Change the order by minimum order output in SQL - sql

I am trying to select the minimum of a string however due to sql ordering automatically in lexicographic order, its not in the correct order for what I require.
I currently have 3 seasons where I would like to select the minimum / order by the minimum. The code I currently have is:
Select distinct season from table1 order by season desc;
The order it currently outputs this is:
However I need it to order as chronoligical order as the seasons go so:
Is there a way that I can change the format to a 'date' without actually changing the format of the text? Or is there another way to do this?
Thanks :)

Most databases support the right() function (if not, they have similar functionality by different names).
So, this should work:
Select distinct season
from table1
order by right(season, 2) asc, season desc;

with seasoncte (season_number, season_year, season) as (
select case when left(season, length(season) -2) = "Spring" then 1
when left(season, length(season) -2) = "Summer" then 2
when left(season, length(season) -2) = "Autumn" then 3
when left(season, length(season) -2) = "Winter then 4
end as season_number,
cast(right(season,2 as int) as season_year,
from table1
), seasoncte2 (season_number, season_year, season) as (
select season_number
case when season_year < 39 then 2000 + season_year
case else then 1900 + season_year
from seasoncte
select t1.season
from table1 t1
join seasoncte2 cte
on t1.season = cte.season
order by cte.season_year, cte.season_number
Code may need tweaking depending on SQL dialect.
Op did not specify that. Or provide rextester link, so code could be tested.


oracle sql ordering results

I have the bellow oracle query:
WHEN infraprod.aix_servers.managed_system_serial IS NULL THEN
END serial_exists,
column_value managed_system_serial
TABLE ( sys.odcivarchar2list('BW020', 'D761P', '22DFW', 'BW020') )
) table_to_check
LEFT JOIN infraprod.aix_servers ON table_to_check.managed_system_serial = infraprod.aix_servers.managed_system_serial
The result from running the above is:
I am trying to make the MANAGED_SYSTEM_SERIAL column appear in sequence as the serials are already in the list. What I want to achieve is this:
BW020 NO
D761P gmp3dr YES
22DFW promdb1 YES
BW020 NO
*The serials above are just a sample. The real number is around 1000 in total.
**There might be multiple entries per serial but this is not a problem, I just need to get them to appear in the results ordered as they are here in this list:
As my knowledge in SQL is almost zero this has troubled me for a week and I can't find a solution that fits.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Include rownum in inner query and use it to sort output:
select t.managed_system_serial, name,
case when a.managed_system_serial is null then 'NO' else 'YES' end SERIAL_EXISTS
from (
select rownum rn, column_value managed_system_serial
from table(sys.odcivarchar2list('BW020', 'D761P', '22DFW', 'BW020'))) t
left join aix_servers a on a.managed_system_serial = t.managed_system_serial
order by t.rn
dbfiddle demo
Are you just looking for order by?

