Tensorflow Lite: Cannot convert between a TensorFlowLite buffer and a ByteBuffer - tensorflow

I have tried to migrate a custom model to Android platform. The tensorflow version is 1.12. I used the command line recommended shown as below:
tflite_convert \
--output_file=test.tflite \
--graph_def_file=./models/test_model.pb \
--input_arrays=input_image \
to convert .pb file into tflite format.
I have checked input tensor shape of my .pb file in tensorboard:
Then I deploy tflite file upon Android, and allocate input ByteBuffer that planed to feed the model as:
imgData = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(
4 * 1 * 712 * 474 * 3);
When I run the model on Android device the app crashed and then logcat prints like:
2019-03-04 10:31:46.822 17884-17884/android.example.com.tflitecamerademo E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
Process: android.example.com.tflitecamerademo, PID: 17884
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{android.example.com.tflitecamerademo/com.example.android.tflitecamerademo.CameraActivity}: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot convert between a TensorFlowLite buffer with 786432 bytes and a ByteBuffer with 4049856 bytes.
It's so weird since allocated ByteBuffer is exactly the product of 4 * 3 * 474 * 712 whereas tensorflow lite buffer is not the multiple of 474 or 712. I don't figure out why tflite model got a wrong shape.
Thanks in advance if anyone can give a solution.

You could visualize the TFLite model to debug what buffer sizes are actually allocated to the input tensors.
TensorFlow Lite models can be visualized using the
If the input tensor's buffer size isn't what you expect it to be, then there might be a bug with the conversion (or with the arguments provided to tflite_convert)

Hello guys,
I also had the similar problem yesterday. I would like to mention solution which works for me.
Seems like TSLite only support exact square bitmap inputs
Size 256* 256 detection working
Size 256* 255 detection not working throwing exception
And max size which is supported
257*257 should be max width and height for any bitmap input
Here is the sample code to crop and resize bitmap
private var MODEL_HEIGHT = 257
private var MODEL_WIDTH = 257
Crop bitmap
val croppedBitmap = cropBitmap(bitmap)
Created scaled version of bitmap for model input
val scaledBitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(croppedBitmap, MODEL_WIDTH, MODEL_HEIGHT, true)
Crop Bitmap to maintain aspect ratio of model input.
private fun cropBitmap(bitmap: Bitmap): Bitmap {
val bitmapRatio = bitmap.height.toFloat() / bitmap.width
val modelInputRatio = MODEL_HEIGHT.toFloat() / MODEL_WIDTH
var croppedBitmap = bitmap
// Acceptable difference between the modelInputRatio and bitmapRatio to skip cropping.
val maxDifference = 1e-5
// Checks if the bitmap has similar aspect ratio as the required model input.
when {
abs(modelInputRatio - bitmapRatio) < maxDifference -> return croppedBitmap
modelInputRatio < bitmapRatio -> {
// New image is taller so we are height constrained.
val cropHeight = bitmap.height - (bitmap.width.toFloat() / modelInputRatio)
croppedBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(
(cropHeight / 2).toInt(),
(bitmap.height - cropHeight).toInt()
else -> {
val cropWidth = bitmap.width - (bitmap.height.toFloat() * modelInputRatio)
croppedBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(
(cropWidth / 2).toInt(),
(bitmap.width - cropWidth).toInt(),
return croppedBitmap
Thanks and Regards

I had changed the image dimensions from the standard 224 earlier in the model creation process to 299 for other reasons, so I just searched my Android Studio project for 224 and updated the two final references in ImageClassifier.java to 299, and I was back in business.


FATAL EXCEPTION: inference. Cannot copy to a TensorFlowLite tensor from a Java Buffer

I was developing an Image Classifier app in Android Studio with MNIST-fashion database, but I have a little problem. When I try to run the app, I have this common error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot copy to a TensorFlowLite tensor (serving_default_conv2d_input:0) with 3136 bytes from a Java Buffer with 9408 bytes.
I know this might be the mismatch of input tensor from the model and the buffer that I have in my code. But It's too confusing because my code automatically fits the size of the image from the model and all the info it needs. So I was wondering where is the error...
// Reads type and shape of input and output tensors, respectively.
int imageTensorIndex = 0;
int[] imageShape = tflite.getInputTensor(imageTensorIndex).shape(); // {1, height, width, 1}
imageSizeY = imageShape[1];
imageSizeX = imageShape[2];
DataType imageDataType = tflite.getInputTensor(imageTensorIndex).dataType();
int probabilityTensorIndex = 0;
int[] probabilityShape =
tflite.getOutputTensor(probabilityTensorIndex).shape(); // {1, 10}
DataType probabilityDataType = tflite.getOutputTensor(probabilityTensorIndex).dataType();
// Creates the input tensor.
inputImageBuffer = new TensorImage(imageDataType);
Maybe this is the problem... I'm creating imageShape like this {1, height, width, 1}, and the data type is FLOAT32, so it is supposed to be {1, height, width, 4}, right?
Another reason could be the metadata. But I populate the model with metadata and I have a .json and I don't know how to use it.
Note: If u want the note book to do the .tflite, there u go.
The tensor buffer size is determined by datasize (float32: 4bytes) * flat size of the tensor shape (1 * height * width * 1).
So the above code snippet needs to prepare an float input tensor data with the shape (1, height, width, 1) instead of the shape (1, height, width, 4).

