Webdriver cannot connect to Selenium server - selenium

I am currently trying to set up webdriver and selenium together to run my automation tests through docker but am facing issues. Each time i try to run the tests I get the following error ERROR wdio-runner: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
I am using the selenium/standalone-chrome from docker and can see that the server is configured correctly and running at as I can hit it.
When I try to run webdriver however I seem to face the issue mentioned above. I believe the issue must be something in my webdriver config but having followed the documentation I can't see what's wrong...
const chai = require('chai');
const chaiWebdriver = require('chai-webdriverio').default;
const debug = process.env.DEBUG;
exports.config = {
runner: 'local',
host: '',
port: 4444,
path: '/wd/hub',
specs: ['specs/**/*.js'],
suites: {
smoke: ['specs/smoke-spec.js']
maxInstances: 10,
capabilities: {
browserName: 'chrome',
'goog:chromeOptions': {}
sync: true,
logLevel: 'error',
coloredLogs: true,
deprecationWarnings: false,
bail: 0,
execArgv: debug ? ['--inspect'] : [],
screenshotOnReject: true,
screenshotPath: './error-screenshots',
baseUrl: https://localhost:443,
waitforTimeout: 30000,
connectionRetryTimeout: 90000,
connectionRetryCount: 3,
seleniumLogs: './selenium-logs',
framework: 'mocha',
reporters: [
outputDir: 'test-output',
disableWebdriverStepsReporting: true,
disableWebdriverScreenshotsReporting: false
['spec', {}]
mochaOpts: {
ui: 'bdd',
timeout: 400000,
compilers: ['js:babel-register']
before() {
global.expect = chai.expect;
afterTest: test => {
if (!test.passed) {


Multi Remote execution

I am currently facing issue while trying achieve execution of Chrome Browser and Appium execution from browser stack from a single spec file
Below is the code written with multiple capabilities
Attaching log screensot
require('ts-node').register({ transpileOnly: true });
import { baseConfig as config } from '../test-android-e2e/config/wdio.base.android.conf';
import { baseConfig as configChrome } from '../test-wms-e2e/config/wdio.base.conf'; // inherits base config file
require('ts-node').register({ transpileOnly: true });
import _ from 'lodash';
import os from 'os';
import { TimelineService } from 'wdio-timeline-reporter/timeline-service';
let suiteName = '';
const overrides = {
updateJob: false,
specs: ['./test/specs/**/*.ts'],
specFileRetries: 4,
runner: process.env.RUNNER,
connectionRetryCount: 3,
framework: process.env.FRAMEWORK,
waitforTimeout: 10000,
connectionRetryTimeout: 90000,
exclude: [],
// ...
user: process.env.BROWSERSTACK_USER,
services: ['browserstack', [TimelineService], 'chromedriver'],
reporters: [
outputDir: 'allure-results',
disableWebdriverStepsReporting: true,
disableWebdriverScreenshotsReporting: true,
['timeline', { outputDir: 'screenshots' }],
capabilities: {
Android: {
capabilities: [
'platformName': 'Android',
'appium:deviceName': 'Samsung Galaxy S21',
'appium:platformVersion': '11.0',
'appium:app': 'sampleid',
'bstack:options': {
'projectName': 'test-android-e2e',
idleTimeout: '300',
/* this locale will set device default location as US.
However it does not update language. Hence added separate capability for language */
'appium:locale': 'En-US',
'appium:language': 'En',
Chrome: {
capabilities: [
browserName: 'chrome',
'goog:chromeOptions': {
args: [
// 'user-agent=e2e-agent',
// '--headless',
'--disable-dev-shm-usage', // Force Chrome to use the /tmp directory instead. This may slow down the execution though.
// path: '/',
// Send the merged config to wdio
exports.config = _.defaultsDeep(overrides, config);
exports.config = _.defaultsDeep(overrides, configChrome);
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2

Is There a Problem with my Nightwatch.conf.js file?

