vue 2 components, one for display, one for changing? - vue.js

I would like to have two components, one for displaying a value, and one for changing it with a text field. I can't get this to work? Is there another way of doing this?
I get this error message:
"Avoid mutating a prop directly since the value will be overwritten whenever the parent component re-renders. Instead, use a data or computed property based on the prop's value. Prop being mutated: "forpris""
Vue.component('prislapp-forpris', {
props: ['forpris'],
template: '<div class="prislappForpris">[[ forpris ]],-</div>',
delimiters: ['[[',']]']
Vue.component('input-forpris', {
props: ['forpris'],
template: '<input type="text" v-model="forpris" />'
var app = new Vue({
el: '.previewPage',
data: {
lapp: {
id: 1,
forpris: 30595

It's all about v-model directly mutating the forpris prop. As the warning states, you should avoid to mutate a prop from a component.
 Rationale behind the warning
The reason is that allowing child component to modify props that belong to their parents make programs more error prone and difficult to reason about.
Instead, the idea behind Vue and other component oriented architectures and frameworks is that child components emit events to their parents, and then the parents change their own state, which in turn modify the child component via events from their children.
This ensures that the component passing down the props have full control of the state and may, or may not, allow the desired state changes that come via props.
How to fix your code to avoid the warning
v-model is syntax sugar over a :value and an #input on the input element. A really good read to understand how v-model innerly works is this article.
What you should do, is to drop v-model on the input for this:
template: '<input type="text" :value="forpris" #input="$emit('input', $event)" />'
This will set forpris as the value of the input (as v-model was already doing), but, instead of automatically modifying it, now the component will emit an input event when the user writes in the input.
So you now need to listen for this event in the parent and react accordingly. Now from your code is not absolutely clear who is rendering the two component, I guess the rendering comes from the .previewPage element in the Vue template, so the Vue instance is the parent component here.
You don't show the html of that template, but I guess it is something like the following:
<div class="previewPage">
<prislapp-forpris :forpriss="lapp.forpris" />
<input-forpris :forpriss="lapp.forpris" />
You now should listen to the #input event in the input-forpriss component:
<div class="previewPage">
<prislapp-forpris :forpriss="lapp.forpris" />
<input-forpris :forpriss="lapp.forpris" #input="handleInput" />
So, whenever we receive an #input event, we call the handleInput method. We also need to add such method to the Vue instance:
var app = new Vue({
el: '.previewPage',
data: {
lapp: {
id: 1,
forpris: 30595
methods: {
console.log(value); // now I'm not 100% sure if this
// is the value or a DOM event, better check
this.lapp.forpriss = value;


What is the best way to pass data from a dropdown list to a prop?

I'm attempting to pass the selected value from my dropdown list, to my props, but being new at Vue I'm lost as to how to get this my selected value to pass to my prop, I've attempted many different methods but it remains an empty string. What am I missing here?
<div class="columns">
<div class="column is-4">
<FormField :for="ff.slug" />
<FormField :for="" />
<select v-model="selected">
<option disabled value="">Please select one</option>
export default {
fullScreen: true,
name: 'CcRequestForm',
mixins: [BaseForm],
props: {
selected: '',
modelName: {
default: 'CcRequest',
computed: {
...mapGetters(['ccTypesForRequests', 'currentRequesterSlug', 'currentCcRequest']), ccTypesCollection() {
return>[x.slug, this.t(`cc_types.${x.slug}`)]);
There are a few points that you should consider and implement in your code in order to fix your component.
When you're defining props in a child component, you should define its type, using javascript types (String, Number, Boolean, Array, Object). So writing selected: '' is not the correct way. Use selected: String instead. Read the Vue documentation for more detailed information:
Prop Types
Prop definitions
You should know and consider that mutating a prop in the child component is an anti-pattern, as their documentation says:
All props form a one-way-down binding between the child property and the parent one: when the parent property updates, it will flow down to the child, but not the other way around. This prevents child components from accidentally mutating the parent’s state, which can make your app’s data flow harder to understand.
So in your child component: use a computed property as your select box value, and emit an event whenever it changes. And in your parent component: set a function on selectComponent event emitting, and change the value of selected state there. Check the below links for further reading:
One-Way Data Flow
Implicit parent-child communication
Vue 2 - Mutating props vue-warn
I've also implemented the correct code for your better understanding. Open and check the console when you're changing the dropdown list:

What EXACTLY does mutating a child via emitted event .sync modifier do?

