Memory files get trashed by third party software -

I have an collection of apps that rely on memory files. I create them with a persistent app, then 3 apps update the files with GPS, IMU and switch data, and 3 apps read the current status and generate commands to servo controllers. This has worked fine for years, but today the apps failed due to missing memory files when I started a third party c# camera control app.
I suspect the other app overwrites the memory area. Is there a way to protect these memory files.
I am in Visual Studio 2017, Win10/64 and .net 4.6.1
I have included the create and sample read and write code - all of which have worked for years. I did update the system to current .net 4.6.1, and without the 3rd party app the system runs for hours without error. The instant I start the c# app compiled app the memory files disappear. I do not have access to the source, and am hopeless with C#.
Not a clue now, one solution is to install a new CPU and run the 3rd partys app on a separate box. There is no communication between my apps and it.
I create with :
Dim LoopForever As Boolean = True
Dim AHRS_Memory_File_Name As String = "AHRSMemoryData"
Dim GPS_Memory_File_Name As String = "GPSMemoryData"
Dim Switch_Memory_File_Name As String = "SwitchMemoryData"
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim MMS = MemoryMappedFile.CreateNew(Switch_Memory_File_Name, 20,
Dim GPS = MemoryMappedFile.CreateNew(GPS_Memory_File_Name, 200,
Dim AHRS = MemoryMappedFile.CreateNew(AHRS_Memory_File_Name, 200,
Do Until LoopForever = False
End Sub
A sample Write is
Sub WriteGPS_To_Memory()
Dim GPS_MMF = MemoryMappedFile.OpenExisting(GPS_Memory_File_Name)
Dim Bytes As Byte()
' This is the format of the current gps memory message
outMessage = GPSSpeedIn & "," & GPSBearing & "," & GPSLongitude & ","
& GPSLatitude & "," & GarminMagDeviationText & "," & GPSMessageCount
& "," & GPSAltitude & ","
Bytes = StrToByteArray(outMessage)
Using writer = GPS_MMF.CreateViewAccessor(0, Bytes.Length)
writer.WriteArray(Of Byte)(0, Bytes, 0, Bytes.Length)
' writer.Dispose()
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("mem write error = " & ex.ToString)
End Try
And a sample read is
Dim MMF = MemoryMappedFile.OpenExisting(MEMS_Memory_File_Name)
Using reader = MMF.CreateViewAccessor(0, 200,
Dim NewByteString = New Byte(200) {}
reader.ReadArray(Of Byte)(0, NewByteString, 0,
InMessage = Convert.ToString(NewByteString)
teststring = ""
CycleCount = CycleCount + 1
teststring = BitConverter.ToString(NewByteString)
For i As Integer = 0 To NewByteString.Length - 1
AHRS_CommDataIn =
End Using
Best outcome is to find a way to protect these files. I am in the US, the vendor is in Israel and not particularly responsive.
There is time pressure on this as my company uses this software to locate water bodies producing mosquitoes (hate those pests) which distribute West Nile Virus, Denge and Malaria. Today we scrubbed a 300 sq mi mission affecting about 500K persons.

The issue was apparently in the third party software - they issued a updated program the day we posted the issue to their support site - so we must not have been to only site with this issue


Program reading CPU temperature incorrectly when put on new computer

I am trying to add a feature to an existing program that would display the current CPU core temperature using the Open Hardware Monitor. I have it working properly on my personal computer where it displays the temperature on a tool strip status label and refreshes on a timer. However, when I copy everything over to a new PC and test run the program the temperatures it returns are always coming back roughly 25 degrees higher than what the Monitor shows. If anyone has any ideas as to why it would read correctly on one computer but not another I would appreciate it as I'm stumped...
Here are the Monitor Temps and what my program is displaying on my PC both matched up.
Open Hardware Monitor temperatures
Temperature displayed in program
Now these are the temperatures displayed on the new PC that would be shipped out.
New PC Open Hardware Monitor
Program temperature display on New PC
This is the code I am currently using to get the temps.
Private Sub Timer3_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer3.Tick
Dim cp As New Computer()
cp.HDDEnabled = True
cp.FanControllerEnabled = True
cp.RAMEnabled = True
cp.GPUEnabled = True
cp.MainboardEnabled = True
cp.CPUEnabled = True
Dim Info As String = ""
Timer3.Interval = 5000
For i As Integer = 0 To cp.Hardware.Length - 1
Dim hw = cp.Hardware(i)
Select Case hw.HardwareType
Case HardwareType.CPU
ToolStripStatusLabel5.Text = "CPU" & vbCrLf
For j = 0 To hw.Sensors.Length - 1
Dim sensor = hw.Sensors(j)
If cp.Hardware(i).Sensors(j).SensorType = SensorType.Temperature Then
ToolStripStatusLabel5.Text = sensor.Name & " - " & sensor.Value & vbCrLf
End If
End Select
End Sub
I didn't see the error in the code, here is an example of using OpenHardwaremonitor and WMI to get the CPU temperature, maybe you can try it.

