Scalling Feature implemented in DataFrame modelling - pandas

I have dataset with 15 columns with below scenario
9 -columns are categorical use so I have convert the data one hot encoder
6 columns are numeric, out of 6 - 3 columns is having outlier since column values are different range, so I have chosen RobustScaler() as scaling features and other I chosen standard Scalar.
after that I have combined all the data frame and apply the Logistic Regression algorithm my model produced very low score even I got the good score with out scaling.
will any one can able to help on this ?

please apply column standardization to data frame and see the output..I guess since logistic regression is sensitive to outliers,you are facing problem
impute outliers properly and then apply column standardization


Predict a nonlinear array based on 2 features with scalar values using XGBoost or equivalent

So I have been looking at XGBoost as a place to start with this, however I am not sure the best way to accomplish what I want.
My data is set up something like this
Where every value, whether it be input or output is numerical. The issue I'm facing is that I only have 3 input data points per several output data points.
I have seen that XGBoost has a multi-output regression method, however I am only really seeing it used to predict around 2 outputs per 1 input, whereas my data may have upwards of 50 output points needing to be predicted with only a handful of scalar input features.
I'd appreciate any ideas you may have.
For reference, I've been looking at mainly these two demos (they are the same idea just one is scikit and the other xgboost)

how to predict winner based on teammates

I am trying to create a machine learning model to predict the position of each team, but I am having trouble organizing the data in a way the model can train off of it.
I want the pandas dataframe to look something like this
Where each tournament has team members constantly shifting teams.
And based on the inputted teammates, the model makes a prediction on the team's position. Anyone have any suggestions on how I can make a pandas dataframe like this that a model can use as trainnig data? I'm completely stumped. Thanks in advance!
Coming on to the question as to how to create this sheet, you can easily get the data and store in the format you described above. The trick is in how to use it as training data to your model. We need to convert it in numerical form to be able to be used as training data to any model. As we know that the max team size is 3 in most cases, we can divide the three names in three columns (keep the column blank, if there are less than 3 members in the team). Now we can either use Label encoding or One-hot encoding to convert the names to numbers. You should create a combined list of all three columns to fit a LabelEncoder and then use transform function individually on each column (since the names might be shared in these 3 columns). On label encoding, we can easily use tree based models. One-hot encoding might lead to curse of dimensionality as there will be many names, so I would prefer not to use it for an initial simple model.

Multivariate LSTM with missing values

I am working on a Time Series Forecasting problem using LSTM.
The input contains several features, so I am using a Multivariate LSTM.
The problem is that there are some missing values, for example:
Feature 1 Feature 2 ... Feature n
1 2 4 nan
2 5 8 10
3 8 8 5
4 nan 7 7
5 6 nan 12
Instead of interpolating the missing values, that can introduce bias in the results, because sometimes there are a lot of consecutive timestamps with missing values on the same feature, I would like to know if there is a way to let the LSTM learn with the missing values, for example, using a masking layer or something like that? Can someone explain to me what will be the best approach to deal with this problem?
I am using Tensorflow and Keras.
As suggested by François Chollet (creator of Keras) in his book, one way to handle missing values is to replace them with zero:
In general, with neural networks, it’s safe to input missing values as
0, with the condition that 0 isn’t already a meaningful value. The
network will learn from exposure to the data that the value 0 means
missing data and will start ignoring the value. Note that if you’re
expecting missing values in the test data, but the network was trained
on data without any missing values, the network won’t have learned to
ignore missing values! In this situation, you should artificially
generate training samples with missing entries: copy some training
samples several times, and drop some of the features that you expect
are likely to be missing in the test data.
So you can assign zero to NaN elements, considering that zero is not used in your data (you can normalize the data to a range, say [1,2], and then assign zero to NaN elements; or alternatively, you can normalize all the values to be in range [0,1] and then use -1 instead of zero to replace NaN elements.)
Another alternative way is to use a Masking layer in Keras. You give it a mask value, say 0, and it would drop any timestep (i.e. row) where all its features are equal to the mask value. However, all the following layers should support masking and you also need to pre-process your data and assign the mask value to all the features of a timestep which includes one or more NaN features. Example from Keras doc:
Consider a Numpy data array x of shape (samples, timesteps,features),
to be fed to an LSTM layer. You want to mask timestep #3
and #5 because you lack data for these timesteps. You can:
set x[:, 3, :] = 0. and x[:, 5, :] = 0.
insert a Masking layer with mask_value=0. before the LSTM layer:
model = Sequential()
model.add(Masking(mask_value=0., input_shape=(timesteps, features)))
Update (May 2021): According to an updated suggestion from François Cholle, it might be better to use a more meaningful or informative value (instead of using zero) for masking missing values. This value could be computed (e.g. mean, median, etc.) or predicted from the data itself.

