How is get_updates() of optimizers.SGD used in Keras during training? - tensorflow

I am not familiar with the inner workings of Keras and have difficulty understanding how Keras uses the get_updates() function of optimizers.SGD during training.
I searched quite a while on the internet, but only got few details. Specifically, my understanding is that the parameters/weights update rule of SGD is defined in the get_updates() function. But it appears that get_updates() isn't literally called in every iteration during training; otherwise 'moments' wouldn't carry from one iteration to the next to implement momentum correctly, as it's reset in every call, c.f.
shapes = [K.get_variable_shape(p) for p in params]
moments = [K.zeros(shape) for shape in shapes]
self.weights = [self.iterations] + moments
for p, g, m in zip(params, grads, moments):
v = self.momentum * m - lr * g # velocity
self.updates.append(K.update(m, v))
As pointed out in, get_updates() only defines 'a symbolic computation graph'. I'm not sure what that means. Can someone give a more detailed explanation of how it works?
For example, how is the 'v' computed in one iteration got passed to 'moments' in the next iteration to implement momentum? I'd also appreciate it if someone can point me to some tutorial about how this works.
Thanks a lot! (BTW, I'm using tensorflow, if it matters.)

get_updates() defines graph operations that update the gradients.
When the graph is evaluated for training it will look somehow like this:
forward passes compute a prediction value
loss computes a cost
backward passes compute gradients
gradients are updated
Updating the gradients is a graph computation itself; i.e. the snippet of code that you quote defines how to perform the operation by specifying which tensors are involves and what math operations occur. The math operations themselves are not occurring at that point.
moments is a vectors of tensors defined in the code above. The code creates a graph operation that updates each moments element.
Every iteration of the graph will run this update operation.
The following link tries to explain the concept of the computational graph in TensorFlow:
Keras uses the same underlying ideas but abstract the user from having to deal with the low level details. Defining a model in traditional TensorFlow 1.0 API requires a much higher level of detail.


Is it possible to integrate Levenberg-Marquardt optimizer from Tensorflow Graphics with a Tensorflow 2.0 model?

I have a Tensorflow 2.0 tf.keras.Sequential model. Now, my technical specification prescribes using the Levenberg-Marquardt optimizer to fit the model. Tensorflow 2.0 doesn't provide it as an optimizer out of the box, but it is available in the Tensorflow Graphics module.
tfg.math.optimizer.levenberg_marquardt.minimize function accepts residuals ( a residual is a Python callable returning a tensor) and variables (list of tensors corresponding to my model weights) as parameters.
What would be the best way to convert my model into residuals and variables?
If I understand correctly how the minimize function works, I have to provide two residuals. The first residual must call my model for every learning case and aggregate all the results into a tensor. The second residuals must return all labels as a single constant tensor. The problem is that tf.keras.Sequential.predict function returns a numpy array instead of tensor. I believe that if I convert it to a tensor, the minimizer won't be able to calculate jacobians with respect to variables.
The same problem is with variables. It doesn't seem like there's a way to extract all weights from a model into a list of tensors.
There's a major difference between tfg.math.optimizer.levenberg_marquardt.minimize and Keras optimizers from the implementation/API perspective.
Keras optimizers, such as tf.keras.optimizers.Adam consume gradients as input and updates tf.Variables.
In contrast, tfg.math.optimizer.levenberg_marquardt.minimize essentially unrolls the optimization loop in graph mode (using a tf.while_loop construct). It takes initial parameter values and produces updated parameter values, unlike Adam & co, which only apply one iteration and actually change the values of tf.Variables via assign_add.
Stepping back a bit to the theoretical big picture, Levenberg-Marquardt is not a general gradient descent-like solver for any nonlinear optimization problem (such as Adam is). It specifically addresses nonlinear least-squares optimization, so it's not a drop-in replacement for optimizers like Adam. In gradient descent, we compute the gradient of the loss with respect to the parameters. In Levenberg-Marquardt, we compute the Jacobian of the residuals with respect to the parameters. Concretely, it repeatedly solves the linearized problem Jacobian # delta_params = residuals for delta_params using tf.linalg.lstsq (which internally uses Cholesky decomposition on the Gram matrix computed from the Jacobian) and applies delta_params as the update.
Note that this lstsq operation has cubic complexity in the number of parameters, so in case of neural nets it can only be applied for fairly small ones.
Also note that Levenberg-Marquardt is usually applied as a batch algorithm, not a minibatch algorithm like SGD, though there's nothing stopping you from applying the LM iteration on different minibatches in each iteration.
I think you may only be able to get one iteration out of tfg's LM algorithm, through something like
from tensorflow_graphics.math.optimizer.levenberg_marquardt import minimize as lm_minimize
for input_batch, target_batch in dataset:
def residual_fn(trainable_params):
# do not use trainable params, it will still be at its initial value, since we only do one iteration of Levenberg Marquardt each time.
return model(input_batch) - target_batch
new_objective_value, new_params = lm_minimize(residual_fn, model.trainable_variables, max_iter=1)
for var, new_param in zip(model.trainable_variables, new_params):
In contrast, I believe the following naive method will not work where we assign model parameters before computing the residuals:
from tensorflow_graphics.math.optimizer.levenberg_marquardt import minimize as lm_minimize
dataset_iterator = ...
def residual_fn(params):
input_batch, target_batch = next(dataset_iterator)
for var, param in zip(model.trainable_variables, params):
return model(input_batch) - target_batch
final_objective, final_params = lm_minimize(residual_fn, model.trainable_variables, max_iter=10000)
for var, final_param in zip(model.trainable_variables, final_params):
The main conceptual problem is that residual_fn's output has no gradients wrt its input params, since this dependency goes through a tf.assign. But it might even fail before that due to using constructs that are disallowed in graph mode.
Overall I believe it's best to write your own LM optimizer that works on tf.Variables, since tfg.math.optimizer.levenberg_marquardt.minimize has a very different API that is not really suited for optimizing Keras model parameters since you can't directly compute model(input, parameters) - target_value without a tf.assign.

