One child attribute (foreign key) has stored data from two columns from the same table - sql

I am analyzing some csv files here and based on them I am trying to create the DB structure, but apparently, one column from table2 has data from two different columns from table1. Can someone help me how can I recreate the same logic in SQL ?
I tried:
field1 varchar(4),
field2 varchat(5),
PRIMARY KEY(field1, field2)
field3 varchar(5) REFERENCES table1(field1, field2)
That didn't work. Any ideas?
Thank you

If I recall correctly, there can only be one primary key on a table; what if you did two separate inner joins on table 2 with table 1 to separate the two concepts, then join the two new tables to appropriately separate out the concepts in table 2?
Something like this:
Select Field3
into #tmpkeyA
from table2
inner join table 1 on field3 = field 1
Select Field3
into #tmpkeyB
from table2
inner join table 1 on field3 = field 2
Then build out the logic based on the two temp tables to appropriately get the data into its proper order.
Or am I misreading the nature of the problem? What is the nature of the fields?


Automatically remove a row without foreign references

I am using sqlite3.
I have one "currencies" table, and two tables that reference the currencies table using a foreign key, as follows:
CREATE TABLE currencies (
FOREIGN KEY(currency)
REFERENCES currencies(currency)
FOREIGN KEY(currency)
REFERENCES currencies(currency)
I would like to make sure that rows in the "currencies" table that are not referenced by any row from "table1" and "table2" will be removed automatically. This should behave like some kind of ref-counted object. When the reference count reaches zero, the relevant row from the "currencies" table should be erased.
What is the "SQL way" to solve this problem?
I am willing to redesign my tables if it could lead to an elegant solution.
I prefer to avoid solutions that require extra work from the application side, or solutions that require periodic cleanup.
Create an AFTER DELETE TRIGGER in each of table1 and table2:
CREATE TRIGGER remove_currencies_1 AFTER DELETE ON table1
DELETE FROM currencies
WHERE currency = OLD.currency
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM table2 WHERE currency = OLD.currency);
CREATE TRIGGER remove_currencies_2 AFTER DELETE ON table2
DELETE FROM currencies
WHERE currency = OLD.currency
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM table1 WHERE currency = OLD.currency);
Every time that you delete a row in either table1 or table2, the trigger involved will check the other table if it contains the deleted currency and if it does not contain it, it will be deleted from currencies.
See the demo.
There is no automatic way of doing this. The reverse can be handling using cascading delete foreign key references. The reverse is that when a currency is deleted all related rows are.
You could schedule a job daily running something like:
delete from currencies c
where not exists (select 1 from table1 t1 where t1.currency = c.currency) and
not exists (select 1 from table2 t2 where t2.currency = c.currency);
If you need an automatic way for doing that, then most dbms provide a trigger mechanism. You can create a trigger on update and delete operations that run the folowing query:
you can use a left join for that:
It return a row for all rows from the left table, even if there is no corresponding row in the right table, replacing the rows form the right with null. You can then check a not null right table field for null with is null. This will filter for the rows the have no counterpart in the right table.
For example:
SELECT currencies.currency FROM currencies LEFT JOIN table1 WHERE table1.currency IS NULL
will show the relevant rows for table1.
You can do the same with table two.
This will give you two queries, that shows which rows have no couterpart.
You can then use intersect on the result, so that you have the rows that have not couterpart in either:
Now you have the list of currencies to be deleted.
You can finish this by using a subqueried delete:
DELETE FROM currencies WHERE currency IN (SELECT ...)

populating null rows in table column based on matching IDs via join or otherwise

Just to level set: i'm working within a Vertica database using SQL.
Let's say i have two tables: Table A and Table B. Let's also say that Table A is my final/master table used for data vis within Tableau (or something akin), and that Table B feeds certain columns into Table A based on matches within a tertiary table, Table C (which is not relevant to this conversation).
As is, Table A has columns:
ProgramName [varchar(50)]
CustomerName [varchar(50)]
Total_Cost [numeric(18,4)]
As is, Table B has columns:
CustomerCode [varchar(10)]
Total_Cost [numeric(18,4)]
What I would like to do is update Table A's CustomerName column to equal CustomerCode in Table B where the columns of total_cost_dollars equal each other across tables.
I've run this left join query to ensure that, when I do update Table A's CustomerName to equal CustomerCode, the total cost columns are exact/true matches for my entire data set.
TableA A
TableB B
B.total_cost_dollars = A.total_cost_dollars
A.CustomerName IS NULL;
Any idea on how to solve this problem?
Since Vertica supports merge query, you can use merge statement:
merge into TableA A
using TableB B
ON (B.total_cost_dollars = A.total_cost_dollars)
when matched then
A.CustomerName = B.CustomerCode
A.CustomerName IS NULL;