Tensorflow Lite Model: Incompatible shapes for input and output array

I'm currently working on a Tensorflow Lite image classifier app that can recognice UNO cards. But when I'm running the float model in the class ImageClassifier, something is wrong.
The error is the next one:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot copy from a TensorFlowLite tensor (Identity) with shape [1, 10647, 4] to a Java object with shape [1, 15].
Here's the code that throw that error:
tflite.run(imgData, labelProbArray);
And this is how I have created imgData and labelProbArray:
private static final int DIM_BATCH_SIZE = 1;
private static final int DIM_PIXEL_SIZE = 3; //r+g+b = 1+1+1
static final int DIM_IMG_SIZE_X = 416;
static final int DIM_IMG_SIZE_Y = 416;
imgData = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(DIM_BATCH_SIZE * DIM_IMG_SIZE_X * DIM_IMG_SIZE_Y * DIM_PIXEL_SIZE * 4); //The last value because size of float is 4
labelProbArray = new float[1][labelList.size()]; // {1, 15}
You can chech the inputs and ouputs of the .tflite file. Source.
I know you should create a buffer for the output values, but I tried to import this and didn't work:
import org.tensorflow.lite.support.tensorbuffer.TensorBuffer;
Any ideas? Thank you so much for read me^^
Edit v2:
Thanks to yyoon I realise that I didn't populate my model with metadata, so I run this line in my cmd:
python ./metadata_writer_for_image_classifier_uno.py \ --model_file=./model_without_metadata/custom.tflite \ --label_file=./model_without_metadata/labels.txt \ --export_directory=model_with_metadata
Before that, I modified this file with my data:
name="UNO image classifier",
And another error appeared:
ValueError: The number of output tensors (2) should match the number of output tensor metadata (1)
Idk why my model have 2 tensors outputs...

Inception settings changed: Computed output size would be negative: -4 [input_size: 2, effective_filter_size: 7, stride: 1]

I was working along the image classifier ML.net sample code over at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-US/dotnet/machine-learning/tutorials/image-classification
The classification there uses the following inception settings
private struct InceptionSettings
public const int ImageHeight = 224;
public const int ImageWidth = 224;
public const float Mean = 117;
public const float Scale = 1;
public const bool ChannelsLast = true;
while using the tensorflow inception5h model.
It appears to be working. Unclear for me is however, what breaks when I change Height and Width from 224 to say 64 to reduce the load and precision of the prediction the reuse and tune inception model part nearly instantly crashes with
System.InvalidOperationException: Splitter/consolidator worker encountered exception while consuming source data ---> Microsoft.ML.Transforms.TensorFlow.TFException: Computed output size would be negative: -4 [input_size: 2, effective_filter_size: 7, stride: 1]
[[{{node avgpool0}}]]
at Microsoft.ML.Transforms.TensorFlow.TFStatus.CheckMaybeRaise(TFStatus incomingStatus, Boolean last)
at Microsoft.ML.Transforms.TensorFlow.TFSession.Run(TFOutput[] inputs, TFTensor[] inputValues, TFOutput[] outputs, TFOperation[] targetOpers, TFBuffer runMetadata, TFBuffer runOptions, TFStatus status)
at Microsoft.ML.Transforms.TensorFlow.TFSession.Runner.Run(TFStatus status)
at Microsoft.ML.Transforms.TensorFlowTransformer.Mapper.UpdateCacheIfNeeded(Int64 position, ITensorValueGetter[] srcTensorGetters, String[] activeOutputColNames, OutputCache outputCache)
at Microsoft.ML.Transforms.TensorFlowTransformer.Mapper.<>c__DisplayClass8_0`1.<MakeGetter>b__3(VBuffer`1& dst)
at Microsoft.ML.Data.DataViewUtils.Splitter.InPipe.Impl`1.Fill()
at Microsoft.ML.Data.DataViewUtils.Splitter.<>c__DisplayClass5_1.<ConsolidateCore>b__2()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Microsoft.ML.Data.DataViewUtils.Splitter.Batch.SetAll(OutPipe[] pipes)
at Microsoft.ML.Data.DataViewUtils.Splitter.Cursor.MoveNextCore()
at Microsoft.ML.Data.RootCursorBase.MoveNext()
at Microsoft.ML.Trainers.TrainingCursorBase.MoveNext()
at Microsoft.ML.Trainers.LbfgsTrainerBase`3.TrainCore(IChannel ch, RoleMappedData data)
at Microsoft.ML.Trainers.LbfgsTrainerBase`3.TrainModelCore(TrainContext context)
at Microsoft.ML.Trainers.TrainerEstimatorBase`2.TrainTransformer(IDataView trainSet, IDataView validationSet, IPredictor initPredictor)
at Microsoft.ML.Data.EstimatorChain`1.Fit(IDataView input)
at D:\My\MLTrainer.Program.ReuseAndTuneInceptionModel(MLContext mlContext, TrainerData trainerData, String dataLocation, String inputModelLocation, String outputModelLocation) in MLTrainer\Program.cs:line 66
at MLTrainer.Program.Main(String[] args) in D:\My\MLTrainer\Program.cs:line 29
Now I don't get what I can do and where in the details the issue is buried. Is the pre-trained model already fixed to this somewhat strange resolution? The resolution itself seems not to be used somewhere else, nor do I get why the splitter don't like it.
Do I hit some sort of min size condition I am not aware of? If so, what are the boundaries? I tried 1024x1024 for instance, which failed with another error.
Any hints on that are appreciated :)
You could install Netron to look at your model.
You'll see that on the first layer will stand something like Nx224x224x3.
The model is fixed to this input resolution, because it is trained with a large dataset in exactly this resolution. You could change the input layer with e.g. keras.
But I never tried to change the input layer in ML.NET.

