Kotlin - extension property setter for mutable subclass - kotlin

Assume that I want to have a property for List and then extend this property with setter for MutableList. For example, I want to have a getter for last element in the list, and also a setter if the list is mutable. So I want the following:
val <T> List<T>.myLast
get() = this.last()
var <T> MutableList<T>.myLast: T
set(value) {
this[this.size - 1] = value
But this doesn't compile. Can this be achieved? The closest things I can do:
Declare another property:
val <T> List<T>.myLast
get() = this.last()
var <T> MutableList<T>.myMutableLast: T
get() = this.last()
set(value) {
this[this.size - 1] = value
I don't like this because I want to have the same name.
Create getter and setter explicitly:
fun<T> List<T>.getMyLast() = this.last()
fun<T> MutableList<T>.setMyLast(value : T) {
this[this.size - 1] = value
I don't like it because it doesn't have property syntax.

Just add a getter to the second property which calls the first one:
val <T> List<T>.myLast
get() = this.last()
var <T> MutableList<T>.myLast: T
get() = (this as List<T>).myLast
set(value) {
this[this.size - 1] = value
In this case you could equally do get() = this.last(), but this way changing the first definition automatically affects the second one.
It'll get resolved like method overloading does, so e.g.
val x: List<String> = mutableListOf("")
val y: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf("")
x.myLast // calls List<T>.myLast.get()
y.myLast // calls MutableList<T>.myLast.get()


what is the difference between var and val in extension properties?

I created extension properties and I'm having this problem
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
class Animal(var name : String, var age : Int, var weight : Double)
var Animal.getXXX : String // compiler : Property must be initialized
get() = "$name, $age, $weight"
val Animal.getXXX : String // the compiler is running properly
get() = "$name, $age, $weight"
in the code above. why should i use val instead of var?
The error message is perhaps a bit confusing. For extension fields using var they are expected to have both a getter and a setter. Fields using val only need to have a getter (and can't have a setter). The following code works:
var Animal.getFoo : String
get() = "$name, $age, $weight"
set(value) { /* do something */ }
var is mutable and we can reassign or change its value. But we can't change val value.
The difference between var and val in extension properties is that while writing extension property if you use val you can only use get because you can not set value to it as it is immutable constant variable you can not use set() in val extension property
For Example
val String.extensionProperty
get() = "Value"
And if you want to make an extension property with var which you want to be mutable so you can set value into it as well and perform any other action while updating varaible.
For Example
var String.extensionProperty
get() = "Value"
set(value) {
println("variable has been updated with this data $value")

How do I make a delegate apply to all properties in a class?

I have a class, A, that needs to be marked as dirty anytime one of its properties is changed.
After reviewing the Kotlin docs, I know I need a delegate. So far I have:
abstract class CanBeDirty {
var isDirty = false
class A(
// properties getting set in constructor here
) : CanBeDirty {
var property1: String by DirtyDelegate()
var property2: Int by DirtyDelegate()
var property3: CustomObject by DirtyDelegate()
class DirtyDelegate() {
operator fun getValue(thisRef: CanBeDirty, property: KProperty<*>): Resource {
return valueOfTheProperty
operator fun setValue(thisRef: CanBeDirty, property: KProperty<*>, value: Any?) {
if (property != value) {
thisRef.isDirty = true
//set the value
else {
//don't set the value
I believe the lack of setting has something to do with vetoable() but the examples I see in Kotlin documentation don't really show me how to do this with a fully formed class Delegate (and I'm just not that up to speed on Kotlin syntax, honestly).
Your delegate class needs its own property to store the value it will return. And if you don't want to deal with uninitialized values, it should also have a constructor parameter for the initial value. You don't have to implement ReadWriteProperty, but it allows the IDE to autogenerate the correct signature for the two operator functions.
class DirtyDelegate<T>(initialValue: T): ReadWriteProperty<CanBeDirty, T> {
private var _value = initialValue
override fun getValue(thisRef: CanBeDirty, property: KProperty<*>): T {
return _value
override fun setValue(thisRef: CanBeDirty, property: KProperty<*>, value: T) {
if (_value != value) {
_value = value
thisRef.isDirty = true
Since this takes an initial value parameter, you have to pass it to the constructor:
class A: CanBeDirty() {
var property1: String by DirtyDelegate("")
var property2: Int by DirtyDelegate(0)
var property3: CustomObject by DirtyDelegate(CustomObject())
If you wanted to set an initial value based on something passed to the constructor, you could do:
class B(initialName: String): CanBeDirty() {
var name by DirtyDelegate(initialName)

