Vue JS - Clear Interval on mouseleave - vue.js

I'm currently learning VueJS with a video course. I was doing an exercise on directives, but got carried away a little.
Anyway my goal is to get the "disco effect" by a mouseover on the "Disco Time"-button. That works fine, but I also want to clear the interval, when leaving the button.
I tried several things (e.g. calling clear interval in another method) and I'm pretty sure that the current solution isn't a nice one, but to my understanding it should at least work.
Can you tell me why it isn't working and how it would work? I also would be interested in nicer solutions (but using the directive, since this was my goal).
Thanks for helping a noobie (:
export default {
data() {
return {
showing: false,
color: 'lightgreen',
stopIt: false,
stopItt: false,
directives: {
'myEvent': {
bind(el, binding) {
const type = binding.arg
const fn = binding.value
el.addEventListener(binding.arg, binding.value)
methods: {
change() {
this.showing = !this.showing;
this.color == 'lightgreen' ? this.color = 'lightblue' : this.color = 'lightgreen';
disco() {
if (this.stopIt == false) {
var myDisco = setInterval(() => {
this.color == 'lightgreen' ? this.color = 'lightcoral' : this.color = 'lightgreen'
}, 100)
else if (this.stopIt == true) {
setTimeout(() => {
clearInterval(myDisco)}, 1000)
stopDisco() {
this.stopIt = true
//this.stopItt = true
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-sm-offset-2 col-md-6 col-md-offset-3">
<div :style="{color: color}">
<h1>Directives Exercise</h1>
<button v-myEvent:click="change" class="btn btn-primary">Show me!</button>
<button v-myEvent:mouseover="disco" v-myEvent:mouseleave="stopDisco" class="btn btn-primary">Disco Time!</button>
<p v-if="showing">
Now you see me!
{{ stopIt }}, {{ stopItt }}

The reason your current approach isn't working is that the myDisco variable in disco() is scoped to that function, so when you call it again to try to clear the interval, you get a new, empty myDisco instead of the one containing the interval ID.
One simple way to fix this is to just put the interval ID itself in data(), instead of the separate stopIt boolean:
new Vue({
el: '.container',
data() {
return {
myDisco: undefined,
color: 'lightgreen',
directives: {
'myEvent': {
bind(el, binding) {
el.addEventListener(binding.arg, binding.value)
methods: {
disco() {
this.stopDisco(); // just in case there's any chance of calling disco() twice in a row...
this.myDisco = setInterval(() => {
this.color == 'lightgreen' ? this.color = 'lightcoral' : this.color = 'lightgreen';
}, 100)
stopDisco() {
clearInterval(this.myDisco); // will be a harmless no-op if myDisco is false
this.myDisco = undefined; // not strictly necessary, but just to be tidy
<script src=""></script>
<div class="container">
<div :style="{color: color}">
<h1>Directives Exercise</h1>
<button v-my-event:mouseover="disco" v-my-event:mouseleave="stopDisco" class="btn btn-primary">Disco Time!</button>
<div>Interval ID: {{myDisco}}</div>

Each time you call disco, myDisco is a different variable. You can't clear the old one that way. Instead, have the callback clear itself:
disco() {
this.stopIt = false;
const myDisco = setInterval(() => {
this.color == 'lightgreen' ? this.color = 'lightcoral' : this.color = 'lightgreen';
if (this.stopIt) {
}, 100)
stopDisco() {
this.stopIt = true
Demo runnable snippet below.
new Vue({
el: '.container',
data() {
return {
showing: false,
color: 'lightgreen',
stopIt: false,
directives: {
'myEvent': {
bind(el, binding) {
const type = binding.arg
const fn = binding.value
el.addEventListener(binding.arg, binding.value)
methods: {
change() {
this.showing = !this.showing;
this.color == 'lightgreen' ? this.color = 'lightblue' : this.color = 'lightgreen';
disco() {
this.stopIt = false;
const myDisco = setInterval(() => {
this.color == 'lightgreen' ? this.color = 'lightcoral' : this.color = 'lightgreen';
if (this.stopIt) {
}, 100)
stopDisco() {
this.stopIt = true
<script src=""></script>
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-sm-offset-2 col-md-6 col-md-offset-3">
<div :style="{color: color}">
<h1>Directives Exercise</h1>
<button v-my-event:click="change" class="btn btn-primary">Show me!</button>
<button v-my-event:mouseover="disco" v-my-event:mouseleave="stopDisco" class="btn btn-primary">Disco Time!</button>
<p v-if="showing">
Now you see me!
{{ stopIt }}, {{ stopItt }}


