How to perform async ModelState validation with FluentValidation in Web API using .NET Core -

This question is a follow up to this post - How to perform async ModelState validation with FluentValidation in Web API?.
I was wondering if FluentValidation has a way to perform async ModelState validation in .net core web api. I have a FluentValidation Validator class which contains async validation methods such as "MustAsync", which means in my business service class I call the validator manually using "ValidateAsync". I also want to use this same validator class to validate the model coming in from the request. I went through the documents and read that the only way to do this is to manually call the "ValidateAsync()" method since the .net pipeline is synchronous. I would rather not manually have to call this method from within my controller, I would prefer to either register it in the startup (have the framework automatically call the the validator on my model) or decorate my request model with the validator.
Has anyone been able to achieve this?

Based on the linked question, I've adapted the code slightly to be compatible with ASP.NET Core (2.2, in my case). In general, this is using the IAsyncActionFilter interface. You can read about it in the official docs.
public class ModelValidationActionFilter : IAsyncActionFilter
private readonly IValidatorFactory _validatorFactory;
public ModelValidationActionFilter(IValidatorFactory validatorFactory) => _validatorFactory = validatorFactory;
public async Task OnActionExecutionAsync(ActionExecutingContext context, ActionExecutionDelegate next)
var allErrors = new Dictionary<string, object>();
// Short-circuit if there's nothing to validate
if (context.ActionArguments.Count == 0)
await next();
foreach (var (key, value) in context.ActionArguments)
// skip null values
if (value == null)
var validator = _validatorFactory.GetValidator(value.GetType());
// skip objects with no validators
if (validator == null)
// validate
var result = await validator.ValidateAsync(value);
// if it's valid, continue
if (result.IsValid) continue;
// if there are errors, copy to the response dictonary
var dict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (var e in result.Errors)
dict[e.PropertyName] = e.ErrorMessage;
allErrors.Add(key, dict);
if (allErrors.Any())
// Do anything you want here, if the validation failed.
// For example, you can set context.Result to a new BadRequestResult()
// or implement the Post-Request-Get pattern.
await next();
If you want to apply this filter globally, you can add the filter to the AddMvc call in your Startup class. For example:
services.AddMvc(options =>
// uncomment the following line, if you want to disable the regular validation
// options.ModelValidatorProviders.Clear();

I had trouble getting the code in #nachtjasmin's answer to work with newer versions of FluentValidation. Specifically, the trouble is that ValidateAsync now takes an IValidationContext instead of the model being validated, and the context can't be created without knowing the type of the model at compile time.
Eventually I stumbled upon this answer, which points out that the exact type is not important and uses object instead.
So, instead of:
var result = await validator.ValidateAsync(value);
You can use:
var context = new ValidationContext<object>(value);
var result = await validator.ValidateAsync(context);

Based on the answer above by #nachtjasmin, you can add this in two ways,
Using AddMvc
services.AddControllersWithViews(options =>
Using AddControllersWithViews
services.AddControllersWithViews(options =>
If your's is just a Web API and you don't have any Razor pages involved, then you can consider using AddControllersWithViews over AddMvc, as the AddMvc uses the AddControllersWithViews internally and add the services.AddRazorPages() on top of that.
You can see this info here for AddMvc and here for AddControllersWithViews


Alternate Model Binding On Controllers Post Action

EDIT: You can safely clone and run the example. If you send
as POST body to: http://localhost:5000/api/Test
you'll see it binds clearly B object to A object.
I'd like to implement alternate model binding using core 5 As you will see below, I have two alternative classes to bind at a single endpoint. Each request can contains only a valid A model or B model and A and B has different properties.
[HttpPost(Name = Add)]
public async Task<IActionResult> AddAsync(CancellationToken ct)
var aModel= new A();
var bModel= new B();
if (await TryUpdateModelAsync<A>(aModel))
_logger.LogDebug($"Model binded to A");
return Ok(aModel);
else if (await TryUpdateModelAsync<B>(bModel))
_logger.LogDebug($"Model binded to B");
return Ok(bModel);
_logger.LogDebug("Nothing binded!");
return BadRequest();
But this approach failed. Is there a proper way to implement this kind of solution?
By the way I'm using this to reduce complexity of my endpoints, I want to update a record partially and by doing this, each model will map the same record but with different logics.
Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks.
Couldn't manage to provide elegant way to do this but here is what I've done so far, It works but seems a little ugly in my opinion.
I changed the action method to this:
[HttpPost(Name = Add)]
public IActionResult AddSync([FromBody] JObject body)
var aModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<A>(body.ToString());
var bModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<B>(body.ToString());
var aValid = TryValidateModel(aModel);
var bValid = TryValidateModel(bModel);
// some logic here...
return Ok(new {aModel,bModel, aValid, bValid });
I think It's not a good idea to interfere with ModelState this way.
But here is what I've done,
get the raw body of the request as JObject (requires Newtonsoft.Json package)
Parsed that json value to candidate objects
Check their validity via modelstate and decide which one to use.

