pass object to IN Operator without single quote - sql

Select * from table_A WHERE name in (#nameObj)
My issue is I am passing this object from code behind as
#nameObj = "'" + "john" + "'" + "," + "'" + "joseph" + "'"
So I want my final query like this:
Select * from table_A WHERE name in ('john','joseph')
But it is giving query like this:
Select * from table_A WHERE name in ('''john'',''joseph''')

This work for me
sql = $#" AND Office IN ('{string.Join("','", new string[] { "aa", "bb"})}')";
But you should pass this as sql parameter;
in sql query you have
AND Office IN (#datain)
and in call query
new NpgsqlParameter(
$#"'{string.Join("','", new string[] {"aa", "bb"})}')")


How to create a dynamic query using collection-valued named parameters?

As the title suggests, i'm currently trying to add parts to the JPQL-query using collection-valued named parameters (:queryLst).
Function call:
List<PanelSet> psetLst = setRepository.getMaxZchnrGroupByLeftEight(p.getCustomerNumber(), p.getDrawingNumber(), queryLst);
// Is used to store values from scanned and convert them into parts of a query
ArrayList<String> queryLst = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < size1; i++) {
scanEdvRev = scanned.get(i).toString();
queryLst.set(i, "and left(a.drawingnumber, 8) != left('" + scanEdvRev + "', 8)");
public interface SetRepository extends CrudRepository<PanelSet, Integer> {
#Query("select distinct max(a.drawingNumber) from PanelSet a "
+ "where a.customerNumber = :customerNumber "
+ "and a.drawingNumber != :drawingNumber (:queryLst) "
+ "group by left(a.drawingNumber, 8)")
List<PanelSet> getMaxZchnrGroupByLeftEight(#Param("customerNumber") String customerNumber,
#Param("drawingNumber") String drawingNumber,
#Param("queryLst") ArrayList<String> queryLst);
When i run the project i get the following exception:
org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: unexpected token: ( near line 1, column 159 [select distinct max(a.drawingNumber) from com.asetronics.qis2.model.PanelSet a where a.customerNumber = :customerNumber and a.drawingNumber != :drawingNumber (:queryLst) group by left(a.drawingNumber, 8)]
I'm unsure whether my approach to this problem is the correct way of doing this and whether this exception is caused by a simple syntax error or by my usage of collection-valued named parameters.
I've followed this guide trying to solve the problem.
EDIT: I'm basically trying to add each String from ArrayList<String> queryLst to the parametrized query inside setRepository.
#Query("select distinct max(a.drawingNumber) from PanelSet a "
+ "where a.customerNumber = :customerNumber "
+ "and a.drawingNumber != :drawingNumber (:queryLst) "
+ "group by left(a.drawingNumber, 8)")
If successful, the query behind the function
List<PanelSet> getMaxZchnrGroupByLeftEight(#Param("customerNumber") String customerNumber,
#Param("drawingNumber") String drawingNumber,
#Param("queryLst") ArrayList<String> queryLst);
should look like this:
queryStr = "select distinct max(a.drawingNumber) from PanelSet a "
+ "where a.customerNumber = " + customerNumber + ""
+ "and a.drawingNumber != " + drawingNumber + "";
for (String s : queryLst) {
queryStr = queryStr + s;
queryStr = queryStr + " group by left(a.drawingNumber, 8)";
I hope this clarifies what i'm trying to do with queryLst.
It can't be done using your approach of passing in a list of query chunks.
The closest you'll get is by adding every possible condition to the query and provide values for all those conditions in a way that allows conditions to be ignored, typically by providing a null.
You code might look like this:
#Query("select distinct max(a.drawingNumber) from PanelSet a "
+ "where a.customerNumber = :customerNumber "
+ "and a.drawingNumber != :drawingNumber "
+ "and a.myTextColumn = coalesce(:myTextColumn, a.myTextColumn) "
+ "and a.myIntegerColumn = coalesce(:myIntegerColumn, a.myIntegerColumn) "
// etc for all possible runtime conditions
+ "group by left(a.drawingNumber, 8)")
List<PanelSet> getMaxZchnrGroupByLeftEight(
#Param("customerNumber") String customerNumber,
#Param("drawingNumber") String drawingNumber,
#Param("myTextColumn") String myTextColumn,
#Param("myIntegerColumn") Integer myIntegerColumn);
Passing null for myTextColumn or myIntegerColumn will allow that column to be any value (except null).
You'll have to find SQL that works for the type of conditions you have and the data type of the columns involved and whether nulls are allowed.
If passing nulls doesn't work, use a special value, perhaps blank for text columns and some "impossible" date like 2999-01-01 fir date columns etc and code the condition like:
and (a.myCol = :myCol or :myCol = '2999-01-01')