v-on does not working why not receive $emit in custom component

I'm create a an component which represents my money field.
My target is on add element in list, set zero on money field to add next element in list...
But, my problem is that not working when send using $emit event to clear input to improve usability.
$emit works as described on image bellow
My money field:
<div class="input-group" #clear="clearInputField()">
<span>{{ title }}</span>
<input ref="displayMoney" type="text" v-model="displayMoney" #focus="isActive = true" #blur="isActive = false" />
export default {
props: {
title: String,
data() {
return {
money: 0,
isActive: false,
methods: {
clearInputField() {
console.log("Its work event"); = 0;
this.displayMoney = "";
computed: {
displayMoney: {
get: function () {
if (this.isActive) {
} else {
return"pt-br", { style: "currency", currency: "BRL" });
set: function (modifiedMoney) {
let newMoney = parseFloat(modifiedMoney.replace(/[^\d.]/g, "."));
if (isNaN(newMoney) || newMoney.length == 0) {
newMoney = 0;
this.$emit("input", newMoney);
return ( = parseFloat(newMoney));
My principal component
<div class="wish-list">
<div class="row">
<div class="input-group">
<span>Digite sua meta: </span>
<input ref="descriptionWish" type="text" v-model="descriptionWish" />
<MoneyField title="Valor (R$): " v-model="valueWish" #keyup.native.enter="addWish" />
<button id="btnCalculate" #click="addWish()">Adicionar a lista de desejos</button>
<div class="list-items">
<li v-for="wish in wishes" :key="wish">{{ wish }}</li>
import MoneyField from "./Fields/MoneyField";
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
wishes: [],
valueWish: 0,
descriptionWish: "",
methods: {
addWish() {
if (!isNaN(this.valueWish) && this.valueWish > 0 && this.descriptionWish.length > 0) {
`${this.descriptionWish} => ${this.valueWish.toLocaleString("pt-BR", { currency: "BRl", style: "currency" })}`
this.descriptionWish = "";
this.valueWish = 0;
this.valueWish = 0;
I still don't understand much about vueJS, but I believe it's something related to parent and child elements, but I've done numerous and I can't get my answer.
sorry for my bad english .
The emit sends an event from the child to the parent component not as you've done, to run a method from the child component you could add a ref in the component inside the parent one like :
<MoneyField title="Valor (R$): "
ref="moneyField" v-model="valueWish" #keyup.native.enter="addWish" />
then run this.$refs.moneyField.clearInputField() instead this.$emit("clear")

How to make disabled button after click in Vuejs

I have a button on my website that gives bonuses to the user. Button have several conditions in 1 button:
<button class="btn btn--small btn--purple" :disabled="isDisabled" #click="takeBonus">Take</button>
computed: {
isDisabled() {
return this.heal_used === 1 || this.diff < 10;
But when user click Take button, and if all success, button is still active this.$forceUpdate(); not working. And i need make when user click Take button, and if all success, make this button disabled.
My full Bonus.vue:
<div class="inner-page">
<div class="account" v-if="loaded && !$root.isMobile">
<div class="page-header">
<div class="form-panels hide-below-m">
<div class="col-7" style="margin-top: 5rem;margin-right: 3rem;">
<div class="faucet-component mx-5" rv-class-boost="data.boostIsOpen">
<img src="" class="faucet-component__shine-bg">
<div class="faucet-component__content d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center flex-column w-100" style="
height: 15rem;">
<div class="faucet-component__available-amount-block round-circle p-2">
<div class="faucet-component__availabe-amount-coins d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center round-circle h-100" rv-currency="model:amount">Спасение</div>
<!-- rivets: unless model:cnt | eq 0 --><div class="faucet-component__remaining">
<span rv-t="">Left</span>:
<span>{{ bonus_num }}</span><br>
<span rv-t=""></span>
<span>{{ diff }}</span>
<!-- rivets: if model:cnt | eq 0 -->
<div class="faucet-component__buttons-container d-flex align-items-center w-75 justify-content-around">
<button class="btn btn--small btn--purple" :disabled="isDisabled" #click="takeBonus">Take</button>
export default {
data() {
return {
loaded: false,
bonus: {},
diff: {},
user: {},
bonus_num: 0,
heal_used: {}
mounted() {
this.$root.isLoading = true;
if (!this.$cookie.get('token')) {
this.$root.isLoading = false;
this.domain = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname;
setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);
computed: {
isDisabled() {
return this.heal_used === 1 || this.diff < 10;
methods: {
getUser() {
.then(res => {
const data =;
this.loaded = true;
this.user = data.user;
this.bets = data.bets;
this.bonus = data.bonus;
this.diff = data.diff;
this.heal_used = data.heal_used;
this.new_day = data.new_day;
this.bonus_num = data.bonus_num;
this.$root.isLoading = false;
.catch(err => {
this.$root.isLoading = false;
takeBonus() {
this.$'/user/takeBonus', {
value: this.user.cashback
.then(res => {
const data =;
if (data.type === 'success') {
this.bonus_num = data.bonus_num;
this.$root.user.balance = data.newBalance;
this.heal_used = data.heal_used;
this.$root.showNotify(data.type, this.$t(`index.${data.message}`));
How i can make it, when user click Take button, and if all success, so that the Take button becomes disabled?
I'm sorry but your code has no indentation, so I just did that on jsfiddler so you know "How to make disabled button after click in Vuejs". You can have a look on :
<div id="app">
<button :disabled="isDisabled" #click="disableButton()">Please click here</button>
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
isDisabled: false,
methods: {
disableButton() {
this.isDisabled = true

