Is there a React Native framework for basic CRUD tasks? - react-native

I'm looking for a framework/tool which allows me to create a React Native app quickly. My porpouse is to map a data source (usually we work with oData source) and then the framework should be able to create a basic UI which allows me to perform basic CRUD tasks.
If you are familiar with DevExpress XAF you know what I'm talking about more specifically.
Can anyone help me?
What I'm loolking for is not a IDE or similar that help with React Native development, but any suggestion is accepted.
Thank you in advance.

The whole point of React Native is to give developers the flexibility to build native apps with the absolute basic components. As far as I am aware there is no such tool. The closest you have is React Native Expo. Invest some time and try to understand what React Native is and how it works and what was the idea behind it in the first place.


Using React Native with Next.js

I’m in the process of building a web app using Next.js for a bootcamp project. It’s a simple trip planning / packing list app, and I think it’d be really useful as a mobile app—especially since it doesn’t have too much going on. I chose Next for it because it was part of the MVP for the project.
I know there’s a lot involved—I know Swift and have Xcode. Is React Native my best bet for this? Does it work with Next? I went down a Google rabbit hole and saw an article about using Next with Capacitor and Ionic.
Does anyone have any strong opinions? A mobile app is a stretch goal for my project, so I wanted to make the best and quickest decision.

How to create a real life-like 3D avatar with react-native?

This question can sound a bit off-topic or more of tech capacity or capability. Let's say I am pretty new to this whole thing. I recently came across with and and really got curious how they are doing it. Let's say I want to use a real life-like 3D avatar in a react native app, any ideas where to start with? How do I create an avatar in React Native app?
I am well aware of there are API we can pay and use it.
Any help would be appreciated.
I guess what your requirement is to create 3D objects for Augmented reality, if I am correct. Currently Apple and Android provides their own framework for that. IOS's AR kit and android's AR Core is a bit different in terms of code structure(I mean how they approach problems, their functionality etc). I'll consider them a bit advance topic better done on native platforms. Answering your question, I haven't come across any such library in react native and I don't think we'll see any soon as react native is still maturing and still has a lot to do to become stable.
I've seen projects in react native having AR elements, but that was done entirely in native and bridged to react native (hybrid)

Use GeckoView in react native

I'm working on a react native project that requires GeckoView as the browser for the WebView. However, since it's a native android library I'm not sure if I can use it in react native.
Is there any way to integrate Geckoview to a react native project or is there any possible alternative for this situation?
Any help is much appreciated!
Yes, you can integrate it. Take a look at sunnylqm/react-native-geckoview.
Be sure to look and run the Example provided in the ./example directory. (Saved me lots of time)
This is a very basic implementation that I only used as a model.
It was done in Java. If you need the Kotlin version I can provide that too.
Good Luck!

What actions you have taken after you hear about React Native Architecture Changing and Airbnb, Udacity abandon it?

This is not a technical question.
It just this is my first programming language which I am fluent and I don't want to abandon it. But I feel frustrated, I need to know about this framework, but should I learn something that will change in just a couple more weeks.
Few things from my perspective: Airbnb was supporting React Native since 2016, and recently they announced sunsetting React Native and reinvesting all of their efforts back into native because they weren’t able to achieve their specific goals. The reason why AirBnB is moving away from React Native is very specific to Airbnb. They already have a huge number of IOS & Android Developers and feel their application needs are pretty unconventional. They end up developing for 3 platforms instead of 2. Which means their entire application is not in React Native, only a few features are in React Native.
Read these articles: and Here goes what worked well and what didn’t : . And one head's up from the RN team after the .56 version release is "
We're working on a large-scale rearchitecture of React Native to make
the framework more flexible and integrate better with native
infrastructure in hybrid JavaScript/native apps. With this project,
we'll apply what we've learned over the last 5 years and incrementally
bring our architecture to a more modern one. We're rewriting many of
React Native's internals, but most of the changes are under the hood:
existing React Native apps will continue to work with few or no
Facebook has not stopped supporting React, and there are still a lot of contributors supporting and using React Native in the community. Moving away from technology depends on what are the other alternatives you have.

Should I create my ReactNative App with Redux?

I starting to learn ReactNative to develop Android and iOS Applications. Before that I programming Mobile-Applications with Java and Swift.
The last weeks I search a lot in the web to get experience from other developer that use ReactNative or other "Cross-Platform-Frameworks". Early I hear about Redux and that many developer use it.
I programming some examples in Redux to understand the concept, I have understood something but not quite everything.
So I come to my main question, is it better to programming a ReactNative App for both platforms with Redux ? What are the pros and cons ? And it is better for a beginner to start with ReactNative without Redux ?
Hopefully anyone can answer my question and share his experience, so I understand Redux better.
I'd say first get a good understanding of how React works and read about React best practices because thats what React Native uses to compose hierarchy of native views in React native app.
For a simple app you don't have to use Redux.You can always add it later.