MariaDB - GROUP BY with an order

So I have a dataset, where I would like to order it based on strings ORDER BY FIELD(field_name, ...) after the order I wan't it to group the dataset based on another column.
I have tried with a subquery, but it seems like it ignores by ORDER BY when it gets subqueried.
This is the query I would like to group with GROUP BY setting_id
FROM `setting_values`
WHERE ((`owned_by_type` = 'App\\Models\\Utecca\\User' AND `owned_by_id` = 1 OR ((`owned_by_type` = 'App\\Models\\Utecca\\Agreement' AND `owned_by_id` = 1006))) OR (`owned_by_type` = 'App\\Models\\Utecca\\Employee' AND `owned_by_id` = 1)) AND `setting_values`.`deleted_at` IS NULL
ORDER BY FIELD(owned_by_type, 'App\\Models\\Utecca\\Employee', 'App\\Models\\Utecca\\Agreement', 'App\\Models\\Utecca\\User')
The order by works just fine, but I cannot get it to group it based on my order, it always selects the one with lowest primary key (id).
Here is my attempt which did not work.
FROM `setting_values`
WHERE ((`owned_by_type` = 'App\\Models\\Utecca\\User' AND `owned_by_id` = 1 OR ((`owned_by_type` = 'App\\Models\\Utecca\\Agreement' AND `owned_by_id` = 1006))) OR (`owned_by_type` = 'App\\Models\\Utecca\\Employee' AND `owned_by_id` = 1)) AND `setting_values`.`deleted_at` IS NULL
ORDER BY FIELD(owned_by_type, 'App\\Models\\Utecca\\Employee', 'App\\Models\\Utecca\\Agreement', 'App\\Models\\Utecca\\User')
) AS t
GROUP BY setting_id;
Here is some sample data
What I am trying to accomplish with this sample data is 1 row with the id 3 as the row.
The desired result set from the query should obey these rules
1 row for each setting_id
owned_by_type together with owned_by_id is filtered the following way agreement = 1006, user = 1, employee = 1.
When limiting the 1 row for each setting_idit should be done with the following priority in owned_by_type column Employee, Agreement, User
Here is a SQLFiddle with it.
Running MariaDB version 10.2.6-MariaDB
First of all, the Optimizer is free to ignore the inner ORDER BY. So, please describe further what your intent is.
Getting past that, you can use a subquery:
ORDER BY ... -- This is lost unless followed by :
LIMIT 9999999999 -- something valid; or very high (for all)
) AS x
Perhaps you are doing groupwise max ??

