Devops npm task with custom command (build) not working - npm

I am trying to automate the build process (Azure Devops) for my Vue.js application by making use of "npm" task.
To Install the node packages, I have used npm task with built in "install" command.
For build process, I have deployed another npm task but with custom command (build). This custom build command runs successfully with the following warning
"npm WARN build 'npm build' called with no arguments. Did you mean to
'npm run-script build'?"
I believe it is not doing the build at all as when I go the Copy Publish Artifact, it says
Total files copied: 0. [warning]Directory 'D:\a\3\a\drop' is empty.
Nothing will be added to build artifact 'drop'.
I have tried 'npm run-script build' command but get the error
"NPM failed with return code: 1"
There are some stack overflow threads (Here) where people mentioned the build as an internal command of install. If that's really the case, why I can't see the dist folder created by the install command or I am doing something wrong with my custom command npm task?
NPM Install Task
NPM Install Task with custom Build Command
npm install Task log
npm build Task log
Copy and Publish Artifact Task
Copy and Publish Task log
The script section in package.json file
"scripts": {
"serve": "vue-cli-service serve",
"build": "vue-cli-service build",
"lint": "vue-cli-service lint"

For "npm build" task, the custom command (In question above, tried "build" and "npm run-script build") should be "run-script build". The build has successfully created the dist folder.


How does npm run build work with npm pack?

I'm working on a project that requires using the npm pack command. Is running build on the library/package required before creating the installable tar file? Or can I just pack and then install it into the app?
Yes, but for totally different reasons.
npm run build can do anything: it just executes the value for build inside the scripts object in your package.json, for example on an Angular project it'll look like this,
"scripts": {
"ng": "ng",
"start": "ng serve",
"build": "ng build",
"test": "ng test",
"lint": "ng lint",
"e2e": "ng e2e"
npm pack basically "create a tarball from a package", but here is the deal: the "package" that it creates a tarball from has to exist. So, in order to create the "package" that npm pack targets in ./dist
you frequently have to run npm build. This is because many JavaScript projects are written in TypeScript (in which case "build" usually runs npx tsc) or use a build system that will transpile their code to produce JavaScript (like babel). If your project is very rudimentary, there is a good chance you won't have to "build anything": you can see this if you create an empty directory and run npm init, but seldom are useful packages created this way.
The result of npm pack is a .tgz file. This is basically a compressed copy of a target directory. You can install this with npm i ./file.tgz. On the consuming machine that you wish to install the package on, you do not have to build anything. Building is what you do as a developer and a package maintainer. For example, you build TypeScript producing JavaScript. The consumer just downloads the result and installs the dependencies. It doesn't even have to know that you write your code with TypeScript (or better, Rust.)

Using vue-cli-service in command line

I am a newbie to npm and vue cli so my apologies beforehand. I created a vue package using npm and under scripts inside the package.json I see:
"scripts": {
"serve": "vue-cli-service serve"
When I try entering vue-cli-service serve in the command line I get:
'vue-cli-service' is not recognized as an internal or external command
but when i enter npm run serve, the command works fine. Why can't I get vue-cli-service to work directly from the command line?

run npm script after package installing

I have a simple git repository
I want to use it as npm dependency but without publishing in npm.
So in other words I want to install the package in my another repository as dependency.
npm i --save git+
But I want to use a modern js in my test_webpack_with_npm project and compile it into old javascript after package installation process. To achieve it I created npm scripts (test_webpack_with_npm package)
"scripts": {
"install": "npm run build",
"build": "webpack --mode production --config webpack.config.js",
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
so now there's a weird thing:
if I run npm run build from test_webpack_with_npm repository I can get dist/index.js without class declaration (as I expected).
but if I install the package via the following command
npm i --save git+
I get another type of dist/index.js and there are class declaration.
How can I install the test_webpack_with_npm properly? I want to see old js in node_modules/test_webpack_with_npm/dist/index.js.
Steps to reproduce:
mkdir my_test_project
cd my_test_project
npm init
npm i --save git+
check node_modules/test_webpack_with_npm/dist/index.js
the fix is very simple. just replace exclude with include in webpack config
include: path.join(__dirname, 'sources'),
that works perfectly.
updated config goes here

What does " yarn build " command do? Are " npm build " and "yarn build" similar commands?

What does yarn build command do ?
Are yarn build and npm build the same? If not what's the difference?
yarn build and npm build are not existing commands by default. I think you mean yarn run build or npm run build.
build is a command which can be specified in your package.json file on the scripts property. See the example below.
"name": "mypackage",
"version": "0.1.0",
"scripts": {
"build": "webpack --config"
In this example, build is a shortcut for launching command webpack --config You can use every keyword you want to define some shortcuts to launch commands.
And the only difference between the two commands it's the JS dependency manager you're using, yarn or npm.
More infos :
"yarn build
Bundles the app into static files for production." from Create React App by MAD9135.
yarn build is a shortcut of yarn run build
from original documentation:
its the same i guess the real difference between yarn and npm is the performance and security that yarn provides.
yarn actually installing packages in parallelly and Npm only install one package at a time
And Yarn have more secure dependency.
Yarn is a package manager for your code. Yarn build makes a bundle of apps in one format and shows errors if the app has any problem that will make an error on the server.

Build npm-package from private git on install

I got a private bitbucket repo A that I install via npm in my project B.
npm install git+ssh://
That works with no problems.
But now I would like to run a build in A after installing it.
npm in default comes with a lot of scripts for stuff like that
I tryed postinstall, prepare, prepublish, preinstall in my package.json in A:
"scripts": {
"prepublish": "npm run build",
"build": "...",
On installing my package A in B I get npm Error: npm ERR! premature close
I would like to run the build on install to remove build files from git (A).
In this case the build runs webpack + babel compile.
Project B is made with create-react-app.
I don't want to eject create-react-app, setup webpack or compile all node_modules packages.
Any experience with this workflow?
There is no need to eject Project B just adding your Project A as a dependency in package.json is enough. And for Project A please use "preinstall" it will run before every npm install including when you run npm install on Project B. And in my case I just tested it it working perfectly in my machine. If you encountering issue I think it might be because of the way you building it maybe? So can you show us the build script?
Use prepare since according to the NPM docs it will install dependencies and devDependencies before the package is packaged and installed.
Which is helpful if you are compiling using Typescript, or doing transforms.
"scripts": {
"prepare": "npm run build",
"build": "...",
Note: If your dist/build directory is ignored in .gitignore. Add an empty .npmignore file to your repository; otherwise the prepare script won't build the directory.