So I've been investigating how mutating child props from the parent can be done.
I already encountered the pitfall with using v-model.
It throws this error:
[Vue warn]: Avoid mutating a prop directly since the value will be overwritten whenever the parent component re-renders. Instead, use a data or computed property based on the prop's value. Prop being mutated: "number1"
I learnt to deal with this problem by emitting events from the child and using .sync modifier in the parent.
However, I still feel like I didnt really understand whats going on under the hood in both cases.
As far as I understood, when mutating the childs properties from parent with v-model, the mutated data also mutates for any other parent importing the child.
To test this out, I built the following setup:
I have a child component with two inputs:
One using v-model, the other an emitted event to mutate the childs props.
We call it "compA":
#change="$emit('update:number1', $"
<input v-model="number1" placeholder="number1vmodel">
export default{
name: "compA",
props: {
number1: String
compA is being imported by compZ and compB. compZ also imports compB, and then compZ is finally being imported by myComplexView5.vue (my project uses routing).
<h1>compB containing compA</h1>
<p v-text="number1"></p>
import compA from "#/components/complexComponent5/compA.vue"
export default {
name: "compB",
components: {
return {
<compA :number1.sync="number1"/>
<compB />
import compA from "#/components/complexComponent5/compA.vue"
import compB from "#/components/complexComponent5/compB.vue"
export default {
name: "compZ",
components: {
"compA" : compA,
"compB" : compB
return {
<h1>And More testing</h1>
<compZ />
import compZ from "#/components/complexComponent5/compZ.vue"
export default{
name: "myComplexView5",
components: {
Now, I expected the following behavior:
When inputting into the inputfield which has v-model, I'd expect the paragraph inside compB to display the changes, since its text value is bound to the number1 prop from child compA. Since I mutated the childs props directly, the changed value should show up in any of the childs parents (or grandparents and so on).
But it doesnt. And it gets even better: When I use the inputfield with the event emitting from child to parent, the paragraph inside compB receives the changes!
This is basically the opposite of what I've learned from the sync modifier docs:
In some cases, we may need “two-way binding” for a prop. Unfortunately, true two-way binding can create maintenance issues, because child components can mutate the parent without the source of that mutation being obvious in both the parent and the child.
That’s why instead, we recommend emitting events in the pattern of update:myPropName. For example, in a hypothetical component with a title prop, we could communicate the intent of assigning a new value with:
this.$emit('update:title', newTitle)
Then the parent can listen to that event and update a local data property, if it wants to
Maybe this is caused by the data() inside compB which sets number1 to EMPTYSTRING when the component rerenders? I don't know, I'm very new to vue and I don't really understand when components rerender. I also used this
data() {
return {
number1: ''
inside compB To prevent this error from occuring:
[Vue warn]: Property or method is not defined on the instance but referenced during render.
I don't really know how else to prevent this error from occuring, since it seems that even though compB imported the prop from compA, the prop still needs to be declared in compB Oo
I just found out that in the code I'm using, compZ still had this paragraph element:
<p v-text="number1"></p>
The string inputted into the inputfield appeared there, NOT in the paragraph element of compB. For some reason, even though I get no errors, neither through the emitted event from compA, nor through the v-model from compA does any change to the props inside compA show any impact inside compB... :(
I put your example code in a snippet at the bottom of the post so that we're on the same page about what code is actually being talked about (I removed the line with the <p v-text="number1"></p> from compB, because that component doesn't have a prop or data/computed property for number1).
Your compA component takes in a number1 prop, which it then uses for two inputs:
The first input uses the prop as its value and then emits an 'update:number1' event with the input's value in response to the input's change event. This allows you to specify the .sync modifier when the parent component binds a value to the compA component's number1 prop (as you do in compZ).
The second input directly binds the value of the number1 prop via v-model. This is not recommended (for reasons I'll explain), which is why you are seeing the "Avoid mutating a prop directly" warning. The effect of directly binding the number1 prop to this input is that whenever the value of this second input changes, the value of number1 will change, thus changing the value of the first input, and finally causing that first input to emit the update:number1 event. Technically Vue allows you to do this, but you can see how it can get confusing.
Your compB component simply renders some texts and a compA component without passing a value as a number1 prop to compA.
Your compZ component renders a compA component, binding its own number1 property value with the .sync modifier to the compA component. This compA component instance does not share any data with the compA component instance in the compB component, so we can't expect any changes to either component to affect the other.
Vue.component('compA', {
template: `
#change="$emit('update:number1', $"
<input v-model="number1" placeholder="number1vmodel">
props: {
number1: String
Vue.component('compB', {
template: `
<compA />
Vue.component('compZ', {
template: `
<compA :number1.sync="number1"/>
<compB />
data() {
return {
number1: ''
new Vue({
el: '#app'
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<h1>And More testing</h1>

