Context Dictionary isn't being passed with render in view - django-templates

Alright, I've been poking around the internet for a solution to that there's something obvious that I'm missing but so far no good.
I'm currently having trouble with passing a context dictionary to a template in Django via my view. So far everything else seems to return, except for the dictionary that I'm passing to the template.
def search_subjects(request):
This is our search view, at present it collects queries relating to:
- Subject ID
- Study Name
- Date Range Start
- Date Range Start
Then validates these entries, after which it redirects to the search
results view.
:param request:
:return: Redirect to search results if search button is pressed and form fields
are valid or renders this view again if this request is not POST
if request.method == 'POST':
form = SearchForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
search_dict = {}
search =
search.subject_search = request.POST['subject_search']
search.study_search = request.POST['subject_search']
if request.POST['date_range_alpha'] and \
search.date_range_alpha = request.POST['date_ranch_alpha']
search.date_range_alpha = EPOCH_TIME
if request.POST['date_range_omega'] and \
with_tz = dateparse.parse_datetime(request.POST['date_range_omega'])
search.date_range_omega = with_tz
search.date_range_omega =
for k, v in
search_dict[k] = v
return render(request, 'dicoms/search_results.html', search_dict)
form = SearchForm()
return render(request, 'dicoms/search.html', {'form': form})
And my template here:
!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Search Results</title>
Here's what you searched for:
<div>{{ search_dict }}</div>
The page that I'm getting back:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Search Results</title>
Here's what you searched for:
What on earth am I missing here?

Ok, so I walked away from this for a bit and managed to solve it. I wasn't passing a context dictionary correctly. Fix can be seen below.:
context = {'search': search}
return render(request, 'dicoms/search_results.html', context)
Adjusting the template accordingly:
Here's what you searched for:
<div>{{ search.subject_search }}</div>
<div>{{ search.study_search }}</div>
<div>{{ search.date_range_alpha }}</div>
<div>{{ search.date_range_omega }}</div>
Results in:
Here's what you searched for:
<div>herp </div>
<div>herp </div>
<div>Jan. 1, 1970, midnight</div>
<div>Feb. 26, 2019, 11:05 p.m.</div>
Had I trusted in django and simply passed the whole search object in the beginning I wouldn't have ended up here. But you live and learn.


LinkedIn webscraping selenium issue

Element <div class="block mt2"> is not showing up when searching in output of print(soup).
# Scrap the data of 1 LinkedIn profile, write the data to a csv file
soup = BeautifulSoup(wd.page_source, "html.parser")
Output exceeds the size limit. Open the full output data in a text editor
<html class="theme theme--mercado artdeco windows" lang="en"><head>
<script type="application/javascript">!function(i,n){void 0!==i.addEventListener&&void 0!==i.hidden&&(n.liVisibilityChangeListener=function(){i.hidden&&(n.liHasWindowHidden=!0)},i.addEventListener("visibilitychange",n.liVisibilityChangeListener))}(document,window);</script>
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<meta content="IE=edge" http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible"/>
<meta class="mercado-icons-sprite" content="" id="artdeco-icons/static/images/sprite-asset" name="asset-url"/>
<meta content="" name="description"/>
<meta content="notranslate" name="google"/>
<meta content="voyager-web" name="service"/>
HTML inspect
<div class="block mt2">
<h1 id="ember30" class="ember-view t-24 t-black t-bold
full-width" title="Pacific Retail Capital Partners">
<span dir="ltr">Pacific Retail Capital Partners</span>
Since the html document is loaded in our script. We can scrape the name of the company using the div tag.
info_div = soup.find('div', {'class' : 'block mt2'})
Output is null. I am not getting any information printed.
Can you explain what's happening and needed to be rectified.
It seems find() method doesn't support multiple class name.
Use the following css selector select_one() to get the company details.
info_div = soup.select_one('div.block.mt2')
or to get company name only use this.
company = soup.select_one('div.block.mt2 h1>span')
If you still want use find() method then try with this.
info_div = soup.find('div', {'class' : 'mt2'})

How can an nodelist created by getElementsByClassname or getElementsByTagName display its values as string

What I know about getElementsByClassName / getElementsByTagName is that both create a nodelist of the elements in question and that the nodelist elements are treated as objects I have a problem where I want to display the innerHTML of the elements inside of the nodelist but because they are objects this seems to be impossible.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet.css">
<script src="javascript.js"></script>
<p id="pp"></p>
<button onclick="test()">push to test</button>
//javascript.js file
function test() {
var paragraph = document.getElementsByTagName("p"),
para1 = paragraph[0].innerHTML,
ansBox = document.getElementById("pp");
ansBox.innerHTML = para1;
This is condensed version of a longer code. I think that the para1 variable should be a string and then the assignment statement should assign that string to the ansBox.innerHTML but instead I get nothing. I have reworked several versions of this code none work. How can you get the text elements inside of a nodelist to display in the ansBox?
Your script is loaded but your DOM hasn't loaded yet if you load your script inside head like that
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet.css">
<p id="pp"></p>
<button onclick="test()">push to test</button>
<script src="javascript.js"></script> <!-- load it here -->
Also paragraph[0] and ansBox refer to the same DOM HTMLParagraphElement just so you know which does not have anything inside (It is empty to begin with)
In the JavaScript code above, you took the HTML inside an empty element and then assign it to itself, and of course you get an empty value.