Perpetual expiry of claims in SignInWithClaimsAsync

I am using ASP.NET Core 3.1 with Identity and storing some basic user information like their full name in a claim using the code below (I am aware of checking password and stuff, ignoring it for brevity):
var user = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(Input.Username);
var claims = new List<Claim>
new Claim("UserFullname", user.Fullname, ClaimValueTypes.String)
await _signInManager.SignInWithClaimsAsync(user, Input.RememberMe, claims);
I am accessing it in the _Layout.cshtml using the line below:
var userFullname = User.Claims.Single(c => c.Type == "UserFullname").Value;
The problem is, this seems to expire in some time even though the user is still logged in. I want this to be perpetual until the user logs out.
I am sure there has to be some way in startup.cs to control this and as far as possible, I would like to avoid overriding anything.
As mentioned in the comments for answer by #yinqiu, I tried the cookie authentication scheme using the line below:
But it did not help either.
I think you can try to override the SignInWithClaimsAsync method.
public override async Task SignInWithClaimsAsync(ApplicationUser user, AuthenticationProperties authenticationProperties, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Security.Claims.Claim> additionalClaims)
if (authenticationProperties != null && authenticationProperties.IsPersistent)
authenticationProperties.ExpiresUtc = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddYears(1);
await base.SignInWithClaimsAsync(user, authenticationProperties, additionalClaims);
This is the appropriate solution of your case:
If you are inheriting Identity Classes (IdentityRole,IdentityUser) into your custom classes then you need to use your inherited classes otherwise you use the default Identity Classes. You need a custom ClaimIdentity Class let assume 'ApplicationClaimsIdentityFactory' and this class should be inherited by UserClaimsPrincipalFactory<AspNetUser, AspNetRole>
Step1 Register your dependencies in Startup.cs
services.AddIdentity<AspNetUser, AspNetRole>().AddEntityFrameworkStores<ICRCOMDMSEntities>().AddDefaultTokenProviders();
services.AddScoped<IUserClaimsPrincipalFactory<AspNetUser>, ApplicationClaimsIdentityFactory>();
Override the method CreateAsync in your custom claimsIdentityFactory Calss and here you need to create your custom claims and return like
public async override Task<ClaimsPrincipal> CreateAsync(AspNetUser user)
var principal = await base.CreateAsync(user);
((ClaimsIdentity)principal.Identity).AddClaims(new[] {
new Claim("UserLastLogin", user.LastLoginDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"))
return principal;
Now your claims persists until user is logged in.

Build/Test verification for missing implementations of query/commands in MediatR

We're using MediatR heavily in our LoB application, where we use the command & query pattern.
Often, to continue in development, we make the commands and the queries first, since they are simple POCOs.
This sometimes can lead to forgetting to create an actual command handler/query handler. Since there's no compile-time validation if there is actually an implementation for the query/command, I was wondering what would be the best approach to see if there's an implementation and throw an error if not, before being able to merge into master.
My idea so far:
Create a two tests, one for queries and one for commands, that scan all the assemblies for an implementation of IRequest<TResponse>, and then scan the assemblies for an associated implementation of IRequestHandler<TRequest, TResponse>
But this would make it still required to first execute the tests (which is happening in the build pipeline), which still depends on the developer manually executing the tests (or configuring VS to do so after compile).
I don't know if there's a compile-time solution for this, and even if that would be a good idea?
We've gone with a test (and thus build-time) verification;
Sharing the code here for the actual test, which we have once per domain project.
The mediator modules contain our query/command(handler) registrations, the infrastructure modules contain our handlers of queries;
public class MissingHandlersTests
public void Missing_Handlers()
List<Assembly> assemblies = new List<Assembly>();
var missingTypes = MissingHandlersHelpers.FindUnmatchedRequests(assemblies);
The helper class;
public class MissingHandlersHelpers
public static IEnumerable<Type> FindUnmatchedRequests(List<Assembly> assemblies)
var requests = assemblies.SelectMany(x => x.GetTypes())
.Where(t => t.IsClass && t.IsClosedTypeOf(typeof(IRequest<>)))
var handlerInterfaces = assemblies.SelectMany(x => x.GetTypes())
.Where(t => t.IsClass && (t.IsClosedTypeOf(typeof(IRequestHandler<>)) || t.IsClosedTypeOf(typeof(IRequestHandler<,>))))
.SelectMany(t => t.GetInterfaces())
List<Type> missingRegistrations = new List<Type>();
foreach(var request in requests)
var args = request.GetInterfaces().Single(i => i.IsClosedTypeOf(typeof(IRequest<>)) && i.GetGenericArguments().Any() && !i.IsClosedTypeOf(typeof(ICacheableRequest<>))).GetGenericArguments().First();
var handler = typeof(IRequestHandler<,>).MakeGenericType(request, args);
if (handler == null || !handlerInterfaces.Any(x => x == handler))
return missingRegistrations;
If you are using .Net Core you could the Microsoft.AspNetCore.TestHost to create an endpoint your tests could hit. Sort of works like this:
var builder = WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder()
services =>
services.AddTransient((a) => this.SomeMockService.Object);
this.Server = new TestServer(builder);
this.Services = this.Server.Host.Services;
this.Client = this.Server.CreateClient();
this.Client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost");
So we mock any http calls (or any other stuff we want) but the real startup gets called.
And our tests would be like this:
public SomeControllerTests(TestServerFixture<Startup> testServerFixture)
: base(testServerFixture)
public async Task SomeController_Returns_Titles_OK()
var response = await this.GetAsync("/somedata/titles");
var responseAsString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var actualResponse = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<IEnumerable<string>>(responseAsString);
So when this test runs, if you have not registered your handler(s) it will fail! We use this to assert what we need (db records added, response what we expect etc) but it is a nice side effect that forgetting to register your handler gets caught at the test stage!

