AutoML REST call with score_threshold returns 400 Bad Request -

When I make a call to the Predictor and I add the score_threshold as shown below:
"payload": {
"image": {
"imageBytes": "YOUR_IMAGE_BYTES"
"params": { "score_threshold": "0.0" },
I get an error 400 Bad Request. The call works just fine (I get a prediction from AutoML) without the score_threshold clause. I'm using VB.Net for the call so wondering if there's a trick to formatting the call. I've also tried removing the quotes from the score as it is listed as a Float in the documentation with the same result.

as in the example from GCP website it should be
so your json will be
"payload": {
"image": {
"imageBytes": "YOUR_IMAGE_BYTES"
"params": { "scoreThreshold": 0.5 },


SkillsFuture Credit Pay Not working properly

We are using the API /skillsFutureCredits/claims/encryptRequests with the following payload
"claimRequest": {
"course": {
"id": "TGS-2020002051",
"fee": "1.00",
"runId": "278849",
"startDate": "2022-04-28"
"individual": {
"nric": "T5001077A",
"email": "",
"homeNumber": "87654321",
"mobileNumber": "12345678"
"additionalInformation": "any additional information"
We get the encrypted response back and run /skillsFutureCredits/claims/decryptRequests with the following payload
The response we got back is error
"error": "42+fmhx6gjvNyCQsf1ktG7nFNcfsjarCS1dVJ71ehiTxJcBz9utPN6K9Dv0jpISN7U4jy7Dv5jxcueQyQbC4qq/JWX7o7Pe0OeKUSYIMT/0xaPD19yOOyxuY0y+LWDhV9VP4oTFIGM/2hhoJRuLfGwVevQdQsRh3XLfcpPccO4Xer4D2KelIFACofkn0goY1"
which when decrypt, it is an empty data. In post man, it is showing 500 internal server error but not showing us what error it is.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

NSwag generated client still serializes string for text/plain body

UPDATE: I went ahead and created an issue on NSwag after looking through its code. You can see it here:
I have a functioning api endpoint that accepts "text/plain" as the body. The user of this endpoint is a third-party that controls the content type so I can't change that. I'm using NSwag to generate a c# client based on a swagger.json.
My main problem is that the generated client's function for calling this endpoint still serializes the string body, which causes the endpoint to fail to parse. I'm not 100% certain if this is a bug in my swagger.json or if it's something unintentional, because the json is also generated. This is why I'm not posting this on the NSwag github issues currently.
Here's what the swagger.json looks like:
"openapi": "3.0.1",
"info": {
"title": "PlainTextParser",
"version": "1.0"
"paths": {
"/api/v1/text": {
"post": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Parses a plain text body",
"operationId": "PostTextEvent",
"requestBody": {
"description": "Accepts a plain text body",
"content": {
"text/plain": {
"schema": {
"type": "string",
"nullable": true
"responses": {
"202": {
"description": "Success"
"components": { }
When I run nswag on it, I get this inside of the generated client:
public virtual async System.Threading.Tasks.Task PostTextEventAsync(string body, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var content_ = new System.Net.Http.StringContent(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(body, _settings.Value));
content_.Headers.ContentType = System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue.Parse("text/plain");
The SerializeObject method call is what is causing the issue. When I removed it everything worked fine. You can even see on the second line there that it understands the content type, which is why I'm confused why it's trying to serialize it.
So is there something I'm missing in the swagger.json or is there a bug in NSwag?
I do realize I can work around this by making my API endpoint reformat the string to its intended state, but that feels like a hack.