Get List of all PC's in a local area network

The following code works intermittently. Why is that so? Sometimes result is blank,without any error.
Imports System.DirectoryServices
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button.Click
Dim result As String = ""
Dim domainEntry As DirectoryEntry = New DirectoryEntry("WinNT://CA")'CA is the workgroup
For Each computer As DirectoryEntry In domainEntry.Children
result = result & computer.Name & Environment.NewLine
End Sub
End class
Windows workgroups are a peer-to-peer arrangement, with no central server that controls who is on the workgroup. As such, the only way to list all the computers in the workgroup is to contact every computer in your network and check if they are part of the workgroup. That means each computer has to be powered on and connected to the same LAN.
My guess is that some computers are offline when you run that, some other reason that they cannot be contacted at the time you run it.
Old answer:
I'm not terribly familiar with using the WinNT provider, but see if you get different results with LDAP. This would find all computers on the domain (I assume "CA" is the name of your domain):
Dim ds As New DirectorySearcher(New DirectoryEntry("LDAP://CA"), "(objectClass=computer)", New String() {"cn"})
Using src As SearchResultCollection = ds.FindAll()
For Each sr As SearchResult In src
result = result & sr.Properties("cn")(0) & Environment.NewLine
End Using

Detect when Removable USB Volume Drive Devices are Attached or Removed – VB.NET [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Portable Device Detection
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
Below is some code I saw on a vb message board along time ago but I can’t remember where. It may have been I made some code changes and then tested the code to have it throw a messagebox with the drive letter of the new usb device being attached or removed. It uses application subclassing to intercept the messages and checks if any are activated by a removable volume being Removed, Inserted, Attached, etc.. If it is then it will parse the volume drive letter of the device and throw a messagebox letting you know. USB devices like flash drives (Thumb Drives or Pen Drive’s as they are also called), external hard drives, etc. with a removable disk volume should be detected just fine. My testing recognized different usb volumes with no problems. You can use this code with VB.NET, Visual Basic 2008, VB 2010, 2013, etc. to check for both the arrival of usb volume devices and the removal. You can also make some changes to make it work for VB 6.0 as well. Visual Basic 6.0 will need an addiional API call or two for the subclassing portion.
Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef M As System.Windows.Forms.Message)
'These are the required subclassing codes for detecting device based removal and arrival.
Select Case M.WParam
'Check if a device was added.
Dim DevType As Integer = Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReadInt32(M.LParam, 4)
Vol = Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStructure(M.LParam, GetType(DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME))
If Vol.Dbcv_Flags = 0 Then
For i As Integer = 0 To 20
If Math.Pow(2, i) = Vol.Dbcv_Unitmask Then
Dim Usb As String = Chr(65 + i) + ":\"
MsgBox("Looks like a USB device was plugged in!" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "The drive letter is: " & Usb.ToString)
Exit For
End If
End If
End If
'Check if the message was for the removal of a device.
Dim DevType As Integer = Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReadInt32(M.LParam, 4)
Vol = Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStructure(M.LParam, GetType(DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME))
If Vol.Dbcv_Flags = 0 Then
For i As Integer = 0 To 20
If Math.Pow(2, i) = Vol.Dbcv_Unitmask Then
Dim Usb As String = Chr(65 + i) + ":\"
MsgBox("Looks like a volume device was removed!" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "The drive letter is: " & Usb.ToString)
Exit For
End If
End If
End If
End Select
End If
End Sub

How do I reload a block of code on a timer?

Good afternoon.
I've got a program that requests weather from Yahoo! weather which works. However what I want to do is reload the block of code that requests the information.
It's part of a radio station - studio clock, so using a scheduled task to close & then reopen the application isn't a runner.
It only requests the information once, when the .exe file is loaded.
How do I do this with a timer perhaps? Every 15 minutes would be good.
Here's the code I've got - not my own code by the way, found online!
Sub GetWeatherReport(ByVal locationId As Integer)
Me.Text = strLocations(locationId)
Dim doc As New XPathDocument("" & strLocationID(locationId) & "&u=c")
Dim nav As XPathNavigator = doc.CreateNavigator()
Dim ns As New XmlNamespaceManager(nav.NameTable)
ns.AddNamespace("yweather", "")
Dim nodes As XPathNodeIterator = nav.[Select]("/rss/channel/item/yweather:condition", ns)
While (nodes.MoveNext())
Dim node As XPathNavigator = nodes.Current
lblTemp.Text = node.GetAttribute("temp", ns.DefaultNamespace).ToString() & "°C " + node.GetAttribute("text", ns.DefaultNamespace).ToString()
weatherImage.ImageLocation = "" & node.GetAttribute("code", ns.DefaultNamespace).ToString() & ".gif"
End While