Using embedded columns

I'm trying to understand the TensorFlow tutorial on wide and deep learning. The demo application creates indicator columns for categorical features with few categories (gender, education), and it creates embedded columns for categorical features with many categories (native_country, occupation).
I don't understand embedded columns. Is there a rule that clarifies when to use embedded columns instead of indicator columns? According to the documentation, the dimension parameter sets the dimension of the embedding. What does that mean?
From the feature columns tutorial:
Now, suppose instead of having just three possible classes, we have a million. Or maybe a billion. For a number of reasons, as the number of categories grow large, it becomes infeasible to train a neural network using indicator columns.
We can use an embedding column to overcome this limitation. Instead of representing the data as a one-hot vector of many dimensions, an embedding column represents that data as a lower-dimensional, ordinary vector in which each cell can contain any number, not just 0 or 1. By permitting a richer palette of numbers for every cell, an embedding column contains far fewer cells than an indicator column.
The dimension parameter is the length of the vector you're reducing the categories to.

Random projection in Python Pandas using a dataframe containing NaN values

I have a dataframe data containing real values and some NaN values. I'm trying to perform locality sensitive hashing using random projections to reduce the dimension to 25 components, specifically with thesklearn.random_projection.GaussianRandomProjection class. However, when I run:
tx = random_projection.GaussianRandomProjection(n_components = 25)
data25 = tx.fit_transform(data)
I get Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for dtype('float64'). Is there a work-around to this? I tried changing all the NaN values to a value that is never present in my dataset, such as -1. How valid would my output be in this case? I'm not an expert behind the theory of locality sensitive hashing/random projections so any insight would be helpful as well. Thanks.
NA / NaN values (not-available / not-a-number) are, I have found, just plain troublesome.
You don't want to just substitute a random value like -1. If you are inclined to do that, use one of the Imputer classes. Otherwise, you are likely to very substantially change the distances between points. You likely want to preserve distances as much as possible if you are using random projection:
The dimensions and distribution of random projections matrices are controlled so as to preserve the pairwise distances between any two samples of the dataset.
However, this may or may not result in reasonable values for learning. As far as I know, imputation is an open field of study, which (for instance) this gentlemen has specialized in studying.
If you have enough examples, consider dropping rows or columns that contain NaN values. Another possibility is training a generative model like a Restricted Boltzman Machine and use that to fill in missing values:
rbm = sklearn.neural_network.BernoulliRBM().fit( data_with_no_nans )
mean_imputed_data = sklearn.preprocessing.Imputer().fit_transform( all_data )
rbm_imputation = rbm.gibbs( mean_imputed_data )
nan_mask = np.isnan( all_data )
all_data[ nan_mask ] = rbm_imputation[ nan_mask ]
Finally, you might consider imputing using nearest neighbors. For a given column, train a nearest neighbors model on all the variables except that column using all complete rows. Then, for a row missing that column, find the k nearest neighbors and use the average value among them. (This gets very costly, especially if you have rows with more than one missing value, as you will have to train a model for every combination of missing columns).