I am trying to load a list of property config based on the variable that have passed. Below are an example that I am trying to do it:
let say I have the following on my .properties file
If my variable is Jojo12 then it will load the following properties (Should I store this on the same properties file?)
abc.application.tgh.connection.AgentId= 89
else if my variable is Kiki44 then it will load the following properties (Should I store this on the same properties file?)
abc2.application.tgh.connection.AgentId= 77
How can I achieve the desired result?
For the first part, it is cumbersome using properties. you will need to iterate each group and see if that user is in there one by one until you have a match.
But you can accomplish the second part using Mule 4 easily:
For property:
abc.application.tgh.connection.AgentId= 89
Get property:
<set-variable variableName="lookupid" value="abc" />
<logger level="ERROR" message="#[p(vars.lookupid ++ '.application.tgh.connection.AgentId')]" />
I want to print the mule configuration file name, in the logger in the flow, how can I get it?
Suppose the configuration file name in test.xml, inside that a flow is having logger, which prints test.xml, how can I get this?
<flow name="filenameFlow">
<http:listener config-ref="HTTP_Listener_Configuration" path="/Hello" doc:name="HTTP"/>
<logger message="#[app.name.toString()]" level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/>
[name.flow] is not correct one.
you should go with #[flow.name] which is the correct form. Don't mislead by your answers.
Should print out the name of your application, in you case "test". This is not however the name of the xml file. #[flow.name] will give you the name of the flow currently executing.
Try these expressions:
1) #[message.outboundProperties['originalFileName']]
2) #[header:originalFilename]
I have done almost the same thing a few days ago.
Add a global element of type property placeholder, give location: mule-deploy.properties.
In logger, use ${config.resources}.
It will work if there is only one config file.
Just as #dlb explained, I am also wondering you may have better solution for your requirement, basically I am asuming that you want to make log more transparent, and easier to locate which flow caused any event/error.
As such, it makes more sense to log flow name rather than the config file name, which may contain multiple flows.You can utilize the catagory in log component for this purpose:
<logger level="INFO" category="${application-prefix}.myMainFlow" doc:name="Logger" message="#['payload is ---\n' + payload]"/>
In each and every log component (logs should be used in important places kind of milestones), input ${application-prefix}.flowName in catagory (property is used for reusing application's name in all logs, and flowName should be hardcoded), then you will find logs like below in runtime:
INFO 2016-09-07 17:00:27,566 [[test].HTTP_Listener_Configuration.worker.01] com.myOrg.myApp.myMainFlow: payload is ---
Hello World
Try this expression.
Is there a way to do the following in Moqui?
Say I have a list of parent categories (or classifications etc.)... Taking Request categories:
<entity-find entity-name="mantle.request.RequestCategory" list="parentCategoryList">
<econdition field-name="parentCategoryId" operator="is-null" />
And I want to use 'parentCategoryList' to produce a sub-list for EACH parent category, to display separate form-lists on screen:
Something like:
<iterate list="parentCategoryList" entry="thisCategory" >
<entity-find entity-name="mantle.request.RequestCategory" list="categoryList">
<econdition field-name="parentCategoryId" from="thisCategory.requestCategoryId" />
<!-- I include the following only to give an idea of what I am trying to do.
It is incorrect and incomplete -->
Then use that 'listOfLists' to iterate a form-list, supplying the form-list 'name' and 'list' sequentially for each list in the list. (I know you can't use iterate outside of actions, and you can't use forms inside of actions.)
I may well be thinking about this in the wrong way.
You can iterate within the screen.widgets element, just use section-iterate. There are limitations to how much you can nest these (the current template macros for XML Screens/Forms only support so much), but you can do quite a bit. There are example of this in SimpleScreens, like the OrderDetail.xml screen iterating over order parts.