Percentage difference between numbers in two columns

My SQL experience is fairly minimal so please go easy on me here. I have a table tblForEx and I'm trying to create a query that looks at one particular column LastSalesRateChangeDate and also ForExRate.
Basically what I want to do is for the query to check that LastSalesRateChangeDate and then pull the ForExRate that is on the same line (obviously in the ForExRate column), then I need to check to see if there is a +/- 5% change since the last time the LastSalesRateChangeDate changed. I hope this makes sense, I tried to explain it as clearly as possible.
I believe I would need to create a 'subquery' to look at the LastSalesRateChangeDate and pull the ForEx rate from that date, but I just don't know how to go about this.
I should add this is being done in Access (SQL)
Sample data, here is what the table looks like:
| BaseCur | ForCur | ForExRate | LastSalesRateChangeDate
| USD | BRL | 1.718 | 12/9/2008
| USD | BRL | 1.65 | 11/8/2008
So I would need a query to look at the LastSalesRateChangeDate column, check to see if the date has changed, if so take the ForExRate value and then give a percentage difference of that ForExRate value since the last record.
So the final result would likely look like
"BaseCur" "ForCur" "Percentage Change since Last Sales Rate Change"
Gordon's answer pointed in the right direction:
SELECT t2.*, (SELECT top 1 t.ForExRate
FROM tblForEx t
where t.BaseCur=t2.BaseCur AND t.ForCur=t2.ForCur and t.LastSalesRateChangeDate<t2.LastSalesRateChangeDate
order by t.LastSalesRateChangeDate DESC, t.ForExRate DESC
) AS PreviousRate, [ForExRate]/[PreviousRate]-1 AS ChangeRatio
FROM tblForEx AS t2;
Access gives errors where the TOP 1 in the subquery causes "ties". We broke the ties and therefore removed the error by adding an extra item to the ORDER BY clause. To get the ratio to display as a percentage, switch to the design view and change the properties of that column accordingly.
If I understand correctly, you want the previous value. In MS Access, you can use a correlated subquery:
select t.*,
(select top (1) t2.LastSalesRateChangeDate
from tblForEx as t2
where t2.BaseCur = t.BaseCur and t2.ForCur = t.ForCur
t2.LastSalesRateChangeDate < t.LastSalesRateChangeDate
order by t2.LastSalesRateChangeDate desc
) as prev_LastSalesRateChangeDate
from t;
Now, with this as a subquery, you can get the previous exchange rate using a join:
select t.*, ( (t.ForExRate / tprev.ForExRate) - 1) as change_ratio
from (select t.*,
(select top (1) t2.LastSalesRateChangeDate
from tblForEx as t2
where t2.BaseCur = t.BaseCur and t2.ForCur = t.ForCur
t2.LastSalesRateChangeDate < t.LastSalesRateChangeDate
order by t2.LastSalesRateChangeDate desc
) as prev_LastSalesRateChangeDate
from t
) as t inner join
tblForEx as tprev
on tprev.BaseCur = t.BaseCur and tprev.ForCur = t.ForCur
tprev.LastSalesRateChangeDate = t.prev_LastSalesRateChangeDate;
As per my understanding, you can use LEAD function to get last changed date Rate in a new column by using below query:
SELECT *, LEAD(ForExRate, 1) OVER(PARTITION BY BaseCur, ForCur ORDER BY LastChangeDate DESC) LastValue
SELECT BaseCur, ForCur, ForExRate, LastChangeDate , CAST( ((ForExRate - ISNULL(LastValue, 0))/LastValue)*100 AS float)
Problem here is:
for every last row in group by you will have new calculalted column which we have made using LEAD function.
If there is only a single row for a particular BaseCur and ForCur, then also you will have NULL in column.
If you are sure that there will be at least two rows for each BaseCur and ForCur, then you can use WHERE clause to remove NULL values in final result.
SELECT *, LEAD(ForExRate, 1) OVER(PARTITION BY BaseCur, ForCur ORDER BY LastChangeDate DESC) LastValue
SELECT BaseCur, ForCur, ForExRate, LastChangeDate , CAST( ((ForExRate - ISNULL(LastValue, 0))/LastValue)*100 AS float) Percentage
SELECT basetbl.BaseCur, basetbl.ForCur, basetbl.NewDate, basetbl.OldDate, num2.ForExRate/num1.ForExRate*100 AS PercentChange FROM
(((SELECT t.BaseCur, t.ForCur, MAX(t.LastSalesRateChangeDate) AS NewDate, summary.Last_Date AS OldDate
FROM (tblForEx AS t
LEFT JOIN (SELECT TOP 2 BaseCur, ForCur, MAX(LastSalesRateChangeDate) AS Last_Date FROM tblForEx AS t1
WHERE LastSalesRateChangeDate <>
(SELECT MAX(LastSalesRateChangeDate) FROM tblForEx t2 WHERE t2.BaseCur = t1.BaseCur AND t2.ForCur = t1.ForCur)
GROUP BY BaseCur, ForCur) AS summary
ON summary.ForCur = t.ForCur AND summary.BaseCur = t.BaseCur)
GROUP BY t.BaseCur, t.ForCur, summary.Last_Date) basetbl
LEFT JOIN tblForEx num1 ON num1.BaseCur=basetbl.BaseCur AND num1.ForCur = basetbl.ForCur AND num1.LastSalesRateChangeDate = basetbl.OldDate))
LEFT JOIN tblForEx num2 ON num2.BaseCur=basetbl.BaseCur AND num2.ForCur = basetbl.ForCur AND num2.LastSalesRateChangeDate = basetbl.NewDate;
This uses a series of subqueries. First, you are selecting the most recent date for the BaseCur and ForCur. Then, you are joining onto that the previous date. I do that by using another subquery to select the top two dates, and exclude the one that is equal to the previously established most recent date. This is the "summary" subquery.
Then, you get the BaseCur, ForCur, NewDate, and OldDate in the "basetbl" subquery. After that, it is two simple joins of the original table back onto those dates to get the rate that was applicable then.
Finally, you are selecting your BaseCur, ForCur, and whatever formula you want to use to calculate the rate change. I used a simple ratio in that one, but it is easy to change. You can remove the dates in the first line if you want, they are there solely as a reference point.
It doesn't look pretty, but complicated Access SQL queries never do.

