can you put a tablename in a column? and should you? - sql

I would like to create a highly scalable system for storing "candidates" the problem is each candidate has different "features" and sometimes these have different data types. One idea I'd like to try would involve something like this:
| id | cType |
1 'fabric'
2 'belt'
| candidateId | featureTable | featureId
1 'city' 1
1 'colour' 1
1 'colour' 2
2 'city' 2
2 'size' 1
|id | lat | lng | name |
1 x x 'London'
1 x x 'Paris'
|id | name |
1 'Red'
2 'Green'
|id | value |
1 10
2 12
Here you can see that there is one fabric candidate in London with Red and Green features and a belt candidate in Paris with size 10.
we do this because we get feedback in a universal way and I'm trying to write a scalable machine learning solution that will allow new types of candidates to be added seamlessly, as well as new candidate feature types - as they are discovered and added to the db. A candidate is assumed to be able to have more than one of each feature type.
Ultimately I need to be able to extract the data (probably through a materialised view) so that if I want all 'fabric' candidates I would end up with something like:
'id' | colourIds | cityIds |
1 [1, 2] [1]
4 [3] [4, 5]
but then if one day I find a fabric that doesn't have a colour but instead has a pattern I can easily get a new table for patterns and just add the features to my "candidateFeatures" table:
'id' | colourIds | cityIds | patternIds
1 [1, 2] [1] null
4 [3] [4, 5] null
14 null [6] [1]
This format is suitable for the front end, and the format of "candidateFeatures" is very useful for the backend. we can use it to easily scale without modifying existing tables and for scalable data analysis. Specifically when looking for correlations between user responses to candidates and presence of categorical features - or values of continuous features.
To me this seems like a really clever idea that hasn't got proper support in sql… which makes me think it's probably a really dumb idea in disguise. I think it's possible to do this using EXEC, but that does have some risks. Does anyone know of a smarter way to achieve the same result? or actually how to achieve this?
Since execution time isn't such a big concern I can always run it through a third party program e.g. in python and put the results into new tables. But ideally I'd use a bunch of materialised views and have them update periodically because that feels like it would scale better with more data.

This is too long for a comment.
It is neither a good idea nor an awful idea. It is simply not how SQL works. The problem is that queries have a well-defined set of tables and column references. This is quite important for optimizing the query -- a step that generally happens before the query is run.
Queries are not merely strings that permit dynamic substitution when they are processing data.
There are ways to address the data modeling:
Have separate tables for the features and association tables to match them back to the original data.
Use an entity-attribute-value model, which basically stored key-value pairs.
Use a flexible storage mechanism, such as JSON or arrays.
In addition, Postgres supports something called inheritance, which might be useful for representing this type data.


Open sums in SQL / dynamic selection of tables

Much ink has been spilled on the topic of sum types in SQL. The standard solutions are called absorption, separation, and partition; see, e.g.: .
I want to ask about how to encode open sums. Normal sums allow a field to be one of a fixed set of several different types; with open sums, this set is not fixed.
The basic setup in our program: There is a list of "triggers," where each trigger can be one of many different things. Plugins can be written defining new trigger types, although the set of trigger types can be assumed to be known at compile time.
We want a table of all triggers.
Our current best idea:
Dynamically create a materialized view of the following form:
id | id_in_plugin_table | thing_in_main_program_it_refs | plugin_name
1 | 27 | 8 | RegexTrigger
2 | 27 | 12 | RidiculouslyUnsafeCustomJSTrigger
This relation is automatically generated from the various plugin tables, each of which have their own ID and a thing_in_main_program_it_refs field.
For illustration, here's what the referenced tables may look like.
RegexTrigger table:
id | thing_in_main_program_it_refs | regex
27 | 8 | hel*o
id | thing_in_main_program_it_refs | custom_js
27 | 12 | (x) => isPrime(x.length())
Either use two roundtrips to lookup the plugin table and then query it, or combine them into a single SQL program which uses EXEC.
I'm happy with part 1, but not with part 2. Neither option sounds efficient, and the latter option uses EXEC.
So, we're looking for either (a) a better way to dynamically select a table in a query, or (b) a different approach to open sums.

How do you 'join' multiple SQL data sets side by side (that don't link to each other)?

How would I go about joining results from multiple SQL queries so that they are side by side (but unrelated)?
The reason I am thinking of this is so that I can run 1 query in Google Big Query and it will return 1 single table which I can import into Excel and do some charts.
e.g. Query 1 looks at dataset TableA and returns:
**Metric:** Sales
**Value:** 3,402
And then Query 2 looks at dataset TableB and returns:
**Name:** John
**DOB:** 13 March
They would both use different tables and different filters, etc.
What would I do to make it look like:
---3,402-------13 March----
Or alternatively:
-----John-------13 March----
Or is there a totally different way to do this?
I can see the use case for the above, I've used something similar to create a single table from multiple tables with different metrics to query in Data Studio so that filters apply to all data in the dataset for example. However in that case, the data did share some dimensions that made it worthwhile doing.
If you are going to put those together with no relationship between the tables, I'd have 4 columns with TYPE describing the data in that row to make for easier filtering.
Type | Sales | Name | DOB
Use UNION ALL to put the rows together so you have something like
"Sales" | 3402 | null | null
"Customer Details" | null | John | 13 March
However, like the others said, make sure you have a good reason to do that otherwise you're just creating a bigger table to query for no reason.

