Access tokens in auth0 - authentication

In auth0, a user authenticates themselves with auth0, then sends an access token to the app so that the app can make API calls. My question is: when the user authenticates themselves with auth0, what does auth0 send back to them? Is it an access token? If so, how does it differ from the access token that the user then sends to the app?

It gives them a token that you must verify with auth0 servers to make sure it's valid.

Auth0 sends back a few different types of tokens to the user.
The main ones are ID Token and Access token (as you have already mentioned).
Consider the following example assuming the setup of a web application & an API.
The user signs in to Auth0 through the web application and gets back the tokens mentioned above. The web application can then store the access token (for example in local storage) and attach this to requests to the API.
The API will see this token and can verify it has been issued by Auth0 and that the user has sent a valid access token. Then the API can know that the user is valid and can respond with privileged info.
To directly answer your question, the access token that the user gets back from Auth0 is the same one that it sends to the API. This will be sent around in jwt form which can be decoded when needed.


Who generates JWT when using Google OpenID Connect authnentication for my ASP.NET Core Web API app?

I am building an ASP.NET Core 6 Web API application for mobile clients (and maybe later SPA JS app). The application should have sign-in with Google option. I also want to add my own app's custom sign up and sign in options that would also be based on JWT authentication and not cookie.
I understand that for my custom sign in flow my app will generated JWT that will be sent to the client.
But I have few questions how that works when user signs-in with its Google account:
who's responsibility is to generate the JWT when user signs-in with its Google account? Is that responsibility of Google or mine application? I don't want Google to return JWT to the client in the cookie.
Then when client is authenticated with Google, and sends requests to my application, how can my application validate JWT token it gets?
When user signs in with Google for the first time, should I automatically register that user in my application (I am using Identity framework) by taking claim values (email) from the JWT? What is the general practice here?
I am trying to understand these processes and flows so sample code is not necessary (but I do welcome it).
Ad.1. Normally, in a larger system, you would have an authorization server (AS) that would handle user authentication and the issuance of tokens. Your clients would contact only the AS, and the AS will be able to provide the user with different forms of authentication: e.g., through your website's password or through Google. The AS is the single point of issuing tokens to your clients. It can issue tokens regardless of the authentication method used. So it then doesn't matter whether the user authenticated with Google or a password, the client will still get the same access token.
Ad.2. When the AS issues token to your client, then you don't have any problems validating that token. The client doesn't care if the user authenticated with Google or not, it's not relevant in this case.
If you decide to skip using an AS and let the client receive tokens directly from Google, then you can still verify them. An ID token is a JWT and can be easily validated with a JWT library using verification keys provided by Google. Access tokens returned by Google are opaque tokens (If I remember correctly), and you need to check whether Google exposes an endpoint to verify them.
Ad.3. That is the general practice. When the user authenticates with Google and you notice that you don't have that user's data in your system, then you take the information from Google's ID token and create a user entry in your system.

ID token usage when using "Log in with Google" in a mobile app

Suppose that I have a mobile app with a frontend and a backend server.
My understanding is that -- when a user logs in the app with "Login with google", the frontend sends a request to the google auth server, and gets back an ID token. The documentation says that the frontend can then send the token to the backend server to establish a session. I imagine that means the token can be used in session-based authentication?
If I were to use token-based authentication (as opposed to session-based), do I just attach the ID token in every server request, and have the backend verifies it each time when processing a request? this page suggests the ID token should not be sent to the backend API. Which leaves me wonder what the correct procedure is for token-based authentication when using log in with Google.
So my question is: Does my server need to create an access token from the ID token from Google, and send it to the frontend, so the frontend can attach that access token in the API requests for authentication?
Login with Google is an identity provider (IDP) operation. A full OAuth solution, including an authorization server (AS) looks like this:
Mobile app uses system browser to redirect to AS
AS returns a redirect response to the system browser, which routes to the IDP
User signs in at the IDP
IDP returns an authorization code to AS
AS swaps it for IDP tokens and carries out validations
AS issues a set of tokens to the app. This includes an access token (AT) with whatever scopes and claims are needed for business authorization to work.
Mobile app sends AT in API requests
API authorizes using scopes and claims from the access token
So ideally plug in an authorization server, to get this out-of-the-box behaviour. Another option is to implement your own token service, and issue your own tokens. That is less recommended though, since it requires more detailed understanding of the underlying security.

What to do after getting oauth2 token?