Why would the query show data from the wrong month?

I have a query:
;with date_cte as(
SELECT r.starburst_dept_name,r.monthly_past_date as PrevDate,x.monthly_past_date as CurrDate,r.starburst_dept_average - x.starburst_dept_average as Average
SELECT *,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY starburst_dept_name ORDER BY monthly_past_date) AS rowid
FROM intranet.dbo.cse_reports_month
) r
SELECT *,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY starburst_dept_name ORDER BY monthly_past_date) AS rowid
FROM intranet.dbo.cse_reports_month
Where month(monthly_past_date) > month(DATEADD(m,-2,monthly_past_date))
) x
ON r.starburst_dept_name = x.starburst_dept_name AND r.rowid = x.rowid+1
Where r.starburst_dept_name is NOT NULL
Select *
From date_cte
Order by Average DESC
So doing some testing, I have alter some columns data, to see why it gives me certain information. I don't know why when I run the query it gives my a date column that should not be there from "january" (row 4) like the picture below:
The database has more data that has the same exact date '2014-01-25 00:00:00.000', so I'm not sure why it would only get that row and compare the average?
I did before I run the query alter the column in that row and change the date? But I'm not sure if that would have something to do with it.
I have added the sqlfinddle,
What I would like to get it subtract the average
from last_month - last 2 month ago.
It Was actually working until I made a change and alter the data.
I made the changes to test a certain situation, which obviously lead
to learning that there are flaws to the query.
Based on your SQL Fiddle, this eliminates joins from prior than month-2 from showing up.
,lastmonth.monthtly_past_date [PrevDate]
,thismonth.monthtly_past_date [CurrDate]
,thismonth.starburst_dept_average - lastmonth.starburst_dept_average as Average
FROM dbo.cse_reports thismonth
inner join dbo.cse_reports lastmonth on
thismonth.starburst_dept_name = lastmonth.starburst_dept_name
AND month(DATEADD(MONTH,-1,thismonth.monthtly_past_date))=month(lastmonth.monthtly_past_date)
WHERE MONTH(thismonth.monthtly_past_date)=month(DATEADD(MONTH,-1,GETDATE()))
Order by thismonth.starburst_dept_average - lastmonth.starburst_dept_average DESC

Fetch data from table using SQL

I have a table named "Orders" with 1-1000 rows and 3 columns (, Order and Status). I need to fetch Order from 50-1000 which has its Status as "Cancelled". How can i do this in SQL Server?
Logic operator:
FROM Orders
WHERE Status = 'Cancelled'
AND ( > 50 AND < 1000)
FROM Orders
WHERE Status = 'Cancelled'
AND ( BETWEEN 50 and 1000)
select *
from orders
where no between 50 and 1000
and status = 'Cancelled'
Assuming you meant to say that the column was named "no". would not be a valid column name.
You can try something like this:
FROM Orders
WHERE ( BETWEEN 50 AND 1000) AND (Status = 'Cancelled')
Hope this helps
If you're using SQL Server, you don't have access to Limit and Offset (unless that's changed in the last year or so, in which case please someone correct me).
There's a really nice generalizable solution discussed here: Equivalent of LIMIT and OFFSET for SQL Server?
I'd definitely take a look at that. If indeed your s_no values range from 1-1000, then the solution above by Notulysses should work just fine. But if you don't have so_no between 1-1000 (or in some other easy to filter way) then check out the solution linked to above. If you can what Notulysses recommended, go for it. If you need a generalizable solution, the one above is very good. I've also copied it below, for reference
;WITH Results_CTE AS
Col1, Col2, ...,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY SortCol1, SortCol2, ...) AS RowNum
FROM Table
WHERE <whatever>
FROM Results_CTE
WHERE RowNum >= #Offset
AND RowNum < #Offset + #Limit