How to post a video to the Thingworx platform - thingworx

I have a short video (about 6 seconds) and I want to post it to a service in Thingworx, where the service has a parameter of type Blob. I tried to post the Video using Postman client but I always have a 403 error; where the request is legal but the server refuses to respond to it. Could you help me please finding the right way to upload the video files?
Postman request
Postman request
enter image description here


In a vue3 vite project, use axios post method to server, but the browser console netwrk show that it is a get method

enter image description here
I use thi axios request to post my server
enter image description here
From the picture, you can see that I have set the router to response post request.
When I send a request, the server response well, so that we can sure it is a post request.
However, when I use the browser console network to check this request, it shows that it is a get request.
enter image description here
BTW,I config a proxy server in vite.config.js to solve the CORS, the request is send by the proxy server to my express server. I dont know whether it matter the problem.
Thanks for any response from this post.
For supplement, this is my request function which was encapsulated to create axios.
enter image description here

Amazon Connect API didn't response correctly in Postman

I am trying to test Amazon Connect Rest API in Postman. The API name is GetMetricData. In Postman, I have provided all the required information that is mentioned in the documentation. I have provided the JSON body, URL, and Header, although API is responding 200 OK status but in the response, it is throwing the following errors that you can see in the following screenshots.
I have set AWS signature with proper credentials such as access key and secret key
In the second error it is suggesting me to enable Javascript in the browser which is already enabled in my browser.
Can someone please help me here, I don't know where I am doing wrong. As I am totally new in this field, any help would be appreciated.
You are submitting the POST request to the UI distribution endpoint for your Amazon Connect instance, not an API endpoint. You are getting HTML and javascript response body back from the UI distribution because this is meant to be consumed by a browser.
Your API request should be sent to a URL that looks like<instanceId>. In this example, my Amazon Connect instance is located in the us-west-2 region so I'm using the endpoint. You can find all available Amazon Connect API endpoints in the documentation here

POSTMAN - unable to fetch all the RESPONSE HEADERS including TOKEN

I am trying to access the token from the Response Header of the POST request. However, when I POST the request in POSTMAN it doesn’t show all the Response headers which I see on the chrome dev tool.
The KEY in the response header I am after is :
Also, I can see when I POST the request I receive a GET request in the chain in the Console window [image attached]. I tried but was unable to get all the Response Headers, therefore is there a way I can copy the GET request Token value from the Console window shown in the Image?
Found the solution, just needed to toggle off Auto redirect option in Postman Settings.

Azure logic app API http response with excel file download using Postman

Created azure logic app HTTP request it gives response for normal JSON schema However, I want to attach SharePoint excel sheet when I trigger the request from Postman.
1.How to used content type or schema to download the attached file. when postman request sent. that possible to download when you hit API through logic app
3.Generated HTTP POST URL is working
For your requirement, I test it in my side. It seems we do not need to set any value for "Content-Type" in headers of response. Please refer to my logic app below:
Then when you request the logic app url in postman, please choose "Send and Download" instead of "Send".
After that, you can download the file when request the url in postman.

Why api response body is not showing in postman app generated documentation?

I am testing apis usng postman continuously and then generating api documentation using postman app.
But problem is that documentation is not displaying api response which i am receiving in postman console. Here is the response which i am receiving for most of my apis
How can i get response body also in my api documentation?
If the request has been saved to a collection, You can use the Save as example feature, found to the top right of the response body. This will open the example builder and once saved, this response body will be shown against the request on your API documentation.
More details of how that works can be found here: