How to integrate TOSCA with github - automation

I have just started using TOSCA. Currenly using version 11.2.
I would like to ask can we integrate TOSCA with github to store the repository?
if yes, then how can we do it?
which version to use for this ?

I would suggest using the latest version available and then connect to GitHub as described here:


Force older version of vuejs devtools or download older version

Recently vue devtools was updated to a newer version. I am using the devtools heavily to check my vuex store. After the update the data does not show anymore. The data is updated after mutations but not shown in the devtool.
Does anyone know how to use the older version again?
Thanks in advance!
All releases can be found on their Github page: Here
Download your preferred version, then follow the steps written under Manual installation
You can install the legacy dev tools extension for Chrome.
See more info on the documentation
There is a Settings tab on the newer version which allows you to keep the Veux store synchronized at all times.
All you need to do is to enable it.

Can the latest Sequelizejs (4.0.0-0) be integrated with ExpressJS

Current version of Sequelizejs is 4.0.0-0. And its docs has nothing about ExpressJS integration.
However virsion 1.7.0 has some tutorial about how to use Sequelizejs with ExpressJS
Does current 4.0.0-0 version support ExpressJS? Where may I find best practices of integration?
The article you referenced is still valid today. It works fine with Sequelize 4 which we use on a daily basis.
Further references
There is a working github example for integrating Sequelize into express.
Also, there is another stackoverflow question giving a fabulous explanation of integrating the two.

Require rally rest api jar built with java 5

I need rally-rest-api-1.0.2.jar which is built on JAVA 5? Does Rally provide this or do we need to build one ?
Currently the Rally REST Toolkit for Java is built using Java 6. The latest version is 1.0.4. I don't think that the library itself is using anything specific to 6 but I'm not sure about its libraries (Gson and HttpClient). If you'd like to try all the source is available here. Please let the community know how it goes.

Honestly, where has Raven.server.exe gone?

The subject says it all - I updated my RavenDB in Nuget, and Raven.server.exe has done a runner... where is it??
Here it is:
Adam, try watching this YouTube video which explains what version to use and where.
VS projects should either be using the RavenDb.Client or RavenDb.Embedded .. and just download the RavenDb Server separately. (again, refer to that video for why/how/etc)

Where can I download nhibernate.caches.syscache 3.1

I've been looking over the internet and can't seem to find where I can download v3.1 of nhibernate.caches.syscache that works with NHibernate
I have version of the syscache, but is there a newer version?
The official place is here:
don't know however if your cache is officially mantained in that place, have a look.