Using another table as value type

I have been searching this and can not find the proper answer if I need an JOIN or SUBQUERY, I have tried multiple ways if doing this and honestly I am hitting a major wall. I am trying to do something simple and I don't know how to progress
I have two tables I am trying to use: table 1) data 2) mapping
table 1 is like this the headers are :
Value in CSV style for example would be:
table 2 has only one row though, here are the headers and one row
The one row would be like:
Description1, Description2, Description3, Description4
So, I want to be able to, for example do a SELECT FROM table 1 and join in the Description for each matching row where the Column names are the same, so sample output based on the above would be to be like this:
Since there's just one row in table2 and no key, you can simply join it.
select *
from table1
join table2
Since there's just one row in table2 it's questionable why it exists at all. This could be done without a join at all.
select date, value1, 'Description1', value2, 'Description2', value3, 'Description3', value4, 'Description4'
from table1;
There's likely a better way to do this. Having columns like value1, value2, and value3 usually indicates poor table design. Instead of having four value columns, you should have four value rows. And instead of having a table with four columns of descriptions, it should be four rows of descriptions.
For example, let's say you're storing items in an order. An order can have many items. Rather than having a column for each item in an order like item1, item2, item3, you'd have a row for each item in a join table. Below that's order_items. Descriptions of the items is stored separately in its own table, one row per item.
id bigint primary key
name text not null
id bigint primary key
name text not null
id bigint primary key
user_id bigint references users(id)
created_at datetime
order_id bigint references orders(id)
item_id bigint references items(id)
If you want to look up all the items in an order, with their names, you'd use the order_items table to get all the items in an order, and join with the items table to get each item's name.
from order_items oi
join items i on = oi.item_id
where oi.order_id = ?
Comma separated lists of values are awkward to handle.
Rather than a CSV, storing the values in a mapping table is typically used.
If I understand correctly then I believe that the following may demonstrate along the lines of what you want:-
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS table1 /* Assigned Values per date (the mapping table)*/;
DROP TABLE If EXISTS table2 /* Values */;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS table2 (valueid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,value_description TEXT);
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS table1 (date TEXT, valueid_reference INTEGER REFERENCES table2(valueid),value INTEGER, UNIQUE(date, valueid_reference));
INSERT INTO table2 VALUES (1,'Value1 Description'),(2,'Value2 Description'),(3,'Value3 Description'),(4,'Value4 Description');
SELECT date||','||group_concat(value||','||value_description) AS all_values_and_descriptions FROM table1 JOIN table2 ON valueid_reference = valueid GROUP BY date;
SELECT * FROM table1;
This results in :-
Noting that the REFRENCES (Foreign Key) will be a noop unless Foreign Key support is enabled. However, without it will still work.
As can be seen each value per date is an individual row in table 1 (so 4 rows per date). It is the group_concat function that is used to get all the values per date in conjunction with the GROUP BY clause which creates a set of rows (a Group) for each date.
The 2nd SELECT shows the rows in table1 :-

Insert multiple records into a table with an existing ID column

I have a cross-reference table that looks like this:
I want to get rid of this table because the data is corrupted. I have already deleted all of the corrupted data and added a record to the table I want to put this information into.
The table looks like this:
id tid field1 field2....
The id of table2 is the same as the ppid in the cross-reference table. What I am trying to do is to put the tid from the cross-ref table into table2 where the associated id is equal to the ppid from the cross-ref table. There are about 1500 records so it isn't too large but large enough I don't want to write the values 1500 times.
I am using SQL Server 2017
This is an update with a join
update t2
set t2.tid = t1.tid
from table2 t2
inner join crossRefTable t1 on t1.ppid =

SQL query that merges two tables together with a where clause

Hi I want to search through table 2 with a value (names CustID) from table 1, and if all the values are found in table 2 (CustID) that matches table 1 (CustID) the values must be shown together with all the values from table 1 that does not match table 2's values.
Is it possible to do it this way and if it is can you please show me how, I need this for a project.
Thanks in advance
It sounds like you want a "LEFT" JOIN, which will pull up all records in table1 plus the matching ones in table2.
SELECT A.,B. FROM table1 A LEFT JOIN table2 B ON A.CustID = B.CustID