sql concatenation with blank cells - sql

So I am extracting data from one table to another
FROM [Homestore].[dbo].[CLIENT]
Issue is that if the cells are blank i still get a comma ,
I have tried using & instead of + but nvarchar is incompatible in the '&' operator. Any ideas how I only insert the comma if there is something to concatenate?

You want the equivalent of CONCAT_WS() in other databases. You can do this with STUFF() and some string logic in SQL Server:
COALESCE(',' + ADRESSE2, '') +
), 1, 1, ''
FROM [Homestore].[dbo].[CLIENT] c;
This structure is convenient, because you can just add more COALESCE() expressions for more columns.

use case expression
SELECT *, LTRIM(ADRESSE + case when ADRESSE is not null then ',' end + ADRESSE2) AS ADDRESS12
FROM [Homestore].[dbo].[CLIENT]

use case when for null checking
LTRIM(ADRESSE + case when ADRESSE2 is not null then
',' else '' end + ADRESSE2) AS ADDRESS12
FROM [Homestore].[dbo].[CLIENT]


SQL manipulation in SQL Server 2008

I have two columns LocationCity and LocationCountry. I need to concatenate them into a single column.
What I have now is :
LocationCity, LocationCountry
This produces an output like:
Hitchin,England United Kingdom
But my desired output is :
Hitchin, England, UK
How to achieve this?
String Concatenation
For SQL 2012 or Above
For SQL Server 2012 or newer, you can use the CONCAT function
REPLACE(LocationCity, ',', ', ')
, ', '
, LocationCountry
FROM Location
Under SQL 2012
For versions before SQL Server 2012, there is no CONCAT function, but you can use string concatenation:
REPLACE(LocationCity, ',', ', ')
+ ', '
+ LocationCountry
FROM Location
If LocationCity is nullable use the following query
REPLACE(LocationCity, ',', ', ') + ', '
, ''
+ LocationCountry
FROM Location
If LocationCity must act as null if empty use the following query
REPLACE(LocationCity, ',', ', ')
, ''
) + ', '
, ''
+ LocationCountry
FROM Location
Transform LocationCountry to short form
This might require to add another table or another column (dirty way)
which contains the short form of your LocationCountry column.
Then you can concatenate it the same way as before.
If the data is contained in another table, you may have to put a JOIN
CONCAT Function
String Concatenation
Using JOINs
REPLACE Function

comma separated column values

I need to take the values from 3 columns and group them into 1 column as comma separated:
The problem is that one or more columns can be NULL and therefore it messes up the commas as such:
This is how I have it coded (the case statement basically just strips out a comma if it's the last character in the string.
I need to add some logic so that it takes into account NULLs but I'm having a hard time coming up with it.
CASE WHEN RIGHT(ISNULL(d.FirstGapDate + ',', '') + ISNULL(d.PayrollGapDate + ',', '') + d.LastGapDate, 1) = ','
THEN LEFT(ISNULL(d.FirstGapDate + ',', '') + ISNULL(d.PayrollGapDate + ',', '') + d.LastGapDate, LEN(ISNULL(d.FirstGapDate + ',', '') + ISNULL(d.PayrollGapDate + ',', '') + d.LastGapDate) - 1)
ELSE ISNULL(d.FirstGapDate + ',', '') + ISNULL(d.PayrollGapDate + ',', '') + d.LastGapDate
END AS AlLGapDatesFormatted
I need to group the highlighted (notice that PayrollGapDate is ''):
And this is what I'm getting:
And this is the code I implemented:
try using this technique:
SET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL ON --<<<make sure concatenations with NULL result in NULL
DECLARE #C1 varchar(10)='AAA'
,#C2 varchar(10)='BBB'
,#C3 varchar(10)=null
,#C4 varchar(10)='DDD'
+ISNULL(', '+#C2,'')
+ISNULL(', '+#C3,'')
+ISNULL(', '+#C4,'')
(1 row(s) affected)
You let the ', '+#C3 result in NULL, which the ISNULL(***,'') converts to empty string. The STUFF(***,1,2,'') removes the leading comma and space.
SELECT STUFF( ISNULL(', '+d.FirstGapDate,'')
+ISNULL(', '+d.PayrollGapDate,'')
+ISNULL(', '+d.LastGapDate,'')
FROM ...
You can apply something like this above your expression to replace many commas with one comma:
declare #s varchar(100) = 'ABC,,,,DEF'
select replace(replace(replace(#s, ',', '[]'), '][', ''), '[]', ',')

