oracle substr from character until character - sql

I have a string with multiple / characters. I need to trim the string before/after each of that character. Example string "231/19/2812-27/1". Each trim will be its own column.
Row1 | Row2 | Row3 | Row4 | Row5
231 | 19 | 2812 | 27 | 1
Please no regex.
Thank you.
Edit: Edited how the string should be trimmed and represented as a table (27/1)

try this
select SUBSTR('231/19/2812-27/1',1,instr('231/19/2812-27/1','/',1)-1) col1,
SUBSTR('231/19/2812-27/1',instr('231/19/2812-27/1','/',1)+1,(instr('231/19/2812-27/1','/',1,2)-instr('231/19/2812-27/1','/',1))-1) col2 ,
SUBSTR('231/19/2812-27/1',instr('231/19/2812-27/1','/',1,2)+1,(instr('231/19/2812-27/1','-',1,1)-instr('231/19/2812-27/1','/',1,2))-1) col3 ,
SUBSTR('231/19/2812-27/1',(instr('231/19/2812-27/1','-',1,1)+1)) col4
from dual;

First of all, I'd suggest representing the result in rows, not columns, because in the latter case you have to know the number of columns to construct a query or use dynamic SQL which is quite more complicated and absolutely redundant in your case.
Try this:
with t as (select '231/19/2812-27/1' as str from dual)
select regexp_substr(str,'[^/]+',1,level) as val
from t
connect by regexp_substr(str,'[^/]+',1,level) is not null
Yes, it's a regexp and, in my opinion, the easiest way to achieve the result you want. If you do not want to use this then write your own function to split a string.
But, if you still want to represent your result in columns, try this:
--edit removed a , at the end
SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR(t.value, '[^/]+', 1, 1) col1,
REGEXP_SUBSTR(t.value, '[^/]+', 1, 2) col2,
REGEXP_SUBSTR(t.value, '[^/]+', 1, 3) col3,
REGEXP_SUBSTR(t.value, '[^/]+', 1, 4) col4
FROM (select '231/19/2812-27/1' as value from dual) t;


How to extract a substring from column in oracle?

I've a column in oracle that stores values in keys. Just for example-
((key1="value1" AND key2='value1') OR (key1="value1" AND key2='value2'))
((key1="null" AND key2='value3') OR (key1="value1" AND key2='value4'))
I want to only extract the value of key2 before OR clause (as there are 2 key2 in every row of this column)
Expected result:
((key1="value1" AND key2='value1') OR (key1="value1" AND key2='value2'))
((key1="null" AND key2='value3') OR (key1="value1" AND key2='value4'))
Can somebody give me roughly an idea how to do this?
Assuming we can describe your logic as extracting the first key2 value, we can try using REGEXP_SUBSTR with a capture group:
SELECT col, REGEXP_SUBSTR(col, 'key2=''(.*?)''', 1, 1, NULL, 1) AS key
FROM yourTable;

How to split string based on column length and insert into table

I have a string that I need to split and create table from it.
00001 00000009716496000000000331001700000115200000000000
I know the exact length of each column:
Col1 = 5
Col2 = 7
Col3 = 23
I need something like this (Empty values are NULL's)
Can you direct me to the right way of doing that?
Use substring():
select substring(col, 1, 5) as col1,
substring(col, 6, 2) as col2,
. . .
you can use computed column to improve your performance(visit
use below function to fill your column
SUBSTRING(string, start, length)

Change comma to dot for every cell in column

In my table I have column with numbers. These numbers uses a comma as the decimal separator. I would like a dot instead for the comma for every cell in this column.
This is what I have:
Col1 Col2 NumCol
Value 1 Value 2 12,3
Value 3 Value 4 1,23
Value 5 Value 6 99,8
This is what I want:
Col1 Col2 NumCol
Value 1 Value 2 12.3
Value 3 Value 4 1.23
Value 5 Value 6 99.8
I am familiar with the REPLACE-function. However I don't know how to use it when it involves a whole column. How would a function like that look like?
Use replace()
select t.col1, t.col2, t.NumCol, replace(numcol, ',', '.') as NewNumCol
from table t;
EDIT : As side noted by #barthofland if you have large value then only one replace() might fail. So, you need instead :
replace(replace(numcol, '.', ''), ',', '.')

Alicloud SQL-Hive, SQL to exclude number only and alphabet only and single chinese word only

I have a column like below
The output I would like to have is
I was trying to use syntax below to exclude number only and alphabet only, however no strings were printed out. And I don't know how to exclude single chinese word, like"我" above.
SELECT col1 from abc
where col1 like '%[^0-9.]%' AND col1 like '%[^a-zA-Z.]%'
Any ideas how to solve this? Thank you!
Using regex:
with your_data as (
select stack(6,
) as col1
select col1 from your_data
where col1 not rlike ('^\\d+$') --not digits only
and col1 not rlike ('^[a-zA-Z]+$') --not alpha only
and length(col1) !=1; --not single char (digit and alpha filtered already)
You could try something like:
FROM abc
WHERE LOWER(col1) != UPPER(col1) -- COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS SQL Server specific
OR (LENGTH(col1) != 1 AND col1 like '%[^a-zA-Z.0-9]%');
db<>fiddle demo

Extract Value from a string PostgreSQL

Simple Question
I have the following type of results in a string field
How do I extract the value from the string with regard that the value can change between 5-8 figures
So far I did this but I doubt that fits my requirement
SELECT substring('Size' from 8 for ....
If I can tell it to start from the = sign till the end that would help!
The likely simplest solution is to trim 7 leading characters with right():
right(str, -7)
SELECT str, right(str, -7)
VALUES ('Number=123456')
, ('Number=1234567')
, ('Number=12345678')
) t(str);
str | right
Number=123456 | 123456
Number=1234567 | 1234567
Number=12345678 | 12345678
You could use REPLACE:
SELECT col, REPLACE(col, 'Number=', '')
FROM tab;
DBFiddle Demo
Based on this question:
Split comma separated column data into additional columns
You could probably do the following:
SELECT *, split_part(col, '=', 2)
FROM table;
You may use regexp_matches :
with t(str) as
select 'Number=123456' union all
select 'Number=1234567' union all
select 'Number=12345678' union all
select 'Number=12345678x9'
select t.str as "String",
regexp_matches(t.str, '=([A-Za-z0-9]+)', 'g') as "Number"
from t;
String Number
-------------- ---------
Number=123456 123456
Number=1234567 1234567
Number=12345678 12345678
Number=12345678x9 12345678x9
--> the last line shows only we look chars after equal sign even if non-digit
Rextester Demo