What is the purpose of the Tensorflow Gradient Tape?

I watched the Tensorflow Developer's summit video on Eager Execution in Tensorflow, and the presenter gave an introduction to "Gradient Tape." Now I understand that Gradient Tape tracks the automatic differentiation that occurs in a TF model.
I was trying to understand why I would use Gradient Tape? Can anyone explain how Gradient Tape is used as a diagnostic tool? Why would someone use Gradient Tape versus just Tensorboard visualization of weights.
So I get that the automatic differentiation that occurs with a model is to compute the gradients of each node--meaning the adjustment of the weights and biases at each node, given some batch of data. So that is the learning process. But I was under the impression that I can actually use a tf.keras.callback.TensorBoard() call to see the tensorboard visualization of training--so I can watch the weights on each node and determine if there are any dead or oversaturated nodes.
Is the use of Gradient Tape only to see if some gradients go to zero or get really big, etc? Or is there some other use of the Gradient Tape?
With eager execution enabled, Tensorflow will calculate the values of tensors as they occur in your code. This means that it won't precompute a static graph for which inputs are fed in through placeholders. This means to back propagate errors, you have to keep track of the gradients of your computation and then apply these gradients to an optimiser.
This is very different from running without eager execution, where you would build a graph and then simply use to evaluate your loss and then pass this into an optimiser directly.
Fundamentally, because tensors are evaluated immediately, you don't have a graph to calculate gradients and so you need a gradient tape. It is not so much that it is just used for visualisation, but more that you cannot implement a gradient descent in eager mode without it.
Obviously, Tensorflow could just keep track of every gradient for every computation on every tf.Variable. However, that could be a huge performance bottleneck. They expose a gradient tape so that you can control what areas of your code need the gradient information. Note that in non-eager mode, this will be statically determined based on the computational branches that are descendants of your loss but in eager mode there is no static graph and so no way of knowing.
Having worked on this for a while, after posting the initial question, I have a better sense of where Gradient Tape is useful. Seems like the most useful application of Gradient Tap is when you design a custom layer in your keras model for example--or equivalently designing a custom training loop for your model.
If you have a custom layer, you can define exactly how the operations occur within that layer, including the gradients that are computed and also calculating the amount of loss that is accumulated.
So Gradient tape will just give you direct access to the individual gradients that are in the layer.
Here is an example from Aurelien Geron's 2nd edition book on Tensorflow.
Say you have a function you want as your activation.
def f(w1, w2):
return 3 * w1 ** 2 + 2 * w1 * w2
Now if you want to take derivatives of this function with respec to w1 and w2:
w1, w2 = tf.Variable(5.), tf.Variable(3.)
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
z = f(w1, w2)
gradients = tape.gradient(z, [w1, w2])
So the optimizer will calculate the gradient and give you access to those values. Then you can double them, square them, triple them, etc., whatever you like. Whatever you choose to do, then you can add those adjusted gradients to the loss calculation for the backpropagation step, etc.
I think the most important thing to say in answer to this question is simply that GradientTape is not a diagnostic tool. That's the misconception here.
GradientTape is a mathematical tool for automatic differentiation (autodiff), which is the core functionality of TensorFlow. It does not "track" the autodiff, it is a key part of performing the autodiff.
As the other answers describe, it is used to record ("tape") a sequence of operations performed upon some input and producing some output, so that the output can be differentiated with respect to the input (via backpropagation / reverse-mode autodiff) (in order to then perform gradient descent optimisation).