concatenate two database columns into one resultset column

I use the following SQL to concatenate several database columns from one table into one column in the result set:
SELECT (field1 + '' + field2 + '' + field3) FROM table1
When one of the fields is null I got null result for the whole concatenation expression. How can I overcome this?
The database is MS SQL Server 2008. By the way, is this the best way to concatenate database columns? Is there any standard SQL doing this?
The SQL standard way of doing this would be:
SELECT COALESCE(field1, '') || COALESCE(field2, '') || COALESCE(field3, '') FROM table1
INSERT INTO table1 VALUES ('hello', null, 'world');
SELECT COALESCE(field1, '') || COALESCE(field2, '') || COALESCE(field3, '') FROM table1;
If you were using SQL 2012 or above you could use the CONCAT function:
SELECT CONCAT(field1, field2, field3) FROM table1
NULL fields won't break your concatenation.
#bummi - Thanks for the comment - edited my answer to correspond to it.
Normal behaviour with NULL is that any operation including a NULL yields a NULL...
- 9 * NULL = NULL
- NULL + '' = NULL
- etc
To overcome this use ISNULL or COALESCE to replace any instances of NULL with something else..
SELECT (ISNULL(field1,'') + '' + ISNULL(field2,'') + '' + ISNULL(field3,'')) FROM table1
If you are having a problem with NULL values, use the COALESCE function to replace the NULL with the value of your choice. Your query would then look like this:
SELECT (COALESCE(field1, '') + '' + COALESCE(field2, '') + '' + COALESCE(field3,'')) FROM table1
Use ISNULL to overcome it.
SELECT (ISNULL(field1, '') + '' + ISNULL(field2, '')+ '' + ISNULL(field3, '')) FROM table1
This will then replace your NULL content with an empty string which will preserve the concatentation operation from evaluating as an overall NULL result.
If both Column are numeric Then Use This code
Just Cast Column As Varchar(Size)
Select (Cast(Col1 as Varchar(20)) + '-' + Cast(Col2 as Varchar(20))) As Col3 from Table
Just Cast Column As Varchar(Size)
If both Column are numeric then use code below.
Select (Cast(Col1 as Varchar(20)) + '-' + Cast(Col2 as Varchar(20))) As Col3 from Table
What will be the size of col3 it will be 40 or something else

Conditionals in transact-sql select column lists

I've got a query that looks a bit like this:
contacts.name + ' (' + contacts.organization + ')' as contact,
from records
left join contacts on records.contact = contacts.contactid
Problem is - contacts.organization is frequently empty, and I get contacts like "John Smith ()". Is there a way to only concatenate the organization if it's non-empty?
Use a CASE statement
CASE contacts.organization
WHEN '' THEN contacts.name
ELSE contacts.name + ' (' + contacts.organization + ')'
END as Contact
FROM records
LEFT JOIN contacts ON records.contact = contacts.contactid
You could modify it to also check for NULL values, but I do not believe you have that issue because if you had a NULL in your contacts.organization, your entire result field would be null instead of blank.
Not sure if this is the best way to do it:
CASE contacts.organization
ELSE '(' + contacts.organzation + ')' END
use a CASE, like CASE WHEN contacts.organization not null then ' (' + c.o + ') ' else '' end
You always need to expect nulls, because of your outer join:
contacts.name + CASE WHEN contacts.organization IS NULL OR contacts.organization='' THEN '' ELSE ' (' + contacts.organization + ')' END as contact,
from records
left join contacts on records.contact = contacts.contactid
If you're dealing with NULL values there are some functions that specialize in them which are worth knowing.
NULLIF() might be the one you're looking for. It basically takes two params. It returns the first param unless it is NULL, otherwise it returns the second.
Here's what I approximate your code would be:
contacts.name + ISNULL(' (' + contacts.organization + ')', '') as contact,
from records
left join contacts on records.contact = contacts.contactid
Most NULL-related functions can be replaced by a larger CASE statement. CASE is your more general tool. But using specific functions will make your code cleaner, or at least more terse.

What is the best way to collapse the rows of a SELECT into a string?

In a SQL statement ( or procedure ) I want to collapse the rows of this table into a single comma delimited string.
id value
-- -----
1 "a"
2 "b"
3 "c"
Collapse to:
"a, b, c"
You can concatenate using an embedded 'set' statement in a query:
declare #combined varchar(2000)
select #combined = isnull(#combined + ', ','') + isnull(value,'')
from simpleTable
print #combined
(Note that the first isnull() initialises the string, and the second isnull() is especially important if there's any chance of nulls in the 'value' column, because otherwise a single null could wipe out the whole concatenation)
(edited code and explanation after comments)
Edit (ten years later):
SQL Server 2017 introduced the STRING_AGG() function which provides an official way of concatenating strings from different rows. Like other aggregation functions such as COUNT(), it can be used with GROUP BY.
So for the example above you could do:
select string_agg(value, ', ')
from simpleTable
If you had some other column and you wanted to concatenate for values of that column, you would add a 'group by' clause, e.g:
select someCategory, string_agg(value, ', ') as concatValues
from simpleTable
group by someCategory
Note string_agg will only work with SQL 2017 and above.
This will only work in MSSQL 2005+
select value + ',' from simpletable for xml path ('')
..one way to prevent the extra comma:
select case(row_number() over (order by id))
when 1 then value else ',' + value end
from simpletable
for xml path ('')
DECLARE #EmployeeList varchar(100)
SELECT #EmployeeList = COALESCE(#EmployeeList + ', ', '') +
CAST(Emp_UniqueID AS varchar(5))
FROM SalesCallsEmployees
WHERE SalCal_UniqueID = 1
SELECT #EmployeeList
1, 2, 4
This is based on #codeulike answer, but will prevent losing the portion of the string that gets concatenated before a null "value" is concatenated on.
declare #combined varchar(2000)
select #combined = isnull(#combined + ', ','') + ISNULL(value,'')
from simpleTable
print #combined