Office UI Fabric DetailsList checkboxes rendered incorrectly on mobile devices - office-ui-fabric

The Office UI Fabric DetailsList component has an odd behavior when viewed on a mobile device. When you check a selected item in the list, all of the checkboxes suddenly appear (unselected).
Before selecting:
After selecting:
You can repro using this codepen:
Simply open the browser dev tools and select any device from the emulators list, and then toggle on a selection. You'll notice the checkboxes do not all appear when in full browser mode.
I can't find any properties for the DetailsList component that controls this. My component's settings are below. Is this behavior by design or a bug?
const projects = <Fabric.DetailsList

Looking at this simple detailslist example I don't see the same behavior.
Can you create a reduced test case and then if you still see the problem, submit an issue to

Microsoft has verified that this behavior is by design:
"The idea is that on a touchscreen device, it shows you the checkboxes so you know what can and can't be selected (contrary to a mouse controlled device where they have the option to hover over a row to see the checkbox visible)."


Programmatically check an ag-grid checkbox

I'm using browser automation software to run automated UI tests. Our front end site uses Vue and ag-grid. My browser automation software essentially allows us to use typical javascript/jquery selectors to interact w/ the UI automatically.
I'm trying to get our browser automation software to check boxes in an ag-grid checkbox, inside an ag-grid.
I am not a Vue developer, so I was trying the typical things I'd do. Things like:
But nothing I do actually clicks and selects to box. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
UPDATE For those in my situation. I used the ag API like so:
.gridOptions.api.forEachNode((row,index) => {
Try using the class that is directly associated with the checkbox, in this case it would be the class applied to the input element: ag-input-field-input ag-checkbox-input.
You can get the checkbox of the first row like this:
const checkbox = document.querySelector('.ag-center-cols-viewport .ag-row .ag-checkbox-input');;
Please see this example showcasing a row selection via the DOM based on the button click.

Vuejs Hide/Show Elements refreshes when Routes change

I have been developing a Vue project and something caught my attention today. I used checkboxes with some sytling (I use them as toggle switches) throughout the project and thanks to these elements, I show or hide some elements and components. Toggle elements control specific data within each component. When the data istrue, some elements are displayed on the page and when false, they are hidden. What I noticed today is a little interesting. There is probably a simple solution, but although I have been searching the internet for a while, I haven't found a solution yet.
Here is the thing;
Let's say I am at the About page of my project. I used my toggle switches and now some of my elements and some sub components are displaying in the About.vue. Then I go and visit my Services.vue page and showing and hiding some elements and sub components as well. By the way, almost all of these pages have forms and I save these forms to local storage. When I return to My About page from my Services page, I see that the elements I activated have been restored. In other words, each component welcomes me with its default state when it is returned from another component. What I want to see is, If I go and check some checkboxes to show some element, No matter how long I roam between other routes, I want those elements to remain visible or hidden when I come back. For example, a toggle element must be activated to write a username and password on a component. After activating the toggle element, the user types the username and password and clicks the Save button. Then he continues to browse many areas of the project and when he returns, he sees that the toggle element is inactive and the username and password are not entered. I don't want it to be that way. How do I fix this?
you can use vuex for solved this problem.
Vuex is a state management pattern + library for Vue.js applications. It serves as a centralized store for all the components in an application, with rules ensuring that the state can only be mutated in a predictable fashion. It also integrates with Vue's official devtools extension (opens new window)to provide advanced features such as zero-config time-travel debugging and state snapshot export / import.

iOS10 Safari Keyboard Popup

I have a single page web app. The keyboard pops-up everytime I click on the screen.
There are no text input boxes in the DOM at all.
How can I debug why the keyboard is popping up.
You can see examples of this strange behaviour at and
update with a clue: A user is now reporting that rather than the keyboard, a dropdown selection spiner is popping up all the time, long after that dropdown has been removed from the DOM.
For React users:
I had the same thing happen in a React single-page app with React-Router. I didn't write code to remove elements from the DOM, but of course React does that for you.
On my site, there are React components that contain one to four input fields. After any such component appears, and then is hidden (unmounted / not rendered anymore), then any time the user taps a link, the keyboard pops up. This makes the site unusable. The only way to make it stop was to reload the page.
The workaround: calling document.activeElement.blur() in componentWillUnmount for the wrapper component around my <input> fields did the trick.
if (document && document.activeElement)
Note that calling window.activeElement.blur() did not seem to do anything.
There's a thread in the Apple support forums about this issue:
Looks like the keyboard was holding a reference to input after I had removed them from the DOM.
I added a test when removing element to see if it was the current activeElement, then, if so, calling document.activeElement.blur() before removing it. Seems to have solved the problem so far.

Unable to click button in mobile web in appium

After exhaustively searching for this over various forums, I still don't have an answer.
Here are complete details
I'm identifying the element through classname which points to multiple(4) buttons. I'm iterating through buttons and then search for text and when there is a match i click it.
This works fine with selenium webdriver and browsers such as firefox,chrome
Now I'm doing the same thing with appium.
Out of 4 buttons which are identified through classname, the script clicks 2 buttons successfully but for two buttons click happens(i can see the button being clicked) but new page which should be loaded is not loaded. The buttons for which click is not happening are in a footer class and other two are in div class.
Things i have already tried
Actions builder - click(), clickandhold()
Javascript executor
I'm currently trying with touch options, tap and by switching to native view but haven't found any success.
If any has encountered the same, a solution will be appreciated.
I want to avoid xPath because that might change in the page I'm working on, and I want to stress that the script is able to find the button, but is not able to click it properly.
You can filter your locator by using class name and index. Like this:
driver.findElementsByXPath("//*[#class='android.widget.ImageView' and #index='0']");
This xpath won't get change on other devices too.
Could you see: Unable to find an element in Browser of the Android emulator using Appium and C# ?
In case of testing web apps in browser the elements should be located as usual elements on the web page ( not as some classes like android.widget.EditText and android.widget.Button).
Upadting appium java client to 1.5.0 (from 1.3.0) solved the issue. Need to check why!

Dojo - ScrollingTabControllerMenuButton freezes TabContainer in Firefox

I recently by accident found an issue I have with a web application I have made entirely with dojo.
I have a TabContainer and a toolbar with buttons and each button adds a Tab in the TabContainer.
Each of these new Tabs has as children, created programmatically, one or more of the following BorderContainers, ContePanes, Editors, FilteringSelects, Uploader and Buttons. I should point out that I do not have parseonLoad: true byt false and I call manually the parsers.parse when required. I should point out that in the ContentPanes in the content attribute I put also declarative filteringSelects and ValidationTexts and Uploader I hope that is not a problem.
Everything is working great in all browsers even in IE9 besides one thing in Firefox 12.
When I create many new tabs and the ScrollingTabController gets created (The left/right and dropdown arrows of the tabstrip) when I use the ScrollingTabControllerMenuButton (the down arrow at the far right) the TabContainer behaves wrongly and eventually freezes. Firebug shows weird errors when I select different tabs via this menu of the tab strip. Errors of the buttons that I have in these tabs, weird errors mentioning StackController or ScrollingTabController
[ e.g.
button is undefined
if(this._selectedTab === button.domNode){ StackController.js (line 222) ]
different each time...
This weird behavior only happens in Firefox. IE9 and Chrome do not have any issue at all!
Could anyone have an idea on what might be the problem? Is it a known bug? Is it a problem that I have many widgets in each Tab ?
It seems that it is indeed a browser specific bug and as I was told it should be fixed in the following releases
I first reported it to the dojo community and from there they reported it to the Firefox team