TensorFlow Model is still floating point after Post-training quantization

After applying post-training quantization, my custom CNN model was shrinked to 1/4 of its original size (from 56.1MB to 14MB). I put the image(100x100x3) that is to be predicted into ByteBuffer as 100x100x3=30,000 bytes. However, I got the following error during inference:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot convert between a TensorFlowLite buffer with 120000 bytes and a ByteBuffer with 30000 bytes.**
at org.tensorflow.lite.Tensor.throwExceptionIfTypeIsIncompatible(Tensor.java:221)
at org.tensorflow.lite.Tensor.setTo(Tensor.java:93)
at org.tensorflow.lite.NativeInterpreterWrapper.run(NativeInterpreterWrapper.java:136)
at org.tensorflow.lite.Interpreter.runForMultipleInputsOutputs(Interpreter.java:216)
at org.tensorflow.lite.Interpreter.run(Interpreter.java:195)
at gov.nih.nlm.malaria_screener.imageProcessing.TFClassifier_Lite.recongnize(TFClassifier_Lite.java:102)
at gov.nih.nlm.malaria_screener.imageProcessing.TFClassifier_Lite.process_by_batch(TFClassifier_Lite.java:145)
at gov.nih.nlm.malaria_screener.Cells.runCells(Cells.java:269)
at gov.nih.nlm.malaria_screener.CameraActivity.ProcessThinSmearImage(CameraActivity.java:1020)
at gov.nih.nlm.malaria_screener.CameraActivity.access$600(CameraActivity.java:75)
at gov.nih.nlm.malaria_screener.CameraActivity$8.run(CameraActivity.java:810)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:762)
The imput image size to the model is: 100x100x3. I'm currently predicting one image at a time. So, if I'm making the Bytebuffer: 100x100x3 = 30,000 bytes. However, the log info above says the TensorFlowLite buffer has 120,000 bytes. This makes me suspect that the converted tflite model is still in float format. Is this expected behavior? How can I get a quantized model that take input image in 8 pit precision like it does in the example from TensorFlow official repository ?
In the example code, the ByteBuffer used as input for tflite.run() is in 8 bit precision for the quantized model.
But I also read from the google doc saying, "At inference, weights are converted from 8-bits of precision to floating-point and computed using floating point kernels." This two instances seems to contradict each other.
private static final int BATCH_SIZE = 1;
private static final int DIM_IMG_SIZE = 100;
private static final int DIM_PIXEL_SIZE = 3;
private static final int BYTE_NUM = 1;
imgData = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(BYTE_NUM * BATCH_SIZE * DIM_IMG_SIZE * DIM_IMG_SIZE * DIM_PIXEL_SIZE);
... ...
int pixel = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < DIM_IMG_SIZE; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < DIM_IMG_SIZE; ++j) {
final int val = intValues[pixel++];
imgData.put((byte)((val >> 16) & 0xFF));
imgData.put((byte)((val >> 8) & 0xFF));
imgData.put((byte)(val & 0xFF));
// imgData.putFloat(((val >> 16) & 0xFF) / 255.0f);
// imgData.putFloat(((val >> 8) & 0xFF) / 255.0f);
// imgData.putFloat((val & 0xFF) / 255.0f);
... ...
tfLite.run(imgData, labelProb);
Post-training quantization code:
import tensorflow as tf
import sys
import os
saved_model_dir = '/home/yuh5/Downloads/malaria_thinsmear.h5.pb'
input_arrays = ["input_2"]
output_arrays = ["output_node0"]
converter = tf.contrib.lite.TocoConverter.from_frozen_graph(saved_model_dir, input_arrays, output_arrays)
converter.post_training_quantize = True
tflite_model = converter.convert()
open("thinSmear_100.tflite", "wb").write(tflite_model)
Post-training quantization does not change the format of the input or output layers. You can run your model with data in the same format as used for training.
You may look into quantization-aware training to generate fully-quantized models, but I have no experience with it.
As for the sentence "At inference, weights are converted from 8-bits of precision to floating-point and computed using floating point kernels." This means that the weights are "de-quantized" to floating point values in memory, and computed with FP instructions, instead of performing integer operations.

