How to select multiple Conditional Formatting rule in Manage Rules? - excel-2016

How do I select multiple conditional formatting rules in 'Manage Rules' in Excel?
I can't clear all rules because some are needed but there is a repeating rule that I want to delete which seems to be specified a few times. In Windows I am used to highlighting one thing, then SHIFT and UP arrow or holding down shift key and mouse click to select more than one.
Any help appreciated, its driving me insane!

I didn't need to remove any conditional formatting rules in the end.
For anyone interested I did two things.
1) For the one sheet that was freezing a lot, I ensured the same font was applied throughout the data.
2) I copied all the data from the sheet to a Word Document and then pasted back into the sheet.
Not sure why those worked but they did! The file was two thirds smaller and I didn't have to delete any CF rules.


Workbook Allow Paste Special Values Only

I'm in need of some expert help, i have a workbook where i need to only allow Paste Special Values. This particular workbook as special formatting ect. that I don't want overwritten when a user does a standard paste vs. paste values. I tired some VBA but couldn't get that to work quite right, and also tried the custom ui route and was able to disable the entire idMso PasteGalleryMini but i need to keep these paste special values here.
Any help or suggestions is appreciated
There are (at least) a couple of ways you could try.
Have 2 sheets in your workbook, one is for user-entered data, and the other is for formatted display of data. The formatted display sheet is protected so cannot be amended by the user - it picks up the data from the user-entered sheet which is not protected but formatting is less important. So the user cannot interfere with the formatting or layout of the protected sheet.
This approach may require quite a bit of code to ensure validation and management of data between the input sheet and the display sheet, for example if you expect the user to insert rows etc., but if your requirement is simple then it's quite acheiveable.
Allow the user to paste with formatting but then reset the formatting after the paste has been done. I have found a good approach is to use your own custom styles, where the style can define all aspects of the appearance of the cells. The user can paste data into the sheet, then when finished have a macro trigger to run code that cleans up all the formatting by setting the styles of the different areas of your sheet to the appropriate custom styles. This approach is very effective, specially if you might want to alter the styles later - you may be able just to change the style definition and don't have to change the code. You can make this easier if you have a separate sheet on which all your custom styles are listed with their names and example values in cells which are formatted with that named style. The custom styles sheet can be hidden/protected to avoid users making changes.

How to use option buttons to change a value in a Word 2016 table

I am attempting to create a form that uses option buttons to assign a score, which would later be totaled for evaluation purposes. (I am using Word 2016 on Windows 10.)
Here is a pic of a portion of the proposed form, with 5 columns:Proposed Form
Here is a picture of the code I have attempted to use, which worked just exactly as I wanted it to "in EXCEL." Due to needs in other parts of the form, however we will be using Word, not Excel.Code Pic
Since we've decided to use Word, due to other features that Excel lacks, what code should I be using that would place a point value in the "Points" column? (I am assuming e2 to be the address of the 2nd row, 5th column?). I have spent 2 days so far trying to understand how to make this work. I know it can be done, but I lack the specific coding knowledge to make it happen. Thanks in advance for your help!
You appear to be using both formfields and ActiveX controls. It would be far simpler to use just formfields and, instead of having radio buttons, a simple dropdown for each item. That way, you don't need all those separate columns and the results could be tallied from the dropdown selections without the need for VBA.

SSRS report, is there a way to switch templates based on configuration?

I have been googling for a good description of this but am not having much luck. I am pretty new to SSRS reports and I am probably not using the correct terminology here. If someone could point me towards an article that describes this that would suffice.
Basically I want to pull a bit into my report, and based on the value of that bit (or maybe a varchar) I want to render an address in different formats, or add/remove some sections completely form the report. I suspect this is basic functionality but am having trouble finding an example. Any help would be appreciated!
If you have a table/matrix the best place to put stuff like this is in columns that are outside of the detail or any groups at the top of the table. You can merge all the cells and add rectangles to add specific formatting. The neat part about using header columns is they can be hidden and the space used will not be rendered.
Say you have a table and Row1 and Row2 contain different formatting of the same data. If you have a report parameter named ShowFormat1 then you can optionally hide/show the correct row with formatting.
Click Row one and Set its Hidden property to =!Parameters!ShowFormat1.Value
Click Row two and Set its Hidden property to =Parameters!ShowFormat1.Value
The same concept can be applied to all elements if you are not using a table or matrix. Non-repeating controls, Rectangle or Image for example, can be hidden but the space used will still be rendered.

Access 2007 conditional format when other control selected

I'm not sure if this is the place to ask about this but I'm pulling my hair out here.
I'm trying to change the backcolor on a textbox (actually a few) when a combobox is selected. I can do it with VBA but I really want to use the conditional formatting. It would make life very simple. It's a large form. Lots of controls and this is for hilighting them when selected. This is one of a group that need to be hilighted when the combobox is selected.
If this isn't the place to ask, please tell me. If not, please help me!! I can't find anything that works. I've been searching for hours.
My understanding is that if the expression is true then it will apply the formatting.
I've tried:
`ActiveControl = [cboVehTwo]`
`[cboVehTwo].ongotfocus = "True"`
And a whole ton of derivatives. Referring to the form, etc...
Any help with the syntax would be appreciated!
VBA deals with events, such as yours: a control getting focus or receiving a click.
Conditional formatting evaluates data to determine format issues.
So you need to use VBA. About "making life very simple" -- use VBA. Conditional formatting is a huge chore to maintain, even if it were appropriate for your case. VBA is comparatively easy to maintain.

Listen for Table Filter Activation

I have a table that has a series of filters across the top of it (as per usual.) This table feeds a massive graph that has multiple series of data in it. In order to hide different series of data I have grouped the information in the tables. I can then click on the minus button to remove a series of data from the graph by collapsing the group, or click the plus button to add it back in the same way. Yes, I know, not the best solution. It was an early effort, what can I say? My default is for all data to be hidden (all groups collapsed).
I have a user (a very important user) who wants to be able to use the filters across the top to find the specific series they are looking for. The filter will find the collapsed series just fine, but the series will not display because it is collapsed.
So, What I'm trying to do is get all groups to auto-expand when the filter is activated. This should work as a stop gap measure until I can simply redesign the chart.
The Problem: I can't figure out how to make Excel notice when the filter has been clicked on (or otherwise used). I've tried using Worksheet_Change and Worksheet_SelectionChange, but neither of them activate the code I have set up in the listener. That code, FYI, checks to make sure the filter is in use and adjusts the groupings accordingly. It should work fine if I can just get Excel to notice it's existence.
I've looked into making my own listener, but there's nowhere in the code I can insert it to make it activate. I just need a listener that will notice when the filter has been changed.
Any thoughts? After an hour of searching I'm stumped...
Okay, after some research I figured out a work around. The big problem here is that changing a filter does not raise any events that can be heard by VBA. Big problem.
Simple Solution: Create something that will activate a listener.
What I ended up doing was finding a cell somewhere outside of my table that wasn't going to be affected by the collapses, then I added a very simple formula (=Count(H:H)). Now whenever the table is collapsed the count is affected which activates the Worksheet_Calculate listener. And voila! I can dynamically change the groupings all I want :-).
So there you have it. If you need to detect a filter being activated via a Worksheet listener, you just need to set up a formula to activate the calculate listener.
Reference: [MSDN Article on the same thing].1 There is apparently a much more robust way to fix this problem as well which is detailed in the article.
You mentioned table, so assuming it's PivotTable you may try,
Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal Target As PivotTable)
If it's simply a Targe Range change then,
If Intersect(Target, Range("A2"))