Why are Kotlin reified functions better? - kotlin

The official Kotlin docs and this answer do a great job of explaining how Kotlin reified allows us to change something like:
But I don't think either do a good job of explaining the motivation. Is the reified function only preferable because it saves a few characters? Or are there other benefits to not having to pass the class in as a parameter?

One more advantage of reified type parameters is that they provide full type information, including type arguments, when the type is known at compile time.
abstract class TypeReference<T> : Comparable<TypeReference<T>> {
val type: Type =
(javaClass.genericSuperclass as ParameterizedType).actualTypeArguments[0]
override fun compareTo(other: TypeReference<T>) = 0
inline fun <reified T: Any> printGenerics() {
val type = object : TypeReference<T>() {}.type
if (type is ParameterizedType)
type.actualTypeArguments.forEach { println(it.typeName) }
printGenerics<HashMap<Int, List<String>>>()
java.util.List<? extends java.lang.String>
See: How to get actual type arguments of a reified generic parameter in Kotlin?

The other benefit is that the type parameter can be inferred. For example:
fun foo(myData: MyDataClass) { ... }
foo(myJsonString.toData()) // no need to specify MyDataClass at all

The motivation is type erasure in the end. Generics on the JVM are cool but only help at compile time. With reified, you can make generic types available at runtime. This results in cleaner APIs as demonstrated in this post and yole's answer, cleaner DSLs (they utilize reified a lot), and certainly also easier implementations that rely on type information which would be erased normally as shown by hotkey.


How can I circumvent Kotlin's generics type variance constraints

I am relatively new Kotlin and Generics kind of give me a headache. I have the following architecture made out of:
A few data classes
A generic interface to process data
Implementations of that processing interface for each data type
A generic processing job class containing the data to be processed and it's appropriate processor
A global (singleton) processor which implements the processing interface, takes processing jobs and just delegates the processing to the job processor. It doesn't care about the data itself at all.
The simplified code looks like this
class DataOne
class DataTwo
interface DataProcessor<in T> {
fun process(o: T)
class DataOneProcessor: DataProcessor<DataOne> {
override fun process(o: DataOne) = println("Processing DataOne")
class DataTwoProcessor: DataProcessor<DataTwo> {
override fun process(o: DataTwo) = println("Processing DataTwo")
class ProcessingJob<T>(val data: T, val processor: DataProcessor<T>)
object GlobalProcessor: DataProcessor<ProcessingJob<Any>> {
override fun process(job: ProcessingJob<Any>) = job.processor.process(job.data)
fun main() {
GlobalProcessor.process(ProcessingJob(DataOne(), DataOneProcessor()))
In the main function I get a compiler error
Type mismatch.
Required: ProcessingJob<Any>
Found: ProcessingJob<DataOne>
I understand why this happens: A DataProcessor of DataOne, viewed as a DataProcessor of Any could be asked to process DataTwos and for type safety this is not allowed.
Can you give me any suggestions on how/what to change to make it compile and achieve the required result? Thanks for your time!
There are two problems here.
First, Any isn't actually the top-level type. Any implies not null, but T is unconstrained, which means it can be a nullable type. In this case you can use *, or you could also specify the type as Any?.
Change the signature of the GlobalProcessor to this:
object GlobalProcessor: DataProcessor<ProcessingJob<*>> {
override fun process(job: ProcessingJob<*>): ...
The second problem is that the implementation of process can't take advantage of the generic information from the job in order to know that the job.processor and the job.data are compatible. It just sees two objects of unknown type. To let it know they share a compatible type, you need to capture that type as a type variable. We can't add a generic type parameter to the existing method, because it has to match the signature of the interface method, but we can add a new private method that introduces the generic parameter.
Here's the GlobalProcessor with both the required changes.
object GlobalProcessor: DataProcessor<ProcessingJob<*>> {
override fun process(job: ProcessingJob<*>) = processGeneric(job)
private fun <T> processGeneric(job: ProcessingJob<T>) = job.processor.process(job.data)

How to make a generic function for enumValues<T> in Kotlin?

I struggle with providing a type as parameter for a procedure that uses the enumValues<MyEnum>() function.
Got it to work with reified but using inline functions all the way is no option for me.
fun <T: Enum<Trait>> traits(
selectionState: SnapshotStateMap<Trait, Boolean>
) {
val chunks = enumValues<T>().toList().chunked(5)
chunks.forEach {
Row {
it.forEach {
TraitIcon(it, selectionState)
My enums all derive from enum class Trait. So in fact I want to pass enum class TraitFoo: Trait, enum class TraitBar: Trait and so on into the function.
Cannot use 'T' as reified type parameter. Use a class instead.
Is the compile error I receive here. Any idea of solving this? I am somewhat confused why this is not working.
Looking at the implementation of enumValues:
public inline fun <reified T : Enum<T>> enumValues(): Array<T>
I see it uses reified. That does mean the type has to be known at compile time. Therefore I can not pass a generic but need to pass an explicit type? Is that the issue?
If yes - is there another way to achieve this rather than using reified ?
If you want to be able to use T in your function as if it's a real type then it must be reified. And in order for a type parameter to be reified it must be part of an inline function. So you're going to need an inline function.
The next bit is figuring out the generics. You currently have:
<T : Enum<Trait>>
That means, due to the nature of enums, that T can't possibly be anything other than Trait. However, you have since clarified that Trait is not an enum but is actually an interface that's implemented by various enum classes. So what you really want is T to be bounded by both Enum<T> and Trait.
Given all this, I believe what you're looking for is the following:
inline fun <reified T> traits(
selectionState: SnapshotTraitMap<Trait, Boolean>
) where T : Enum<T>, T : Trait {
val chunks = enumValues<T>().toList().chunked(5)
chunks.forEach {
Row {
it.forEach {
TraitIcon(it, selectionState)