I'm using Mule ESB CE 3.4. I have a requirement where I'm reading the configuration information from database and using it as the file name for the file outbound endpoint. Here is an example code (the code may not work as I have only given an outline)
<file:connector name="File-Data" autoDelete="false" streaming="true" validateConnections="true" doc:name="File" />
<!-- Gets the configuration from database using a transformer. The transformer populates the configuration entries in a POJO and puts that in a session. -->
<custom-transformer class="com.test.DbGetConfigsTransformer" doc:name="Get Integration Configs"/>
....<!-- some code to process data -->
<logger message="$$$: #[sessionVars['currentFeed'].getFilePattern()]" doc:name="Set JSON File Name" /> -->
<file:outbound-endpoint path="/temp" outputPattern="#[sessionVars['currentFeed'].getFilePattern()]" responseTimeout="10000" mimeType="text/plain" connector-ref="File-Data" doc:name="Save File"/>
The above code throws the following error:
1. The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect (java.io.IOException)
java.io.WinNTFileSystem:-2 (null)
2. Unable to create a canonical file for /temp/Test_User_#[function:datestamp:YYYYMMddhhmmss.sss] (org.mule.api.MuleRuntimeException)
org.mule.util.FileUtils:354 (http://www.mulesoft.org/docs/site/current3/apidocs/org/mule/api/MuleRuntimeException.html)
3. Failed to route event via endpoint: DefaultOutboundEndpoint{endpointUri=file:///temp, connector=FileConnector
In the database table, the field name is called FilePattern and it has the value 'Test_User_#[function:datestamp:YYYYMMddhhmmss.sss]. If I hardcode the value or move this value to the mule configuration file
and use the configuration property syntax (for e.g. ${file.name} in the 'outputpattern'), it works. But if I read the same from db and use it, it is not working and throwing the error. The logger displays as (which is read from the db)
$$$: Test_#[function:datestamp:YYYYMMddhhmmss.sss]
Any help is much appreciated.
If your datestamp format does not vary, you should just store the environment prefix in your db and use something like:
If you need to use your current database values, you can use basic Java string methods to find the correct substrings. For example:
If you use different datestamp formats, you can find that part as well using similar String methods. However, I still suggest you come up with an implementation that only stores the environment prefix in the db.
I am trying to set a flag so I do something like this:
<set field="existingFound" value="false" type="Boolean"/>
but the following line prints "true" in the log:
<log message="storeProperty, existingFound (0): ${existingFound}"/>
What is the best way to set flags?
The set.#value attribute is interpreted as a Groovy String (GString) so any non-empty value will be interpreted as true. The set.#from attribute is interpreted as a Groovy expression, so simply using from="false" instead of value="false" will get the desired result.
To see the generated Groovy code from an XML actions block you can write code that will cause an error and then the script will be logged, or you can change the log4j.xml file to turn on "debug" level logging for the XmlActions class (the latest log4j.xml file in the GitHub repository has an example of this). Looking at the Groovy code generated from the XML elements is a good way to track down issues when what is happening just doesn't make sense.
After following the struts 2 web pages and numerous examples, my application still will not pick up values from the struts.properties file.
I am trying this in order to give some values a money type format:
<s:property value="getText('struts.money.format',{value})" />
My struts.properties file which is under WEB-INF/classes and therefore visible has the following single line
struts.money.format= {0,number,\u00A4##0.00}
I get the string struts.money.format printed to the screen. If I change the first parameter of the getText call, the new string I put also will get printed instead of a true lookup happening.
If I do <s:property value="value" /> I will get back a proper number. If I drop the second argument on the getText call, I would expect to get back the right hand side of the assignment in the properties file, but i get the same struts.money.format back.
I am using Tomcat 6 with Struts Is there an additional part of the puzzle I am possibly leaving out?
So in my struts.xml file, I put this line
<constant name="struts.custom.i18n.resources" value="struts" />
It needs this to know that I am trying to use a struts.properties file. I had assumed that by default a file named struts.properties was along the chain of places to look for a constant such as this. Only if you named it something else did you need to specify that. Even though it is in WEB-INF/classes which is recommended by the Struts 2 documentation, it just simply was not looking in this file.
For what it is worth, I also had to modify my struts text tag like so
<s:property value="getText('struts.money.format',{#java.lang.Double#valueOf(value)})" />
Actually, value should have been a BigDecimal, but it was being treated at the view level here as java.lang.String. The problem is that some of the String objects had exponential formatting (like 1.642E07 or something to that effect) and the struts formatter could not handle the exponential formatting. The valueOf eliminates this exponential fomatting