GraphQL query - Query by ID

I have installed the strapi-starter-blog locally and I'm trying to understand how I can query article by ID (or slug). When I open the GraphQL Playground, I can get all the article using:
query Articles {
articles {
image {
category {
The response is:
"data": {
"articles": [
"id": "1",
"title": "Thanks for giving this Starter a try!",
"content": "\n# Thanks\n\nWe hope that this starter will make you want to discover Strapi in more details.\n\n## Features\n\n- 2 Content types: Article, Category\n- Permissions set to 'true' for article and category\n- 2 Created Articles\n- 3 Created categories\n- Responsive design using UIkit\n\n## Pages\n\n- \"/\" display every articles\n- \"/article/:id\" display one article\n- \"/category/:id\" display articles depending on the category",
"image": {
"url": "/uploads/blog_header_network_7858ad4701.jpg"
"category": {
"name": "news"
"id": "2",
"title": "Enjoy!",
"content": "Have fun!",
"image": {
"url": "/uploads/blog_header_balloon_32675098cf.jpg"
"category": {
"name": "trends"
But when I try to get the article using the ID with variable, like here github code in the GraphQL Playground with the following
query Articles($id: ID!) {
articles(id: $id) {
image {
category {
"id": 1
I get an error:
"message": "Unknown argument \"id\" on field \"articles\" of type \"Query\"."
What is the difference and why can't I get the data like in the example of the Github repo.
Thanks for your help.
It's the difference between articles and article as the query. If you use the singular one you can use the ID as argument

Alexa timer API not working when changing {continutewithskillname} to something else

I am trying to call subsequent task once the timer's is over via y timer API call. Per the doc, I have to similar formated code:
timer_request = {
"duration": "PT10S",
"timerLabel": "My Task Timer",
"creationBehavior": {
"displayExperience": {
"visibility": "VISIBLE"
"triggeringBehavior": {
"operation": {
"type": "LAUNCH_TASK",
"textToConfirm": [{
"locale": "en-US",
"text": "Timer elapsed. Would you like to launch {continueWithSkillName}?"
"task": {
"name": "CountDown",
"version": "1",
"notificationConfig": {
"playAudible": True
However, as soon as, I change the {continueWithSkillName}to any other name or simply take the brackets out, I run into bad request error. Does anybody why or what shall I do?
If you read farther down in the docs you linked, it says it's mandatory.
** {continueWithSkillName} is mandatory somewhere. This is replaced with "continue with ". **
While it appears you can move it within the string where it appears, it must be part of the string.

How to make ember work with Django REST gis

I am currently trying to setup ember to interact with Django's REST Framework using the ember-django-adapter.
This works flawless. But since I started using djangorestframework-gis, ember is not able to process the responses anymore.
I have not found anyone building geoJSON with ember except for: But that does not seem to be the right approach because I do not want to change the data model?
This is the api-response:
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
"id": 1,
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"coordinates": [
"type": "Point"
"properties": {
"date_created": "2014-10-05T20:08:43.565Z",
"body": "Hi",
"author": 1,
"expired": false,
"anonymous": false,
"input_device": 1,
"image": "",
"lat": 0.0,
"lng": 0.0
While ember expects something like:
My take on this was to write my own Serializer:
import Ember from "ember";
import DS from "ember-data";
export default DS.DjangoRESTSerializer.extend({
extractArray: function(store, type, payload) {
var features = payload["features"];
var nPayload = [];
for (var i = features.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var message = features[i];
var nmessage = {"id":};
for(var entry in{
var props =;
if ( {
var obj = {}
console.log(nPayload); //prints in the format above
this._super(store, type, nPayload);
But I receive the following error:
The response from a findAll must be an Array, not undefined
What am I missing here? Or is this the wrong approach? Has anyone ever tried to get this to work?
An alternative would be to handle this on the serverside and simply output a regular restframework response and set lat and long in the backend.
This is not a valid answer for the question above. I wanted to share my solution anyways,
just in case anyone ever gets into the same situation:
I now do not return a valid geoJSON, but custom lat, lng values. The following is backend code for django-rest-framework:
class Message(models.Model):
def lat(self):
return self.location.coords[1]
def lng(self):
return self.location.coords[0]
And in the serializer:
class MessageSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
lat = serializers.Field(source="lat")
lng = serializers.Field(source="lng")
Ember can easily handle the format.