Twitch API : is it possible to retrieve device IDs of people currently watching a stream? - twitch

I know it's possible to get the twitch usernames of the people currently in the chat of a stream, by using (even though I don't know if it's permitted)
However, I'm more interested in getting exactly the same information, but with the device IDs instead, but I can't find any information on if it's possible or not. Any idea ?


How can I extract player information from Riot/ubisoft/steam/epic games accounts?

I want to make an app for gamers that uses statistics from the games they play. I want to link Riot/ubisoft/steam/epic games/ account to my app and use the user's game data (with permission of-course). Is there a way to access that information? I was not able to find much on my own. Steam has web apis that might be able to get that information but I don't understand how much information I can get from there as well.
You need to use one of their internal APIs. Ubisoft uses its own demux API. There are several examples on GitHub on how to do that. In my case ,I am grabbing data from and Ubisoft. Here's a repo for my API Server .

Generate composition for p2p video recording on Twilio

I am using twilio to in my app for a peer to peer video chat (using Small Group Room with max 2 participants). I have enabled video recording in my backend so I am able to record and save the videos but the problem occurs when I try to use the compositions API.
Composition API requires video_sources which is an array of video sources that will be used in the composition. Nowhere on the documentation it says how I can set the video source value. I can grab the PARTICIPANT SID and use that but it would be much much easier if I can use a value that is stored in my database. Users are also able to disconnect from the room and connect again so I need to keep track of video sources of a user.
Has anyone came across this issue?
This is a perfect example of what I mean by custom video_source
Link to Twilio Documentation
The compositions API is only supported for Group Rooms.
Comparing Room Types

Soundcloud API playlist returns no tracks in certain cases

When trying to get the track details for a playlist using the /playlists endpoint, for certain playlists there are no tracks returned in the data.
Sample of returned data
So far all the playlists behaving this way contain a single track, but NOT all playlists with one track return no tracks.
Examples of no tracks returned:
SoundCloud API keys have different access levels. SoundCloud can restrict API access for certain artists and playlists based on the API key used to make the request.
As you can see, a standard developer API key cannot see the tracks from those playlists.
There is a way around this, although it breaks SoundCloud's terms of service.
Using a different API key, such as the key youtube-dl uses to get the MP3 link for specific tracks (which is presumably a Soundcloud master key), gives you access to this information.
Again, using someone else's API key violates SoundCloud's terms of service, and there is no guarantee this key will continue working. This is just a workaround to the current restriction you're seeing.
Related discussion in two other questions: Get HTTP MP3 stream from every song and SoundCloud API returning 0 tracks despite user having tracks.

APIs to get Movies, Music, TV Shows and Books details

I am trying to apply some APIs so that I can display and save Title, Image and Description of Latest Movies, Music Charts, Books & TV Shows on my PHP Website.
Currently I have come across the following APIs:
Movies: RottenTomatoes or TMDB API
TV Shows: TVRage or TMDB API
Books: iTunes RSS Feeds
Music: Last.Fm API or iTunes RSS Feeds
Could anyone please suggest me which one will be more helpful. Or if there are any better APIs than that ?
Also can I store the data returned by these APIs ?
I have been going through the Terms & Conditions, and everytime I read them I find something contradiciting. Please if anybody who has implemented these APIs can help ?
I can't recommend any for music or know of any API that gives you Latest Movies and such, but for the rest I'll give it a shot. I've been looking into this for weeks for a project I'm doing to teach myself how to program and I've came across a few.
OMDb API - Movies and TV
Free, no registration required, and easy to get started with data all retrieved from IMDB.
It returns Title, Poster URL, age rating, description, IMDB rating, etc.
Like I said, I can't see anything that would suggest it could show recent movies or anything, but until you find something to do that, take a look at this.
Google Books API - Books of course!
Also free with no registration requirement unless you want to use features that needs account access which probably isn't likely.
Storing Data
I originally misunderstood you here, so heres a quick edit:
You should be fine with storing it locally as it is publicly accessible anyway.
It's why the API is there in the first place.
I hope I've been able to help!
I think the iTunes Search API is what you need.
I can't make any recommendations for TMDB, however I have used OMDB and can recommend it. It's free and open source so you shouldn't have to worry about saving data.
For the others, I personally wouldn't be too worried about storing meta data for books, music, or movies/tv as long as you're not distributing the actual product in an illegal way.
For Movie and TV Shows you could have a look at - there are quite a few sources used for each of those, and the data is stored on the user's machine (which probably bypasses the question about rights).
For books have a look at Calibre - again, multiple sources of data stored on the user's computer.
There's the obvious answer of finding sources of data and then contacting them directly - T&C are often obtuse and unreadable, but having an email reply that says you can do something gives a plain and simple yes/no answer (even if it contradicts the T&C - but generally you'd only argue if the T&C says yes, and the reply says no)...
Finally, an API is good for consistent data, but technically HTML is similar to XML, which isn't unknown as API results - so any website can be a source of data if it's easily parsed :-)

Find the playlists a video is in via Youtube API

I want to know which playlists contain a certain video. The opposite is easy: find which video's are in a playlist, but I don't want that.
I can already have YT do this via the following route, but that's stupid and slow:
get channelId from video data (videos?id=...)
get playlists from channelId (playlists?channelId=...)
loop through all playlists and find all their videos (playlistItems?playlistId=...)
Like I said: stupid and slow. These steps are possible, because I only want playlists authored by the video's author. (Otherwise I'd have to download all of YT.)
What I'm looking for, sort of, is a request: playlists?videoId=..., but of course that doesn't exist.
Is there a better way than my 3 steps?
PS. I've created the script to use my 3 steps, but it's A LOT of requests. That and the playlists don't seem to have usable playlist ID's... I need the ID that the browser uses to show the playlist GUI style.
As of now, the Youtube API does not support a call like this, and in my opinion never will. This is probably an intentional decision by Youtube to hide the playlists, even the YT Analytics API doesn't show how many lists use your video.
It seems the way you do it is the only workaround - in case you only need the playlists for one specific user.