What the impact of different dimension of image resizer when using default config of object detection api

I was trying to use the object detection API of Tensorflow to train a model.
And I was using the sample config of faster rcnn resnet101 (https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/object_detection/samples/configs/faster_rcnn_resnet101_voc07.config).
The following code was part of the config file I didn't quite understand:
image_resizer {
keep_aspect_ratio_resizer {
min_dimension: 600
max_dimension: 1024
My questions were:
What was the exact meaning of min_dimension and max_dimension? Did it mean the size of input image would be resized to 600x1024 or 1024x600?
If I had different size of image and maybe some of them are relatively larger than 600x1024 (or 1024x600), could/should I increase the value of min_dimension and max_dimension?
The reason why I had such question was from this post:
TensorFlow Object Detection API Weird Behaviour
In this post, the author itself gave an answer to the question:
Then I decided to crop the input image and provide that as an input. Just to see if the results improve and it did!
It turns out that the dimensions of the input image were much larger than the 600 x 1024 that is accepted by the model. So, it was scaling down these images to 600 x 1024 which meant that the cigarette boxes were losing their details :)
It used the same config as I used.
And I was not sure if I could change these parameters if they were default or recommended setting to this special model, faster_rcnn_resnet101.
After some tests, I guess I find the answer. Please correct me if there is anything wrong.
In .config file:
image_resizer {
keep_aspect_ratio_resizer {
min_dimension: 600
max_dimension: 1024
According to the image resizer setting of 'object_detection/builders/image_resizer_builder.py'
if image_resizer_config.WhichOneof(
'image_resizer_oneof') == 'keep_aspect_ratio_resizer':
keep_aspect_ratio_config = image_resizer_config.keep_aspect_ratio_resizer
if not (keep_aspect_ratio_config.min_dimension
<= keep_aspect_ratio_config.max_dimension):
raise ValueError('min_dimension > max_dimension')
return functools.partial(
Then it tries to use 'resize_to_range' function of 'object_detection/core/preprocessor.py'
with tf.name_scope('ResizeToRange', values=[image, min_dimension]):
image_shape = tf.shape(image)
orig_height = tf.to_float(image_shape[0])
orig_width = tf.to_float(image_shape[1])
orig_min_dim = tf.minimum(orig_height, orig_width)
# Calculates the larger of the possible sizes
min_dimension = tf.constant(min_dimension, dtype=tf.float32)
large_scale_factor = min_dimension / orig_min_dim
# Scaling orig_(height|width) by large_scale_factor will make the smaller
# dimension equal to min_dimension, save for floating point rounding errors.
# For reasonably-sized images, taking the nearest integer will reliably
# eliminate this error.
large_height = tf.to_int32(tf.round(orig_height * large_scale_factor))
large_width = tf.to_int32(tf.round(orig_width * large_scale_factor))
large_size = tf.stack([large_height, large_width])
if max_dimension:
# Calculates the smaller of the possible sizes, use that if the larger
# is too big.
orig_max_dim = tf.maximum(orig_height, orig_width)
max_dimension = tf.constant(max_dimension, dtype=tf.float32)
small_scale_factor = max_dimension / orig_max_dim
# Scaling orig_(height|width) by small_scale_factor will make the larger
# dimension equal to max_dimension, save for floating point rounding
# errors. For reasonably-sized images, taking the nearest integer will
# reliably eliminate this error.
small_height = tf.to_int32(tf.round(orig_height * small_scale_factor))
small_width = tf.to_int32(tf.round(orig_width * small_scale_factor))
small_size = tf.stack([small_height, small_width])
new_size = tf.cond(
tf.to_float(tf.reduce_max(large_size)) > max_dimension,
lambda: small_size, lambda: large_size)
new_size = large_size
new_image = tf.image.resize_images(image, new_size,
From the above code, we can know if we have an image whose size is 800*1000. The size of final output image will be 600*750.
That is, this image resizer will always resize your input image according to the setting of 'min_dimension' and 'max_dimension'.