Why v-on doen't work on Vue component while using it in outer template?

The situation
Let's say I have a component BaseButton which is just a simple wrapper arround a <button> element:
Vue.component('base-button', {
template: `
<slot />
When using the button, I'll want to bind handler to a click event on this button:
<base-button #click="handler">
Click me
Pen with above code
The problem
The above solution doesn't work. The handler is not fired at all.
Can someone explain me why exactly? I'm guessing the handler is bound to the element, before it gets replaced with the component template, but it's just a guess - I can't find anything about it in vue.js docs. In addition to that docs
A non-prop attribute is an attribute that is passed to a component,
but does not have a corresponding prop defined.
While explicitly defined props are preferred for passing information
to a child component, authors of component libraries can’t always
foresee the contexts in which their components might be used. That’s
why components can accept arbitrary attributes, which are added to the
component’s root element.
#click (v-on:click) seems to me to be a non-prop attribute and according to the above text should get inherited. But it's not.
Prop solution
I know I can declare a prop and pass the handler inside the component (code below). Then it works as expected.
The problem with this solution for me is that I don't have a fine grain control over how the handler is declared. What if in one usage of BaseButton I'd like to use on #click
some of the event modifiers Vue.js exposes (e.g. .stop, .prevent, .capture)? I'd have to use another prop (like capture) and use v-if, but it'd get the component template very messy. If I leave the handler in the template, where I use it, I can modify the event declaration as I want in a clean and flexible way.
Vue.component('base-button', {
prop: {
clickHandler: {
type: Function,
required: true
template: `
<slot />
<base-button :click-handler="handler">
Click me
The v-on directive behaves differently when used on a normal / native DOM element or on a Vue custom element component, as stated in the API docs:
When used on a normal element, it listens to native DOM events only. When used on a custom element component, it listens to custom events emitted on that child component.
In your case you apply it on your custom <base-button> element component, therefore it will listen only to custom event, i.e. ones that you explicitly $emit on this component instance.
Native "click" events bubbling phase from your underlying <button> will not trigger your #click listener…
…unless you use the .native modifier:
.native - listen for a native event on the root element of component.
Vue.component('base-button', {
template: `
<slot />
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
handler(event) {
console.log('submit from where the component was used');
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<base-button #click.native="handler">