I have been attempting to setup an automated testing framework for my job, and nodejs testing has seemed to be the best option for future scalability. Plus, I am attempting to stretch myself into new areas of QA.
I have setup my Nightwatch framework with npm install commands and manually installed the most up-to-date chrome drivers, and selenium standalone executables. I have attempted to ensure that my nightwatch.conf.js file is completely setup to run my first test with google chrome, but I get this error:
⚠ Error connecting to localhost on port 4444.
TEST FAILURE: 1 error during execution; 0 tests failed, 0 passed (249ms)
✖ GoogleTest
An error occurred while retrieving a new session
Error: An error occurred while retrieving a new session
at endReadableNT (internal/streams/readable.js:1327:12)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:80:21)
Error: An error occurred while retrieving a new session
at endReadableNT (internal/streams/readable.js:1327:12)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:80:21)
- Basic Google search
Which seems to be pretty generic. As per normal Nightwatch setup, I created a root folder called 'Automation' where I stuck my bin folder for the drivers and selenium framework. Inside of the 'Automation' folder I also have my nightwatch.conf.js file that I've setup (Let me know if its more helpful if I paste its code in here). In order to run my test, I use the npx nightwatch command, but I continue to get this error.
From what I can tell it may be due to me trying to run the tests locally, but I can't think of a way that I would configure the selenium service to accept local ports other than how it's been setup.
I don't know if this is a well formatted description of the problem, so I apologize in advance if this is super vague. If there's anything else I can do to help clear it up let me know.
Thank you!
Update Conf.js File
// Autogenerated by Nightwatch
// Refer to the online docs for more details: https://nightwatchjs.org/gettingstarted/configuration/
const Services = {}; loadServices();
module.exports = {
// An array of folders (excluding subfolders) where your tests are located;
// if this is not specified, the test source must be passed as the second argument to the test runner.
src_folders: ["tests"],
// See https://nightwatchjs.org/guide/working-with-page-objects/
page_objects_path: '',
// See https://nightwatchjs.org/guide/extending-nightwatch/#writing-custom-commands
custom_commands_path: '',
// See https://nightwatchjs.org/guide/extending-nightwatch/#writing-custom-assertions
custom_assertions_path: '',
// See https://nightwatchjs.org/guide/#external-globals
globals_path : '',
webdriver: {},
test_settings: {
default: {
disable_error_log: false,
launch_url: 'https://nightwatchjs.org',
screenshots: {
enabled: false,
path: 'screens',
on_failure: true
desiredCapabilities: {
browserName : 'chrome'
webdriver: {
start_process: true,
server_path: (Services.chromedriver ? Services.chromedriver.path : '.Automation/bin/chromedriver.exe')
safari: {
desiredCapabilities : {
browserName : 'safari',
alwaysMatch: {
acceptInsecureCerts: false
webdriver: {
port: 4444,
start_process: true,
server_path: '/usr/bin/safaridriver'
firefox: {
desiredCapabilities : {
browserName : 'firefox',
alwaysMatch: {
// Enable this if you encounter unexpected SSL certificate errors in Firefox
// acceptInsecureCerts: true,
'moz:firefoxOptions': {
args: [
// '-headless',
// '-verbose'
webdriver: {
start_process: true,
port: 4444,
server_path: (Services.geckodriver ? Services.geckodriver.path : './Automation/bin/geckodriver.exe'),
cli_args: [
// very verbose geckodriver logs
// '-vv'
chrome: {
desiredCapabilities : {
browserName : 'chrome',
chromeOptions : {
// This tells Chromedriver to run using the legacy JSONWire protocol (not required in Chrome 78)
w3c: true,
//More info on Chromedriver: https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/
args: ['disable-gpu', 'no-sandbox', 'headless']
webdriver: {
start_process: true,
port: 9515,
server_path: (Services.chromedriver ? Services.chromedriver.path : './Automation/bin/chromedriver.exe'),
cli_args: [
// --verbose
// Configuration for when using the browserstack.com cloud service |
// |
// Please set the username and access key by setting the environment variables: |
// .env files are supported |
browserstack: {
selenium: {
host: 'hub-cloud.browserstack.com',
port: 443
// More info on configuring capabilities can be found on:
// https://www.browserstack.com/automate/capabilities?tag=selenium-4
desiredCapabilities: {
'bstack:options' : {
local: 'false',
accessKey: '${BROWSERSTACK_KEY}',
disable_error_log: true,
webdriver: {
keep_alive: true,
start_process: false
'browserstack.chrome': {
extends: 'browserstack',
desiredCapabilities: {
browserName: 'chrome',
chromeOptions : {
// This tells Chromedriver to run using the legacy JSONWire protocol
// More info on Chromedriver: https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/
w3c: true,
args: ['disable-gpu', 'no-sandbox', 'headless']
'browserstack.firefox': {
extends: 'browserstack',
desiredCapabilities: {
browserName: 'firefox'
'browserstack.ie': {
extends: 'browserstack',
desiredCapabilities: {
browserName: 'IE',
browserVersion: '11.0',
'bstack:options' : {
os: 'Windows',
osVersion: '10',
local: 'false',
seleniumVersion: '3.5.2',
resolution: '1366x768'
// Configuration for when using the Selenium service, either locally or remote, |
// like Selenium Grid |
selenium: {
// Selenium Server is running locally and is managed by Nightwatch
selenium: {
start_process: true,
port: 4444,
server_path: (Services.seleniumServer ? Services.seleniumServer.path : './Automation/bin/selenium-server-standalone-3.141.59.jar'),
cli_args: {
'webdriver.gecko.driver': (Services.geckodriver ? Services.geckodriver.path : './Automation/bin/geckodriver.exe'),
'webdriver.chrome.driver': (Services.chromedriver ? Services.chromedriver.path : './Automation/bin/chromedriver.exe')
'selenium.chrome': {
extends: 'selenium',
desiredCapabilities: {
browserName: 'chrome',
chromeOptions : {
w3c: true,
args: ['disable-gpu', 'no-sandbox', 'headless']
'selenium.firefox': {
extends: 'selenium',
desiredCapabilities: {
browserName: 'firefox',
'moz:firefoxOptions': {
args: [
// '-headless',
// '-verbose'
function loadServices() {
try {
Services.seleniumServer = require('selenium-server');
} catch (err) {}
try {
Services.chromedriver = require('chromedriver');
} catch (err) {}
try {
Services.geckodriver = require('geckodriver');
} catch (err) {}
What I will suggest is to create a create a new file for Nightwatch.conf.js and then start adding rest of the configuration from there. Below is an example which works for me:
module.exports = {
src_folders: ["tests"],
skip_testcases_on_fail: false,
page_objects_path: "pageObjects",
custom_commands_path: "./commands",
screenshots: {
enabled: true,
path: "./screenshots",
on_failure: true,
on_error: true
test_settings: {
default: {
desiredCapabilities: {
browserName: 'chrome',
chromeOptions: {
prefs: {
download: {
default_directory: require('path').resolve(__dirname + '/download')
webdriver: {
start_process: true,
port: 4444,
server_path: require('chromedriver').path,
test_workers: {
enabled: true,
workers: 'auto'
safari: {
desiredCapabilities: {
browserName: 'safari',
alwaysMatch: {
acceptInsecureCerts: false
webdriver: {
port: 4445,
start_process: true,
server_path: '/usr/bin/safaridriver'
firefox: {
desiredCapabilities: {
browserName: 'firefox'
webdriver: {
start_process: true,
port: 4446,
server_path: require('geckodriver').path
The Nightwatch JS, chromedriver, geckodriver are installed using the npm commands. Since I am using a mac I just needed to enable the safari webdriver.
npm install nightwatch --save-dev
npm install geckodriver --save-dev
npm install chromedriver --save-dev
safaridriver --enable
This is the full repo if you want to have a look: https://github.com/alapanme/NightwatchJS
Also if you need the detailed steps how I setup Nightwatch on my machine you can refer: https://testersdock.com/nightwatch-js-installation/

