How to use extension functions defined in Kotlin interface - kotlin

In Kotlin, it is possible to declare an extension function in an interface like this:
interface Evaluator {
fun Double.evaluateY1(): Double
fun Double.evaluateY2(): Double
class EvaluatorImpl : Evaluator {
override fun Double.evaluateY1(): Double {
return this + 2.0
override fun Double.evaluateY2(): Double {
return this + 3.0
Having a receiver and an instance of the interface, how do I invoke such extension function?
I came up with a trick involving the with scope function, but I would prefer something with less indentation.
fun usageExample(evaluator: Evaluator, x: Double) {
with(evaluator) {
println("Y1 = ${x.evaluateY1()}. Y2 = ${x.evaluateY2()}")

There's no chance to make it work without getting into the scope of your interface. Using with is the recommended solution. You can use an expression body to make it more concise:
fun usageExample(evaluator: Evaluator, x: Double) = with(evaluator) {
println("Y1 = ${x.evaluateY1()}. Y2 = ${x.evaluateY2()}")


Is it possible to overload function with receiver operator in Kotlin?

I can define invoke inside a class
class A {
fun invoke(x: Double): Double {
and then use class instance as a functiion
val a: A()
val b = a(2.3)
But can I define class instance to simulate function with receiver?
val o: MyClass()
val a: A()
val b = o.a(2.3)
Is it possible?
and then use class instance as a functiion
The invoke operator is just a way to define what happens when using the syntax () on some instance. Just like you can overload what + means, you can overload what () means. It's not exactly making an instance of A "usable as a function", but rather defining the operator () on instances of A. This is why I think it cannot really translate to "making it usable as a function with receiver".
The obvious easy way to declare an extension function would be the following:
fun MyClass.a(input: Double): Double = TODO(...)
But this doesn't seem to suit your needs. If what you really want is to add such functions as "capabilities" to some instances dynamically "on the spot" as in your example, I guess you could do so by defining such extension in a class that you provide as scope:
class A {
fun MyClass.a(x: Double): Double {
fun main() {
val o = MyClass()
val b = with(A()) { // brings this instance of A in scope to add the extension

How to inherit operators in Kotlin?

I've the following two classes:
class Volume(var value: Double, unit: Unit) {
var unit: Unit = unit
private set
enum class Unit(symbol: String){
class Mass(var value: Double, unit: Unit) {
var unit: Unit = unit
private set
enum class Unit(symbol: String){
I want to create operators for both classes for basic arithmetic operations, for example:
operator fun inc(): Mass {
return this
Since both classes will have the same operator logics, i don't want to duplicate this part of the code.
My first idea was that Both classes inherit from a PhysicalQuantity interface which contains the operators. In this case the following code doesn't work, because the IDE expects IPhysicalQuantity as return type but the type is Volume:
interface IPhysicalQuantity() {
var value: Double
var unit: IUnit
operator fun inc(): IPhysicalQuantity {
return this
fun main() {
var vol = Volume(10.0, Volume.Unit.CENTILITER)
Same issue with abstract super class.
The problem with doing this inside the IPhysicalQuantity interface is that you don't want to return the object as the interface type IPhysicalQuantity from the inc method. Instead, you want to keep its original type (Volume or Mass), so you'd have to use generics there. However, I didn't find a way to do this without complex syntax and an unchecked cast:
interface IPhysicalQuantity<T : IPhysicalQuantity<T>> {
var value: Double
operator fun inc(): T {
return this as T
class Volume(override var value: Double, unit: Unit): IPhysicalQuantity<Volume>
However, you can do this fairly simply with an extension instead without having to make the interface itself generic, if that works for you:
operator fun <T : IPhysicalQuantity> T {
return this

Single-function listeners using lambda

With all the well-known single-function listeners we can use a simpler lambda notation
view.setOnClickListener { do() }
instead of the original, longer Java way of
view.setOnClickListener(object : View.OnClickListener {
override fun onClick(v: View?) {
But what exactly makes this work? I tried to do the same with my own listener:
private var listener: OnCopyPasteClickListener? = null
interface OnCopyPasteClickListener {
fun onPasteClick(text: String)
fun setOnCopyPasteClickListener(onCopyPasteClickListener: OnCopyPasteClickListener) {
listener = onCopyPasteClickListener
and while the long approach works just fine:
copypaste.setOnCopyPasteClickListener(object : CopyPasteMenu.OnCopyPasteClickListener {
override fun onPasteClick(text: String) {
I can't make it accept the short one:
copypaste.setOnCopyPasteClickListener {
The IDE gives a type mismatch error.
Actually, if you have only one function to be invoked, I recommend you use Kotlin Callback.
typealias OnDoWorkListener = ((String) -> Unit)
class Work {
var doWork: OnDoWorkListener? = null
fun doSomething() {
doWork?.invoke("Message Here")
And in your function, you just set the callback to it
fun main() {
val work = Work()
work.doWork = {
Log.d("WORK", "This gets called from the `work` object. Message: $it")
We can also use function to set the listener as well.
class Work {
var doWork: OnDoWorkListener? = null
fun doSomething() {
doWork?.invoke("Message Here")
fun setOnWorkListener(listener: OnDoWorkListener) {
doWork = listener
fun main() {
val work = Work()
work.setOnWorkListener {
Log.d("WORK", "This gets called from the `work` object. Message: $it")
Higher order functions make this work:
Kotlin functions are first-class, which means that they can be stored
in variables and data structures, passed as arguments to and returned
from other higher-order functions. You can operate with functions in
any way that is possible for other non-function values.
From the same page:
Passing a lambda to the last parameter
In Kotlin, there is a convention that if the last parameter of a
function accepts a function, a lambda expression that is passed as the
corresponding argument can be placed outside the parentheses:
val product = items.fold(1) { acc, e -> acc * e }
If the lambda is the only argument to that call, the parentheses can
be omitted entirely:
run { println("...") }
Knowing this, a possible update on your class would look like:
class CopyPaste {
private var listener: (String) -> Unit = {}
fun setOnCopyPasteClickListener(onCopyPasteClickListener: (String) -> Unit) {
listener = onCopyPasteClickListener
fun doCopyPaste(value: String) {
fun main() {
val copyPaste = CopyPaste()
copyPaste.setOnCopyPasteClickListener { println(it) }
The class CopyPaste stores the listener, which is a function that takes a String parameter and does not return anything. Its function setOnCopyPasteClickListener accepts a function with the same signature as the listener property and at the end doCopyPaste accepts a String parameter and passes it to the stored function.
Actually, just after I posted, I searched for more thoughts and found this thread: This is indeed a debated limitation as it currently only applies to Java, not Kotlin itself. There is also a suggestion there that gives almost the required simplicity:
interface OnCopyPasteClickListener {
fun onPasteClick(text: String)
companion object {
inline operator fun invoke(crossinline op: (text: String) -> Unit) =
object : OnCopyPasteClickListener {
override fun onPasteClick(text: String) = op(text)
and then, thanks to this overloaded operator, it can be called as:
copypaste.setOnCopyPasteClickListener(CopyPasteMenu.OnCopyPasteClickListener { text ->
But as the suggested answers offer a more idiomatic solution, I'll accept one of those, I only wanted to include this approach here for reference.