Can't stop Vue JS (v2) from reusing components

I have a Vue app that conditionally displays sets of the same component, I'd like to tie in to the created or mounted methods, but Vue keeps re-using earlier components and not triggering the methods. I've tried wrapping the components in keep-alive tags to no effect.
The code below shows what you would expect on the page: changing someVariable to 'test1' or 'test2' shows the relevant components, but the created/mounted methods only fire a maximum of 2 times (e.g. changing someVariable to 'test1' logs creation and mounting of 1 component with the label type1, then changing it to 'test2' only logs 1 more component with the label type3).
Currently using v2.1.10
<div id="app">
<div v-if="someVariable === 'test1'">
<test-component data-type="type1"></test-component>
<div v-if="someVariable === 'test2'">
<test-component data-type="type2"></test-component>
<test-component data-type="type3"></test-component>
Vue.component('test-component', {
props: ['data-type'],
template: '<div><p>In the component: {{ dataType }}</p></div>',
created: function () {
console.log('component created: ', this.dataType);
mounted: function () {
console.log('component mounted: ', this.dataType);
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
someVariable: ""
You should use a watcher on your someVariable instead of trying to hook on created and mounted hooks.
Components are created, and mounted the first time they are visible (rendered). There are NO "shown" or "hidden" hooks.
watch: {
someVariable: function (newValue) {
// test newValue and do what you have to do!
For your specific example removing keep-alive from the second if should do the trick
An interesting thing is that vue seems to re-use the previously rendered component. So if you have one component in the first if when switching to the next if with 2 components it will re-use one component and create a new one for the second component from the block. When getting back to the first if block it will re-use one of the 2 already rendered components.
As mentioned above, a watcher is more suited for such cases, thus getting you rid of handling logic in places where you don't have full control. You can see this tip right here in the docs

Update parent model from child component Vue

I have a very small app that has a donation form. The form walks the user through the steps of filling in information. I have a main component, which is the form wrapper and the main Vue instance which holds all of the form data (model). All of the child components are steps within the donation process. Each child component has input fields that are to be filled out and those field will update the parent model so that I have all of the form data in the parent model when I submit the form. Here is how the components are put together:
<donation-form></donation-form> // Main/Parent component
Inside the donation-form component:
<form action="/" id="give">
<div id="inner-form-wrapper" :class="sliderClass">
Right now, I am setting the data from the inputs in each child component and then I have a watch method that is watching for fields to update and then I am pushing them to the $root by doing this...
watch: {
amount() {
this.$root.donation.amount = this.amount;
The problem is that one of my steps I have a lot of fields and I seem to be writing some repetitive code. Also, I'm sure this is not the best way to do this.
I tried passing the data as a prop to my child components but it seems that I cannot change the props in my child component.
What would be a better way to update the root instance, or even a parent instance besides add a watch to every value in my child components?
More examples
Here is my step2.vue file - step2 vue file
Here is my donation-form.vue file - donation-form vue file
You can use custom events to send the data back.
To work with custom events, your data should be in the parent component, and pass down to children as props:
<step1 :someValue="value" />
and now you want to receive updated data from child, so add an event to it:
<step1 :someValue="value" #update="onStep1Update" />
your child components will emit the event and pass data as arguments:
this.$emit('update', newData)
the parent component:
methods: {
onStep1Update (newData) {
this.value = newData
Here is a simple example with custom events:
And if all the step1, step2 and step3 contain tons of fields and data, you can just encapsulate these data in child components (if the parent component doesn't care about these row data).
So each child has its own data and bind with <input />
<input v-model="data1" />
<input v-model="data2" />
But the same, you will send the result data back via events.
const result = this.data1 * 10 + this.data2 * 5
this.$emit('update', result)
(again, if your application becomes more and more complex, vuex will be the solution.
Personally I prefer having a generic function for updating the parent, when working with forms, instead of writing a method for every child. To illustrate – a bit condensed – like this in the parent:
<template lang="pug">
child-component(:field="" fieldname="name" #update="sync")
export default {
methods: {
sync: function(args) {
this.form[args.field] = args.value
And in the child component:
<template lang="pug">
export default {
props: ['field', 'fieldname'],
methods: {
refresh: function(value) {
this.$emit('update', {'value': value, 'field': this.fieldname});
For your case you can use v-model like following:
<form action="/" id="give">
<div id="inner-form-wrapper" :class="sliderClass">
<step1 v-model="step1Var"></step1>
<step2 v-model="step2Var"></step2>
<step3 v-model="step3Var"></step3>
v-model is essentially syntax sugar for updating data on user input events.
<input v-model="something">
is just syntactic sugar for:
<input v-bind:value="something" v-on:input="something = $">
You can pass a prop : value in the child components, and on change of input field call following which will change the step1Var variable.
this.$emit('input', opt)
You can have a look at this answer where you can see implementation of such component where a variable is passed thouugh v-model.