PHP: Google Translate 5000 characters limit - api

I'm using this library for translating:
It's possible to translate more than 5000 characters with this library?
Or save the translated text to a txt and change from text translate to docs translate?
I mean this:

Based on what Google says, it is not possible to send more than 5,000 characters per request. Moreover, Google recommends that you send less than 5,000.
You can find it here under technical questions : Google Translate FAQ
Regarding the second question, ii is possible.
According to the website of the library the result of the translation is returned in the form of an array, so first of all you must do is convert the array into a string, separating each element of the array by what you decide (here I separate it by a blank space):
$arrayToString = implode(' ', $result);
Here $result is the array returned by the library. Now we just have to save the string in a txt file.
$file = 'path/to/file/filename.txt';
file_put_contents($file, $arrayToString);


What is the best way to send String input to Google Text-to-Speech?

I have a few paragraphs that needs to be put through the Google TTS API for conversion. Some of these sentences have Dynamic words in them (eg: username). By simply passing the entire text to the API, it's taking around 8-9 secs for the Google API to respond (since some of these sentences are significantly larger in size)
What is the best strategy for converting these sentences?
I was hoping I could first convert the Static part of the sentences and store it somewhere and then convert the Dynamic part, and somehow insert the byte response of the Dynamic word. But I am not sure if this can be done at all.
For eg:
Hi, User how are you?
I was hoping to store the byte responses for "Hi," and then "how are you?" and then insert the byte response for "User" in the appropriate position

Store free text as variable in IBM Watson Assistant

i want to know if theres a way for IBM Watson assistant to store free text or direct input from the user as a variable. I know you can do it with number with the code below here:
"context" : {
"number_extract" : "<? input.text.extract('[\\d]+',0) ?>"
But this only works with numbers. what do you do when you want to store a free text for e.g. a name as a variable?The same code doesn't work for any other text but number so i assume there must be a code which works for text or free text. I would really appreciate your help. Thank you.
The input can be simply accessed using input.text. See this part of the documentation.
In your sample, an additional extract function is applied to the input string. The parameter to the extract function is a regex string (regular expression search string). In your sample, it searches for the first number. You can also search for other components, our transform the string. See the docs for other functions you can apply.
I have also collected samples for working with context variables in this GitHub repository.

Regular expression to find usernames in NSString Objective C [duplicate]

Could you provide a regex that match Twitter usernames?
Extra bonus if a Python example is provided.
I've used this as it disregards emails.
Here is a sample tweet:
#Hello how are #you doing #my_friend, email #000 me # #shahmirj
It will also work for hashtags, I use the same expression with the # changed to #.
If you're talking about the #username thing they use on twitter, then you can use this:
import re
twitter_username_re = re.compile(r'#([A-Za-z0-9_]+)')
To make every instance an HTML link, you could do something like this:
my_html_str = twitter_username_re.sub(lambda m: '%s' % (,, my_tweet)
The regex I use, and that have been tested in multiple contexts :
This is the cleanest way I've found to test and replace Twitter username in strings.
import re
text = "#RayFranco is answering to #jjconti, this is a real '#username83' but this is, and this is a #probablyfaketwitterusername";
ftext = re.sub( r'(^|[^#\w])#(\w{1,15})\b', '\\1\\2', text )
print ftext;
This will return me as expected :
RayFranco is answering to jjconti, this is a real 'username83' but this is, and this is a #probablyfaketwitterusername
Based on Twitter specs :
Your username cannot be longer than 15 characters. Your real name can be longer (20 characters), but usernames are kept shorter for the sake of ease.
A username can only contain alphanumeric characters (letters A-Z, numbers 0-9) with the exception of underscores, as noted above. Check to make sure your desired username doesn't contain any symbols, dashes, or spaces.
Twitter recently released to open source in various languages including Java, Ruby (gem) and Javascript implementations of the code they use for finding user names, hash tags, lists and urls.
It is very regular expression oriented.
The only characters accepted in the form are A-Z, 0-9, and underscore. Usernames are not case-sensitive, though, so you could use r'#(?i)[a-z0-9_]+' to match everything correctly and also discern between users.
This is a method I have used in a project that takes the text attribute of a tweet object and returns the text with both the hashtags and user_mentions linked to their appropriate pages on twitter, complying with the most recent twitter display guidelines
def link_tweet(tweet):
This method takes the text attribute from a tweet object and returns it with
user_mentions and hashtags linked
tweet = re.sub(r'(\A|\s)#(\w+)', r'\1#\2', str(tweet))
return re.sub(r'(\A|\s)#(\w+)', r'\1#\2', str(tweet))
Once you call this method you can pass in the param my_tweet[x].text. Hope this is helpful.
Shorter, /#([\w]+)/ works fine.
This regex seems to solve Twitter usernames:
Max 15 characters, allows underscores directly after the #, (which Twitter does), and allows all underscores (which, after a quick search, I found that Twitter apparently also does). Excludes email addresses.
I have used the existing answers and modified it for my use case. (username must be longer then 4 characters)
Your username must be longer than 4 characters.
Your username must be shorter than 15 characters.
Your username can only contain letters, numbers and '_'.
In case you need to match all the handle, #handle and formats, this is a variation:
import re
match ='^(?:.*twitter\.com/|#?)(\w{1,15})(?:$|/.*$)', text)
handle =
Explanation, examples and working regex here:
Not matched
You can use the following regex: ^#[A-Za-z0-9_]{1,15}$
In python:
import re
pattern = re.compile('^#[A-Za-z0-9_]{1,15}$')
This will check if the string exactly matches the regex.
In a 'practical' setting, you could use it as follows:
pattern = re.compile('^#[A-Za-z0-9_]{1,15}$')
if pattern.match('#Your_handle'):
print('No Match')

