How to show a table from a SQL Server database by using SqlKata? - sqlkata

I am trying to show a table from a database in my SQL Server 2017 by using SqlKata.
I have browsed for some researches. Based from one of the articles, I need to write this command var books = db.Query("Books").Get();
My question here is: Where do we put the command in a C# .NETCoreApp 1.1 target framework file? And how to run to display out the result?

If you have a cast class use
var books = db.Query("Books").Get<YouClass>();
But you dont have cast class -> use
var books = db.Query("Books").Get<dynamic>();
If you want logging execute query, write code startup.cs
var db = new QueryFactory(connection, new SqlServerCompiler());
// Log the compiled query to the console
db.Logger = compiled => {
Console.WriteLine(compiled.ToString()); //NLog - GrayLog - API - DB - TextFile - more..


How to connect to local docker db to test Get async methods

I want to setup a connection to the database so that i can test 2 methods in 2 repositories, i want to test getAllGamesasync() method which returns a list of all entities from the database, and the getGamesByNameasync() method which returns games by their names.
I am running docker to run the db and has populated rows with dummy data, i want to connect to it and run the test, So the question is What connection string to configure so code can talk to the SQL Server instance running in docker.
The methods work fine i have tested using a In-Memory DB to manually insert entities and test them against the methods using the below unit test. So the unit test for Get_GamesByName looks like this:
public async Task Get_GamesByName()
var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<GamesDbContext>()
using (var context = new GamesDbContext(option))
GamesRepository gamesRepository = new GamesRepository (context);
var result = await gamesRepository.GetGamesByNameAsync("Witcher");
Assert.Equal(2, result.count);

Create a Sql Azure Database with serverless tier using SDK

Currently, I create databases and attach them to an SQL elastic pool:
database = await sqlServer.Databases.Define(mainDb.DbName).WithExistingElasticPool(pool.Name).CreateAsync();
Instead, I want to create databases with tier "General Purpose: Serverless, Gen5, 1 vCore", but I couldn't find any method that offers that possibility.
This feature is still in preview, I can't find anything on the forums on this. How can I achieve this?
As an addendum to #Jim Xu accepted answer, the API has changed.
var database = sqlserver.Databases.Define("test").WithEdition("GeneralPurpose").WithServiceObjective("GP_S_Gen5_1").Create();
The WithEdition is now a DatabaseEdition edition type, and WithServiceObjective is now a ServiceObjectiveName. Both of these are muddled string enums with lists of version types. They do both also accept a .Parse() method. So the line should now be:
var database = sqlserver.Databases.Define("test")
According to my test, we can use the following c# code to create "General Purpose: Serverless, Gen5, 1 vCore" database
var credentials = SdkContext.AzureCredentialsFactory.FromServicePrincipal(client,key,tenant,AzureEnvironment.AzureGlobalCloud);
var azure = Azure.Configure().Authenticate(credentials).WithSubscription(SubscriptionId);
var sqlserver=azure.SqlServers.GetById("/subscriptions/<your subscrption id>/resourceGroups/<your resource group name>/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/<your server name>");
var database = sqlserver.Databases.Define("test").WithEdition("GeneralPurpose").WithServiceObjective("GP_S_Gen5_1").Create();
Please reference this tutorial: Create a new elastic database pool with C#.
It provides the code example about Create a new database in a pool:
Create a DataBaseCreateorUpdateProperties instance, and set the properties of the new database. Then call the CreateOrUpdate method with the resource group, server name, and new database name.
// Create a database: configure create or update parameters and properties explicitly
DatabaseCreateOrUpdateParameters newPooledDatabaseParameters = new DatabaseCreateOrUpdateParameters()
Location = currentServer.Location,
Properties = new DatabaseCreateOrUpdateProperties()
Edition = "Standard",
RequestedServiceObjectiveName = "ElasticPool",
ElasticPoolName = "ElasticPool1",
MaxSizeBytes = 268435456000, // 250 GB,
Collation = "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS"
var poolDbResponse = sqlClient.Databases.CreateOrUpdate("resourcegroup-name", "server-name", "Database2", newPooledDatabaseParameters);
Please try to replace "standard" with the price tier "General Purpose: Serverless, Gen5, 1 vCore".
Hope this helps.

Upload and Download error synchronizing Sql Server and Sql Azure - Sync Framework

