++ CMake project. Finally, it creates a folder for build artifacts and then executes the build with g++-9 and then g++-10. The second build fails because CMake generates an error.
set -e
mkdir -p Sources
mkdir -p Build
# Creates a script that will be executed inside the docker container to perform builds
cat << EOF > Sources/
cd /Build \
&& cmake /Sources \
&& make \
&& ./IncrementalBuild
# Creates a Dockerfile that will be used to have both gcc-9 and cmake
cat << EOF > Sources/Dockerfile-gcc9
FROM gcc:9
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y cmake
RUN ln -s /usr/local/bin/g++ /usr/local/bin/g++-9
RUN chmod +x /
# Creates a Dockerfile that will be used to have both gcc-10 and cmake
cat << EOF > Sources/Dockerfile-gcc10
FROM gcc:10
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y cmake
RUN ln -s /usr/local/bin/g++ /usr/local/bin/g++-10
RUN chmod +x /
# Creates a dummy C++ program that will be compiled
cat << EOF > Sources/main.cpp
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::cout << "Hello World!\n";
# Creates CMakeLists.txt that will be used to compile the dummy C++ program
cat << EOF > Sources/CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.9)
project(IncrementalBuild CXX)
add_executable(IncrementalBuild main.cpp)
set_target_properties(IncrementalBuild PROPERTIES CXX_STANDARD 17)
# Build the docker images with both Dockerfiles created earlier
docker build -t cmake-gcc:9 -f Sources/Dockerfile-gcc9 Sources
docker build -t cmake-gcc:10 -f Sources/Dockerfile-gcc10 Sources
# Run a build with g++-9
echo ""
echo "### Compiling with g++-9 and then running the result..."
docker run --rm --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -v $(pwd)/Sources:/Sources -v $(pwd)/Build:/Build -e CXX=g++-9 cmake-gcc:9
echo ""
# Run a build with g++-10
echo "### Compiling with g++-10 and then running the result..."
docker run --rm --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -v $(pwd)/Sources:/Sources -v $(pwd)/Build:/Build -e CXX=g++-10 cmake-gcc:10
echo ""
# Print success if we reach this point
echo "SUCCESS!"
I'm looking for the proper way to make the invocation of CMake succeed and rebuild all the project from scratch when a toolchain change happens.
The proper way is to use a fresh binary directory. Either remove the binary directory when changing and let it recreate or just use a separate different directory for each toolchain.
Use Build/gcc10 binary directory for gcc10 build and Build/gcc9 for gcc9 builds.
No need to cd Build and mkdir with nowadays cmake - use cmake -S. -BBuild. Also do not use make - prefer cmake --build Build to let you switch generator later.
"If you change the toolchain, you should start with a fresh build. There are too many things that assume the toolchain doesn’t change and while you may be able to find workarounds which appear to work, I recommend you always use a fresh build tree for a different toolchain. This same logic also applies if you update the existing toolchain in-place (e.g. you update to a newer version of GCC on Linux, a newer version of Xcode on macOS, etc.). CMake queries compiler capabilities and caches the results. If you change the toolchain in a way that CMake can’t catch, then you end up with stale cached capabilities being used for the new/updated toolchain. Please don’t do that." - Craig Scott
So essentially I don't think it's possible. You just need to blow away your build. The best thing you can do is alert users if CMake isn't doing it for you.
Perhaps reply on this also:
Or start another discourse.

Can I remove directory after $git clone and $make install

I wrote myself a litte script to install opencv under ubuntu14.04. Can I remove the directory 3party after the make install sorted the lib into system directories or are there dependencies? (Remove not only the MYBUILD but the complete 3party)
echo "\nInstall OpenCV?...<any key>\n"
read inp1; # $inp1
mkdir 3party;
cd 3party;
git clone
cd opencv;
mkdir MYBUILD;
#sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/opencv;
echo"check if path is ok?...<any key> or abort";
read inp1; # $inp1
#sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/opencv;
make install;
cd ../../..;
chmod -R 777 3party;
echo "\nDone.\nPlease exit...<any key>";
EDIT: I did tag it cmake because the configuration step is performed with this build tool. Also the tutorial on the OpenCV website stated it. Please correct me if wrong.
Building OpenCV from Source Using CMake, Using the Command Line
Normally, after installation of any package its source and binary directories can be safetly removed. OpenCV follows this convention too.