How to dynamically resolve controller with endpoint routing?

Upgrading to core 2.2 in my hobby project there is a new routing system I want to migrate to. Previously I implemented a custom IRouter to be able to set the controller for the request dynamically. The incoming request path can be anything. I match the request against a database table containing slugs and it looks up the a matching data container class type for the resolved slug. After that I resolve a controller type that can handle the request and set the RouteData values to the current HttpContext and passing it along to the default implementation for IRouter and everything works ok.
Custom implementaion of IRouter:
public async Task RouteAsync(RouteContext context)
var requestPath = context.HttpContext.Request.Path.Value;
var page = _pIndex.GetPage(requestPath);
if (page != null)
var controllerType = _controllerResolver.GetController(page.PageType);
if (controllerType != null)
var oldRouteData = context.RouteData;
var newRouteData = new RouteData(oldRouteData);
newRouteData.Values["pageType"] = page.PageType;
newRouteData.Values["controller"] = controllerType.Name.Replace("Controller", "");
newRouteData.Values["action"] = "Index";
context.RouteData = newRouteData;
await _defaultRouter.RouteAsync(context);
A controller to handle a specific page type.
public class SomePageController : PageController<PageData>
public ActionResult Index(PageData currentPage)
return View("Index", currentPage);
However I got stuck when I'm trying to figure out how I can solve it using the new system. I'm not sure where I'm suppose to extend it for this behavior. I don't want to turn off the endpoint routing feature because I see an opportunity to learn something. I would aso appreciate a code sample if possible.
In ASP.NET 3.0 there is an new dynamic controller routing system. You can implement DynamicRouteValueTransformer.
Documentation is on the way, look at the github issue

Sending Commands from an MVC4 site to Another

I have two sites: one of them controls the other sending some commands through Web API. The idea is: the action of the controller site sends a command to the other site, gets the response and perform some business rules, without redirecting to the other site.
I have tons of examples explaining how to implement this via jQuery, but I want to make the controller post the data to the other site, instead of the view.
I found an approach at this answer: How to use System.Net.HttpClient to post a complex type?, but I want the answer for an JSON approach.
Can someone post a simple example using JSON showing how to do this?
As I didn't find a brief answer to my question, I'll post the solution I've made.
As the method uses an HttpClient method that requires async statements, the action below was implemented retuning a Task<ActionResult>. Another modification is if you're saving an object in context.
Instead of using:
You'll have to use:
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
The code below implements an Action from an ASP.NET MVC4 Controller:
public async Task<ActionResult> Create(MyModel model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
// Logic to save the model.
// I usually reload saved data using something kind of the statement below:
var inserted = context.MyModels
.Where(m => m.SomeCondition == someVariable)
// Send Command.
// APIMyModel is a simple class with public properties.
var apiModel = new APIMyModel();
apiModel.AProperty = inserted.AProperty;
apiModel.AnotherProperty = inserted.AnotherProperty;
DataContractJsonSerializer jsonSer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(APIMyModel));
// use the serializer to write the object to a MemoryStream
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
jsonSer.WriteObject(ms, apiModel);
ms.Position = 0;
//use a Stream reader to construct the StringContent (Json)
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ms);
// Note if the JSON is simple enough you could ignore the 5 lines above that do the serialization and construct it yourself
// then pass it as the first argument to the StringContent constructor
StringContent theContent = new StringContent(sr.ReadToEnd(), System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
HttpClient aClient = new HttpClient();
Uri theUri = new Uri("http://yoursite/api/TheAPIAction");
HttpResponseMessage aResponse = await aClient.PostAsync(theUri, theContent);
if (aResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
// Success Logic. Yay!
// show the response status code
String failureMsg = "HTTP Status: " + aResponse.StatusCode.ToString() + " - Reason: " + aResponse.ReasonPhrase;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
// if Model is not valid, you can put your logic to reload ViewBag properties here.