Map Key Values to Dataclass in Kotlin

how can I set properties of a dataclass by its name. For example, I have a raw HTTP GET response
and a data class in Kotlin
data class Test(var propA: String = "", var propB: String = ""){}
in my code i have an function that splits the response to a key value array
val test: Test = Test()
rawResp?.split('\n')?.forEach { item: String ->
run {
val keyValue = item.split('=')
In JavaScript I can do the following
response.split('\n').forEach(item => {
let keyValue = item.split('=');
this.test[keyValue[0]] = keyValue[1];
Is there a similar way in Kotlin?
You cannot readily do this in Kotlin the same way you would in JavaScript (unless you are prepared to handle reflection yourself), but there is a possibility of using a Kotlin feature called Delegated Properties (particularly, a use case Storing Properties in a Map of that feature).
Here is an example specific to code in your original question:
class Test(private val map: Map<String, String>) {
val propA: String by map
val propB: String by map
override fun toString() = "${javaClass.simpleName}(propA=$propA,propB=$propB)"
fun main() {
val rawResp: String? = """
val props = rawResp?.split('\n')?.map { item ->
val (key, value) = item.split('=')
key to value
}?.toMap() ?: emptyMap()
val test = Test(props)
println("Property 'propA' of test is: ${test.propA}")
println("Or using toString: $test")
This outputs:
Property 'propA' of test is: valueA
Or using toString: Test(propA=valueA,propB=valueB)
Unfortunately, you cannot use data classes with property delegation the way you would expect, so you have to 'pay the price' and define the overridden methods (toString, equals, hashCode) on your own if you need them.
By the question, it was not clear for me if each line represents a Test instance or not. So
If not.
fun parse(rawResp: String): Test = rawResp.split("\n").flatMap { it.split("=") }.let { Test(it[0], it[1]) }
If yes.
fun parse(rawResp: String): List<Test> = rawResp.split("\n").map { it.split("=") }.map { Test(it[0], it[1]) }
For null safe alternative you can use nullableString.orEmpty()...

Create a var using a delegate that does not have a setter

I am trying to create delegate var properties with a delegate that does not provide a setValue(...) method. In other words, I need a property that I can reassign but that should get its value via the delegate as long as it hasn't been reassigned.
I am using the xenomachina CLI arguments parser library, which uses delegates. This works well as long as I have val properties. In some cases I need to be able to change those properties dynamically at runtime, though, requiring a mutable var. I can't simply use a var here, as the library does not provide a setValue(...) method in its delegate responsible for the argument parsing.
Ideally, I'd like something like this:
class Foo(parser: ArgParser) {
var myParameter by parser.flagging(
help = "helptext"
which doesn't work due to the missing setter.
So far, I've tried extending the Delegate class with a setter extension function, but internally it also uses a val, so I can't change that. I've tried wrapping the delegate into another delegate but when I do that then the library doesn't recognize the options I've wrapped anymore. Although I may have missed something there.
I can't just re-assign the value to a new var as follows:
private val _myParameter by parser.flagging(...)
var myParameter = _myParameter
since that seems to confuse the parser and it stops evaluating the rest of the parameters as soon as the first delegate property is accessed. Besides, it is not particularly pretty.
How do you use delegates that don't include a setter in combination with a var property?
Here is how you can wrap a ReadOnlyProperty to make it work the way you want:
class MutableProperty<in R, T>(
// `(R, KProperty<*>) -> T` is accepted here instead of `ReadOnlyProperty<R, T>`,
// to enable wrapping of properties which are based on extension function and don't
// implement `ReadOnlyProperty<R, T>`
wrapped: (R, KProperty<*>) -> T
) : ReadWriteProperty<R, T> {
private var wrapped: ((R, KProperty<*>) -> T)? = wrapped // null when field is assigned
private var field: T? = null
#Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") // field is T if wrapped is null
override fun getValue(thisRef: R, property: KProperty<*>) =
if (wrapped == null) field as T
else wrapped!!(thisRef, property)
override fun setValue(thisRef: R, property: KProperty<*>, value: T) {
field = value
wrapped = null
fun <R, T> ReadOnlyProperty<R, T>.toMutableProperty() = MutableProperty(this::getValue)
fun <R, T> ((R, KProperty<*>) -> T).toMutableProperty() = MutableProperty(this)
Use case:
var lazyVar by lazy { 1 }::getValue.toMutableProperty()
And here is how you can wrap a property delegate provider:
class MutableProvider<in R, T>(
private val provider: (R, KProperty<*>) -> (R, KProperty<*>) -> T
) {
operator fun provideDelegate(thisRef: R, prop: KProperty<*>): MutableProperty<R, T> =
provider(thisRef, prop).toMutableProperty()
fun <T> ArgParser.Delegate<T>.toMutableProvider() = MutableProvider { thisRef: Any?, prop ->
provideDelegate(thisRef, prop)::getValue
Use case:
var flagging by parser.flagging(
help = "helptext"
You could wrap your delegate with a class like this:
class DefaultDelegate<T>(private val default: Delegate<T>){
private var _value: T? = null
operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): T? =
_value?: default.value
operator fun setValue(thisRef: Nothing?, property: KProperty<*>, value: T?) {
_value = value
class Foo(parser: ArgParser) {
var myParameter: Boolean? by DefaultDelegate(parser.flagging(
help = "helptext"
If you need nullability:
class DefaultDelegate<T>(private val default: Delegate<T>){
private var modified = false
private var _value: T? = null
operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): T? =
if (modified) _value else default.value
operator fun setValue(thisRef: Nothing?, property: KProperty<*>, value: T?) {
_value = value
modified = true

Overwrite self with extension property setter

I want a Kotlin property that can replace the original value. For example:
var String.setString
get() = "ignorethis"
set(value) = this = value
(I'm actually using it on UBytes to add getters and setters for the upper and lower nibbles).
However, in my example above I get Variable expected. Is it possible to modify this with an extension property?
String is immutable, and you can only do that on mutable types like this:
fun main() {
val x = mutableListOf("old")
x.setString = mutableListOf("New Pro Max Extra Large Plus")
var <T> MutableList<T>.setString
get() = this
set(value) = value.forEachIndexed { idx, it -> this[idx] = it } ```