Protractor tests with Muliple browsers got failed at startup

I am trying to run e2e tests for chrome and firefox and I am unable to load the chrome browser with following configuration ,any comment is much appreciated , thanks
var HtmlReporter = require('protractor-beautiful-reporter');
exports.config = {
seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',
specs: [ **some spec**
multiCapabilities: [{
"browserName": "firefox"
"browserName": "chrome",
jasmineNodeOpts: {
showColors: true,
defaultTimeoutInterval: 180000
allScriptsTimeout: 200000,
onPrepare: function () {
jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new HtmlReporter({
baseDirectory: 'test-result',
preserveDirectory: false,
takeScreenShotsOnlyForFailedSpecs: true,
screenshotsSubfolder: 'images'
try directConnect: true instead of using seleniumAddress: http://localhost:4444/wd/hub
or make sure your grid server is up and running and also selenium server is up and running
command to start selenium server webdriver-manager start

safaridriver: unrecognized option '--w3c'

I'm trying to run a test against safari running on an iPhone in BrowserStack. Using nightwatch test framework. When I launch the runner from my IDE(IntelliJ), I see this error:
/usr/local/bin/node /Users/mike/IdeaProjects/company_front_end/node_modules/nightwatch/bin/runner.js
Error: SafariDriver process exited with code: 1
safaridriver: unrecognized option `--w3c'
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:275:12)
safaridriver: unrecognized option `--w3c'
Process finished with exit code 10
nightwatch_config = {
selenium : {
"start_process" : false,
"host" : "hub-cloud.browserstack.com",
"port" : 80
webdriver: {
start_process: false,
port: 4444,
server_path: '/usr/bin/safaridriver',
cli_args: [
// very verbose geckodriver logs
test_settings: {
default: {
launch_url: 'https://mariner.dev.yembo.ai',
desiredCapabilities : {
browserName : 'safari',
'browserstack.user': 'user',
'browserstack.key': 'key',
platformName: 'iOS',
device: 'iPhone X',
realMobile: true,
acceptSslCerts: true,
//'browser': 'chrome',
'name': 'Bstack-[Nightwatch] Sample Test',
alwaysMatch: {
// Enable this if you encounter unexpected SSL certificate errors in Firefox
// acceptInsecureCerts: true,
'moz:firefoxOptions': {
args: [
// '-headless',
// '-verbose'
// Code to copy seleniumhost/port into test settings
for(var i in nightwatch_config.test_settings){
var config = nightwatch_config.test_settings[i];
config['selenium_host'] = nightwatch_config.selenium.host;
config['selenium_port'] = nightwatch_config.selenium.port;
module.exports = nightwatch_config;
I can certainly post more info if needed, but will start here in case this is a common setup error, as I am unfamiliar with front-end automation.
It seems you are adding the W3C protocol somewhere in your config, could you share the capability set here? You may try running a sample test from here: https://github.com/browserstack/nightwatch-browserstack