input field value keeps getting reset #input?

I have created an custom reusable autocomplete component.The issue i am facing is whenever i start to type anything into the fields(#input) the value in the input field gets reset. I feel it has something to do within the code written in the debounce function but i am not sure.Plz help?
Vue.component('AutoComplete', {
props: ['list','value','title'],
data() {
return {
input: '',
template: `<template>
<div class="autocomplete">
<input style="font-size: 12pt; height: 36px; width:1800px; " type="text" v-model="input" #input="handleInput"/>
<ul v-if="input" >
<li v-for="(item, i) in list" :key="i" #click="setInput(item)" >
<template v-if="title!='manager'">
<div class="container">
<template v-else>
<div class="container">
<b>First Name:</b>
<b>Last Name:</b>
methods: {
handleInput(e) {
console.log('inside handleInput')
setInput(value) {
console.log('inside setInput')
this.input = value
this.$emit('click', value)
watch: {
$props: {
immediate: true,
deep: true,
handler(newValue, oldValue) {
console.log('new value is'+newValue)
console.log('old value is'+oldValue)
console.log('value inside handler'+this.value)
console.log('list inside handler'+this.list)
console.log('title inside handler'+this.title)
Currently i have called this component from JobDetail.vue page like this-
<b-field label="Custom Action">
<AutoComplete v-on:input="getAsyncDataAction" v-on:click="(option) => {updateRowValue('records', props.index, 'action',; props.row.action =}" :value="props.row.action" :list="dataAction" title='action' >
import { viewMixin } from "../viewMixin.js";
import debounce from "lodash/debounce";
import api from "../store/api";
const ViewName = "JobDetail";
export default {
name: "JobDetail",
mixins: [viewMixin(ViewName)],
data() {
return {
dataAction: [],
isFetching: false
methods: {
getAsyncDataAction: debounce(function(name) {
if (!name.length) {
this.dataAction = [];
this.isFetching = true;
.then(response => {
this.dataAction = [];
response.forEach(item => {
.catch(error => {
this.dataAction = [];
throw error;
.finally(() => {
this.isFetching = false;
}, 500)
computed: {
viewData() {
return this.$store.getters.getViewData(viewName)
objectData() {
return this.$store.getters.getApiData(this.viewData.api_id).data
sessionData() {
return this.$store.getters.getSessionData()
isLoading() {
return this.$store.getters.getApiData(this.viewData.api_id).isLoading
newRecord() {
return this.$ === null;
I don't understand why the input fields value keeps resetting #input. Please help and also let me know if this is the correct approach?