Eclipselink NamedNativeQuery pass column name as parameter and not a value

Trying to pass column name as parameter but JPA sets it as a value surrounding it with single quotes.
name = "Genre.findAllLocalized",
query = "SELECT "
+ " CASE "
+ " WHEN ? IS NULL THEN genre_default"
+ " ELSE ? "
+ " END localized_genre "
+ "FROM genre ORDER BY localized_genre")
List<String> res = em.createNamedQuery("Genre.findAllLocalized")
.setParameter(1, colName)
.setParameter(2, colName)
The problem is that the column names being passed are taken as values so the result will return result list with repeated values of "col_name" instead of selecting the value of the column passed as parameter.
Is this achievable?
Basically it makes no sense to create a prepared query like this, how would you name that query anyway: "*"? So the short answer is: no.
But you could create named queries dynamically if this matches your requirement:
String colName = "colName";
String query = "SELECT WHEN " + colName + " IS NULL THEN genre_default";
Query query = entitymanager.createQuery(query);
Probably using a criteria builder is more the way you want to use JPA (code from
// Select the employees and the mailing addresses that have the same address.
CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery criteriaQuery = criteriaBuilder.createQuery();
Root employee = criteriaQuery.from(Employee.class);
Root address = criteriaQuery.from(MailingAddress.class);
criteriaQuery.multiselect(employee, address);
criteriaQuery.where( criteriaBuilder.equal(employee.get("address"), address.get("address"));
Query query = entityManager.createQuery(criteriaQuery);
List<Object[]> result = query.getResultList();

how to use ">" or "<" as variable in javafx sqlite query

I have created a combobox in javafx and I want to query the sqlite db for data which are greater or less than what is selected from the combobox.
Combobox have ObservableList "10,20,30,40,50"
My query is " Select * From table Where age ( xxx ) ?"
xxx can be (" >=" or "<=")
this is my query
String qry_age = "Select * From table Where age (>=) ?";
PreparedStatement ps_age = connect.prepareStatement(qry_age);
ResultSet rs_age = ps_age.executeQuery();
while ( {
You could simply use string concatenation to construct the query:
String ageCompareOperator = ">="; // or something else e.g. value from ComboBox
String qry_age = "Select * From table Where age " + ageCompareOperator + " ?";
PreparedStatement ps_age = connect.prepareStatement(qry_age);

Criteria query equivalent for native query

how to create criteria query for this native query?
SELECT u FROM Users u WHERE u.userStatus = 0 AND u.firstName LIKE " + "'" + username + "%" + "'"
Am I doing right?
CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Users> criteriaQuery = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(Users.class);
Root<Users> root = criteriaQuery.from(Users.class);
List<String> names = Arrays.asList("Manager", "Sr. Manager");
Predicate"firstName")), username+"%");"designation").in(names));
System considering last where condition.

how to perform full text search using sqlite fts3

I have compiled the fts3 module for sqlite3.6.2. How to build the virtual table and perform search on some field of existent tables (like content:string in tweets)? Does ft3 support fuzzy search? (I checked the documentation but still remained horribly confused...).
You can do something as simple as this to search on 2 fields. You have to use unions.
string createSql = "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE TweetFts USING FTS3(TweetId, Title, Description)";
string insertSql = "INSERT INTO TweetFts (TweetId, Title, Description)
SELECT TweetId, Title, Description FROM Tweet";
string sql = #"select TweetId from TweetFts where Title match '" + allWords + "'";
sql += " union ";
sql += #"select TweetId from TweetFts where Description match '" + allWords + "'";
sql += " union ";
sql += #"select TweetId from TweetFts where Title match '""" + exactMatch + #"""'";
sql += " union ";
sql += #"select TweetId from TweetFts where Description match '""" + exactMatch + #"""'";
Run this query and you have a list of Tweet that match.
I don't see anything fuzzy other than the prefix search using *.
There is a soundex function.