VB.Net: How To Display Previous Shadow Copy Versions of File Allowing User to Choose One

I'm writing an Excel file recovery program with VB.Net that tries to be a convenient place to gather and access Microsoft's recommended methods. If your interested in my probably kludgy, error filled, and lacking enough cleanup code it's here: The basic functionality seems to work although I haven't tested graph macro table recovery yet.
It occurred to me that Vista and Windows 7 users could benefit from being offered a list of previous versions of the file within my application if the Shadow Copy Service is on and there are previous copies. How do I do this?
I looked at a lot of web pages but found no easy to crib code. One possibility I guess would be to use vssadmin via the shell but that is pretty cumbersome. I just want to display a dialogue box like the Previous Versions property sheet and allow users to pick one of the previous versions. I guess I could just display the previous version property sheet via the shell by programmatically invoking the context menu and the "Restore previous versions choice", however I also want to be able to offer the list for Vista Home Basic and Premium Users who don't have access to that tab even though apparently the previous versions still exist. Additionally if it possible I would like to offer XP users the same functionality although I'm pretty sure with XP only the System files are in the shadow copies.
I looked at MSDN on the Shadow Copy Service and went through all the pages, I also looked at AlphaVSS and AlphaFS and all the comments. I'm kind of guessing that I need to use AlphaVss and AlphFS and do the following?
Find out the list of snapshots/restore points that exist on the computer.
Mount those snapshots.
Navigate in the mounted volumes to the Excel file the user wants to recover and make a list of those paths.
With the list of paths handy, compare with some kind of diff program, the shadow copies of the files with the original.
Pull out the youngest or oldest version (I don't think it matters) of those shadow copies that differ from the recovery target.
List those versions of the files that are found to be different.
This seems cumbersome and slow, but maybe is the fastest way to do things. I just need some confirmation that is the way to go now.
I finally decided to go ahead and start coding. Please make suggestions for speeding up the code or what do with files that are found to be different from the recovery file target. Is there a simpler way to do this with AlphaVSS and AlphaFS?
Private Sub Button1_Click_2(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
'Find out the number of vss shadow snapshots (restore
'points). All shadows apparently have a linkable path
'where # is a simple one, two or three digit integer.
Dim objProcess As New Process()
objProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False
objProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
objProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True
objProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = True
objProcess.StartInfo.FileName() = "vssadmin"
objProcess.StartInfo.Arguments() = "List Shadows"
Dim burp As String = objProcess.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd
Dim strError As String = objProcess.StandardError.ReadToEnd()
Dim xnum As Integer = 0
Dim counterVariable As Integer = 1
' Call Regex.Matches method.
Dim matches As MatchCollection = Regex.Matches(burp, _
' Loop over matches.
For Each m As Match In matches
xnum = xnum + 1
'At the max xnum + 1 is the number of shadows that exist
'Here we make symbolic links to all the shadows, one at a time
'and loop through until all shadows are exposed as folders in C:\.
Dim myProcess As New Process()
myProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe"
myProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False
myProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = True
myProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
myProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True
Dim myStreamWriter As StreamWriter = myProcess.StandardInput
myStreamWriter.WriteLine("mklink /d C:\shadow" & counterVariable _
& " \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy" _
& counterVariable & "\")
' Here I compare our recovery target file against the shadow copies
Dim sFile As String = PathTb.Text
Dim sFileShadowPath As String = "C:\shadow" & _
counterVariable & DelFromLeft("C:", sFile)
Dim jingle As New Process()
jingle.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe"
jingle.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False
jingle.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = True
jingle.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
jingle.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True
Dim jingleWriter As StreamWriter = jingle.StandardInput
jingleWriter.WriteLine("fc """ & sFile & """ """ _
& sFileShadowPath & """")
Dim jingleReader As StreamReader = jingle.StandardOutput
Dim JingleCompOut As String = jingleReader.ReadToEnd
Dim jingleBoolean As Boolean = JingleCompOut.Contains( _
"no differences encountered").ToString
If jingleBoolean = "True" Then
'I haven't decided what to do with the paths of
'files that are different from the recovery target.
End If
counterVariable = counterVariable + 1
Loop Until counterVariable = xnum + 1
End Sub