Axios response happening after component is rendered

I have a parent component making an Ajax request using Axios, The response is then assigned to a variabled called 'carousel' and is then passed down to the child component.
In the child component on 'created()' I am assigning the passed prop 'carousel' to a new variable called 'slides'
Problem is when I do this is returns undefined and my thinking is the Axios query hasn't returned before this happens.
Is there a way to delay the axios request before the prop is passed and the child component always gets the expected response.
My code is below.
<div class='product-container'>
<home-carousel :carousel="carousel"></home-carousel>
<cta-sections :panels="panels"></cta-sections>
import api from '../api/Home'
import CtaSections from '../components/CtaSections'
import HomeCarousel from '../components/HomeCarousel'
import Profiler from '../components/Profiler'
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
panels: [],
slides: 'test',
carouselPass: [],
carousel: [],
created() {
axios.get(window.SETTINGS.API_BASE_PATH + 'pages/5')
.then(response => {
this.panels =;
this.carousel =;
this.carousel.forEach(function (item, index) {
if (index === 0) { = true;
item.opacity = 1;
} else { = false;
item.opacity = 0;
} = index
<div class='slider'>
<transition-group class='carouse carousel--fullHeight carousel--gradient' tag="div" name="fade">
<div v-for="slide in slides"
v-bind:class="{ active: }"
:style="{ 'background-image': 'url(' + slide.image.url + ')' }"
<div class="carousel__caption carousel__caption--centered">
<h2 class="heading heading--white heading--uppercase heading--fixed">{{ slide.tagline }}</h2>
<div class='carousel__controls carousel__controls--numbered carousel__controls--white carousel__controls--bottomRight carousel__controls--flex'>
<div #click="next" class="in">
<img src="/static/img/svg/next-arrow.svg" />
<span v-if="carousel.length < 10">0</span>
<span>{{ slideCount }}</span>
<span v-if="carousel.length < 10">0</span>
<span>{{ carousel.length }}</span>
import bus from '../bus'
import Booking from './Booking'
export default {
name: 'HomeCarousel',
props: ['carousel'],
data() {
return {
slideCount: 1,
slides: [],
slides: [{
image: this.themepath + 'home-banner.jpg',
active: true,
buttonText: 'book now',
buttonUrl: '#',
opacity: 1,
id: 1
image: this.themepath + 'home-banner2.jpg',
active: false,
buttonText: 'book now',
buttonUrl: '#',
opacity: 0,
id: 2
methods: {
showBooking: function() {
this.$store.state.showBooking = true;
next() {
const first = this.slides.shift();
this.slides = this.slides.concat(first) = false;
this.slides[0].active = true;
if (this.slideCount === this.slides.length) {
this.slideCount = 1;
} else {
previous() {
const last = this.slides.pop()
this.slides = [last].concat(this.slides)
// Loop through Array and set all active values to false;
var slideLength = this.slides.length;
for (var slide = 0; slide < slideLength; slide++) {
this.slides[slide].active = false;
// Apply active class to first slide
this.slides[0].active = true;
loopInterval() {
let self = this;
setInterval(function () {
}, 8000);
created() {
this.slides = this.carousel;
You can just watch the prop and set this.slides when it changes, i.e. when the async call has finished:
carousel(value) {
this.slides = value
Here's a JSFiddle:

How do you activate a class for individual elements within an array? [Vue.js]

I want to activate a class for each input individually. I have two inputs bound to the same v-model and class. I have a method that checks for something to be true, and if true enables the bound class. Currently it enables the class on all inputs. (The end goal is to search multiple inputs for an element within an array and if it matches, the class activates only for that element)
<input v-model="highlightTest" id="1" v-bind:class="{ active: active }" v-on:keyup="Highlighting"></input>
<input v-model="highlightTest" id="2" v-bind:class="{ active: active }" v-on:keyup="Highlighting"></input>
Highlighting: function() {
if (this.highlightTest != '') { = true;
else { = false;
How about this:
<input v-for="(hi,index) of highlights" v-model="highlights[]" v-bind:class="{ active: highlights[index] }" v-on:keyup="highlighting(index)"></input>
export default{
data() {
return {
highlights: []
created() {
this.$http.get('some/api').then(res => {
// map: convert 0,1 to false,true
this.highlights = res.json().map(h => h==1);
methods: {
highlighting(index) {
if (this.highlights[index]) {
// this.highlights[index] = false won't let vue detect the data change(thus no view change)
this.highlights.splice(index, 1, false);
} else {
this.highlights.splice(index, 1, true);
Here's one way to do it (sorry for the delay btw)
<div id="app">
<p :class="{'active': activateWord(word)}" v-for="word in words">#{{ word }}</p>
<input type="text" v-model="inputText">
.active {
color: red;
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
inputText: '',
words: [
methods: {
activateWord(word) {
return this.inputText === word
here's a fiddle