Parse streaming JSON in Objective C

I am using JSON-RPC over TCP, the problem is that I could not find any JSON parse capable of parsing multiple JSON objects correctly, and it would be relatively hard to split it, since there is no delimiter used.
Anyone knows a way how I could handle i.e. this:
{"foo":false, "bar: true, "baz": "cool"}{"ba
Somehow I need to split it so I end up just with the first, complete JSON object. The remaining string needs to stay in buffer until I have enough data to parse it properly.
XBMC's JSON-RPC doc does give a hint:
As such, your client needs to be able to deal with this, eg. by counting and matching curly braces ({}).
Update: As Jody Hagins pointed out, beware of curly braces inside JSON strings when using this approach.
Another possible and probably much better solution would be using a streaming JSON parser like yajl (or its Objective-C wrapper yajl-objc). You can feed the parser with data until it says the current object is done and then restart parsing.
#ePirat, if someone just concatenates multiple JSON dictionaries without delimiters, they should be shot.
For parsing: JSONSerialization parses NSData which could come in any encoding. Fortunately, if you have multiple JSON dictionaries concatenated, they are quite easy to take apart. All you need is looking at the bytes and check for the characters \ " { and }.
If you find a { then increase the counter for "open brackets".
If you find a } then decrease the counter for "open brackets". If the counter is at zero, you've found the end of a dictionary.
If you find a ", then repeatedly look at the next character. If the next character is a " then skip it and go to the normal processing (you've found the end of a string). If the next character is a \ then skip that character and the following character. If the next character is anything else, skip it.
If you reach the end of the data, then your JSON data is incomplete. You could remember which state you were in (count of open brackets, whether you are parsing a string, and if parsing a string whether you just encountered a backlash character) and continue right where you left off.
No need to convert the NSData to a string until you've separated it into dictionaries. If you suspect that you might be given UTF-16 or UTF-32, check whether bytes 0, 1, 2 or 1, 2, 3 are zero (UTF-32), then check whether bytes 0 and 2 or 1 and 3 are zero (UTF-16). But in that case, if the server sends non-standard JSON in UTF-16 or UTF-32, change "the person responsible should be shot" to "the person responsible must be shot".

Getting the RIGHT word count of a PDF file

The response in this topic helped me understand why sometimes my
PDF fails to find a word and why I keep getting different word counts when using
different PDF word count programs. I decided to use xpdf. I converted it to text
and added the -layout tag and then opened the resulting text file with Word 2003.
I noted the word count. Then I decided, unfortunately, to remove the -layout tag.
This time, though, the word count is different.
Why did that tag affect the word count? Is there an accurate way to find the word count
of a PDF file? I would even pay for such software if I have to so long as it gives me
the right number of words.
(I checked another topic but thought I'd find out if the solution I just offered would solve everything. There was another topic where advancedpdf was recommended.)
I'd like to argue that there is no reliable word counting. One could, for example, just to make your life harder, put each character of this lovely Stackoverflow answer into a single text object and position such objects such that, only when rendered, gives a meaningful paragraph to humans. Like this:
div {float: left;}
I would suggest an open source solution using Java. First you would have to parse the pdf file and extract all the text using Tika.
Then i believe you can achieve this simply by scanning the extracted text and counting the words.
Sample code would look like this:
if (f.getName().endsWith(".txt"))
in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f));
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String s = null;
while ((s = in.readLine()) != null)
String[] tokenizedTerms = sb.toString().replaceAll("[\\W&&[^\\s]]", "").split("\\W+"); //to get individual terms
In tokenizedTerms array , you wil have all the terms(words) of the document and you can count them by calling tokenizedTerms.length(). Hope this was useful. :-)