program-y AIML language support - interpreter

We have an AIML interpreter called program-y ( Anyone knows whether the interpreter supports different languages?
I tried with English, French and Portuguese. All 3 worked. Anyone Please let me know all the supported languages for this interpreter.

this is Keith the author of programy
If you write your rules in a specific language then that will work for any language
However it can also use google translate to translate to and from English, so supports every language google translate supports


ML-KIT Text recognision for non english language

I am trying to build a Japanese ocr using Google ML-Kit.
It is working for english but for Japanese I don't have the luck.
Can you please provide an example to do the same?
Thank you!
The current Text Recognition in ML Kit does not support non-English languages, but we are adding more languages support including Japan, which should be available in a couple of releases.

Parse Anypic multi languages

does anyone know how to get multi languages by using Parse Anypic? Is there a languages file to change? Then via a setting menu one user can change the languages, or the language is shown according to the mobile language.
You can implement localization by yourself. You may do it by following this tutorial which I think is a good starting point.

I am not able to decide the programming language for selenium webdriver

i am learning selenium concepts.while in the process i am not able to decide to go for which programming language.
1- JAVA or 2- PHP
i have worked on PHP and have gud knowledge about please tell me which is the good one php or JAVA and why???
Well the decission is not only yours. In my own example, I have chosen Java programming language.
Not because I have experience with it.
Not because I might have feeling, that "java is better than PHP"
Simply because all developers in my company work in Java. And because I need help with programming, it is almost always better idea to first ask around in the office than to post your question here on StackOverflow :)
I use groovy(he simply of java), and i use Geb freamwork for this.
You can read about this tool there: link
Well decision is your own. In selenium choose programing language in which you have sufficient knowledge and you have a grip on the language.
Both programing language is good and both have its own scope in the market

Design a mini script language

my project this year is to develop a text mining tool (with new features)
so we need a mini script language in this tool to add annotation to texts
this language should be simple and like lisp grammars (left and right side) .
what i need is how to design this language ,i know how to constract the compiler ,
but how to write language grammars ? , and i want to use some mini open source language or any language bnf
please advice me and if there is a language i can use and customize to meet my needs ?
EDIT : if anybody can give a link for grammar (bnf) for lisp or any language like it
many thanks
You can consider us this
to design your language.
If possible, I would recommend just using Lua. If you use their interpreter, which is designed to be easily embedded in other programs, it will save you the time of designing, implementing, and testing your own language.
Otherewise, you may be able to re-use the Lua parser code to parse your own Lua-like language.

Google code search - missed languages

This is very odd, but I don't see neither PowerShell nor XAML among supported languages ?!
How can I filter results for that languages?
From the Codesearch FAQ:
What programming languages do you support?
The Advanced Code Search page lists
the programming languages we're able
to detect. But even if your language
of choice isn't on there, you can
still search for code written in that
language. We make as much code
searchable as possible, including code
where we can't detect the language.
When we're able to detect the
programming language for a file, we
indicate that in the search results,
and you can restrict your search to
code written in that language.
If we're not detecting a language you
care about, the file: operator can be
useful to search for files with a
specific extension. For example, you
could restrict your search to files
with a .x or .abc extension with a
query like myquery file:\.(x|abc)$. If
we're not detecting a language you
think is important, be sure to let us