I'm trying to implement a "Sign in with ..." authentication system.
I've read several posts and articles on oauth2. Everyone that I've read stops the discussion or tutorial at getting the access token and possibly logging in the user for that session.
I understand that and can implement that part. Here's what I don't get:
When the user leaves the site and doesn't come back for a week, but they're still logged into the client, how do I log them back into my app? I know you save the access token to the DB, but how do you use that to log them back in?
If they're logged out of the client, how do you redirect them to the sign in page of the client. It seems that every time I try to log back in I'm asked to allow or deny the app again. I know that isn't standard, so how do I fix that? What do I send the client so that it knows that the user has already authorized the app?
I don't need a code sample unless someone knows of an article, what I would really like is just a high level overview of what to do with the access token after I have received and saved it.
I understand that OAuth2 isn't an authorization system in itself, but everyone and their dog has a "Login with..." option. And in order to do this it's necessary to use OAuth2 (or some form of API identifier). That's what I'm trying to do.
Does the following sound like the correct flow:
Get temporary code from auth server
Trade that for access token
Get user data from auth server and do whatever you want with it (probably save to a DB).
Log the user in, saving the refresh token as well.
Set an identifier in a cookie for the user (the access token)
When user comes back, identify them via the cookie token.
Try to make a call to the api and see if the access token is still valid.
If access token is still valid, great!
If access token isn't valid, then get a new one via the refresh token.
Is that the basic gist of using OAuth2 to help authenticate a user?
First of all, OAuth2 is not an authentication protocol. The issued access token does not sign you in, but allows you to call a web service (API).
OpenID Connect is an authentication protocol built on top of OAuth2. It allows you to get back an id_token from the authorization server that identifies the user. If you safe the token (or the info in it) in for example a cookie, you can establish a authenticated session for the user.
You also do not store access tokens in a database. Access tokens are short-lived and storing them on the server side serves no purpose.
You do store the refresh token in a database. When the client (app requesting the token) is confidential (can keep a secret), a refresh token may be issued. The client can use this refresh token to request a new access token for the API when the old token expires. This is what will surely happen when the user did not visit the app for a week.
This is what I do when using OAuth 2 tokens:
1.) You should store the access token in the local storage of your client. So once you stored it you can use it for every request you make like adding it to the Authorization Header "Bearer " + accessToken;
Don't forget to clear the local storage of your client when they logout.
2.) Basically if you send a request to the API and it returns "HTTP Error 401 Unauthorized" (Status 401) then you know that you should immediately re-direct the user to the login page because he/she is not authorized.
Well, if you are using role-based authorization then there's a possibility that the user is logged-in but is not authorized. This scenario should be handled by you. Only display actions on the UI corresponding to the authorization level of the user.
Hope this helps.

Twitter API Authentication Flow Misunderstanding

I don't quite understand the api flow for twitter on a per-user basis for API transactions.
Here's my understanding of the user transaction flow:
1./ User signs into our web application.
2./ User authenticates with twitter and then the API sends the user back to a callback destination with a provided oauth_token and oauth_token_secret.
3./ We store the oauth information into a database.
4./ Now we have there access tokens and can send tweets on their behalf without needing them to log into the application again.
HOWEVER, this is not working correctly. When I try to supply the oauth token information, i'm getting invalid or expired token. OK so instead i supply the oauth token provided to me with the user oauth tokens given by the owner of the app and it works.
I think I'm mishandling the authentication process.
I'm reading here at the authentication docs.
Can anyone help me understand how i get my app to handle status updates on a per user level?
Ok. However I read for twitter there is no expiration
This is the actual transaction flow your application will take in order to use Twitter:
Register your application to Twitter to obtain an OAuth consumer_key and consumer_secret. This is for Twitter to identify the application that your user will authorize to access it's account.
When the user wishes to Tweet or access their Twitter resources through your app, The OAuth handshake process will redirect to Twitter, with the application's consumer_key so that the user will authenticate on Twitter directly. Once user authentication is successful, Twitter will provide your application with an access_token.
That's essentially what happens, except that Twitter uses OAuth 1 protocol so the handshake is more lengthier.
Access Tokens do expire for security reasons. It's like when you login to a system, the session is active for a period. When they do expire, you will have to request for an access token again.
I don't know if that explains your question.

REST API Authentication (maintaning an authenticated state)

I am developing a REST API. Currently I am trying to make it minimally secure. I am asking this question because most of the posts I found about this subject were quite old.
For authentication I found this schemes:
Basic authentication
AWS authentication protocol
OpenID Connect
OAuth pseudo authentication
Basic Authentication and AWS authentication maintain the requests authenticated after a firts authentication because they keep sending signed requests.
I don't understand how the OpenID and OAuth authentication maintain a (second) request autehnticated? Do I need to check the access token with the OAuth/OpenID server per each request? How does this protects the REST API from receiving requests that have been altered?
Any other schemes that you recommend, advices or reading material about the subject are always welcome.
I'd talk about OAuth here
i) You create a web app and want to use google's OAuth API's.
ii) You register your app here and get credentials.
iii) Now, in the app you'd use Google's SDK to open the login page, enter your credentials and Google would verify it and send you access tokens and refresh tokens.
iv) You would make REST call to google's APIs with the access token and fetch user's data.
Now, coming to the question you asked -
An access token generally lives for 1 hour. Yes, any authenticated calls that you need to make to any of Google's API within one hour could be made with the same access token.
There is another type of token - the Refresh Token. At any time, your app can hit the provider's token exchange endpoint and exchange the refresh token for - refresh token + access token pair.
Now again, you have an access token that will help you for one hour and a refresh token that can be exchanged any time.
Refresh tokens live for as long as you want, till the time the user explicitly revokes permission to your app. (Tells Google that it doesn't not want you to access his resources!)
OAuth would make your REST API secure by ensuring that only authenticated and authorized clients can hit your API. But generally, OAuth is only used when there's a situation where a third party client needs access to a user's resource!