Is there a way to measure the back-ward pass of a model?

There is a relevant question here already TensorFlow: Is there a way to measure FLOPS for a model?
However, the answer given by #Tobias Scheck is the forward pass stats.
Is there a way to measure/estimate the backward pass as well?
If you just want to get a quick number, you can simply add
grads = tf.gradients(C, [A, B])
to #Tobias Scheck's code to construct the gradient computation nodes. Then, subtract the new number (with gradient ops) from the original one (without gradient ops) to get the estimated flops.
A word of caution about using this method in larger projects. This method uses static analysis of the whole graph. This has a few problems including:
The flops from ops in a while loop will be added only once.
Ops that are never normally run (some TF functionalities can leave garbage ops in the graph) will be added.
This analysis heavily depends on shape inference. It might not be available for all ops.
This analysis depends on registering functions that can estimate the flops of a given op. There can be ops without such functions and such functions don't precisely model the flops done by the actual kernel your TF will pick to execute the op.
For more info see:
It is better to use this in conjunction with an actual run record (RunMetadata) or use a purely runtime based approach, e.g. Can I measure the execution time of individual operations with TensorFlow?, and do some filtering/aggregation on the results.

Tensorflow: intercept gradients of arbitrary node in the computational graph (not necessarily loss)

I would like to intercept gradients that are backpropagated in my Tensorflow graph, which are not based on the loss (∂L/∂w), but based on some other node in the graph, for example the class scores (∂s/∂w) in a classification problem or some activation (∂a/∂w) to see how it changes when certain weights w change.
How can one implement this efficiently in Tensorflow? Intuitively, the gradients should already all be there for backprop of the loss as intermediate results, so there should be a solution without a big overhead.
I am already aware of the following suggestions, which don't exactly solve the problem:
The Tensorflow method tf.gradients(ys, xs), which computes the gradient for every y in ys w.r.t. every xs, but then, for every x in xs sums over all y. Applying this function for every y in ys separately, however, induces a large computational overhead.
This stackoverflow post, which ask this question for the derivative of the loss w.r.t. some parameters, i.e. ∂L/∂w.
The part of the documentation, which proposes to call optimizer.compute_gradients() as an easy to use 'wrapper' around tf.gradients(). However, calling this function for every variable of interest introduces again a large computational overhead.
Update: Phrased differently, what I want is the Jacobian of any component of the computational graph w.r.t. any other. This topic has been touched in this recent Tensorflow issue, but is described as currently not being efficiently/conveniently implemented therein.

Unaggregated gradients / gradients per example in tensorflow

Given a simple mini-batch gradient descent problem on mnist in tensorflow (like in this tutorial), how can I retrieve the gradients for each example in the batch individually.
tf.gradients() seems to return gradients averaged over all examples in the batch. Is there a way to retrieve gradients before aggregation?
Edit: A first step towards this answer is figuring out at which point tensorflow averages the gradients over the examples in the batch. I thought this happened in _AggregatedGrads, but that doesn't appear to be the case. Any ideas?
tf.gradients returns the gradient with respect to the loss. This means that if your loss is a sum of per-example losses, then the gradient is also the sum of per-example loss gradients.
The summing up is implicit. For instance if you want to minimize the sum of squared norms of Wx-y errors, the gradient with respect to W is 2(WX-Y)X' where X is the batch of observations and Y is the batch of labels. You never explicitly form "per-example" gradients that you later sum up, so it's not a simple matter of removing some stage in the gradient pipeline.
A simple way to get k per-example loss gradients is to use batches of size 1 and do k passes. Ian Goodfellow wrote up how to get all k gradients in a single pass, for this you would need to specify gradients explicitly and not rely on tf.gradients method
To partly answer my own question after tinkering with this for a while. It appears that it is possible to manipulate gradients per example while still working in batch by doing the following:
Create a copy of tf.gradients() that accepts an extra tensor/placeholder with example-specific factors
Create a copy of _AggregatedGrads() and add a custom aggregation method that uses the example-specific factors
Call your custom tf.gradients function and give your loss as a list of slices:
ys=[cross_entropy[i] for i in xrange(batch_size)],
But this will probably have the same complexity as doing individual passes per example, and I need to check if the gradients are correct :-).
One way of retrieving gradients before aggregation is to use the grads_ys parameter. A good discussion is found here:
Use of grads_ys parameter in tf.gradients - TensorFlow
I haven't been working with Tensorflow a lot lately, but here is an open issue tracking the best way to compute unaggregated gradients:
There is a lot of sample code solutions provided by users (including myself) that you can try based on your needs.