Installing private npm packages with an authentication key - npm

I'm using Artifactory to pull npm packages. One of the packages that I use is stored privately and in order to access it the publisher gave me an authentication token.
I was asked to add //<private_token> to .npmrc, however my environment use Artifactory as a proxy for the public npm registry. How can I configure an authentication token geared specifically for the package?

You can use virtual repo concept of artifactory. You can upload the custom packages into your local repo and a common repo that will get the packages from the npm


How can I use Nexus proxy registry to npm install the node_modules from Github

My company only can use the Intranet, so I set up a Nexus and create a proxy registry to npm install, but I found there are some modules need pull from github. How can I get these modules from Intranet?

Using Gitlab as Proget's feed with a unique place to store packages

Is it possible to use gitlab's package repository to feed our npm packages as well as public packages online.
On proget it is possible to register common npm packages and my private npm packages under the same URL using a proxy. Is it possible to do the same with Gitlab so that pointing to gitlab's repository in the .npmrc would be enough to install all the dependencies ?
Yes, you can have a different registry for your personal packages and e.g. company packages. You can reference them by #my-gitlab-username/foo-package or #company/bar-package.
NPM packages hosted on which get installed by npm install <package> will always be resolved if the lookup on your provided Gitlab package registry fails. Usually you do not have to provide a separate proxy.
Multiple private/non-public registries can be targeted by using npm install #company/<package>. So there should be no issue in targeting multiple Proget and/or Gitlab npm registries at the same time.
Authentification is described here:

Nexus OSS 3 - npm install requires npm login

We've started using Nexus OSS 3 as a standalone NPM server and so far it's working great but there's one thing that makes little sense to me, and that is the requirement to do the npm login before being able to npm install self published packages.
We're following the proposed repository structure:
npm_proxy - to use as proxy toward npm public repo
npm_private_internal - to use to upload self created internal packages
npm_private_external - to use to upload 3rd party packages
npm_group - to wrap all of them together so they're reachable with one URL
Now I understand that npm login should be required when publishing a new package, but why is it required when doing npm install of one of the self published packages, and can it be avoided ?
It's not required if you allow anonymous read privileges to your npm repositories. But I guess you've not given these privileges to the anonymous user?
If so, the alternative would be to base64 encode the needed credentials in your .npmrc file as described here:
But using npm login would be preferable.

Bluemix node buildpack and modules in private repos

My node.js app uses a number of private shared modules hosted in git repos. I use git URLs like below in the dependencies block in package.json:
"xxx-accountMgr": "git+ssh://",
when "cf push" this errors during npm install on ssh:
npm ERR! git clone --template=/home/vcap/.npm/_git-remotes/_templates --mirror ssh:// /home/vcap/.npm/_git-remotes/ssh-git-github-xxx-ibm-com-xxx-lib-account-mgr-git-bf65c10c: ssh: Could not resolve hostname Name or service not known
i expected this as I haven't configured the ssh key in bluemix. is that possible? if not, what's the alternative to install modules from a private repo in bluemix?
If you are downloading a private module hosted on Git, you should be able to use https protocol (with creds) to access it.
There is a trick that could help avoid this issue if that is not an option for you:
1) Package private modules with your application (in node_modules)
2) Move the private modules to devDependencies in package.json, rather than dependencies, so that your local dev workflow is unaffected.
npm install will install dependencies and devDependencies. By
default, Bluemix will only install dependencies
Step 2 is necessary because even if you package the private node_modules with your application, staging for your application will fail because npm still tries to access your private repo to validate the dependency.
Also, if you had a .cfignore file ignoring the entire node_modules directory, that would have to be changed to ignore only the public modules.
If the private repo requires Github authentication to access the shared mdoules, Bluemix won't be able to access them. You can use a command such as git clone but that will require the files to be accessible without authentication.
An alternative could be to manual install the files in your repo prior to using cf push so they are available. This is not a great solution but it will solve the problem in the short term.
The problem here is that Bluemix cannot reach back into the corporate network which is apparently where your github repo lives.
It has nothing to do with authentication, although what the others say here is accurate for publically accessible git repositories
This is a workaround what works for me is to use npmjs private modules. On one hand it will work and on the other hand it is really easy to manange versions, and reuse code. Of course you'll need to make some minor changes, but is totally worth it.
Upgrade your npmjs account to use private modules:
On your computer log in to npmjs:
npm login
Publish your modules
Copy your npmrc file to your project:
cp ~/.npmrc /path/to/your/project
npm install your_module --save
Be aware that if you ever change your password the token inside .npmrc will be revocated.
The token is not derived from your password password, but changing
your password will invalidate all tokens. The token will be valid
until the password is changed. You can also invalidate a single token
by logging out on a machine that is logged in with that token.
You can also use cfnpm module ( it is designed to deal with private package in cliud foundry

How to unpublish npm packages in nexus oss

I've setup an Nexus (2.10.0) NPM repository and administrate an user with full access to this repo.
By setting the "_auth" and "always-auth" param in my local .npmrc the publishing and reading of npm artifacts are working well. But if i try to unpublish or deprecate an npm artifact i get still an error "...This request requires auth credentials. Run npm login and repeat the request...".
What is the preferred way to remove artifacts from an nexus npm repository?
Unpublish is currently not supported. Details see
Also keep in mind that is not considered good practice to use unpublish as you can see from the npm documentation itself linked in the issue.
Unfortunately, Nexus 2.11 doesn't support npm unpublish or npm deprecate.
If the goal is to make your previously published versions of npm-packages inaccessible:
You can delete the packages from Nexus by manually removing the tarballs from .../nexus/storage/<your_npm_repo>/<your_package>/-/ on your Nexus server and creating a scheduled task to 'rebuild hosted npm metadata':
The npm metadata for a hosted repository
can be rebuilt based on the components found in the storage of a
hosted repository. The task can serve as a recovery tool in cases
where the npm metadata database got corrupted or the component storage
was created manually or via some external process like e.g. an rsync
This also works great for injecting old versions of packages into your npm-repo. (To get these tarballs, use npm pack.)