I'm trying to synchronize an Sql Server database with SQL Azure Database (please be patient 'cause I don't fully understand Sync Framework). These are the requirements:
First: synchronize 1 table from Sql Azure to Sql Server
Second: synchronize 13 other tables (including the table I mentioned in the first step) from Sql Server to Azure.
I've created a console application, and this is the code:
1.I create one scope with the 13 tables:
DbSyncScopeDescription myScope = new DbSyncScopeDescription("alltablesyncgroup");
DbSyncTableDescription table = qlSyncDescriptionBuilder.GetDescriptionForTable("tablename", sqlServerConn);
myScope.Tables.Add(table); //repeated 13 times.
2.I Provision both data bases:
SqlSyncScopeProvisioning sqlAzureProv = new SqlSyncScopeProvisioning(sqlAzureConn,myScope);
if (!sqlAzureProv.ScopeExists("alltablesyncgroup"))
SqlSyncScopeProvisioning sqlServerProv = new SqlSyncScopeProvisioning(sqlServerConn, myScope);
if (!sqlServerProv.ScopeExists("alltablesyncgroup"))
3.I create the SyncOrchestrator with the SyncDirectionOrder.Download to sync the firts table:
SqlConnection sqlServerConn = new SqlConnection(sqllocalConnectionString);
SqlConnection sqlAzureConn = new SqlConnection(sqlazureConnectionString);
SyncOrchestrator orch = new SyncOrchestrator
RemoteProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(scopeName, sqlAzureConn),
LocalProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(scopeName, sqlServerConn),
Direction = SyncDirectionOrder.Download
4.Later, I use the same function only changing the direction SyncDirectionOrder.Upload to sync the 13 remaining tables
SqlConnection sqlServerConn = new SqlConnection(sqllocalConnectionString);
SqlConnection sqlAzureConn = new SqlConnection(sqlazureConnectionString);
SyncOrchestrator orch = new SyncOrchestrator
RemoteProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(scopeName, sqlAzureConn),
LocalProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(scopeName, sqlServerConn),
Direction = SyncDirectionOrder.Upload
Now, here is the thing, obviously I'm doing it wrong 'cause when I download, the syncStats shows that a lot of change have been applied BUT I can't see it reflected on any data base and when I try to execute the Upload sync it seems to be going into a loop 'cause the Upload process doesn't stop.
first, you mentioned you only want to sync one table from Azure to your SQL Server but you're provisioning 13 tables in the scope. if you want one table, just provision a scope with one table. (e.g. one scope for the download with table, one scope for the upload with the rest of the tables)
to find out why rows are not synching, you can subscribe to the ApplyChangeFailed event for both sides, and check if there are conflicts or errors being encountered.
or you can enable Sync Framework tracing in verbose mode so you can see what's happening underneath.

create auto sql script that runs in every hour - in c# or any other easy way

I have simple sql script:
Select * from student where score > 60
What i am trying to do is run this above script every 1 hour and getting notified on my computer in any way possibe that above condition was met. So basically i dont want to go in there and hit F5 every hour on the above statement and see if i get any result. I am hoping someone out here has something exactly for this, if you do please share the code.
You can use Sql Agent to create a job, Sql server 2008 also has mail functionality
Open SQL Management Studio and connect to your SQL Server
Expand the SQL Server Agent node (if you don't see it, use SQL configuration manager or check services and ensure that SQL Server Agent (SQLINSTANCENAME) is started)
Right click on Jobs and choose 'New Job'
You can run a SQL statement in a job. I'll let you figure out the rest of that part (it's pretty intuitive)
You may want to send your mail using xp_sendmail
Check out the SQL documentation for xp_sendmail
You might need to turn the feature on (afaik it's off by default) and you need some server/machine to deliver the mail (so you might need IIS and SMTP installed if on a local machine)
Assuming you can't access the server and want to do this on the client side, you can create a .NET framework app or windows service to do the work for you using a schedule or a timer approach:
Schedule approach:
Create a simple command line application which does the query and mails the results, and use the windows scheduler to invoke it every hour (or whatever your interval may be)
Timer approach:
Create a simple application or windows service that will run a timer thread which does the work every x number of minutes
I'd probably just go for the former. The code would be quite simple - new console app:
static void Main(string args[])
// No arguments needed so just do the work
using(SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("ConnectionString"))
using(SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("sql query text", conn))
var dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
List<myClass> results = new List<myClass>();
// Read the rows
var someValue = dr.GetString(dr.GetOrdinal("ColumnName"));
// etc
// stuff these values into myClass and add to the list
results.Add(new myClass(someValue));
if(results.Count > 0) // Send mail
//Send the message.
SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(server);
// Add credentials if the SMTP server requires them.
client.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
MailMessage message = new MailMessage(
// Obviously you'd have to read the rows from your list, maybe override ToString() on
// myClass and call that using a StringBuilder to build the email body and append the rows
// This may throw exceptions - maybe some error handling (in any of this code) is advisable
Disclaimer: probably none of this will compile :D
Edit 2: I'd go this way as it's much easier to debug than a windows service as you can just run it from the command line. You can also pass command line arguments so you don't need an application configuration file

See the SQL commands generated by EntityFramework: Cast exception

Based on this and this, I'm doing the following to get the SQL enerated by Entity Framework 5.0
var query = from s in db.ClassesDetails
where s.ClassSet == "SetOne"
orderby s.ClassNum
select s.ClassNum;
var objectQuery = (System.Data.Objects.ObjectQuery)query; // <= problem!
var sql = objectQuery.ToTraceString();
However on the second line I get the following exception:
Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbQuery`1[System.Int16]' to type 'System.Data.Objects.ObjectQuery'.
Did something change since those SO answers were posted? What do I need to do to get the queries as strings? We're running against Azure SQL so can't run the usual SQL profiler tools :(
ObjectQuery is created when you are using ObjectContext. When you are using DbContext it uses and creates DbQuery. Also, note that this is actually not a DbQuery but DbQuery<T>. I believe that to display SQL when having DbQueries you can just do .ToString() on the DbQuery instance so no cast should be required. Note that parameter values will not be displayed though. Parameter values were added to the output very recently in EF6 - if you need this you can try the latest nightly build from