python splinter comparing unicode elementlist with string

I want to get all the anchor tag text from an iframe named "ListFirst". I'm trying to iterate text and comparing each with the string 'AGENT-WIN3E64 ' that I want to click.But the comparison I made here e['text'] == u'AGENT-WIN3E64 ' becomes false event though the strings are same. Please help.
Here is my code:
with iframe12.get_iframe('ListFirst') as iframe1231:
for e in anchorList:
if e['text'] == u'AGENT-WIN3E64 ': #unicode string comparison
With the setup below I tried to recreate the situation you describe. The .py script below seems to find the anchor just fine though.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<iframe name="mainframe" src="iframe1.html"></iframe>
<iframe name="childframe" src="iframe2.html"></frame>
from splinter import Browser
browser = Browser('firefox', wait_time=10)
# get mainframe
with browser.get_iframe('mainframe') as mainframe:
# get childframe
with mainframe.get_iframe('childframe') as childframe:
anchorList = childframe.find_by_tag('a')
for e in anchorList:
if e['text'] == u'AGENT-WIN3E64 ': #unicode string comparison
print "found anchor"
This outputs,
found anchor
But note that you could also find the anchor directly using xpath,
anchor = childframe.find_by_xpath("//a[text() = 'AGENT-WIN3E64 ']")

Orchard: Displaying only a single content item

I want to be able to display a content item of a certain type and only that content item i.e. no shapes that are not part of said item.
I have tried creating a controller method with a {Themed(false)] attribute, or returning a partial view. Both of these do almost exactly what I want, except that these don't include any scripts or styles associated with the View I'm trying to display.
My current attempt look like this:
Controller method:
public ActionResult DisplayBare(int id) {
var contentItem = _contentManager.Get(id, VersionOptions.Published);
dynamic model = _contentManager.BuildDisplay(contentItem);
return View( (object)model);
The DisplayBare view:
<html xmlns="">
The problem is that when the display View of an item includes Script.Require, Script.Include and Script.Foot directives, the scripts do not show up in the Html.
How would I achieve this?
Found a solution by snooping around Orchard sources:
Using this view to display my content item gives me exactly what i want:
<html xmlns="">
var content = Display(Model);

Difference between innerhtml and outerhtml in cocoa WebView

I am using cocoa webview for rich text editing in my application. Just confused with innerHtml and outerHtml method avaiable in webkit.
Can anyone explain what is the difference between
[(DOMHTMLElement *)[[[webView mainFrame] DOMDocument] documentElement] outerHTML];
[(DOMHTMLElement *)[[[webView mainFrame] DOMDocument] documentElement] outerText];
innerHTML is a property of a DOM element that represents the HTML
inside the element, i.e. between the opening and closing tags. It has
been widely copied, however implementations vary (probably because it
has no published standard[1]) particularly in how they treat element
outerHTML is similar to innerHTML, it is an element property that
includes the opening an closing tags as well as the content. It
hasn't been as widely copied as innerHTML so it remains more-or-less
IE only.
<p id="pid">welcome</p>
innerHTML of element "pid" == welcome
outerHTML of element "pid" == <p id="pid">welcome</p>
and whereAs
innerText The textual content of the container.
outerText Same as innerText when accessed for read; replaces the whole element when assigned a new value.
<p id="pid">welcome</p>
innerText of element "pid" == welcome
outerText of element "pid" == welcome
Suppose we have a page loaded to webview with html
<head><title>Your Title</title></head>
<p id="para" >hi <b>Your_Name</b></p>
[(DOMHTMLElement *)[[webView mainFrame] DOMDocument] documentElement]
will returen the DOMHTMLElement "html" and
outerHTML will return the complete html as
<head><title>Your Title</title></head>
<p id="para">hi <b>Your_Name</b></p>
outerText will return html as
hi Your_Name
for example if we take example of p tag in this case
outerHTML will return - <p id="para">hi <b>Your_Name</b></p>
outerText will return - hi Your_Name
innerHTML will return - hi <b>Your_Name</b>
innerText will return - hi Your_Name
i have explained it with the help of example where definition for these 4 terms already explained in the answer below.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>innerHTML and outerHTML | Javascript Usages</title>
<div id="replace">REPLACE By inner or outer HTML</div>
userwant = "inner";
userwant = "outer";
if (userwant = "inner") {
// this will remove just message: 'REPLACE By inner or outer HTML' //
} else if (userwant = "outer") {
// this will remove all element <div> ~ </div> by the message: 'REPLACE By inner or outer HTML' //