Automatic decimal places in textbox center of six digits in -

I want to show comma sign center of six digits and have length of textbox 7. for example "123,456" like this.

The MaskedTextBox control would be an easy way to accomplish this.
Replace your TextBox by a MaskedTextBox, and try to set the Mask to something like this:
MaskedTextBox1.Mask = "##0,000"
It should make sure that your trailing zero are always showing.


QLIKVIEW - Scatter chart - popup - right to left

Is there any way to set the text in the pop-up of the scatter chart to be from right to left?
As with many things in Qlik, there is no way to accomplish this directly through the properties dialog. However, you can manually mimic this by substringing a string of whitespace in your expression names. The below function will pad the left side of your label with whitespace.
Expression Label Dialog:
=Mid(' ',1,len(' ') - len('Exp Label')) & 'Exp Label'
The length of the whitespace string is however wide you would want you pop-up window to be.
You may want to store your whitespace string in a variable to make the label look less ugly.
'Exp Label' is whatever you want your expression label to be named. *It shouldn't be longer than your whitespace string.

Format or pad a number column in DataGridView control (DefaultCellStyle.Format)

I have a DatagridView control on my form.
The first column is a Record ID which can be between 3 and 5 digits on the db, but should be formatted on the front end as 5 digits with padded zeros/leading zeros.
So it looks like 901 and I want it to look like 00901
I looked at
MSDN Library: How to: Format Data in the Windows Forms DataGridView Control
MSDN Library: How to: Customize Data Formatting in the Windows Forms DataGridView Control
and I tried:
dgvDeletedRecords.Columns(0).DefaultCellStyle.Format = "00000"
in my form load event after the data is loaded into the grid
But it doesn't work.
Where am I going wrong please?
Try this number format "#####00000"
Code for testing I had used:
Me.RichTextBox.Text &= String.Format("{0:#####00000}",123)
Me.RichTextBox.Text &= Environment.NewLine
Me.RichTextBox.Text &= String.Format("{0:#####00000}",12345)
Tested in RichTextBox, but sure a same format will working for DefaultCellStyle.Format
dgvDeletedRecord.Columns(0).DefaultCellStyle.Format = "#####00000"
In format sting "#"-sign tell how mush number will be show(prefix zeros not shown)
Then "0"-sign tell how mush zeros will be shown, and here prefix zeros will be showed
MSDN Number Formats
try the following;
dgvDeletedRecord.Columns(0).DefaultCellStyle.Format = "{0:N4}"

How can I format a label caption?

Here's what I want to do. I have a caption that changes every time someone uses the app. The caption is a number... and now it appears like a regular number 123456 ... I want to add "," every 3 digits and I really don't know how to do it because the number doesn't have the same number of digits every time... (I want it to be 123,456 instead of 123456 or 1,234,567... and so on). Thanks!
I'm assuming you're setting the caption in code, so you can use VBA's format function to do this:
Me.MyLabel.Caption = Format(MyNum, "#,##0")

How to enforce hour format?

I am using a textbox in but the input should be an hour format for example, "13h30".
How can I enfprce this by a user? When he puts the first 2 digits like 13 then automaticly the appl. puts a "h" between? Or is there a better solution?
If you are using WinForms then you could use a masked textbox with a mask of 00h00. This doesn't work too well if they subsequently want to edit the value they have entered though as the rightmost digits are shifted left if you do a backspace. You may be better off making a user control

Eliminate stray whitespace between textboxes on a report

I have 4 stacked textboxes in the body of an SSRS report and am getting a stray space / extra line between textboxes 3 & 4.
This is for an address block - name / title / email / website. Can't put it in a single textbox with intervening vbcrlf tokens because the email and website are links. I've tried formatting it to remove vertical spacing; also calculated the exact position by taking top + height to calculate the position. And of course I've tried positioning it so there are exactly 0 pixels between the text boxes. If I reverse the position of #3 & #4 the rendering looks the same so it isn't stray formatting characters in the data fields.
The solution is to wrap the stacked boxes in a rectangle.
I had this problem as well. It blew my mind until I started over on another part of the form. The new boxes worked perfectly until I moved them to the right of another set of text boxes which had some word wrap in them. I realized the wordwrapped boxes were directly related to the gaps I was seeing the set of textboxes to the right. I guess there's some kind of poor markup going on that tries to line things up horizontally and enclosing the set of textboxes in a rectangle protects them from it.
good idea on putting the info into a table - jumping off that idea - I'm going to construct a dynamic string in my query and output the dynamic string into a textbox. thank you for the idea, I don't know why I didn't think to do that.
Simpler thing is to just check text alignment - the default is "default" which appears to be centered. Changing the text box to the right to "left" fixed this problem for me.
Reduce padding property of the textbox.
Once dragging the textbox one closer to the other the tooltip shows convergence points between two textboxes - make tooltip show 0 points
it is best I could do to control the spacing