Protractor- chrome headless in CentOS 7

We are trying to execute Protractor tests in CentOS 7 vm in headless mode using chromedriver.
Protractor- 5.4.0
Node - v6.14.3
cucumber-js - 4.2.1
Google Chrome version - Google Chrome 68.0.3440.84
Webdriver-manager running and showing following information
[bpmuser#bg-bpm-qa-jbpm6 ~]$ ps -eaf | grep java
root 3692 3685 5 17:19 pts/0 00:00:01 java -
Djava.security.egd=file:///dev/./urandom -Dwebdriver.chrome.driver=/usr/lib/node_modules/protractor/node_modules/webdriver-manager/selenium/chromedriver_2.41 -Dwebdriver.gecko.driver=/usr/lib/node_modules/protractor/node_modules/webdriver-manager/selenium/geckodriver-v0.21.0 -jar /usr/lib/node_modules/protractor/node_modules/webdriver-manager/selenium/selenium-server-standalone-3.14.0.jar -port 4444
var Cucumber = require("./node_modules/cucumber");
var { defineSupportCode } = require("./node_modules/cucumber");
var reporter = require('./node_modules/cucumber-html-reporter');
var report = require("./node_modules/cucumber-html-report");
var cucumberReportOptions = {
source: './reports/results.json',
dest: './reports/results',
name: "report_detailed.html",
title: "CDocs Automation Report",
var cucumberReporteroptions = {
theme: 'Bootstrap',
jsonFile: './reports/results.json',
output: './reports/results/report.html',
screenshotsDirectory: './reports/screenshots/',
storeScreenshots: true,
reportSuiteAsScenarios: true,
launchReport: false,
metadata: {
"App Version":"Angular 2.0",
"Test Environment": "QA",
"Browser": "Chrome",
"Platform": process.platform,
//"Parallel": "Scenarios",
"Scenarios" : "TestCases",
"Executed": "Local"
exports.config = {
//directConnect: true,
useAllAngular2AppRoots: true,
seleniumAddress: '',
getPageTimeout: 60000,
allScriptsTimeout: 500000,
framework: "custom",
// path relative to the current config file
frameworkPath: require.resolve('./node_modules/protractor-cucumber- framework'),
//restartBrowserBetweenSuites: true,
capabilities: {
browserName: 'chrome',
chromeOptions: {
args: [ 'headless' ]
acceptSslCerts: true,
// Spec patterns are relative to this directory.
specs: ['./features/ChangeView.feature',
//baseURL: 'http://localhost:8080/',
onPrepare: function () {
browser.baseUrl = "http://localhost:8080/";
onComplete: () => {
reporter.generate(cucumberReporteroptions); //invoke cucumber-html-reporter
.then(function() {
//invoke cucumber-html-report
// creating two reports(optional) here, cucumber-html-report gives
directory already exists as cucumber-html-reporter already creates the html dir!
// suggestion- use either one of the reports based on your needs
console.log("cucumber_report.html created successfully!");
cucumberOpts: {
format: ['json:reports/results.json', 'pretty'],
require: ['./features/step_definitions/content_step_definitions.js'],
tags: true,
profile: false,
'no-source': true
However, running Protractor still does not work:
[bpmuser#bg-bpm-qa-jbpm6 bin]$ pwd
[bpmuser#bg-bpm-qa-jbpm6 bin]$ ./protractor /home/bpmuser/docs/CDocsAutomation/protractor.conf.js
[18:10:33] I/launcher - Running 1 instances of WebDriver
[18:10:33] I/hosted - Using the selenium server at
Its not progressing after this step. Not sure where i am doing wrong.
Try using this in your config
capabilities: {
browserName: 'chrome',
chromeOptions: {
args: [ "--headless", "--disable-gpu", "--window-size=800,600" ]
hope this helps