Kotlin - Functional (SAM) interfaces VS Function types

With Kotlin 1.4 we now have Functional Interfaces
fun interface Todo {
fun run()
fun runBlock(todo: Todo){
fun runBlock{
println("Hello world")
Before i was always using (T) -> T
inline fun runBlock(block: ()-> Unit){
fun runBlock{
println("Hello world")
So basically I can make the same task with both methods , there is any performance advantage by using Functional SAM() Interfaces over Function Type?.
It's a performance dis-advantage because the lambda is no longer inlined (unless the JIT decides to, but it won't be instant). Even if you mark runBlock as inline, the compiler will warn you that the argument won't be inlined.
There are only two reasons to use fun interfaces instead of function types:
Backwards compatibility when porting code using Java functional interfaces.
Not exposing Kotlin function types in API intended for use from Java.
To expand on point 1: before Kotlin 1.4 it was advised to keep functional interfaces as Java code, even if all your other code was Kotlin. This way you could use lambdas for parameters of those types both in Java and Kotlin code. But if you declared the interface in Kotlin, you could only use lambdas for them in Java.
the compiler automatically converts the lambda to an instance of the class that implements the abstract member function.
So, no performance advantage, it’s the same thing as before. The compiler now does what you had to do before.
As other answers and comments have pointed out, in your case, using inlined lambda is faster, since there is no function call overhead when invoking it.
However, there is one specific use case where using SAM interface is faster, that is when you 1. do not inline the lambda and 2. the arguments/return value of the lambda is a primitive (or any other type that may cause boxing when used with generics).
For example, using SAM interface like so:
fun interface Foo() {
fun run(i: Int): Int
fun foo(fn: Foo) {
foo { it * 2 }
Will not cause any boxing when invoked, while:
fun foo(fn: (Int) -> Int) {
foo { it * 2 }
Will box the integer argument since (Int) -> Int is essentially Function1<Integer, Integer> in Java, which uses generic.

why there is 'by' for the extended class and reified in function define

coming across a sample with a class and a function and trying to understand the koltin syntax there,
what does this IMeta by dataItem do? looked at https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/classes.html#classes and dont see how to use by in the derived class
why the reified is required in the inline fun <reified T> getDataItem()? If someone could give a sample to explain the reified?
class DerivedStreamItem(private val dataItem: IMeta, private val dataType: String?) :
IMeta by dataItem {
override fun getType(): String = dataType ?: dataItem.getType()
fun getData(): DerivedData? = getDataItem()
private inline fun <reified T> getDataItem(): T? = if (dataItem is T) dataItem else null
for the reference, copied the related defines here:
interface IMeta {
fun getType() : String
fun getUUIDId() : String
fun getDataId(): String?
class DerivedData : IMeta {
override fun getType(): String {
return "" // stub
override fun getUUIDId(): String {
return "" // stub
override fun getDataId(): String? {
return "" // stub
why the reified is required in the inline fun <reified T> getDataItem()? If someone could give a sample to explain the reified?
There is some good documentation on reified type parameters, but I'll try to boil it down a bit.
The reified keyword in Kotlin is used to get around the fact that the JVM uses type erasure for generic. That means at runtime whenever you refer to a generic type, the JVM has no idea what the actual type is. It is a compile-time thing only. So that T in your example... the JVM has no idea what it means (without reification, which I'll explain).
You'll notice in your example that you are also using the inline keyword. That tells Kotlin that rather than call a function when you reference it, to just insert the body of the function inline. This can be more efficient in certain situations. So, if Kotlin is already going to be copying the body of our function at compile time, why not just copy the class that T represents as well? This is where reified is used. This tells Kotlin to refer to the actual concrete type of T, and only works with inline functions.
If you were to remove the reified keyword from your example, you would get an error: "Cannot check for instance of erased type: T". By reifying this, Kotlin knows what actual type T is, letting us do this comparison (and the resulting smart cast) safely.
(Since you are asking two questions, I'm going to answer them separately)
The by keyword in Kolin is used for delegation. There are two kinds of delegation:
1) Implementation by Delegation (sometimes called Class Delegation)
This allows you to implement an interface and delegate calls to that interface to a concrete object. This is helpful if you want to extend an interface but not implement every single part of it. For example, we can extend List by delegating to it, and allowing our caller to give us an implementation of List
class ExtendedList(someList: List) : List by someList {
// Override anything from List that you need
// All other calls that would resolve to the List interface are
// delegated to someList
2) Property Delegation
This allows you to do similar work, but with properties. My favorite example is lazy, which lets you lazily define a property. Nothing is created until you reference the property, and the result is cached for quicker access in the future.
From the Kotlin documentation:
val lazyValue: String by lazy {

Why can't make to methods with same name but with different generics?

I'm pretty new in Kotlin language, but I have just encountered some strange behavior that didn't have in other languages, so I wanted to ask why I can't do something like this:
fun <T> methodName()
// whatev~
fun <T, K> methodName()
// whatev~
This code throws an error of "Conflicting overloads".
In other languages, for example C# I can do this and it's a pretty neat trick to have only one method that work for one or multiple types at the same time.
The only workaround I've found it's adding in each new method that I do an optional parameter that I'll never use, like:
fun <T> methodName()
fun <T, K> methodName(crappyParam: String = "")
The two methods would have the same signature in JVM type system (which doesn't support generics), which isn't allowed.
A JVM language could "mangle" such methods, e.g. giving them different names in bytecode. A JVM implementation of C# would have to.
But Kotlin doesn't. And doing so would hurt interoperability with Java, which is one of Kotlin's major requirements.