Current query :
fields #message
| filter #message like /ABCD/
| stats count(#message)
result: #messages
1 55
now need to add more like a filter in this query like/BCDE/,/EFGH/,/IJKL/.....
the expected result should be like
55 66 77 88.
Can get like this? all the search keywords must be searched in the entire CloudWatch log.
This should work for you:
fields #message
| filter #message like /ABCD|BCDE|EFGH|IJKL/
| fields strcontains(#message, "ABCD") as #CONTAINS_ABCD,
strcontains(#message, "BCDE") as #CONTAINS_BCDE,
strcontains(#message, "EFGH") as #CONTAINS_EFGH,
strcontains(#message, "IJKL") as #CONTAINS_IJKL
| stats sum(#CONTAINS_ABCD) as #ABCD,
I have the following AWS Cloudwatch query:
fields #timestamp, #message
| filter #message like /(?i)(error|except)/
| filter !ispresent(level) and !ispresent(eventType)
| stats count(*) as ErrorCount by #message
| sort ErrorCount desc
Results end up looking something like this with the message and a count:
The first 4 results are actualy the same error. However, since they have different (node:*) values at the beginning of the message, it ends up grouping them as different errors.
Is there a way for the query to parse/ignore the (node:*) part so that the first 4 results in the image would be considered just one result with a total count of 2,997?
I am working on a dashboard query where I want to have a count of all the transactions that took more than a certain amount to complete.
My query is something like:
fields message
| filter kubernetes.namespace_name = 'feature-7355'
| filter message like "INFO"
| filter message like "Metric"
| parse '[*] * [*] * - *' as logLevel, timeStp, threadName, classInfo, logMessage
| parse logMessage 'Header: [*]. Metric: [*]. TimeSpent: [*]. correlationId: [*]' as headers, metric, timeSpent, correlationId
| filter ispresent(correlationId)
| stats sum(timeSpent) as TotalTimeSpentByTransaction by correlationId
| filter TotalTimeSpentByTransaction > 2000
| stats count(timeCorrelationId) as correlationIdCount
When I try to execute this I am getting an error:
mismatched input 'stats' expecting {K_PARSE, K_SEARCH, K_FIELDS, K_DISPLAY, K_FILTER, K_SORT, K_ORDER, K_HEAD, K_LIMIT, K_TAIL}
Is there a way to work this out, Can someone help me resolve this?
I have two Cloudwatch insights queries that I would love to be able to run side by side and compare the results of both two.
stats count(*) as requestIdCount by #requestId
| filter #message like /START RequestId/
| filter requestIdCount > 1
stats count(*) as requestIdCount by #requestId
| filter #message like /END RequestId/
| filter requestIdCount > 1
It would be great to be able to do
fields (
stats count(*) as requestIdCount by #requestId
| filter #message like /END RequestId/
| filter requestIdCount > 1) as EndRequestCount,
stats count(*) as requestIdCount by #requestId
| filter #message like /START RequestId/
| filter requestIdCount > 1) as StartRequestCount
But I don't see any way to do subqueries in insights right now. Is there a method to combine queries like this?
Try this:
parse #message 'START RequestId' as #startRequestId
| parse #message 'END RequestId' as #endRequestId
| stats count(#startRequestId) as startRequestIdCount , count(#endRequestId) as endRequestIdCount by bin(5m)
| filter startRequestIdCount > 1
| filter endRequestIdCount > 1
CloudWatch Logs Insights Query Syntax
You can create a logic via API or CLI in order to use the output of a query as the input of another query
Amazon CloudWatch Logs API Reference
AWS CLI Command Reference - logs
It works as a script where you make a request, interpret the results, and then issue another requests with the results of the first one. It's a bit more work but I'm not aware of another way to do so
I have results like below:
1. DateTime=2019-07-02T16:17:20,913 Thread=[], Message=[Message(userId=124, timestamp=2019-07-02T16:17:10.859Z, notificationType=CREATE, userAccount=UserAccount(firstName=S, lastName=K,, status=ACTIVE), originalValues=OriginalValue(emailAddress=null)) Toggle : true]
2. DateTime=2019-07-02T16:18:20,913 Thread=[], Message=[Message(userId=124, timestamp=2019-07-02T16:17:10.859Z, notificationType=CREATE, userAccount=UserAccount(firstName=S, lastName=K,, status=ACTIVE), originalValues=OriginalValue( Toggle : true]
3. DateTime=2019-07-02T16:19:20,913 Thread=[], Message=[Message(userId=124, timestamp=2019-07-02T16:17:10.859Z, notificationType=CREATE, userAccount=UserAccount(firstName=S, lastName=K,, status=ACTIVE), originalValues=OriginalValue( Toggle : true]
And I am trying to group results where the contents of the entire "Message" field is same and "emailAddress=null" is not contained in the Message.
So in the results above 2 and 3 should be the output.
The following query works fine for me but I need to optimize it further according to the following conditions:
Working Query: index=app sourcetype=appname host=appname* splunk_server_group=us-east-2 | fields Message | search Message= "[Message*" | regex _raw!="emailAddress=null" | stats count(Message) as count by Message | where count > 1
Conditions to optimize
Cannot rex against raw
Message key/value pair needs to be in the main search, not a sub-search
You don't have any subsearches in your current query. A subsearch is a query surrounded by square brackets.
What's wrong with rex against _raw?
Try this:
index=app sourcetype=appname host=appname* splunk_server_group=us-east-2 Message="[Message*"
| fields Message
| regex Message!="emailAddress=null"
| stats count(Message) as count by Message | where count > 1
I have a log statement like 2017-06-21 12:53:48,426 INFO transaction.TransactionManager.Info:181 -{"message":{"TransactionStatus":true,"TransactioName":"removeLockedUser-1498029828160"}} .
How can i extract TransactionName and TranscationStatus and print in table form TransactionName and its count.
I tried below query but didn't get any success. It is always giving me 0.
sourcetype= "TransactionStatus" | rex field=_raw ".TransactionStatus (?.)" |stats count((status=true)) as success_count
Solved it with this :
| makeresults
| eval _raw="2017-06-21 12:53:48,426 INFO transaction.TransactionManager.Info:181 -{\"message\":{\"TransactionStatus\":true,\"TransactioName\":\"removeLockedUser-1498029828160\"}}"
| rename COMMENT AS "Everything above generates sample event data; everything below is your solution"
| rex "{\"TransactionStatus\":(?[^,]),\"TransactioName\":\"(?[^\"])\""
| chart count OVER TransactioName BY TransactionStatus