Java8 Higher-Order Functions and Kotlin Lambdas interoperability

I have a Java example where a method is implemented as
public Function<ISeq<Item>, Double> fitness() {
return items -> {
final Item sum =;
return sum._size <= _knapsackSize ? sum._value : 0;
IntelliJ's automatic translation of it to Kotlin is
override fun fitness(): Function<ISeq<Item>, Double> {
return { items:ISeq<Item> ->
val sum =
if (sum.size <= _knapsackSize) sum.value else 0.0
(I made the type of items explicit and changed return to 0.0)
Still I see that there are compatibility problems with Java's Function and Kotlin native lambdas, but I'm not that the most familiar with these. Error is:
Question is: is it possible to override in Kotlin the external Java library's fitness() method on this example and if so how ?
You are returning a (Kotlin) lambda ISeq<Knapsack.Item> -> Double. But this is not what you want. You want to return a Java Function<ISeq<Knapsack.Item>, Double>.
You can use a SAM Conversion to create a Function.
Just like Java 8, Kotlin supports SAM conversions. This means that
Kotlin function literals can be automatically converted into
implementations of Java interfaces with a single non-default method,
as long as the parameter types of the interface method match the
parameter types of the Kotlin function.
I created a minimal example to demonstrate that. Consider you have a Java class like this:
public class Foo {
public Function<String, Integer> getFunction() {
return item -> Integer.valueOf(item);
If you want to override getFunction in Kotlin you would do it like this:
class Bar: Foo() {
override fun getFunction(): Function<String, Int> {
return Function {
When returning lambda as Java's functional interface, you have to use explicit SAM constructor:
override fun fitness(): Function<ISeq<Item>, Double> {
return Function { items:ISeq<Item> ->
val sum =
if (sum.size <= _knapsackSize) sum.value else 0.0
Also don't forget to import java.util.function.Function since Kotlin has its own class of that name

Is it possible to write a "double" extension method?

In Kotlin, it is possible to write
class A {
and then e.g. write with (myA) { }.
Is it possible to write this as an extension method on A, instead? My use case is writing
with (java.math.RoundingMode.CEILING) { 1 / 2 }
which I would want to return 1, the point being that I want to add operator fun Int.div(Int) to RoundingMode.
No it's not possible. operator div is required to have Int as a receiver.
You can't add also RoundingMode as receiver, since there can only be single function receiver.
What you can do, though, is use Pair<RoundingMode, Int> as a receiver:
operator fun Pair<RoundingMode, Int>.div(i: Int): BigDecimal =
BigDecimal.valueOf(second.toLong()).divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(i.toLong()), first)
with(RoundingMode.CEILING) {
println((this to 1) / 2) // => 1
That's not possible, Int already has a div function, thus, if you decide to write an extension function div, you won't be able to apply it, because member functions win over extension functions.
You can write this though:
fun RoundingMode.div(x: Int, y: Int): Int {
return if (this == RoundingMode.CEILING) {
Math.ceil(x.toDouble() / y.toDouble()).toInt()
} else {
Math.floor(x.toDouble() / y.toDouble()).toInt()
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
with(java.math.RoundingMode.CEILING) {
It's not possible for a couple of reasons:
There's no "double extension functions" concept in Kotlin
You can't override a method with extension functions, and operator div is already defined in Int
However you can workaround these issues with
A context class and an extension lambda (e.g. block: ContextClass.() -> Unit)
Infix functions (e.g. use 15 div 4 instead of 15 / 4)
See the example below:
class RoundingContext(private val roundingMode: RoundingMode) {
infix fun Int.div(b: Int): Int {
val x = this.toBigDecimal()
val y = b.toBigDecimal()
val res = x.divide(y, roundingMode)
return res.toInt()
fun <T> using(roundingMode: RoundingMode, block: RoundingContext.() -> T): T {
return with(RoundingContext(roundingMode)) {
// Test
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
using(RoundingMode.FLOOR) {
println(5 div 2) // 2
val x = using(RoundingMode.CEILING) {
10 div 3
println(x) // 4
Hope it helps!