sqlite variable and unknown number of entries in column

I am sure this question has been asked before, but I'm so new to SQL, I can't even combine the correct search terms to find an answer! So, apologies if this is a repetition.
The db I'm creating has to be created at run-time, then the data is entered after creation. Some fields will have a varying number of entries, but the number is unknown at creation time.
I'm struggling to come up with a db design to handle this variation.
As an (anonymised) example, please see below:
| salad_name | salad_type | salad_ingredients | salad_cost |
| apple | fruity | apple | cheap |
| unlikely | meaty | sausages, chorizo | expensive |
| normal | standard | leaves, cucumber, tomatoes | mid |
As you can see, the contents of "salad_ingredients" varies.
My thoughts were:
just enter a single, comma-separated string and separate at run-time. Seems hacky, and couldn't search by salad_ingredients!
have another table, for each salad, such as "apple_ingredients", which could have a varying number of rows for each ingredient. However, I can't do this, because I don't know the salad_name at creation time! :(
Have a separate salad_ingredients table, where each row is a salad_name, and there is an arbitrary number of ingredients fields, say 10, so you could have up to 10 ingredients. Again, seems slightly hacky, as I don't like to unused fields, and what happens if a super-complicated salad comes along?
Is there a solution that I've missed?
based on my experience the best solution is based on a normalized set of tables
table salads
table ingredients
table salad_ingredients
where id_salad is the corresponding if from salads
and id_ingredients is the corresponding if from ingredients
using proper join you can get (select) and filter (where) all the values you need

MySQL Database Design with Internationalization

I'm going to start work on a medium sized application, and i'm planning it's db design.
One thing that I'm not sure about is this.
I will have many tables which will need internationalization, such as: "membership_options, gender_options, language_options etc"
Each of these tables will share common i18n fields, like:
"title, alternative_title, short_description, description"
In your opinion which is the best way to do it?
Have an i18n table with the same fields for each of the tables that will need them?
or do something like:
Membership table Gender table
---------------- --------------
id | created_at id | created_at
1 - 22.03.2001 1 - 14.08.2002
2 - 22.03.2001 2 - 14.08.2002
General translation table
record_id | table_name | string_name | alternative_title| .... |id_language
1 - membership regular null 1 (english)
1 - membership normale null 2 (italian)
1 - gender man null 1(english)
1 -gender uomo null 2(italian)
This would avoid me repeating something like:
membership_translation table
membership_id | name | alternative_title | id_lang
1 regular null 1
1 normale null 2
gender_translation table
gender_id | name | alternative_title | id_lang
1 man null 1
1 uomo null 2
and so on, so i would probably reduce the number of db tables, but i'm not sure about performance.I'm not much of a DB designer, so please let me know.
The most common way I've seen this done is with two tables, membership and membership_ml, with one storing the base values and the ml table storing the localized strings. This is similar to your second option. Most of the systems I see like this are made that way because they weren't designed with internationalization in mind from the get go, so the extra _ml tables were "tacked on" later.
What I think is a better option is similar to your first option, but a little bit different. You would have a central table for storing all the translations, but instead of putting the table name and field name in there, you would use tokens and a central "Content" table to store all the translations. That way you can enforce some kind of RI between the tokens in the base table and the translations in the Content table if you want as well.
I actually asked a question about this very thing a while back, so you can have a look at that for some more info (rather than repasting the schema examples here).
I also think the best solution is to keep translations on different table. This approach use Open Cart which is open source and you can take a look the way it deals with the problem. Another source of information is here "" especially on the comments sections

Best way to use hibernate for complex queries like top N per group

I'm working now for a while on a reporting applications where I use hibernate to define my queries. However, more and more I get the feeling that for reporting use cases this is not the best approach.
The queries only result partial columns, and thus not typed objects
(unless you cast all fields in java).
It is hard to express queries without going straight into sql or
My current problem is that I want to get the top N per group, for example the last 5 days per element in a group, where on each day I display the amount of visitors.
The result should look like:
| RowName | 1-1-2009 | 2-1-2009 | 3-1-2009 | 4-1-2009 | 5-1-2009
| SomeName| 1 | 42 | 34 | 32 | 35
What is the best approach to transform the data which is stored per day per row to an output like this? Is it time to fall back on regular sql and work with untyped data?
I really want to use typed objects for my results but java makes my life pretty hard for that. Any suggestions are welcome!
Using the Criteria API, you can do this:
Session session = ...;
Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(MyClass.class);
... any other criteria ...
List topFive = criteria.list();
To do this in vanilla SQL (and to confirm that Hibernate is doing what you expect) check out this SO post: